public class PurchaseRequisitionItem extends VdmEntity<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
Original entity name from the Odata EDM: A_PurchaseRequisitionItemType
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AccountAssignmentCategory field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the AddressID field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemSelectable |
Selector for all available fields of PurchaseRequisitionItem.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the BaseUnit field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Batch field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CompanyCode field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ConsumptionPosting field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CreatedByUser field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the CreationDate field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DelivDateCategory field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DeliveryAddressID field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the DeliveryDate field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the FixedSupplier field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the GoodsReceiptIsExpected field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the InvoiceIsExpected field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsClosed field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsDeleted field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the IsPurReqnBlocked field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ItemDeliveryAddressID field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ItemNetAmount field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Language field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ManualDeliveryAddressID field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Material field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MaterialGroup field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MaterialRevisionLevel field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MinRemainingShelfLife field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MRPController field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the OrderedQuantity field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PerformancePeriodEndDate field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PerformancePeriodStartDate field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Plant field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ProcessingStatus field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ProductType field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqCreationDate field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnItemCurrency field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnOrigin field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnPriceQuantity field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnReleaseStatus field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnSSPAuthor field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnSSPCatalog field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnSSPCatalogItem field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Integer> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurReqnSSPRequestor field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseContract field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseContractItem field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseRequisition field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseRequisitionItem field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseRequisitionItemText field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseRequisitionPrice field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseRequisitionStatus field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchaseRequisitionType field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingDocument field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingDocumentCategory field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingDocumentItem field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingDocumentItemCategory field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingDocumentSubtype field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingGroup field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingInfoRecord field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the PurchasingOrganization field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ReleaseCode field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ReleaseIsNotCompleted field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ReleaseStrategy field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the RequestedQuantity field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the RequirementTracking field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the RequisitionerName field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the ServicePerformer field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the StorageLocation field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the Supplier field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SupplierMaterialNumber field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the SupplyingPlant field to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemLink<PurchaseRequisitionHeader> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the to_PurchaseReqn navigation property to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemLink<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt navigation property to query operations.
static PurchaseRequisitionItemLink<PurReqAddDelivery> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress navigation property to query operations.
Constructor and Description |
PurchaseRequisitionItem() |
PurchaseRequisitionItem(String purchaseRequisition,
String accountAssignmentCategory,
String material,
String materialGroup,
String purchasingDocumentCategory,
BigDecimal requestedQuantity,
String baseUnit,
BigDecimal purchaseRequisitionPrice,
BigDecimal purReqnPriceQuantity,
BigDecimal materialGoodsReceiptDuration,
String releaseCode,
String purchaseRequisitionItem,
LocalDateTime purchaseRequisitionReleaseDate,
String purchasingOrganization,
String purchasingGroup,
String plant,
Boolean sourceOfSupplyIsAssigned,
String supplyingPlant,
BigDecimal orderedQuantity,
LocalDateTime deliveryDate,
LocalDateTime creationDate,
String processingStatus,
String purchasingDocument,
String purchasingInfoRecord,
String supplier,
String isDeleted,
String fixedSupplier,
String requisitionerName,
String createdByUser,
LocalDateTime purReqCreationDate,
String deliveryAddressID,
String manualDeliveryAddressID,
String purReqnItemCurrency,
String purchasingDocumentItem,
BigDecimal materialPlannedDeliveryDurn,
String delivDateCategory,
String multipleAcctAssgmtDistribution,
String storageLocation,
String purReqnSSPRequestor,
String purReqnSSPAuthor,
String purchaseContract,
String purReqnSourceOfSupplyType,
String purchaseContractItem,
String consumptionPosting,
String purReqnReleaseStatus,
String purReqnOrigin,
String purReqnSSPCatalog,
String purReqnSSPCatalogItem,
Integer purReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem,
String isPurReqnBlocked,
String itemDeliveryAddressID,
String language,
Boolean isClosed,
Boolean releaseIsNotCompleted,
String servicePerformer,
String purchaseRequisitionType,
String productType,
String purchaseRequisitionStatus,
String releaseStrategy,
LocalDateTime performancePeriodStartDate,
LocalDateTime performancePeriodEndDate,
String companyCode,
String supplierMaterialNumber,
String batch,
String materialRevisionLevel,
BigDecimal minRemainingShelfLife,
String purchasingDocumentSubtype,
BigDecimal itemNetAmount,
Boolean goodsReceiptIsExpected,
Boolean invoiceIsExpected,
Boolean goodsReceiptIsNonValuated,
String requirementTracking,
String mRPController,
Boolean purchaseRequisitionIsFixed,
String addressID,
String purchasingDocumentItemCategory,
String purchaseRequisitionItemText,
ErpConfigContext erpConfigContext,
PurchaseRequisitionHeader toPurchaseReqn,
List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> toPurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt,
PurReqAddDelivery toPurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addPurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt(PurReqnAcctAssgmt... entity)
Adds elements to the list of associated PurReqnAcctAssgmt entities.
static PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder |
builder() |
protected boolean |
canEqual(Object other) |
boolean |
equals(Object o) |
PurchaseRequisitionHeader |
Fetches the PurchaseRequisitionHeader entity (one to one) associated with this entity.
