Interface | Description |
PurgCatDescriptionSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
PurgCatDescription . |
PurgCatMaterialGroupSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
PurgCatMaterialGroup . |
PurgCatMemberSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
PurgCatMember . |
PurgCatPlannedSpendSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
PurgCatPlannedSpend . |
PurgCatPurchaserResponsibleSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
PurgCatPurchaserResponsible . |
PurgCatSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
PurgCat . |
PurgCatSupplierSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
PurgCatSupplier . |
PurgCatTranslationStatusSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
PurgCatTranslationStatus . |
Class | Description |
PurgCat |
API for Purchasing Category
PurgCat.PurgCatBuilder | |
PurgCatByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
PurgCat entity using key fields. |
PurgCatCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
PurgCat entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatDescription |
API for Purchasing Category Description
PurgCatDescription.PurgCatDescriptionBuilder | |
PurgCatDescriptionByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
PurgCatDescription entity using key fields. |
PurgCatDescriptionCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
PurgCatDescription entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatDescriptionField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PurgCatDescription . |
PurgCatDescriptionFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
PurgCatDescription entities. |
PurgCatDescriptionLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
PurgCatDescription to other entities. |
PurgCatDescriptionUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
PurgCatDescription entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PurgCat . |
PurgCatFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
PurgCat entities. |
PurgCatLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
PurgCat to other entities. |
PurgCatMaterialGroup |
API for Purchasing Category Material Group
PurgCatMaterialGroup.PurgCatMaterialGroupBuilder | |
PurgCatMaterialGroupByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
PurgCatMaterialGroup entity using key fields. |
PurgCatMaterialGroupCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
PurgCatMaterialGroup entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatMaterialGroupDeleteFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to delete an existing
PurgCatMaterialGroup entity in the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatMaterialGroupField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PurgCatMaterialGroup . |
PurgCatMaterialGroupFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
PurgCatMaterialGroup entities. |
PurgCatMaterialGroupLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
PurgCatMaterialGroup to other entities. |
PurgCatMaterialGroupUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
PurgCatMaterialGroup entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatMember |
API for Purchasing Category Team Member
PurgCatMember.PurgCatMemberBuilder | |
PurgCatMemberByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
PurgCatMember entity using key fields. |
PurgCatMemberCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
PurgCatMember entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatMemberDeleteFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to delete an existing
PurgCatMember entity in the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatMemberField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PurgCatMember . |
PurgCatMemberFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
PurgCatMember entities. |
PurgCatMemberLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
PurgCatMember to other entities. |
PurgCatMemberUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
PurgCatMember entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatPlannedSpend |
API for Purchasing Category Planned Spend
PurgCatPlannedSpend.PurgCatPlannedSpendBuilder | |
PurgCatPlannedSpendByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
PurgCatPlannedSpend entity using key fields. |
PurgCatPlannedSpendCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
PurgCatPlannedSpend entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatPlannedSpendDeleteFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to delete an existing
PurgCatPlannedSpend entity in the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatPlannedSpendField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PurgCatPlannedSpend . |
PurgCatPlannedSpendFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
PurgCatPlannedSpend entities. |
PurgCatPlannedSpendLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
PurgCatPlannedSpend to other entities. |
PurgCatPlannedSpendUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
PurgCatPlannedSpend entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatPurchaserResponsible |
API for Purchasing Category Purchaser Responsible
PurgCatPurchaserResponsible.PurgCatPurchaserResponsibleBuilder | |
PurgCatPurchaserResponsibleByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
PurgCatPurchaserResponsible entity using key fields. |
PurgCatPurchaserResponsibleField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PurgCatPurchaserResponsible . |
PurgCatPurchaserResponsibleFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
PurgCatPurchaserResponsible entities. |
PurgCatPurchaserResponsibleLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
PurgCatPurchaserResponsible to other entities. |
PurgCatPurchaserResponsibleUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
PurgCatPurchaserResponsible entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatSupplier |
API for Purchasing Category Supplier
PurgCatSupplier.PurgCatSupplierBuilder | |
PurgCatSupplierByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
PurgCatSupplier entity using key fields. |
PurgCatSupplierCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
PurgCatSupplier entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatSupplierDeleteFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to delete an existing
PurgCatSupplier entity in the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatSupplierField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PurgCatSupplier . |
PurgCatSupplierFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
PurgCatSupplier entities. |
PurgCatSupplierLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
PurgCatSupplier to other entities. |
PurgCatSupplierUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
PurgCatSupplier entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatTranslationStatus |
API for Purchasing Category Translation Status
PurgCatTranslationStatus.PurgCatTranslationStatusBuilder | |
PurgCatTranslationStatusByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
PurgCatTranslationStatus entity using key fields. |
PurgCatTranslationStatusCreateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to create a new
PurgCatTranslationStatus entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatTranslationStatusDeleteFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to delete an existing
PurgCatTranslationStatus entity in the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatTranslationStatusField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PurgCatTranslationStatus . |
PurgCatTranslationStatusFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
PurgCatTranslationStatus entities. |
PurgCatTranslationStatusLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
PurgCatTranslationStatus to other entities. |
PurgCatTranslationStatusUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
PurgCatTranslationStatus entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
PurgCatUpdateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to update an existing
PurgCat entity and save it to the S/4HANA system. |
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