public static final class SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder extends Object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
bindingPeriodValidityEndDate(LocalDateTime bindingPeriodValidityEndDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
bindingPeriodValidityStartDate(LocalDateTime bindingPeriodValidityStartDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
SalesQuotation |
build() |
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
completeDeliveryIsDefined(Boolean completeDeliveryIsDefined)
Constraints: none
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
createdByUser(String createdByUser)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
creationDate(LocalDateTime creationDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
customerPaymentTerms(String customerPaymentTerms)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
customerPurchaseOrderDate(LocalDateTime customerPurchaseOrderDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
customerPurchaseOrderType(String customerPurchaseOrderType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
deliveryBlockReason(String deliveryBlockReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
distributionChannel(String distributionChannel)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
expectedOrderNetAmount(BigDecimal expectedOrderNetAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 16, Scale: 3
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
hdrOrderProbabilityInPercent(String hdrOrderProbabilityInPercent)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
headerBillingBlockReason(String headerBillingBlockReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
incotermsClassification(String incotermsClassification)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
incotermsLocation1(String incotermsLocation1)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 70
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
incotermsLocation2(String incotermsLocation2)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 70
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
incotermsTransferLocation(String incotermsTransferLocation)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 28
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
incotermsVersion(String incotermsVersion)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
item(SalesQuotationItem... value)
Navigation property to_Item for SalesQuotation to multiple SalesQuotationItem.
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
lastChangeDate(LocalDateTime lastChangeDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
lastChangeDateTime(ZonedDateTime lastChangeDateTime)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 7
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
organizationDivision(String organizationDivision)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
overallSDDocumentRejectionSts(String overallSDDocumentRejectionSts)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
overallSDProcessStatus(String overallSDProcessStatus)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
partner(SalesQuotationPartner... value)
Navigation property to_Partner for SalesQuotation to multiple SalesQuotationPartner.
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
paymentMethod(String paymentMethod)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
pricingDate(LocalDateTime pricingDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
pricingElement(SalesQuotationPrcgElmnt... value)
Navigation property to_PricingElement for SalesQuotation to multiple
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
purchaseOrderByCustomer(String purchaseOrderByCustomer)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 35
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
referenceSDDocument(String referenceSDDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
referenceSDDocumentCategory(String referenceSDDocumentCategory)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
requestedDeliveryDate(LocalDateTime requestedDeliveryDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
salesDistrict(String salesDistrict)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
salesDocApprovalStatus(String salesDocApprovalStatus)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
salesGroup(String salesGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
salesOffice(String salesOffice)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
salesOrganization(String salesOrganization)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
salesQuotation(String salesQuotation)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
salesQuotationApprovalReason(String salesQuotationApprovalReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
salesQuotationDate(LocalDateTime salesQuotationDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
salesQuotationType(String salesQuotationType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
sDDocumentReason(String sDDocumentReason)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
shippingCondition(String shippingCondition)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
shippingType(String shippingType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
soldToParty(String soldToParty)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
toString() |
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
totalCreditCheckStatus(String totalCreditCheckStatus)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
totalNetAmount(BigDecimal totalNetAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 16, Scale: 3
SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder |
transactionCurrency(String transactionCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
@Nonnull public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder item(SalesQuotationItem... value)
- The SalesQuotationItems to build this SalesQuotation with.@Nonnull public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder partner(SalesQuotationPartner... value)
- The SalesQuotationPartners to build this SalesQuotation with.@Nonnull public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder pricingElement(SalesQuotationPrcgElmnt... value)
- The SalesQuotationPrcgElmnts to build this SalesQuotation with.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder salesQuotation(@Nullable String salesQuotation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesQuotation
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder salesQuotationType(@Nullable String salesQuotationType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesQuotationType
The sales document type determines how the system processes the sales document. For example, depending on the sales document type, the system determines which screens to present and which data to ask you for.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder salesOrganization(@Nullable String salesOrganization)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesOrganization
You can assign any number of distribution channels and divisions to a sales organization. A particular combination of sales organization, distribution channel, and division is known as a sales area.