List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> |
Fetches the PurReqnAcctAssgmt entities (one to many) associated with this entity.
PurReqAddDelivery |
Fetches the PurReqAddDelivery entity (one to one) associated with this entity.
static <T> PurchaseRequisitionItemField<T> |
field(String fieldName,
Class<T> fieldType)
Use with available fluent helpers to apply an extension field to query operations.
protected void |
fromMap(Map<String,Object> inputValues) |
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: AccountAssignmentCategory
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: AddressID
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: BaseUnit
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Batch
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: CompanyCode
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConsumptionPosting
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreationDate
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: DelivDateCategory
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryAddressID
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryDate
protected String |
getEndpointUrl() |
protected String |
getEntityCollection() |
ErpConfigContext |
Convienence field for reusing the same ERP system context with multiple queries (e.g. fetching associated entities).
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: FixedSupplier
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsExpected
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: InvoiceIsExpected
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: IsClosed
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsDeleted
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsPurReqnBlocked
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemDeliveryAddressID
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 16, Scale: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemNetAmount
protected Map<String,Object> |
getKey() |
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Language
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ManualDeliveryAddressID
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Material
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 9 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroup
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialRevisionLevel
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 4, Scale: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MinRemainingShelfLife
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MRPController
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrderedQuantity
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodEndDate
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodStartDate
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProcessingStatus
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductType
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContract
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContractItem
Optional<List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt>> |
Retrieval of associated PurReqnAcctAssgmt entities (one to many).
List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> |
Retrieval of associated PurReqnAcctAssgmt entities (one to many).
Optional<PurReqAddDelivery> |
Retrieval of associated PurReqAddDelivery entity (one to one).
PurReqAddDelivery |
Retrieval of associated PurReqAddDelivery entity (one to one).
Optional<PurchaseRequisitionHeader> |
Retrieval of associated PurchaseRequisitionHeader entity (one to one).
PurchaseRequisitionHeader |
Retrieval of associated PurchaseRequisitionHeader entity (one to one).
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisition
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItem
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItemText
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 12, Scale: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionPrice
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionStatus
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionType
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocument
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentCategory
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItem
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItemCategory
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentSubtype
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroup
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingInfoRecord
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganization
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqCreationDate
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnItemCurrency
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnOrigin
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnPriceQuantity
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnReleaseStatus
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPAuthor
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalog
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalogItem
Integer |
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 60 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPRequestor
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseCode
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseIsNotCompleted
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseStrategy
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequestedQuantity
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequirementTracking
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequisitionerName
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ServicePerformer
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: StorageLocation
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplier
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 35 Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplierMaterialNumber
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplyingPlant
Class<PurchaseRequisitionItem> |
getType() |
int |
hashCode() |
void |
setAccountAssignmentCategory(String accountAssignmentCategory)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: AccountAssignmentCategory
void |
setAddressID(String addressID)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: AddressID
void |
setBaseUnit(String baseUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: BaseUnit
void |
setBatch(String batch)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Batch
void |
setCompanyCode(String companyCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: CompanyCode
void |
setConsumptionPosting(String consumptionPosting)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConsumptionPosting
void |
setCreatedByUser(String createdByUser)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
void |
setCreationDate(LocalDateTime creationDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreationDate
void |
setDelivDateCategory(String delivDateCategory)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: DelivDateCategory
void |
setDeliveryAddressID(String deliveryAddressID)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryAddressID
void |
setDeliveryDate(LocalDateTime deliveryDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryDate
void |
setErpConfigContext(ErpConfigContext erpConfigContext)
Convienence field for reusing the same ERP system context with multiple queries (e.g. fetching associated entities).
void |
setFixedSupplier(String fixedSupplier)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: FixedSupplier
void |
setGoodsReceiptIsExpected(Boolean goodsReceiptIsExpected)
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsExpected
void |
setGoodsReceiptIsNonValuated(Boolean goodsReceiptIsNonValuated)
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated
void |
setInvoiceIsExpected(Boolean invoiceIsExpected)
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: InvoiceIsExpected
void |
setIsClosed(Boolean isClosed)
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: IsClosed
void |
setIsDeleted(String isDeleted)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsDeleted
void |
setIsPurReqnBlocked(String isPurReqnBlocked)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsPurReqnBlocked
void |
setItemDeliveryAddressID(String itemDeliveryAddressID)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemDeliveryAddressID
void |
setItemNetAmount(BigDecimal itemNetAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 16, Scale: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemNetAmount
void |
setLanguage(String language)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Language
void |
setManualDeliveryAddressID(String manualDeliveryAddressID)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ManualDeliveryAddressID
void |
setMaterial(String material)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Material
void |
setMaterialGoodsReceiptDuration(BigDecimal materialGoodsReceiptDuration)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration
void |
setMaterialGroup(String materialGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 9 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroup
void |
setMaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn(BigDecimal materialPlannedDeliveryDurn)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn
void |
setMaterialRevisionLevel(String materialRevisionLevel)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialRevisionLevel
void |
setMinRemainingShelfLife(BigDecimal minRemainingShelfLife)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 4, Scale: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MinRemainingShelfLife
void |
setMRPController(String mRPController)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MRPController
void |
setMultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution(String multipleAcctAssgmtDistribution)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
void |
setOrderedQuantity(BigDecimal orderedQuantity)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrderedQuantity
void |
setPerformancePeriodEndDate(LocalDateTime performancePeriodEndDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodEndDate
void |
setPerformancePeriodStartDate(LocalDateTime performancePeriodStartDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodStartDate
void |
setPlant(String plant)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
void |
setProcessingStatus(String processingStatus)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProcessingStatus
void |
setProductType(String productType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductType
void |
setPurchaseContract(String purchaseContract)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContract
void |
setPurchaseContractItem(String purchaseContractItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContractItem
void |
setPurchaseReqn(PurchaseRequisitionHeader value)
Overwrites the associated PurchaseRequisitionHeader entity for the loaded navigation property to_PurchaseReqn.
