public static final class SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder salesSchedgAgrmtDelivSched(SalesSchedgAgrmtDelivSched value)
- The SalesSchedgAgrmtDelivSched to build this SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine with.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder salesSchedgAgrmt(SalesSchedgAgrmt value)
- The SalesSchedgAgrmt to build this SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine with.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder salesSchedgAgrmtItem(SalesSchedgAgrmtItem value)
- The SalesSchedgAgrmtItem to build this SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine with.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder salesSchedulingAgreement(@Nullable String salesSchedulingAgreement)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesSchedulingAgreement
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder salesSchedulingAgreementItem(@Nullable String salesSchedulingAgreementItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesSchedulingAgreementItem
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder scheduleLine(@Nullable String scheduleLine)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ScheduleLine
When an item has more than one schedule line, the system automatically assigns a unique number to each line. The number is displayed in the details screens for schedule lines.The schedule line number serves internal purposes and does not, for example, determine the sequence of schedule lines in the overview screen. The schedule lines on the overview screen are sorted by date.
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder schedulingAgreementReleaseType(@Nullable String schedulingAgreementReleaseType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SchedulingAgreementReleaseType
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder scheduleLineCategory(@Nullable String scheduleLineCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ScheduleLineCategory
The schedule line category determines, for example, whether the system passes on requirements to materials requirements planning (MRP).
the system processes the schedule line.this
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder orderQuantityUnit(@Nullable String orderQuantityUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrderQuantityUnit
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder salesDelivDateCategory(@Nullable String salesDelivDateCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesDelivDateCategory
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder requestedDeliveryDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime requestedDeliveryDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequestedDeliveryDate
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder requestedDeliveryTime(@Nullable LocalTime requestedDeliveryTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequestedDeliveryTime
You can store information about the customer's receiving hours in the customer master record of the ship-to party. This information includes receiving hours for each working day and for each of the customer's unloading points.If the system proposes an arrival time, you can change the proposal manually in the sales order. If the customer allows deliveries during a certain time slot, the system proposes the earliest time in the slot.If you schedule a delivery for a Monday and the customer has receiving hours between 8am and 12am, the system proposes 8am as the earliest possible arrival time.
of delivery.this
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder scheduleLineOrderQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal scheduleLineOrderQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ScheduleLineOrderQuantity
If you change the required order quantity in the schedule line, the system re-rounds the quantities, determines the rounded quantity, and re-runs the availability check based on the rounded quantity. The required order quantity remains as the orginal quantity (before rounding) in the schedule line.If the system does not round up the quantity, this means that the required order quantity matches the rounded quantity.
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder correctedQtyInOrderQtyUnit(@Nullable BigDecimal correctedQtyInOrderQtyUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CorrectedQtyInOrderQtyUnit
The system rounds the quantity using the rounding profiles from the customer-material info record or the material master record. The profile can be switched on for each customer.If you change the rounded quantity, the system automatically performs an availability check and/or delivery scheduling and updates the confirmed quantity. The rounded quantity is cumulated in the total order quantity of the item. The required order quantity remains as the original quantity (before rounding) in the schedule line.If the system does not round the quantity, the rounded quantity of the required order quantity in the schedule line is valid.
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder scheduleLineOpenQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal scheduleLineOpenQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ScheduleLineOpenQuantity
The system calculates the open delivery quantity by taking into account:The confirmed quantityThe quantity already deliveredWhether the item has meanwhile been cancelled or rejectedWhether the schedule line is still relevant for deliveryA schedule line contains an order quantity of 100 pieces. An availability check confirms that only 80 pieces are available. There was already a partial delivery of 50 pieces. The resulting open delivery quantity amounts to 30 pieces. If the item had been marked as rejected, the open delivery quantity would have been zero.
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder confdOrderQtyByMatlAvailCheck(@Nullable BigDecimal confdOrderQtyByMatlAvailCheck)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConfdOrderQtyByMatlAvailCheck
The confirmed quantity can differ from the order quantity (for example, insufficient stock is available to meet the customer's request). If the availability of inventory changes during delivery processing, the confirmed quantity can also differ from the delivered quantity that the customer actually receives.If you change the order quantity (for example, if you create new schedule lines for the item), the system updates the confirmed quantity (depending on availability).
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder productAvailabilityDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime productAvailabilityDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductAvailabilityDate
The system uses the material availability date to generate automatic production and purchasing requirements. The system calculates the material availability date by working backwards from the customer's requested delivery date, taking into account how much time is needed for delivery-related procedures, such as picking, packing, loading, and transportation.The system proposes the material availability date. You can change the date manually in the sales document.The picking date is the same as the material availability date.
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder productAvailabilityTime(@Nullable LocalTime productAvailabilityTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductAvailabilityTime
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder delivBlockReasonForSchedLine(@Nullable String delivBlockReasonForSchedLine)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DelivBlockReasonForSchedLine
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder transportationPlanningDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime transportationPlanningDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TransportationPlanningDate
The system can propose the transportation scheduling date from predefined time estimates. Estimates may be based on the route. If items in a delivery have different transportation scheduling dates, the system displays the earliest date in the document header. You can change the date manually.If, for example, you plan to use an external carrier for trucking, you must arrange for a truck to be available when the goods are ready for loading.
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder transportationPlanningTime(@Nullable LocalTime transportationPlanningTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TransportationPlanningTime
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder goodsIssueDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime goodsIssueDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsIssueDate
When the goods physically leave the shipping point, the system automatically creates a goods issue document to account for the outgoing inventory. The invoice that you subsequently send to the customer must correspond to the movement of inventory. The goods issue date enables the accounting department to relate the movement of goods to the invoice.The system automatically calculates the goods issue date by taking into account the following factors:The requested delivery dateThe pick/pack timeThe loading timeThe transit timeYou can change the date manually during delivery processing.
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder loadingDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime loadingDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LoadingDate
If items in the same delivery have different loading dates, the earliest date appears in the document header.The system uses predefined time estimates to calculate the loading date. The estimates take into account the following information:Shipping pointRouteLoading groupYou can change the loading date manually.
the delivery to reach the customer on time. Any special packaging materials required for loading must also be available by this date.this
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder goodsIssueTime(@Nullable LocalTime goodsIssueTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsIssueTime
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder loadingTime(@Nullable LocalTime loadingTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LoadingTime
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder goodsMovementType(@Nullable String goodsMovementType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsMovementType
warehouse) is allocated to a movement type in the system.this
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine.SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLineBuilder custEngineeringChgStatus(@Nullable String custEngineeringChgStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CustEngineeringChgStatus
The customer sends this number in with a material number to request an engineering change to take effect as of a certain delivery date or cumulative quantity.
.@Nonnull public SalesSchedgAgrmtSchedLine build()
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