sales organization may include legal liability for products and customer claims.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder distributionChannel(@Nullable String distributionChannel)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DistributionChannel
You can maintain information about customers and materials by sales organization and distribution channel. Within a sales organization you can deliver goods to a given customer through more than one distribution channel.You can assign a distribution channel to one or more sales organizations. If, for example, you have numerous sales organizations, each sales organization may use the "Wholesale" distribution channel.For each combination of sales organization and distribution channel, you can further assign one or more of the divisions that are defined for the sales organization. You can, for example, assign "Food" and "Non-food" divisions to the "Wholesale" distribution channel. A particular combination of sales organization, distribution channel, and division is known as a sales area.
wholesale, retail, or direct sales.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder organizationDivision(@Nullable String organizationDivision)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrganizationDivision
A product or service is always assigned to just one division. From the point of view of sales and distribution, the use of divisions lets you organize your sales structure around groups of similar products or product lines. This allows the people in a division who process orders and service customers to specialize within a manageable area of expertise.If a sales organization sells food and non-food products through both retail and wholesaledistribution channels each distribution channel could then be further split into food and non-food divisions.
areas and the business areas for a material, product, or service.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder salesGroup(@Nullable String salesGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesGroup
By using sales groups you can designate different areas of responsibility within a sales office. When you generate sales statistics, you can use the sales group as one of the selection criteria.If sales office personnel service both retail and wholesale markets, you can assign a sales group to each market.You assign each salesperson to a sales group in his or her user master record. You assign each customer to a particular sales group in the customer's master record.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder salesOffice(@Nullable String salesOffice)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesOffice
When you create sales statistics, you can use a sales office as one of the selection criteria. When you print out order confirmations, you can include the address of the sales office.You can assign each customer to a sales office in the customer master record.Within a sales office you can establish sales groups (for example, departments) with specific sales responsibilities. Each person who works in the sales office can be assigned to a sales group in his or her user master record. Each customer can also be assigned to a particular sales group in the customer master record.
products or services within a given geographical area.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder salesDistrict(@Nullable String salesDistrict)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesDistrict
Each customer can be assigned to a sales district. You can use sales districts to apply pricing conditions. When you want to generate sales statistics, you can use sales districts as a selection criteria.The system can propose a value from the customer master record of the sold-to party. You can change the value manually in the document at the header or item level.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder soldToParty(@Nullable String soldToParty)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SoldToParty
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder creationDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime creationDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreationDate
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder createdByUser(@Nullable String createdByUser)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder lastChangeDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime lastChangeDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDate
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder lastChangeDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime lastChangeDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDateTime
In order to convert local time into a UTC time stamp, which makes it easier to compare times, the local time must be converted according to your time zone. The ABAP command convert is available for this purpose.Even if the time zone that the conversion is based on can be redetermined from Customizing or master data, we still recommend that you save the time zone.The internal structure of the high-resolution UTC time stamp is logically organized in date and time sections in a packed decimal format (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun), which depicts the year, month, day, hour,second, millisecond, microsecond and the first decimal of the nanoseconds. Please note that the hardware that is normally used does not fully support a resolution of 100 nanoseconds, which is available in the structure.See also GET TIME STAMPA UTC time stamp in short form is also available.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder purchaseOrderByCustomer(@Nullable String purchaseOrderByCustomer)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseOrderByCustomer
The number creates the link between the customer purchase order and the sales document that you create. You can use the number used by the customer during correspondence with the customer to find certain document information. If the number refers to a purchase order, you can also print it on the documents that you send to the customer (e.g. on the delivery note).