void |
setPurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt(List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> value)
Overwrites the list of associated PurReqnAcctAssgmt entities for the loaded navigation property to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt.
void |
setPurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress(PurReqAddDelivery value)
Overwrites the associated PurReqAddDelivery entity for the loaded navigation property to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress.
void |
setPurchaseRequisition(String purchaseRequisition)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisition
void |
setPurchaseRequisitionIsFixed(Boolean purchaseRequisitionIsFixed)
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed
void |
setPurchaseRequisitionItem(String purchaseRequisitionItem)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItem
void |
setPurchaseRequisitionItemText(String purchaseRequisitionItemText)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItemText
void |
setPurchaseRequisitionPrice(BigDecimal purchaseRequisitionPrice)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 12, Scale: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionPrice
void |
setPurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate(LocalDateTime purchaseRequisitionReleaseDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate
void |
setPurchaseRequisitionStatus(String purchaseRequisitionStatus)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionStatus
void |
setPurchaseRequisitionType(String purchaseRequisitionType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionType
void |
setPurchasingDocument(String purchasingDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocument
void |
setPurchasingDocumentCategory(String purchasingDocumentCategory)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentCategory
void |
setPurchasingDocumentItem(String purchasingDocumentItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItem
void |
setPurchasingDocumentItemCategory(String purchasingDocumentItemCategory)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItemCategory
void |
setPurchasingDocumentSubtype(String purchasingDocumentSubtype)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentSubtype
void |
setPurchasingGroup(String purchasingGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroup
void |
setPurchasingInfoRecord(String purchasingInfoRecord)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingInfoRecord
void |
setPurchasingOrganization(String purchasingOrganization)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganization
void |
setPurReqCreationDate(LocalDateTime purReqCreationDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqCreationDate
void |
setPurReqnItemCurrency(String purReqnItemCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnItemCurrency
void |
setPurReqnOrigin(String purReqnOrigin)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnOrigin
void |
setPurReqnPriceQuantity(BigDecimal purReqnPriceQuantity)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 0 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnPriceQuantity
void |
setPurReqnReleaseStatus(String purReqnReleaseStatus)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnReleaseStatus
void |
setPurReqnSourceOfSupplyType(String purReqnSourceOfSupplyType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType
void |
setPurReqnSSPAuthor(String purReqnSSPAuthor)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPAuthor
void |
setPurReqnSSPCatalog(String purReqnSSPCatalog)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalog
void |
setPurReqnSSPCatalogItem(String purReqnSSPCatalogItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalogItem
void |
setPurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem(Integer purReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem)
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem
void |
setPurReqnSSPRequestor(String purReqnSSPRequestor)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 60 Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPRequestor
void |
setReleaseCode(String releaseCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseCode
void |
setReleaseIsNotCompleted(Boolean releaseIsNotCompleted)
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseIsNotCompleted
void |
setReleaseStrategy(String releaseStrategy)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseStrategy
void |
setRequestedQuantity(BigDecimal requestedQuantity)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3 Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequestedQuantity
void |
setRequirementTracking(String requirementTracking)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequirementTracking
void |
setRequisitionerName(String requisitionerName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequisitionerName
void |
setServicePerformer(String servicePerformer)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: ServicePerformer
void |
setSourceOfSupplyIsAssigned(Boolean sourceOfSupplyIsAssigned)
Constraints: noneOriginal property name from the Odata EDM: SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned
void |
setStorageLocation(String storageLocation)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: StorageLocation
void |
setSupplier(String supplier)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplier
void |
setSupplierMaterialNumber(String supplierMaterialNumber)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 35 Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplierMaterialNumber
void |
setSupplyingPlant(String supplyingPlant)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplyingPlant
protected Map<String,Object> |
toMapOfFields() |
protected Map<String,Object> |
toMapOfNavigationProperties() |
String |
toString() |
getVersionIdentifier, setVersionIdentifier
getChangedFields, getCustomField, getCustomField, getCustomFieldNames, getCustomFields, getSetOfCustomFields, getSetOfFields, getSetOfNavigationProperties, hasCustomField, hasCustomField, rememberChangedField, resetChangedFields, setCustomField, setCustomField, toMap, toMapOfCustomFields
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemSelectable ALL_FIELDS
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASE_REQUISITION
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT_CATEGORY
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> MATERIAL
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> MATERIAL_GROUP
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASING_DOCUMENT_CATEGORY
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> REQUESTED_QUANTITY
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> BASE_UNIT
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> PURCHASE_REQUISITION_PRICE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> PUR_REQN_PRICE_QUANTITY
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> MATERIAL_GOODS_RECEIPT_DURATION
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> RELEASE_CODE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASE_REQUISITION_ITEM
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> PURCHASE_REQUISITION_RELEASE_DATE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASING_ORGANIZATION
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASING_GROUP
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PLANT
