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Procedure documentation Editing the Deployment Properties of a Service  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


You use this procedure to edit the deployment properties of a service. Choose whether the component is to be deployed on a dispatcher or on a server in a cluster, and set the proper references.



       1.      In your DLP project, choose a service.

       2.      Choose a server or a dispatcher properties node.

       3.      Manage the provider, security, runtime and service properties.

       4.      In the Service Persistent Directory field set the path to a directory where all work files for the service to be stored.

       5.      Save your changes.

Managing the Provider Properties

The Provider subtab has the same functionality as described in Editing Servers and Dispatchers of Libraries and Interfaces.

For the specific features of the services the following fields are also available:

·        Application Frame – The class file that implements the application service frame. The application service frame is responsible for the service business logic.

·        Runtime Frame – A full-specified java class that will be used for runtime editing in a visual administrative tool.

·        Service Reference Type – Use it when you add a new reference and this is the type for the reference – Weak, Strong or Notify.

Managing the Security Properties


       1.      Select the Security subtab.

       2.      The Methods field provides a list of all Public methods from class files in the service JAR file that inherit java.rmi.remote.

       3.      To add a role to a method:

                                                  i.       Select that method in the Methods list.

                                                ii.       Select a role from the Available Roles field.

                                               iii.       Click the arrow button on the left-hand side. The role appears in the Selected Roles field.


Each method can be assigned one role only.

       4.      To remove a role from a method:

                                                  i.       Select the method in the Methods list.

                                                ii.       Select its role in the Selected Roles list.

                                               iii.       Click on the button on the right-hand side. The role is removed from the list.

Managing the Runtime Properties

Runtime properties are key-value pairs. They are used by the service manager. To set a new property, you have to:


       1.      Specify a new key in the Key field. Runtime property keys must be one of:

¡        core-service

¡        startup-mode

¡        startup-state

       2.      Specify a value for the specific runtime property.

For the core-service key, possible values are:

¡        true

¡        false – this is the default

For the startup-mode key, possible values are:

¡        always – this is the default value

¡        manual

¡        automatic

For the startup-state key, possible values are

¡        started – this is the default value

¡        stopped


If you do not set runtime properties, they will be set by default.

       3.      Click the Add button.

To remove a property:


       1.      Select the property from the list of available properties.

       2.      Click the Remove button.

Managing the Service Properties

Managing service properties is the same as managing the runtime properties.



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