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder customerPurchaseOrderType(@Nullable String customerPurchaseOrderType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CustomerPurchaseOrderType
You can record here whether the sales document arrived, for example, by telephone, mail, or fax.Enter one of the values predefined for your system.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder customerPurchaseOrderDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime customerPurchaseOrderDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CustomerPurchaseOrderDate
the customer created the purchase order.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder salesQuotationDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime salesQuotationDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesQuotationDate
When you want to generate a list of sales documents or sales statistics, the document date you enter determines which sales documents are selected. You can define the document date to meet the needs of your organization.For sales orders, for example, you can define the document date as the date when the order actually arrives at your offices. Alternatively, you could define it as the date when the order was written up by a field sales representative.The system proposes the current date. You can change it manually in the sales document.
sales management purposes.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder totalNetAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal totalNetAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TotalNetAmount
account. The value is expressed in the document currency.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder transactionCurrency(@Nullable String transactionCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TransactionCurrency
The system proposes the document currency from the customer master record of the sold-to party. You can change the currency manually in the document. If you change the currency, the system recalculates prices for the entire document.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder sDDocumentReason(@Nullable String sDDocumentReason)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SDDocumentReason
You can freely define order reasons according to the needs of your organization. When you generate sales statistics, you can use the order reason as one of the selection criteria.Enter one of the values predefined for your system. If you are creating a credit or debit memo request, you must enter an order reason.If the order reason specifies, for example, that a customer placed a sales order as a result of contact at a trade fair, you can later generate statistics for all sales orders that were placed at trade fairs.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder pricingDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime pricingDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PricingDate
You can use the pricing date as a selection criterion when you process billing documents collectively.The system proposes the current date. You can change it manually in the document. If you change the pricing date, the system recalculates pricing for the entire document. If the date is in the past, you receive a warning before you can continue.Determining the ProposalIn the order: You can customize the order type to determine a proposal, such as the current date or the requested delivery date as the pricing date.In the billing document: The billing date is proposed as the pricing date.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder requestedDeliveryDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime requestedDeliveryDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequestedDeliveryDate
As a rule, the system suggests the current date. However, if you change the requested delivery date in the header (for example, to a future date), and then create a new item, the system proposes the new date for any schedule lines you create. If you change the date of an existing schedule line, the system advises you that it will only apply the new date to further schedule lines you create and will not change the dates of other existing schedule lines.
further items in the sales document.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder shippingCondition(@Nullable String shippingCondition)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ShippingCondition
You can define shipping conditions in your system which correspond to the requirements of your company. You can specify a shipping condition in the customer master and in the vendor master.Shipping point determination (outbound delivery):The loading group, the plant and the shipping condition determine the shipping point that will be proposed by the system.Route determination (outbound delivery):Apart from the country and the geographical region of the shipping point, the ship-to party and the transportation group, the shipping condition determines the route that the system proposes in the order for the delivery of the goods. In the delivery, the route proposal also takes the weight group into account.A particular customer always requires immediate delivery. You enter the appropriate shipping condition into the customer master record. This means that when you process orders for this customer, the system automatically proposes the express mail room as a shipping point and the quickest way to the airport as a route.If a shipping condition has been assigned to a sales document type in Customizing, this condition will be proposed by the system in the corresponding sales document. If there is no assignment, the system copies the relevant data from the corresponding customer master record of the sold-to party. You cannot change this value during delivery processing. The shipping condition will not be copied from the delivery into the shipment. The shipping condition is one of several criteria for selecting deliveries when you create a shipment. You can enter a shipping condition manually in the shipment where it only serves as a characteristic for grouping shipments.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder completeDeliveryIsDefined(@Nullable Boolean completeDeliveryIsDefined)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CompleteDeliveryIsDefined
