public static final class PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseReqn(PurchaseRequisitionHeader value)
- The PurchaseRequisitionHeader to build this PurchaseRequisitionItem with.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseReqnAcctAssgmt(PurReqnAcctAssgmt... value)
- The PurReqnAcctAssgmts to build this PurchaseRequisitionItem with.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseReqnDeliveryAddress(PurReqAddDelivery value)
- The PurReqAddDelivery to build this PurchaseRequisitionItem with.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseReqnItemText(PurchaseReqnItemText... value)
- The PurchaseReqnItemTexts to build this PurchaseRequisitionItem with.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseRequisition(@Nullable String purchaseRequisition)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisition
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseRequisitionItem(@Nullable String purchaseRequisitionItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItem
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchasingDocument(@Nullable String purchasingDocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocument
Number of the purchase order to which the entry of services performed relates.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchasingDocumentItem(@Nullable String purchasingDocumentItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItem
Here you can delimit the PO items for which you wish to process service entry sheets.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnReleaseStatus(@Nullable String purReqnReleaseStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnReleaseStatus
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseRequisitionType(@Nullable String purchaseRequisitionType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionType
Using the document type, you can, for instance, differentiate between a standard purchase requisition and a requisition relating to a stock transport order, although both documents belong to the purchasing document category purchase requisition.The document type controls number assignment and the selection of fields to be maintained.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchasingDocumentSubtype(@Nullable String purchasingDocumentSubtype)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentSubtype
On the basis of the purchasing document type you can, for example, distinguish between a standard purchase order and a stock transport order, although both documents belong to the purchasing document category purchase requisition.The purchasing document type controls, for instance, the number assignment for a purchase order, as well as the fields to be maintained.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchasingDocumentItemCategory(@Nullable String purchasingDocumentItemCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItemCategory
The item category controls whether the following entries and procedures are necessary or permitted for the item:material numberadditional account assignmentinventory management in the SAP Systemgoods receiptinvoice receiptIn the standard system an item in the "normal" category requires goods and invoice receipts. On the other hand for items in the "consignment" category, (that is order item for consignment material) invoice receipts are not allowed.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseRequisitionItemText(@Nullable String purchaseRequisitionItemText)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItemText
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder accountAssignmentCategory(@Nullable String accountAssignmentCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AccountAssignmentCategory
The account assignment category determines which account assignment data (such as cost center, account number and so on) is necessary for the item.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder material(@Nullable String material)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Material
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder materialGroup(@Nullable String materialGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroup
You can use material groups to:Restrict the scope of analysesSearch specifically for material master records via search helps
them to a particular material group.this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchasingDocumentCategory(@Nullable String purchasingDocumentCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentCategory
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder requestedQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal requestedQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequestedQuantity
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder baseUnit(@Nullable String baseUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BaseUnit
If you refer to an existing material number, the system uses the base unit of measure from the material master record. If Purchasing is to order the material in a different order unit, you can specify this on the detail screen of the purchase requisition item.If you do not refer to an existing material, you must enter a unit of measure.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseRequisitionPrice(@Nullable BigDecimal purchaseRequisitionPrice)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionPrice
The price and quantity set out in the purchase requisition determine the value of the purchase requisition item or purchase requisition. In turn, this value is applied in determining the release strategy for the requisition.In Customizing for Purchasing under Purchase Requisition -> Define Screen Layout at Document Level, you can set price and price unit. The Valuation price field can be set as a mandatory or optional input field.Input mandatory:If a material master record exists for the requested material, the price is automatically taken from the valuation price field.If no material master record exists, you must enter a price when creating the purchase requisition.Input optional:In this case you need not enter a price.NotePlease note that the value of the purchase requisition item or purchase requisition will be taken into account in the release strategy.Also, the value of purchase requisition commitments are determined for items that are assigned to an account from the price (Valuation price field).