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> SOURCE_OF_SUPPLY_IS_ASSIGNED
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> SUPPLYING_PLANT
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> ORDERED_QUANTITY
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> DELIVERY_DATE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> CREATION_DATE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PROCESSING_STATUS
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASING_DOCUMENT
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASING_INFO_RECORD
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> SUPPLIER
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> IS_DELETED
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> FIXED_SUPPLIER
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> REQUISITIONER_NAME
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> CREATED_BY_USER
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> PUR_REQ_CREATION_DATE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> DELIVERY_ADDRESS_ID
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> MANUAL_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_ID
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PUR_REQN_ITEM_CURRENCY
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASING_DOCUMENT_ITEM
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> MATERIAL_PLANNED_DELIVERY_DURN
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> DELIV_DATE_CATEGORY
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> MULTIPLE_ACCT_ASSGMT_DISTRIBUTION
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> STORAGE_LOCATION
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PUR_REQN_SSP_REQUESTOR
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PUR_REQN_SSP_AUTHOR
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASE_CONTRACT
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PUR_REQN_SOURCE_OF_SUPPLY_TYPE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASE_CONTRACT_ITEM
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> CONSUMPTION_POSTING
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PUR_REQN_RELEASE_STATUS
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PUR_REQN_ORIGIN
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PUR_REQN_SSP_CATALOG
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PUR_REQN_SSP_CATALOG_ITEM
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Integer> PUR_REQN_SSP_CROSS_CATALOG_ITEM
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> IS_PUR_REQN_BLOCKED
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> ITEM_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_ID
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> LANGUAGE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> IS_CLOSED
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> RELEASE_IS_NOT_COMPLETED
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> SERVICE_PERFORMER
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASE_REQUISITION_TYPE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PRODUCT_TYPE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASE_REQUISITION_STATUS
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> RELEASE_STRATEGY
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> PERFORMANCE_PERIOD_START_DATE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<LocalDateTime> PERFORMANCE_PERIOD_END_DATE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> COMPANY_CODE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> SUPPLIER_MATERIAL_NUMBER
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> BATCH
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> MATERIAL_REVISION_LEVEL
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> MIN_REMAINING_SHELF_LIFE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASING_DOCUMENT_SUBTYPE
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<BigDecimal> ITEM_NET_AMOUNT
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> GOODS_RECEIPT_IS_EXPECTED
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> INVOICE_IS_EXPECTED
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> GOODS_RECEIPT_IS_NON_VALUATED
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> REQUIREMENT_TRACKING
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> MRP_CONTROLLER
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<Boolean> PURCHASE_REQUISITION_IS_FIXED
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> ADDRESS_ID
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASING_DOCUMENT_ITEM_CATEGORY
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemField<String> PURCHASE_REQUISITION_ITEM_TEXT
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemLink<PurchaseRequisitionHeader> TO_PURCHASE_REQN
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemLink<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> TO_PURCHASE_REQN_ACCT_ASSGMT
public static final PurchaseRequisitionItemLink<PurReqAddDelivery> TO_PURCHASE_REQN_DELIVERY_ADDRESS
public PurchaseRequisitionItem()
public PurchaseRequisitionItem(@Nullable String purchaseRequisition, @Nullable String accountAssignmentCategory, @Nullable String material, @Nullable String materialGroup, @Nullable String purchasingDocumentCategory, @Nullable BigDecimal requestedQuantity, @Nullable String baseUnit, @Nullable BigDecimal purchaseRequisitionPrice, @Nullable BigDecimal purReqnPriceQuantity, @Nullable BigDecimal materialGoodsReceiptDuration, @Nullable String releaseCode, @Nullable String purchaseRequisitionItem, @Nullable LocalDateTime purchaseRequisitionReleaseDate, @Nullable String purchasingOrganization, @Nullable String purchasingGroup, @Nullable String plant, @Nullable Boolean sourceOfSupplyIsAssigned, @Nullable String supplyingPlant, @Nullable BigDecimal orderedQuantity, @Nullable LocalDateTime deliveryDate, @Nullable LocalDateTime creationDate, @Nullable String processingStatus, @Nullable String purchasingDocument, @Nullable String purchasingInfoRecord, @Nullable String supplier, @Nullable String isDeleted, @Nullable String fixedSupplier, @Nullable String requisitionerName, @Nullable String createdByUser, @Nullable LocalDateTime purReqCreationDate, @Nullable String deliveryAddressID, @Nullable String manualDeliveryAddressID, @Nullable String purReqnItemCurrency, @Nullable String purchasingDocumentItem, @Nullable BigDecimal materialPlannedDeliveryDurn, @Nullable String delivDateCategory, @Nullable String multipleAcctAssgmtDistribution, @Nullable String storageLocation, @Nullable String purReqnSSPRequestor, @Nullable String purReqnSSPAuthor, @Nullable String purchaseContract, @Nullable String purReqnSourceOfSupplyType, @Nullable String purchaseContractItem, @Nullable String consumptionPosting, @Nullable String purReqnReleaseStatus, @Nullable String purReqnOrigin, @Nullable String purReqnSSPCatalog, @Nullable String purReqnSSPCatalogItem, @Nullable Integer purReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem, @Nullable String isPurReqnBlocked, @Nullable String itemDeliveryAddressID, @Nullable String language, @Nullable Boolean isClosed, @Nullable Boolean releaseIsNotCompleted, @Nullable String servicePerformer, @Nullable String purchaseRequisitionType, @Nullable String productType, @Nullable String purchaseRequisitionStatus, @Nullable String releaseStrategy, @Nullable LocalDateTime performancePeriodStartDate, @Nullable LocalDateTime performancePeriodEndDate, @Nullable String companyCode, @Nullable String supplierMaterialNumber, @Nullable String batch, @Nullable String materialRevisionLevel, @Nullable BigDecimal minRemainingShelfLife, @Nullable String purchasingDocumentSubtype, @Nullable BigDecimal itemNetAmount, @Nullable Boolean goodsReceiptIsExpected, @Nullable Boolean invoiceIsExpected, @Nullable Boolean goodsReceiptIsNonValuated, @Nullable String requirementTracking, @Nullable String mRPController, @Nullable Boolean purchaseRequisitionIsFixed, @Nullable String addressID, @Nullable String purchasingDocumentItemCategory, @Nullable String purchaseRequisitionItemText, @Nullable ErpConfigContext erpConfigContext, @Nullable PurchaseRequisitionHeader toPurchaseReqn, List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> toPurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt, @Nullable PurReqAddDelivery toPurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress)