can be partially delivered and completed over a number of deliveries.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder shippingType(@Nullable String shippingType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ShippingType
During automatic shipment leg determination, all legs created or only the main, direct, or return legs are assigned to this shipping type, depending on the type of leg determination.You can enter the shipment type for the main, direct or return legs in the shipping header. The value is proposed depending on the requirement in the shipment type.By setting the status "planned", you have the shipping type copied from the respective deliveries into the shipment header, provided:The shipping type is identical in all the deliveries.The shipping type in the shipment header is not already filled.See also: Leg determination
for the shipment legs.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder headerBillingBlockReason(@Nullable String headerBillingBlockReason)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: HeaderBillingBlockReason
The system can propose the billing block according to the type of sales document. The billing block applies to the entire document. You can block or unblock the entire document manually in the header. If you want to block only a particular item, enter a value at the item level.You may want to apply a billing block to certain documents so that prices can be checked before further processing.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder deliveryBlockReason(@Nullable String deliveryBlockReason)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryBlockReason
The system can propose a delivery block on header level according to sales document type. Users can also enter a block manually. A block in the header applies to the entire sales document.The system only proposes a delivery block at header level if delivery blocks have been assigned to the corresponding delivery type using the Define Reasons for Blocking in Shipping and the Assign Blocking Reasons to Delivery Types configuration steps.Additional InformationUsers can also block a sales document manually at schedule line level.The settings made in these configuration steps do not influence any delivery blocks set at schedule line level.The system can block delivery automatically for certain sales document types (for example, sales orders without charge) where it is important that someone checks the details before shipping takes place.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder bindingPeriodValidityStartDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime bindingPeriodValidityStartDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BindingPeriodValidityStartDate
The beginning date and the end date together define the validity period of the inquiry or quotation.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder bindingPeriodValidityEndDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime bindingPeriodValidityEndDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BindingPeriodValidityEndDate
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder hdrOrderProbabilityInPercent(@Nullable String hdrOrderProbabilityInPercent)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: HdrOrderProbabilityInPercent
The system uses the probability and net value of each item to calculate a total expected order value for the sales document. The expected order value appears in the double-line entry screen.The system proposes the probability for each item. You can change the value manually depending on the sales document category.A quotation contains two items:Item 1 has a value of $100 and a probability of 100%Item 2 has a value of $200 and a probability of 25%The system calculates the total probability as follows:($100 x 100% + $200 x 25% ) divided by $300 = 50%In this case, the probability of this quotation resulting in a sales order is 50%.You can generate requirements from quotations. The probability of the quotation items affects how the system passes on requirements. For example, a quotation for 100 pieces and a probability of 50% will generate requirements for 50 pieces.
of a sales order.this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder expectedOrderNetAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal expectedOrderNetAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ExpectedOrderNetAmount
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder incotermsClassification(@Nullable String incotermsClassification)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IncotermsClassification
Incoterms specify internationally recognized procedures that the shipper and the receiving party must follow for the shipping transaction to be completed successfully.If goods are shipped through a port of departure, the appropriate Incoterm might be: FOB ("Free On Board"). You can provide further details (for example, the name of the port) in the secondary Incoterm field: FOB Boston, for example.
Commerce (ICC).this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder incotermsTransferLocation(@Nullable String incotermsTransferLocation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IncotermsTransferLocation
If the primary Incoterm is, for example, FOB ("Free on Board"), then the second field provides details of the port from which the delivery leaves (for example, "FOB Boston").