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnPriceQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal purReqnPriceQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnPriceQuantity
Invoices are created using price units and purchase order price units which constitute the basis for value postings.They can be stored in the purchasing info record.A material or commodity (for example, oil) can be ordered by the liter, but the supplier's invoice shows a price of 2 dollars per kilogram.You enter 10 l as the order quantity and order unit, but specify 2 dollars per kg as purchase order price and purchase order price unit.In addition, you enter the conversion factor "order unit -> purchase order price unit" (for example 2 l per 1 kg) in the "details" data of the purchase order item.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder materialGoodsReceiptDuration(@Nullable BigDecimal materialGoodsReceiptDuration)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder releaseCode(@Nullable String releaseCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseCode
The purchase requisition is fixed (that is, it will not be changed again by material requirements planning)An RFQ or a purchase order can be created for the requisitionThe release indicator is determined at the time of creation via the release strategy that applies to the purchase requisition.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseRequisitionReleaseDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime purchaseRequisitionReleaseDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate
The release date is based on:The purchasing department processing time defined for the plantThe planned delivery time from the material master record or purchasing info recordThe delivery dateThe goods receipt processing time from the material master recordNoteThe planned delivery time from the purchasing info record and the GR processing time are only taken into account if the purchase requisition was generated via materials planning.Processing time Planned del. GR processingPurchasing time time|----------|---------------------|--------|Release PO Delivery Datedate date date requiredDate required: 01.10.2007GR processing time: 2 days (working days)Planned delivery time: 10 days (calendar days)Purchasing dept processing time: 2 days (working days)For the material to be available on the date it is needed, the purchase requisition must be released on 13.09.2007 (requirement date less GR processing time, planned delivery time, and purchasing department processing time).
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchasingOrganization(@Nullable String purchasingOrganization)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganization
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchasingGroup(@Nullable String purchasingGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroup
Internally, the purchasing group is responsible for the procurement of a material or a class of materials.Externally, it is the medium through which contacts with the vendor are maintained.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder plant(@Nullable String plant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
You use the plant key to determine, for instance, which plant is to receive ordered goods.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder companyCode(@Nullable String companyCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CompanyCode
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder sourceOfSupplyIsAssigned(@Nullable Boolean sourceOfSupplyIsAssigned)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder supplyingPlant(@Nullable String supplyingPlant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplyingPlant
The supplying, or issuing, plant is only entered in the case of stock transport orders.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder orderedQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal orderedQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrderedQuantity
If the purchase order is based on a scheduling agreement, the quantity scheduled to date is shown.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder deliveryDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime deliveryDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryDate
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder creationDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime creationDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreationDate
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder processingStatus(@Nullable String processingStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProcessingStatus
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder externalApprovalStatus(@Nullable String externalApprovalStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ExternalApprovalStatus
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchasingInfoRecord(@Nullable String purchasingInfoRecord)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingInfoRecord
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder supplier(@Nullable String supplier)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplier
purchase order.this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder isDeleted(@Nullable String isDeleted)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsDeleted
You can set the deletion indicator by choosing Edit -> Delete if:You want to cancel an itemAn item is closed and can be archivedYou can set the blocking indicator by selecting the item and then choosing Edit -> Block if you do not want to allow subsequent functions for the item. Note that you must manually remove the indicator as soon as subsequent functions are allowed again.You have entered a purchase order item by mistake. You cancel it by setting the deletion indicator.A purchase order item has been delivered, invoiced, and paid for, and can now be archived. You can set the deletion indicator.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder fixedSupplier(@Nullable String fixedSupplier)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FixedSupplier
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder requisitionerName(@Nullable String requisitionerName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequisitionerName
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder createdByUser(@Nullable String createdByUser)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqCreationDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime purReqCreationDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqCreationDate
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder deliveryAddressID(@Nullable String deliveryAddressID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryAddressID
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder manualDeliveryAddressID(@Nullable String manualDeliveryAddressID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ManualDeliveryAddressID
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnItemCurrency(@Nullable String purReqnItemCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnItemCurrency
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder materialPlannedDeliveryDurn(@Nullable BigDecimal materialPlannedDeliveryDurn)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn
If you have different vendors for a material, you must specify an average value. The same applies if you order the material from a fixed vendor that has varying delivery times.If you use the SAP Retail System, the planned delivery time can be suggested from the vendor sub-range in the vendor master record.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder delivDateCategory(@Nullable String delivDateCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DelivDateCategory
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder multipleAcctAssgmtDistribution(@Nullable String multipleAcctAssgmtDistribution)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
You can distribute the purchase order quantity or the net value of a document item, or specify a percentage for each account assignment. The system calculates complementary values. For example, if you choose quantity-based distribution and enter a number of pieces for each account assignment, the system calculates the percentage and net value.If you choose quantity-based or percentage distribution, the quantities that are distributed to an account assignment are rounded to three decimal places, to ensure that the 100% of the item quantity is always distributed.If you choose percentage distribution and change the requested quantity on the item overview screen, the system adjusts the quantities in the associated account assignment items.If you choose amount-based distribution, the system distributes the item quantity to the individual account assignments exactly according to the defined distribution, including very small value amounts. The quantities of individual account assignment items are displayed as rounded, but the system uses the exact quantities.
