XML Schema Documentation

Table of Contents


Schema Document Properties

Target Namespace None
Element and Attribute Namespaces
  • Global element and attribute declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.

Declared Namespaces

Prefix Namespace
xml http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
xs http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema

Global Declarations

Element: hybrisconfig

Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Configures the installed extensions for the hybris platform.
XML Instance Representation
<extensions> extensionsType </extensions> [1]
Configures the installed extensions for the hybris platform..

Global Definitions

Complex Type: extensionsType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Configures the installed extensions for the hybris platform..
XML Instance Representation
autoload=" boolean " [0..1]
Loads automatically all extensions of the platform. If set to 'false', you have to manually add the platform extensions in the (local)extensions.xml file. Default value is 'true'.
<path> scanType </path> [0..*]
Adds a directory to scan for extensions in.
<extension> extensionType </extension> [0..*]
Adds an extension to the hybris platform.
<webapp> webappType </webapp> [0..*]
Adds external extensions to the hybris platform.

Complex Type: extensionType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Adds an extension to the hybris platform.
XML Instance Representation
dir=" string " [0..1]
Path to the extension folder relative to the platform home.
name=" string " [0..1]
The name of the extension. Requires at least one <scan> entry to be able to look up the extension location.

Complex Type: scanType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Scans for extensions in a given folder.
XML Instance Representation
dir=" string " [1]
Path to the extension folder relative to the platform home.
autoload=" boolean " [0..1]
Defines which extensions shall be loaded. Can be 'true' for loading all that can be found inside that folder or 'false' to load only extensions that are required by others.
depth=" int " [0..1]
The maximum directory depth to traverse when scanning for extensions.

Complex Type: webappType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Adds external extension to the hybris platform.
XML Instance Representation
contextroot=" string " [0..1]
External extension's webroot.
context=" string " [0..1]
External extension's context.xml file.
path=" string " [0..1]
Path to external extension's war file (or exploded directory).