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder incotermsLocation1(@Nullable String incotermsLocation1)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IncotermsLocation1
1. For sea and inland waterway transport - Port of Shipment2. For any mode of transport - Place of Delivery 2010Incoterms are divided as follows:Group 1: Rules for any mode or modes of transport (including by vessel)Incoterms Incoterms Description Location 1 EXW Ex Works Place of DeliveryFCA Free Carrier Place of DeliveryCPT Carriage Paid To Place of DestinationCIP Carriage & Insurance Paid To Place of DestinationDAF Delivered at Frontier Place of DeliveryDDP Delivered Duty Paid Place of DestinationDDU Delivered Duty Unpaid Place of DestinationGroup 2: Rules for sea and inland waterwaysIncoterms Incoterms Description Location 1 FAS Free Alongside Ship Port of ShipmentFOB Free On Board Port of ShipmentCFR Cost & Freight Port of DestinationCIF Cost Insurance & Freight Port of DestinationDEQ Delivered Eq Quay (Duty Paid) Port of DestinationDES Delivered Ex Ship Port of DestinationIf the primary incoterm is specified as FOB “Free on Board”, the second field provides details of the port from which the delivery leaves, such as FOB Boston.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder incotermsLocation2(@Nullable String incotermsLocation2)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IncotermsLocation2
No Version:This field is disabledIncoterm Version 2000This field is disabled as part of standard delivery unless a customer decides to enable it by the way of Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Master Data -> Business Partners -> Customers -> Billing Document -> Incoterms -> Map Incoterms to Versions.Incoterm Version 2010For this version, the field represents:Sea and inland waterway transport - Port of DestinationAny mode of transport - Place of Destination2010 Incoterms are divided as follows:Group 1: Rules for any mode or modes of transport (including by vessel)Incoterms Incoterms Description Location 2CPT Carriage Paid To Place of DestinationCIP Carriage & Insurance Paid To Place of DestinationGroup 2: Rules for sea and inland waterwaysIncoterms Incoterms Description Location 2CFR Cost & Freight Port of DestinationCIF Cost Insurance & Freight Port of Destination
customized appropriately). Note the following for the incoterms versions below:this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder incotermsVersion(@Nullable String incotermsVersion)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IncotermsVersion
defined by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).this
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder customerPaymentTerms(@Nullable String customerPaymentTerms)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CustomerPaymentTerms
It is used in sales orders, purchase orders, and invoices. Terms of payment provide information for:Cash managementDunning proceduresPayment transactionsData can be entered in the field for the terms of payment key in various ways as you enter a business transaction:In most business transactions, the system defaults the key specified in the master record of the customer/vendor in question.In some transactions (for example, credit memos), however, the system does not default the key from the master record. Despite this, you can use the key from the customer/vendor master record by entering "*" in the field.Regardless of whether or not a key is defaulted from the master record, you can manually enter a key during document entry at:item level in sales ordersheader level in purchase orders and invoicesMaster records have separate areas for Financial Accounting, Sales, and Purchasing. You can specify different terms of payment keys in each of these areas. When you then enter a business transaction, the application in question will use the key specified in its area of the master record.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder paymentMethod(@Nullable String paymentMethod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PaymentMethod
If you enter a payment method, then only this payment method can be used in automatic payment transactions. Unless you enter a payment method, one of the payment methods that was allowed in the master record is selected in the payment program according to specified rules.For document entry or document changes, you only enter a payment method if you want to switch off the automatic payment method selection of the payment program.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder referenceSDDocument(@Nullable String referenceSDDocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReferenceSDDocument
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder referenceSDDocumentCategory(@Nullable String referenceSDDocumentCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReferenceSDDocumentCategory
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder salesQuotationApprovalReason(@Nullable String salesQuotationApprovalReason)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesQuotationApprovalReason
Whenever an approval request reason is set and the corresponding workflow is defined, the sales document is considered relevant for approvals. The approval request reason consists of an ID and a description.You define that for customer ABC, sales quotations always have to be approved. The system automatically sets this reason when a sales quotation for this customer is created. It cannot be released without sending it to an approver first.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder salesDocApprovalStatus(@Nullable String salesDocApprovalStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesDocApprovalStatus
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder overallSDProcessStatus(@Nullable String overallSDProcessStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OverallSDProcessStatus
The system determines the status of the entire sales document by taking into account the status of all header-related information and the status of all individual items. The status message tells you whether processing of the sales document is open, in progress, or complete.
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder totalCreditCheckStatus(@Nullable String totalCreditCheckStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TotalCreditCheckStatus
.public SalesQuotation.SalesQuotationBuilder overallSDDocumentRejectionSts(@Nullable String overallSDDocumentRejectionSts)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OverallSDDocumentRejectionSts
The system determines the total status from the status of all individual items in the sales document. The status message tells you whether the sales document has been partially or completely rejected or whether nothing has been rejected.
.public SalesQuotation build()
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