public Class<PurchaseRequisitionItem> getType()
in class VdmObject<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
public void setPurchaseRequisition(@Nullable String purchaseRequisition)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisition
- Purchase requisition numberpublic void setAccountAssignmentCategory(@Nullable String accountAssignmentCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AccountAssignmentCategory
- Account Assignment Categorypublic void setMaterial(@Nullable String material)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Material
- Material Numberpublic void setMaterialGroup(@Nullable String materialGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroup
- Material Grouppublic void setPurchasingDocumentCategory(@Nullable String purchasingDocumentCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentCategory
- Purchasing Document Categorypublic void setRequestedQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal requestedQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequestedQuantity
- Purchase Requisition Quantitypublic void setBaseUnit(@Nullable String baseUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BaseUnit
- Purchase Requisition Unit of Measurepublic void setPurchaseRequisitionPrice(@Nullable BigDecimal purchaseRequisitionPrice)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionPrice
- Price in Purchase Requisitionpublic void setPurReqnPriceQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal purReqnPriceQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnPriceQuantity
- Price Unitpublic void setMaterialGoodsReceiptDuration(@Nullable BigDecimal materialGoodsReceiptDuration)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration
- Goods Receipt Processing Time in Dayspublic void setReleaseCode(@Nullable String releaseCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseCode
- Release Indicatorpublic void setPurchaseRequisitionItem(@Nullable String purchaseRequisitionItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItem
- Item number of purchase requisitionpublic void setPurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime purchaseRequisitionReleaseDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate
- Purchase Requisition Release Datepublic void setPurchasingOrganization(@Nullable String purchasingOrganization)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganization
- Purchasing Organizationpublic void setPurchasingGroup(@Nullable String purchasingGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroup
- Purchasing Grouppublic void setPlant(@Nullable String plant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
- Plantpublic void setSourceOfSupplyIsAssigned(@Nullable Boolean sourceOfSupplyIsAssigned)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned
- Assigned Source of Supplypublic void setSupplyingPlant(@Nullable String supplyingPlant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplyingPlant
- Supplying (issuing) plant in case of stock transport orderpublic void setOrderedQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal orderedQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrderedQuantity
- Quantity Ordered Against this Purchase Requisitionpublic void setDeliveryDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime deliveryDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryDate
- Item Delivery Datepublic void setCreationDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime creationDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreationDate
- Requisition (Request) Datepublic void setProcessingStatus(@Nullable String processingStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProcessingStatus
- Processing status of purchase requisitionpublic void setPurchasingDocument(@Nullable String purchasingDocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocument
- Purchase Order Numberpublic void setPurchasingInfoRecord(@Nullable String purchasingInfoRecord)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingInfoRecord
- Number of Purchasing Info Recordpublic void setSupplier(@Nullable String supplier)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplier
- Desired Supplierpublic void setIsDeleted(@Nullable String isDeleted)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsDeleted
- Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Documentpublic void setFixedSupplier(@Nullable String fixedSupplier)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FixedSupplier
- Fixed Supplierpublic void setRequisitionerName(@Nullable String requisitionerName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequisitionerName
- Name of Requisitioner/Requesterpublic void setCreatedByUser(@Nullable String createdByUser)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
- Name of Person Who Created Objectpublic void setPurReqCreationDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime purReqCreationDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqCreationDate
- Requisition (Request) Datepublic void setDeliveryAddressID(@Nullable String deliveryAddressID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryAddressID
- Addresspublic void setManualDeliveryAddressID(@Nullable String manualDeliveryAddressID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ManualDeliveryAddressID
- Manual address number in purchasing document itempublic void setPurReqnItemCurrency(@Nullable String purReqnItemCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnItemCurrency
- Currency Keypublic void setPurchasingDocumentItem(@Nullable String purchasingDocumentItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItem
- Purchase Order Item Numberpublic void setMaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn(@Nullable BigDecimal materialPlannedDeliveryDurn)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn
- Planned Delivery Time in Dayspublic void setDelivDateCategory(@Nullable String delivDateCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DelivDateCategory
- Category of Delivery Datepublic void setMultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution(@Nullable String multipleAcctAssgmtDistribution)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
- Distribution indicator for multiple account assignmentpublic void setStorageLocation(@Nullable String storageLocation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StorageLocation
- Storage Locationpublic void setPurReqnSSPRequestor(@Nullable String purReqnSSPRequestor)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPRequestor
