public static class ProductPlantQualityMgmt.ProductPlantQualityMgmtBuilder extends Object
public ProductPlantQualityMgmt.ProductPlantQualityMgmtBuilder product(@Nullable String product)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Product
.public ProductPlantQualityMgmt.ProductPlantQualityMgmtBuilder plant(@Nullable String plant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
.public ProductPlantQualityMgmt.ProductPlantQualityMgmtBuilder maximumStoragePeriod(@Nullable BigDecimal maximumStoragePeriod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaximumStoragePeriod
The value displayed here is for informational purposes only. The field has no functional importance; in particular, there is no functional connection between this and the following fields:Minimum Remaining Shelf LifeTotal Shelf LifeStorage Percentage
.public ProductPlantQualityMgmt.ProductPlantQualityMgmtBuilder qualityMgmtCtrlKey(@Nullable String qualityMgmtCtrlKey)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: QualityMgmtCtrlKey
If you activate the indicator for QM in procurement in the material master record at the client level, you must also store a control key at the plant level for quality management in procurement.Depending on the control indicators in the control key, you may have to maintain additional data.
.public ProductPlantQualityMgmt.ProductPlantQualityMgmtBuilder matlQualityAuthorizationGroup(@Nullable String matlQualityAuthorizationGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MatlQualityAuthorizationGroup
Relevant objects and activities in QM:Changing the material authorization group in the QM material masterIf you want to change the authorization group, you require the relevant authorization for this group.Maintaining the material specificationProcessing inspection lotsProcessing inspection results (characteristic inspection results and defects data)Processing completion of the inspection and usage decisionMaintaining the quality levelMaintaining the quality information recordsWhen you enter a material authorization group in the material master record, the system checks (on a material basis) if the user has authorization for the objects named above.If there is no authorization group entered, no authorization check is carried out.In order to pass the authorization check, the user needs material authorization, which contains the relevant authorization group as the field value.Using the material authorization group, you can control which approvals should be issued during inspection lot processing.
.public ProductPlantQualityMgmt.ProductPlantQualityMgmtBuilder hasPostToInspectionStock(@Nullable Boolean hasPostToInspectionStock)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: HasPostToInspectionStock
You can select this indicator, if no stock-relevant inspection type has been selected in the inspection setup, and therefore no stock-relevant inspection lots can be created.If you activate a stock-relevant inspection type, the entry in this field is deselected and can no longer be maintained. In this case, a corresponding indicator in the inspection type controls whether goods are posted to inspection stock.
whether a goods receipt is posted to inspection stock. The indicator is copied to purchase order items and goods receipt items as a default value.this
.public ProductPlantQualityMgmt build()
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