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Background documentation RESOLVE  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


Resolves check-in or integrate collisions. For more information, see Design Time Repository Conflicts.

      A check-in collision happens when two users check out the same file (for example, from the same workspace and both try to check in their activities. The second check-in then fails because a new version of the already exists in the workspace and this version is not a predecessor of the version created in the second activity. The DTR server prevents the second check-in because this would mean that the changes made by the user who first checked in his or her changes would be lost.

      Another situation where a collision can occur is when you integrate an activity into a workspace. A reason for an integrate collision is that the version being integrated is neither a predecessor nor a successor of the current active version in the target workspace.

When collisions occur with the check in command, this command fails and reports the found collisions. The integrate command, however, never fails. When collisions occur with this command, they are persisted into the repository. In both cases, the collisions need to be resolved.

There are always two versions participating in a collision. One is the active version in the workspace. The other one is called a colliding version. There are three ways to resolve a collision. Depending on the origin of a collision (check-in or integrate), these three options have the following effect:

      Accept the current active version

       In case of a check-in collision, the colliding version is simply deleted.

       In case of an integrate collision, a discard relation is created in the direction from the colliding version to the active version.

      Accept the colliding version:

       In case of a check-in collision, the active version becomes a predecessor of the colliding version.

       In case of an integrate collision, a discard relation is created in the direction from the active version to the colliding version.

      Merge the active and the colliding version:

       In the case of a check-in collision, the active version becomes a predecessor of the colliding version, a merge tool is opened, which merges the content of the two versions, and the content is saved into the colliding version.

       In the case of an integrate collision, a new version is created as a successor of both active and colliding versions, a merge tool is opened and the user merges the content of the two colliding versions. The content is saved in a new version.



RESOLVE [-ic [-all [-da] [-c] [folderPath]]] [-a activityName] [-w “workspacePath”]




Specifies that integration conflicts have to be resolved.


Specifies that all integration conflicts have to be resolved in the same activity. The activity will be checked in automatically..


If this option is specified, the active version will be discarded .By default, the colliding version will be discarded


This is to specify the description of the activity in which collision resolution will be done.


Folder paths can be specified along with this option to limit the resolution to folder items which are below one of the specified folder paths

[-a activityName]

Specifies the activity if the check-in conflicts are to be resolved or the activity in which all integration conflicts should be resolved.

[-w “workspacePath”]]

To specify the workspace if integrate conflicts are to be resolved.


This command is used to resolve integrate or check-in collisions.



       1.      In order to resolve check-in collisions, use the resolve command with the –a option, specifying the activity that contains one or more colliding versions.

After that, the resolve command guides the user interactively through the described process of resolving check-in collisions.

       2.      To resolve integrate collisions, use the resolve command with the –ic (meaning: integrate collisions) option and the –w option, specifying the workspace in which the integrate collisions exist.

After that, the resolve command guides the user interactively through the described process of resolving integrate collisions.

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