- Requestorpublic void setPurReqnSSPAuthor(@Nullable String purReqnSSPAuthor)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPAuthor
- Author of Requisitionpublic void setPurchaseContract(@Nullable String purchaseContract)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContract
- Number of Principal Purchase Agreementpublic void setPurReqnSourceOfSupplyType(@Nullable String purReqnSourceOfSupplyType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType
- Purchasing Document Categorypublic void setPurchaseContractItem(@Nullable String purchaseContractItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContractItem
- Item Number of Principal Purchase Agreementpublic void setConsumptionPosting(@Nullable String consumptionPosting)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConsumptionPosting
- Consumption Postingpublic void setPurReqnReleaseStatus(@Nullable String purReqnReleaseStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnReleaseStatus
- Requisition Processing Statepublic void setPurReqnOrigin(@Nullable String purReqnOrigin)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnOrigin
- Creation indicator (purchase requisition/schedule lines)public void setPurReqnSSPCatalog(@Nullable String purReqnSSPCatalog)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalog
- Technical Key of a Web Service (for Example - a Catalog)public void setPurReqnSSPCatalogItem(@Nullable String purReqnSSPCatalogItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalogItem
- Catalog Item Idpublic void setPurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem(@Nullable Integer purReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem
- Catalog Item Keypublic void setIsPurReqnBlocked(@Nullable String isPurReqnBlocked)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsPurReqnBlocked
- Purchase Requisition Blockedpublic void setItemDeliveryAddressID(@Nullable String itemDeliveryAddressID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemDeliveryAddressID
- Number of delivery addresspublic void setLanguage(@Nullable String language)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Language
- Language Keypublic void setIsClosed(@Nullable Boolean isClosed)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsClosed
- Purchase Requisition Closedpublic void setReleaseIsNotCompleted(@Nullable Boolean releaseIsNotCompleted)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseIsNotCompleted
- Release Not Yet Completely Effectedpublic void setServicePerformer(@Nullable String servicePerformer)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ServicePerformer
- Service Performerpublic void setPurchaseRequisitionType(@Nullable String purchaseRequisitionType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionType
- Purchase Requisition Document Typepublic void setProductType(@Nullable String productType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductType
- Product Type Grouppublic void setPurchaseRequisitionStatus(@Nullable String purchaseRequisitionStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionStatus
- Release Statuspublic void setReleaseStrategy(@Nullable String releaseStrategy)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseStrategy
- Release strategy in the purchase requisitionpublic void setPerformancePeriodStartDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime performancePeriodStartDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodStartDate
- Start Date for Period of Performancepublic void setPerformancePeriodEndDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime performancePeriodEndDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodEndDate
- End Date for Period of Performancepublic void setCompanyCode(@Nullable String companyCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CompanyCode
- Valuation Areapublic void setSupplierMaterialNumber(@Nullable String supplierMaterialNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplierMaterialNumber
- Material Number Used by Supplierpublic void setBatch(@Nullable String batch)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Batch
- Batch Numberpublic void setMaterialRevisionLevel(@Nullable String materialRevisionLevel)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialRevisionLevel
- Revision Levelpublic void setMinRemainingShelfLife(@Nullable BigDecimal minRemainingShelfLife)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MinRemainingShelfLife
- Minimum Remaining Shelf Lifepublic void setPurchasingDocumentSubtype(@Nullable String purchasingDocumentSubtype)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentSubtype
- Control indicator for purchasing document typepublic void setItemNetAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal itemNetAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemNetAmount
- Total value at time of releasepublic void setGoodsReceiptIsExpected(@Nullable Boolean goodsReceiptIsExpected)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsExpected
- Goods Receipt Indicatorpublic void setInvoiceIsExpected(@Nullable Boolean invoiceIsExpected)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InvoiceIsExpected
- Invoice Receipt Indicatorpublic void setGoodsReceiptIsNonValuated(@Nullable Boolean goodsReceiptIsNonValuated)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated
- Goods Receipt, Non-Valuatedpublic void setRequirementTracking(@Nullable String requirementTracking)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequirementTracking
- Requirement Tracking Numberpublic void setMRPController(@Nullable String mRPController)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MRPController
- MRP Controller (Materials Planner)public void setPurchaseRequisitionIsFixed(@Nullable Boolean purchaseRequisitionIsFixed)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed
- Purchase Requisition is Fixedpublic void setAddressID(@Nullable String addressID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AddressID
- Manual address number in purchasing document itempublic void setPurchasingDocumentItemCategory(@Nullable String purchasingDocumentItemCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItemCategory
- Item Category in Purchasing Documentpublic void setPurchaseRequisitionItemText(@Nullable String purchaseRequisitionItemText)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItemText
- Short Textprotected String getEndpointUrl()
in class VdmEntity<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
protected String getEntityCollection()
in class VdmEntity<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
protected Map<String,Object> getKey()
in class VdmObject<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
protected Map<String,Object> toMapOfFields()
in class VdmObject<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
protected void fromMap(Map<String,Object> inputValues)
in class VdmObject<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
public static <T> PurchaseRequisitionItemField<T> field(String fieldName, Class<T> fieldType)
- The name of the extension field as returned by the OData service.fieldType
- The Java type to use for the extension field when performing value comparisons.protected Map<String,Object> toMapOfNavigationProperties()
in class VdmObject<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
public PurchaseRequisitionHeader fetchPurchaseReqn() throws
Please note: This method will not cache or persist the query results.