assignment items.this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder storageLocation(@Nullable String storageLocation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StorageLocation
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnSSPRequestor(@Nullable String purReqnSSPRequestor)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPRequestor
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnSSPAuthor(@Nullable String purReqnSSPAuthor)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPAuthor
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseContract(@Nullable String purchaseContract)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContract
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnSourceOfSupplyType(@Nullable String purReqnSourceOfSupplyType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseContractItem(@Nullable String purchaseContractItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContractItem
refers to.this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder consumptionPosting(@Nullable String consumptionPosting)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConsumptionPosting
The indicator is used in the case of goods receipts for purchase orders and is derived from the account assignment category of the purchase order.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnOrigin(@Nullable String purReqnOrigin)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnOrigin
In the case of delivery schedules created under scheduling agreements, if schedule lines with different creation indicators are consolidated to form a release schedule line, the creation indicator remains "blank".
(e.g. as a result of the requirements planning process).this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnSSPCatalog(@Nullable String purReqnSSPCatalog)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalog
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnSSPCatalogItem(@Nullable String purReqnSSPCatalogItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalogItem
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem(@Nullable Integer purReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder isPurReqnBlocked(@Nullable String isPurReqnBlocked)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsPurReqnBlocked
The requester can block a requisition item to prevent it from being converted to a purchase order for example.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder itemDeliveryAddressID(@Nullable String itemDeliveryAddressID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemDeliveryAddressID
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder language(@Nullable String language)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Language
- the language in which texts are displayed,- the language in which you enter texts,- the language in which the system prints texts.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder isClosed(@Nullable Boolean isClosed)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsClosed
You can:Set this indicator manuallyIn change mode for a purchase requisition on the item detail screenWhen you create a purchase order with reference to a purchase requisitionHave the system set the indicator when automatically creating purchase orders from purchase requisitionsYou can use the indicator Set reqs to "closed" to specify that the purchase requisition is considered closed once the associated purchase order has been created, even if the complete requisition quantity has not been ordered.A purchase requisition can, for example, be archived once it has been flagged as "closed", although the complete requisition quantity has not been ordered.
this purchase requisition.this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder releaseIsNotCompleted(@Nullable Boolean releaseIsNotCompleted)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseIsNotCompleted
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder servicePerformer(@Nullable String servicePerformer)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ServicePerformer
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder productType(@Nullable String productType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductType
In the product type group you choose to either procure a Material (by entering blank or 1) or a Service (by entering 2).The procurement process is different for materials and services. For example, you can only maintain the field Service Performer when you purchase a service.You also use the product type group Service to control that a service entry sheet can be created as a follow-on document of a purchase order.The selection field Product Type Group is available for the following item categories:StandardThird-partyLimitIn the product master data, the assigned material type defines the product type group, that is, whether the product is a material or a service. This means that whenever you select, for example, Service as the product type group in your purchasing document item, you can only enter the number of a product with the same product type group in the Material field of the item.And the other way round: if you enter a product number in the Material field, for example, in a purchase order item, the product type group is derived automatically from the material type assigned to the product master. In this case, you cannot manually maintain the product type group in the purchase order item.If you donĀ“t enter a product number, but create a free-text item or a limit item, you have to maintain the product type group manually.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseRequisitionStatus(@Nullable String purchaseRequisitionStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionStatus
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder releaseStrategy(@Nullable String releaseStrategy)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseStrategy
The purchase requisition is assigned to a release strategy on the basis of its value and the content of certain fields (such as the item category, material group and plant).The structure of the release strategies is determined centrally. The system automatically assigns each purchase requisition to a strategy. You cannot change the strategy.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder performancePeriodStartDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime performancePeriodStartDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodStartDate
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder performancePeriodEndDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime performancePeriodEndDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodEndDate
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseOrderPriceType(@Nullable String purchaseOrderPriceType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseOrderPriceType
The price is:Not adopted if the system can determine a price(for example, from an info record)Adopted as a net priceAdopted as a gross priceIf you want to adopt the price from the purchase requisition as a gross price or net price to the purchase order, the price that is stored in the info record for this material is not taken into account.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder supplierMaterialNumber(@Nullable String supplierMaterialNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplierMaterialNumber
In most cases, the supplier uses a different number for the material than the one used in this system. The supplier's material number can therefore also be quoted in a purchase order for identification purposes.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder batch(@Nullable String batch)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Batch
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder materialRevisionLevel(@Nullable String materialRevisionLevel)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialRevisionLevel
You can assign a revision level if you use a change number that has a specific valid-from date to make a change.Proceed as follows:Changing a MaterialYou can assign a revision level to a material when you process the material master record itself, or you can enter a revision level in the BOM header when you process a material BOM.Changing a DocumentYou define for each document type whether revision levels are active for documents. Define a document status that has the released indicator. As soon as you process a document of this document type with a change number and assign this status, a revision level is assigned automatically.Before you can assign a revision level, you must define the revisionlevel. From the main R/3 menu, choose Logistics -> Central functions -> Engineering change management, then Revision level -> Material rev. level or Revision level -> Document rev. level.To define how revision levels are assigned, go to Customizing step Set up control data.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder minRemainingShelfLife(@Nullable BigDecimal minRemainingShelfLife)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MinRemainingShelfLife
The period (day, week, month, year) depends on the entry in the Period indicator field.
