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Procedure documentation Editing the EJB Properties of an Enterprise Bean  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure



       1.      For all types of beans you can:

                                                  i.       Enter a name in the Property Name field.

                                                ii.       Enter a value in the Property Value field.

                                               iii.       See the available properties in the Properties list.

                                               iv.       Use the Add, Modify, Remove and Clear buttons accordingly.

       2.      Depending on the type of the bean, you can set different additional properties.

Stateful and Stateless Session Beans


       1.      In the Session Timeout field, set the period (in seconds) since the session was last used, after which the EJB Container may destroy it.


This option is available for both stateful and stateless session beans.


We recommend that the value of the session-timeout is longer than the expected duration of the methods; otherwise, this will lead to system errors.

       2.      About the passivation of the bean you can do the following:


Only stateful session beans can be passivated.

                            a.      Choose an option from the available ones:

§         None – the EJB container will not passivate the bean instances.

§         Passivation – the EJB container will passivate the bean instances that have not been active for the time specified in the Passive Timeout field.

§         Keeps On Resource - this element shows that the enterprise bean holds open resources. This element is used only when the application is set to use failover.

                            b.      In the Passive Timeout field set the period (in seconds) since the bean’s passivation. After this time passes, the EJB Container clears the session bean’s instance from the swap and destroys the session. Any attempt to call a method from it will receive a system exception.

                            c.      In the Limit field set the maximum number of active sessions in the EJB Container. Once this number is reached, the EJB Container passivates the session that was used least recently (LRU algorithm) and swaps its instance to the hard disk.

Container-Managed Entity Beans


       1.      If there is no primary key specified, enter the interval for the values of the primary key in the Unknown PK Interval field. By default, the EJB Container creates primary keys of type long for beans whose primary keys are not defined.

       2.      In the Initial Cache Size field enter the initial size of the Persistence Manager cache.

Bean-Managed Entity Bean

There are no additional settings.

Message-Driven Entity Beans


       1.      In the Destination Name field, enter the name of the topic or the queue to which the bean wants to be subscribed.

       2.      In the Connection Factory Name field, enter the name of the connection factory that will be used by the EJB Container to obtain connections in order to register the bean as a message listener.



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