- If the entity is unmanaged, i.e. it has not been retrieved using the OData VDM's services and therefore has no ERP configuration context assigned. An entity is managed if it has been either retrieved using the VDM's services or returned from the VDM's services as the result of a CREATE or UPDATE call.public PurchaseRequisitionHeader getPurchaseReqnOrFetch() throws
If the navigation property to_PurchaseReqn of a queried PurchaseRequisitionItem is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- If the entity is unmanaged, i.e. it has not been retrieved using the OData VDM's services and therefore has no ERP configuration context assigned. An entity is managed if it has been either retrieved using the VDM's services or returned from the VDM's services as the result of a CREATE or UPDATE call.public Optional<PurchaseRequisitionHeader> getPurchaseReqnIfPresent()
If the navigation property for an entity PurchaseRequisitionItem has not been resolved yet, this method will not query further information. Instead its Optional
result state will be empty
with result state empty
is returned.public void setPurchaseReqn(PurchaseRequisitionHeader value)
- New PurchaseRequisitionHeader entity.public List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> fetchPurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt() throws
Please note: This method will not cache or persist the query results.
- If the entity is unmanaged, i.e. it has not been retrieved using the OData VDM's services and therefore has no ERP configuration context assigned. An entity is managed if it has been either retrieved using the VDM's services or returned from the VDM's services as the result of a CREATE or UPDATE call.public List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> getPurchaseReqnAcctAssgmtOrFetch() throws
If the navigation property to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt of a queried PurchaseRequisitionItem is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- If the entity is unmanaged, i.e. it has not been retrieved using the OData VDM's services and therefore has no ERP configuration context assigned. An entity is managed if it has been either retrieved using the VDM's services or returned from the VDM's services as the result of a CREATE or UPDATE call.public Optional<List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt>> getPurchaseReqnAcctAssgmtIfPresent()
If the navigation property for an entity PurchaseRequisitionItem has not been resolved yet, this method will not query further information. Instead its Optional
result state will be empty
with result state empty
is returned.public void setPurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt(@NonNull List<PurReqnAcctAssgmt> value)
If the navigation property to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt of a queried PurchaseRequisitionItem is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- List of PurReqnAcctAssgmt entities.public void addPurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt(PurReqnAcctAssgmt... entity)
If the navigation property to_PurchaseReqnAcctAssgmt of a queried PurchaseRequisitionItem is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- Array of PurReqnAcctAssgmt entities.public PurReqAddDelivery fetchPurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress() throws
Please note: This method will not cache or persist the query results.