accepted by the system.this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder itemNetAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal itemNetAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemNetAmount
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder goodsReceiptIsExpected(@Nullable Boolean goodsReceiptIsExpected)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsExpected
DependenciesIn the processing of production and process orders, the indicator specifies whether a goods receipt is allowed and expected for the order item.If the indicator is set, the order item is relevant to inventory management. The indicator is set during the creation of the order if the order is settled in respect of a material or a sales order item.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder invoiceIsExpected(@Nullable Boolean invoiceIsExpected)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InvoiceIsExpected
If the indicator is not set, the goods are to be delivered free of charge.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder goodsReceiptIsNonValuated(@Nullable Boolean goodsReceiptIsNonValuated)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated
Set the indicator if goods receipts involving this material are not to be valuated. The valuation of the purchase order item will then take place at the time of invoice verification.NoteIf the indicator has been set for an item with the material type non- valuated, the quantity recorded in Inventory Management can differ from the value in Financial Accounting during the period between goods receipt and invoice receipt, since the value is not updated until the invoice is posted in Financial Accounting.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder requirementTracking(@Nullable String requirementTracking)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequirementTracking
The requirement tracking number from the purchase requisition is copied to the purchasing documents (for example: RFQ or purchase order) created with reference to a purchase requisition.The requirement tracking number thus enables you to group together the purchasing documents that exist for a certain material requirement.
can relate to a requisition note (or requirement notice/slip) that was not generated in the system.this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder mRPController(@Nullable String mRPController)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MRPController
for the material.this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purchaseRequisitionIsFixed(@Nullable Boolean purchaseRequisitionIsFixed)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed
The indicator is set automatically if you make manual changes to a purchase requisition that was generated by materials planning and control.
it cannot be automatically changed by the materials planning and control system.this
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder addressID(@Nullable String addressID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AddressID
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder lastChangeDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime lastChangeDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDateTime
In order to convert local time into a UTC time stamp, which makes it easier to compare times, the local time must be converted according to your time zone. The ABAP command convert is available for this purpose.Even if the time zone that the conversion is based on can be redetermined from Customizing or master data, we still recommend that you save the time zone.The internal structure of the high-resolution UTC time stamp is logically organized in date and time sections in a packed decimal format (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun), which depicts the year, month, day, hour,second, millisecond, microsecond and the first decimal of the nanoseconds. Please note that the hardware that is normally used does not fully support a resolution of 100 nanoseconds, which is available in the structure.See also GET TIME STAMPA UTC time stamp in short form is also available.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnExternalReference(@Nullable String purReqnExternalReference)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnExternalReference
If you use integrated purchasing with an SAP SRM system, this field in the purchase order contains the number of the bid invitation in the SRM system.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnItemExternalReference(@Nullable String purReqnItemExternalReference)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnItemExternalReference
If you use integrated purchasing with an SAP SRM system, this field in the purchase order contains the item number of the bid invitation in the SRM system.
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnExternalSystemId(@Nullable String purReqnExternalSystemId)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnExternalSystemId
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnExternalSystemType(@Nullable String purReqnExternalSystemType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnExternalSystemType
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnTypeExternalReference(@Nullable String purReqnTypeExternalReference)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnTypeExternalReference
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnProcessingType(@Nullable String purReqnProcessingType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnProcessingType
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder purReqnProcessingDateTime(@Nullable String purReqnProcessingDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnProcessingDateTime
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder procmtHubBackendBusSyst(@Nullable String procmtHubBackendBusSyst)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProcmtHubBackendBusSyst
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder sSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber(@Nullable String sSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SSPAuthorExternalBPIdnNumber
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder sSPReqrUserId(@Nullable String sSPReqrUserId)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SSPReqrUserId
.@Nonnull public PurchaseRequisitionItem build()
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