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Hintergrunddokumentation Interfaces and Classes for Using the Destination Service API  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren

The interfaces and classes for using the Destination service API are located in the package

The most important interfaces provided with the Destination service API are the DestinationService and the Destinationinterfaces. Use the methods provided with the DestinationService interface to create, delete, or modify destinations. Use the methods provided with the Destinationinterface to establish a connection. The connection type interfaces (for example, HTTPDestination) inherit the methods provided by these interfaces and add additional methods for the specific connection type.

Methods available with the DestinationService interface include:

·        getDestination

·        getDestinationTypes

·        getDestinationNames

·        createDestination

·        updateDestination

·        storeDestination

·        removeDestination

Methods available with the Destination interface include:

·        getName

·        getDestinationProperties

Additional methods available with the HTTPDestination interface include:

·        getURLConnection

·        getSocket


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