XML Schema Documentation

Table of Contents


Schema Document Properties

Target Namespace None
Element and Attribute Namespaces
  • Global element and attribute declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.
  • By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.

Declared Namespaces

Prefix Namespace
xml http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace
xs http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema

Global Declarations

Element: extensioninfo

Type Locally-defined complex type
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Configures the available modules of the extension.
XML Instance Representation
<extension> extensionType </extension> [1]

Global Definitions

Complex Type: coremoduleType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Configures a core module for the extension. A core module consists of an items.xml file (and therefore allows to add new types to the system), a manager class, classes for the JaLo Layer and the ServiceLayer and JUnit test classes. The following directories are required: /src, /resources, /testsrc.
XML Instance Representation
additionalclasspath=" string " [0..1]
Deprecated. Not used anymore.
packageroot=" string " [0..1]
Package root where extension and item classes will be generated to.
manager=" string " [0..1]
Fully qualified Java class name of the extension's manager.
sourceavailable=" boolean " [0..1]
Deprecated. Has no effect and will be evaluated always to 'true' if a 'src' directory is available
generated=" boolean " [0..1]
If \"true\", item and extension classes will be generated. Only needed in case of \"sourceavailable=true\". Default is \"false\".
java5=" boolean " [0..1]
Deprecated. Will always be evaluated to 'true'. Generated item and extension classes will use java generics and annotations.
generatePartOf=" boolean " [0..1]
If \"true\", the generated item and extension classes will use the partOf handler, so partOf references will be removed if the holding item is removed. Default is \"true\".

Complex Type: extensionType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Configures the available modules of the extension.
XML Instance Representation
name=" string " [1]
Name of the extension. Do not use special characters or spaces.
version=" string " [0..1]
Optionally defines the version of this extension. If not defined the build process assumes it being the same version as the platform.
classprefix=" string " [0..1]
Prefix used for generated extension classes, such as the classes for Constants. Default is \"[extensionname]\".
abstractclassprefix=" string " [0..1]
Prefix for generated Java classes, such as the abstract classes for getter and setter methods. Default is \"Generated\".
isoldstyleextension=" boolean " [0..1]
Deprecated. Default is \"false\".
requiredbyall=" boolean " [0..1]
If 'true' this extension is treated like platform/ext core extensions and is automtically added to all other extension dependencies.
managername=" string " [0..1]
Class name of the manager class. Default is \"[classprefix]Manager\"
managersuperclass=" classType " [0..1]
Class name of the manager's superclass. Default is de.hybris.platform.jalo.extension.Extension.
description=" string " [0..1]
Short description of this extension. Is used by the hybris package manager.
usemaven=" string " [0..1]
If 'true' uses maven and external-dependencies.xml file for fetching required libraries into \lib and \web\webroot\WEB-INF\lib.
jaloLogicFree=" boolean " [0..1]
If 'true' types introduced by this extension are SLD safe by default and contains no JALO logic.
<requires-extension> requires-extensionType </requires-extension> [0..*]
Configures the set of extensions required by the extension at compile time. If you set 'autoload=true' in the localextensions.xml file, you will not need to reference any core extensions here.
<coremodule> coremoduleType </coremodule> [0..1]
Configures a core module for the extension. A core module consists of an items.xml file (and therefore allows to add new types to the system), a manager class, classes for the JaLo Layer and the ServiceLayer and JUnit test classes. The following directories are required: /src, /resources, /testsrc.
<webmodule> webmoduleType </webmodule> [0..1]
Configures a web module for the extension. Required directory: /web.
<hmcmodule> hmcmoduleType </hmcmodule> [0..1]
Configures an hMC module for the extension. Required directory: /hmc.
<meta> metaType </meta> [0..*]
Configures metadata.

Complex Type: hmcmoduleType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Configures an hmc module for the extension. Required directory: /hmc.
XML Instance Representation
additionalclasspath=" string " [0..1]
Deprecated. Not used anymore.
extensionclassname=" string " [0..1]
Name of the extension's HMCExtension class.
sourceavailable=" boolean " [0..1]
Deprecated. Has no effect and will be evaluated always to 'true' if a 'hmc/src' directory is available

Complex Type: metaType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Configures metadata.
XML Instance Representation
key=" string " [1]
Metadata key.
value=" string " [1]
Metadata value.

Complex Type: requires-extensionType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Configures the set of extensions required by the extension at compile time.
XML Instance Representation
name=" string " [1]
Name of an extension which is required at compile time.
version=" string " [0..1]
Allowed range of versions of the required extension. Is used by the hybris package manager.

Complex Type: webmoduleType

Parent type: None
Sub-types: None
Abstract no
Documentation Configures an hMC module for the extension. Required directory: /web.
XML Instance Representation
webroot=" string " [1]
Webroot where the web application will be available at.
additionalclasspath=" string " [0..1]
Deprecated. Not used anymore.
jspcompile=" boolean " [0..1]
If \"true\", JSP files will be pre-compiled as part of the build process. If \"false\", JSP files will be compiled when first used by the application server. Default is \"true\".
sourceavailable=" boolean " [0..1]
Deprecated. Has no effect and will be evaluated always to 'true' if a 'web/src' directory is available

Simple Type: classType

Parent type: normalizedString (derivation method: restriction)
Sub-types: None
  • Base XSD Type: normalizedString
Documentation A class name including full package name.