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Overview of Data Flow Copy ProcessesLocate this document in the navigation structure


The overview of the data flow copy processes displays the copy processes saved in the system with administration and log information. The overview also allows you to execute different functions for the copy processes. In addition, you can create new copy processes with or without a template of an existing copy process.

By default, the overview is user-specific and is filtered for the current user. The layout of the display can be changed for each user, which allows you to adjust the overview to suit your needs. For more information, see Personalizing the List.

The following information is displayed for a copy process:




Sequential number for identifying a copy process


Gray: Copy process not started

The settings for a copy process were saved but the copy has not yet been created

Yellow: Copy process not completed

If the copy process has been started in the dialog screen, this status is also displayed for an error or termination. The status in only changed to red after 24 hours.

Green: Copy process completed

Red. Copy process terminated with errors

Start objects

Displays the data flow object or process chain that is used as the start point for the copy process.

Data flow upwards

Shows you whether the data flow for the copy process was collected from the starting object upwards.

Data flow downwards

Shows you whether the data flow for the copy process was collected from the starting object downwards.

DTPs and InfoPackages

Shows whether data transfer processes (DTPs) and InfoPackages have been collected for a copy process, that has been defined based on a data flow object.


Displays the number of the copy process used as a template for the current copy process.


Shows you how many data flow copies are/were created using this copy process.


Displays the user who last saved or performed the copy process.


Date shows when the copy process was saved for the first time.

Last Changed

Date shows when the copy process was last saved.


Date shows when the copy process was performed.

The following functions are available in the overview of the data flow copies:




Refresh copy processes

Start of the navigation path Edit Next navigation step Refresh End of the navigation path

The system updates the information for the displayed copy processes.

Create copy process

Start of the navigation path Copy Process Next navigation step Create End of the navigation path

A dialog box opens in which you can select the starting object (process chain or data flow object) for the new copy process. For more information on how to create a copy process, see Copy Data Flow.

Start wizard with template

Start of the navigation path Copy Process Next navigation step Start Wizard End of the navigation path

The Data Flow Copy wizard opens. The selected copy process is used as the template for a new copy process.

Display Last Log

Start of the navigation path Goto Next navigation step Last Log End of the navigation path

The system shows the current application log for the selected copy process. For more information, see Displaying Logs.

Display Assignments

Start of the navigation path Copy Process Next navigation step Assignments End of the navigation path

The system shows the assignments (original objects to target objects) of the copy for the selected copy process. You can choose to either display the technical name or the descriptions for the assignments. In addition to the assignments to be edited, you can also display assignments of objects that are collected with the original data flow, but cannot be changed - either due to copy settings or because they are subobjects of higher-level objects.

Transport copied objects

Start of the navigation path Copy Process Next navigation step Transport End of the navigation path

To transport the copied data flow from the development system to a test system or productive system, assign packages to the copied objects (in the subsequent dialog boxes) and write the data flow objects to a transport request.

Delete copy process

Start of the navigation path Copy Process Next navigation step Delete End of the navigation path

The copy process is deleted. The objects created with the copy process are kept.


Start of the navigation path Copy Process Next navigation step Repeat End of the navigation path

If you repeat a copy process, the selected copy types are applied without any changes being made. Depending on the circumstances, the system may attempt to recreate an existing target object. Start the wizard with the copy process as a template to refresh the copied target objects.