- If the entity is unmanaged, i.e. it has not been retrieved using the OData VDM's services and therefore has no ERP configuration context assigned. An entity is managed if it has been either retrieved using the VDM's services or returned from the VDM's services as the result of a CREATE or UPDATE call.public PurReqAddDelivery getPurchaseReqnDeliveryAddressOrFetch() throws
If the navigation property to_PurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress of a queried PurchaseRequisitionItem is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- If the entity is unmanaged, i.e. it has not been retrieved using the OData VDM's services and therefore has no ERP configuration context assigned. An entity is managed if it has been either retrieved using the VDM's services or returned from the VDM's services as the result of a CREATE or UPDATE call.public Optional<PurReqAddDelivery> getPurchaseReqnDeliveryAddressIfPresent()
If the navigation property for an entity PurchaseRequisitionItem has not been resolved yet, this method will not query further information. Instead its Optional
result state will be empty
with result state empty
is returned.public void setPurchaseReqnDeliveryAddress(PurReqAddDelivery value)
- New PurReqAddDelivery entity.public static PurchaseRequisitionItem.PurchaseRequisitionItemBuilder builder()
@Nullable public String getPurchaseRequisition()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisition
@Nullable public String getAccountAssignmentCategory()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AccountAssignmentCategory
@Nullable public String getMaterial()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Material
@Nullable public String getMaterialGroup()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroup
@Nullable public String getPurchasingDocumentCategory()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentCategory
@Nullable public BigDecimal getRequestedQuantity()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequestedQuantity
@Nullable public String getBaseUnit()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BaseUnit
@Nullable public BigDecimal getPurchaseRequisitionPrice()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionPrice
@Nullable public BigDecimal getPurReqnPriceQuantity()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnPriceQuantity
@Nullable public BigDecimal getMaterialGoodsReceiptDuration()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGoodsReceiptDuration
@Nullable public String getReleaseCode()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseCode
@Nullable public String getPurchaseRequisitionItem()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItem
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getPurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionReleaseDate
@Nullable public String getPurchasingOrganization()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganization
@Nullable public String getPurchasingGroup()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroup
@Nullable public String getPlant()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
@Nullable public Boolean getSourceOfSupplyIsAssigned()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SourceOfSupplyIsAssigned
@Nullable public String getSupplyingPlant()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplyingPlant
@Nullable public BigDecimal getOrderedQuantity()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrderedQuantity
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getDeliveryDate()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryDate
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getCreationDate()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreationDate
@Nullable public String getProcessingStatus()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProcessingStatus
@Nullable public String getPurchasingDocument()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocument
@Nullable public String getPurchasingInfoRecord()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingInfoRecord
@Nullable public String getSupplier()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplier
@Nullable public String getIsDeleted()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsDeleted
@Nullable public String getFixedSupplier()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FixedSupplier
@Nullable public String getRequisitionerName()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequisitionerName
@Nullable public String getCreatedByUser()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getPurReqCreationDate()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqCreationDate
@Nullable public String getDeliveryAddressID()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryAddressID
@Nullable public String getManualDeliveryAddressID()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ManualDeliveryAddressID
@Nullable public String getPurReqnItemCurrency()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnItemCurrency
@Nullable public String getPurchasingDocumentItem()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItem
@Nullable public BigDecimal getMaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialPlannedDeliveryDurn
@Nullable public String getDelivDateCategory()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DelivDateCategory
@Nullable public String getMultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MultipleAcctAssgmtDistribution
@Nullable public String getStorageLocation()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StorageLocation
@Nullable public String getPurReqnSSPRequestor()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPRequestor
@Nullable public String getPurReqnSSPAuthor()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPAuthor
@Nullable public String getPurchaseContract()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContract
@Nullable public String getPurReqnSourceOfSupplyType()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSourceOfSupplyType
@Nullable public String getPurchaseContractItem()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContractItem
@Nullable public String getConsumptionPosting()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConsumptionPosting
@Nullable public String getPurReqnReleaseStatus()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnReleaseStatus
@Nullable public String getPurReqnOrigin()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnOrigin
@Nullable public String getPurReqnSSPCatalog()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalog
@Nullable public String getPurReqnSSPCatalogItem()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCatalogItem
@Nullable public Integer getPurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurReqnSSPCrossCatalogItem
@Nullable public String getIsPurReqnBlocked()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsPurReqnBlocked
@Nullable public String getItemDeliveryAddressID()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemDeliveryAddressID
@Nullable public String getLanguage()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Language
@Nullable public Boolean getIsClosed()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsClosed
@Nullable public Boolean getReleaseIsNotCompleted()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseIsNotCompleted
@Nullable public String getServicePerformer()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ServicePerformer
@Nullable public String getPurchaseRequisitionType()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionType
@Nullable public String getProductType()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductType
@Nullable public String getPurchaseRequisitionStatus()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionStatus
@Nullable public String getReleaseStrategy()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleaseStrategy
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getPerformancePeriodStartDate()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodStartDate
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getPerformancePeriodEndDate()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PerformancePeriodEndDate
@Nullable public String getCompanyCode()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CompanyCode
@Nullable public String getSupplierMaterialNumber()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplierMaterialNumber
@Nullable public String getBatch()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Batch
@Nullable public String getMaterialRevisionLevel()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialRevisionLevel
@Nullable public BigDecimal getMinRemainingShelfLife()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MinRemainingShelfLife
@Nullable public String getPurchasingDocumentSubtype()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentSubtype
@Nullable public BigDecimal getItemNetAmount()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ItemNetAmount
@Nullable public Boolean getGoodsReceiptIsExpected()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsExpected
@Nullable public Boolean getInvoiceIsExpected()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InvoiceIsExpected
@Nullable public Boolean getGoodsReceiptIsNonValuated()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptIsNonValuated
@Nullable public String getRequirementTracking()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequirementTracking
@Nullable public String getMRPController()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MRPController
@Nullable public Boolean getPurchaseRequisitionIsFixed()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionIsFixed
@Nullable public String getAddressID()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AddressID
@Nullable public String getPurchasingDocumentItemCategory()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItemCategory
@Nullable public String getPurchaseRequisitionItemText()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseRequisitionItemText
@Nullable public ErpConfigContext getErpConfigContext()
public void setErpConfigContext(@Nullable ErpConfigContext erpConfigContext)
in class VdmEntity<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
- public String toString()
in class VdmObject<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
public boolean equals(Object o)
in class VdmObject<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
in class VdmObject<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
public int hashCode()
in class VdmObject<PurchaseRequisitionItem>
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