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This class represents the entity "A_ProductionSupplyArea" of service "API_PRODUCTIONSUPPLYAREA_SRV". This service is part of the following communication scenarios: Production Supply Area Integration (SAP_COM_0328). See https://api.sap.com/api/API_PRODUCTIONSUPPLYAREA_SRV for more information.


  • any
    • ProductionSupplyArea





factoryCalendar: string

Factory calendar key. Key that uniquely identifies the factory calendar that is valid for this plant. Maximum length: 2.



lastChangeDateTime: Moment

Last Change Timestamp.



plant: string

Plant. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Maximum length: 4.


productionSupplyArea: string

Production Supply Area. The production supply area (PSA) serves as a place for interim storage on the shop floor and is used to make material directly available for production purposes. The PSA is used in Kanban and JIT Outbound processing and in Extended Warehouse Management. Maximum length: 10.


productionSupplyAreaAddressId: string

Address for Supply Area. Maximum length: 10.



productionSupplyAreaRespPerson: string

Person responsible for one or more supply areas. Person responsible for processing materials and for monitoring stocks at the supply area. You define the key for the person responsible in Customizing for MRP, under, Master data -> Define MRP controllers. Maximum length: 3.



pullIntervalInMinutes: BigNumber

Pull Interval in Minutes. Time interval between the transfer of requirements from the consumer (demand source) to the supply source or the interval between the times of delivery by the supply source to the consumer. You can enter the minutes up to the maximum value 59999999. The pull interval is used as a buffer in the control cycle calculation. It increases the number of kanban containers in the control cycle.The pull interval in minutes takes priority over the pull interval in days, i.e. the system uses the pull interval in minutes as soon as you specify this value, irrespective of what you have specified for the pull interval in days.To enable the pull interval in minutes to be used in the kanban calculation, it is necessary to define a factory calendar and shift sequences for the control cycle calculation.You can specify the pull interval in the calculation profile, in the PSA, and in control cycle maintenance. If you have specified the pull interval more than once, at different points, the system takes this interval into account with the following priorities:1: Control cycle maintenance2: PSA3: Calculation profileYour production works on a single-shift basis from 8.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs. This information in stored in the shift sequence.The person who replenishes the PSA arrives at 8 hrs and 12 hrs every day to pick up empty kanbans (kanban cards) and leave behind full ones. In this case, the pull interval amounts to 4 hours.



pullIntervalInWorkdays: BigNumber

Pull Interval in Workdays. Time interval between the transfer of requirements from the consumer (demand source) to the supply source or the interval between the times of delivery by the supply source to the consumer. The pull interval is used as a buffer in the control cycle calculation. It increases the number of kanban containers in the control cycle.The pull interval in hours/minutes takes priority over the pull interval in days, i.e. the system uses the pull interval in hours/minutes as soon as you specify this value, irrespective of what you have specified for the pull interval in days.You can specify the pull interval in the calculation profile, in the PSA, and in control cycle maintenance. If you have specified the pull interval more than once, at different points, the system takes this interval into account with the following priorities:1: Control cycle maintenance2: PSA3: Calculation profileThe person who replenishes the PSA arrives at 8 a.m. every day to pick up empty kanbans (kanban cards) and leave behind full ones. In this case, the pull interval amounts to 1 day.



shiftGrouping: string

Grouping for Shift Definition and Sequences (Consumer). Gibt die Indicates the shift grouping of the consuming work center. You use the shift grouping and the shift sequence to specify the working times of the consuming work center in detail. The system calculates the calendar buffer from this information.You can specify the shift grouping in the calculation profile and in the PSA. The shift grouping you specify in the PSA overrides the shift grouping you may have entered in the calculation profile.If you do not specify any data for the working time for the consuming work center, the system uses the data that you have maintained for the supplier (supply source). In this case, the calendar buffer calculated by the system is 0. Maximum length: 2.



shiftSequence: string

Key for Shift Sequence (Consumer). Shows the key of the shift sequence that you have created for the consuming work center. You use the shift grouping and the shift sequence to specify the working times of the consuming work center in detail. The system calculates the calendar buffer from this information.You can specify the shift sequence in the calculation profile and in the PSA. The shift sequence you specify in the PVB overrides one that you may have entered in the calculation profile.If you do not specify any data for the working time for the consuming work center, the system uses the data that you have maintained for the supplier (supply source). In this case, the calendar buffer calculated by the system is 0. Maximum length: 4.



storageLocation: string

Storage Location. Maximum length: 4.



toProductionSupplyAreaAddress: ProductionSupplyAreaAddress

One-to-one navigation property to the ProductionSupplyAreaAddress entity.


toProductionSupplyAreaText: ProductionSupplyAreaText[]

One-to-many navigation property to the ProductionSupplyAreaText entity.


unloadingPointName: string

Unloading Point. Specifies the point at which the material is to be unloaded (for example, ramp 1). Maximum length: 25.



unloadingWarehouseStagingArea: string

(Automotive) Unloading Point. Describes the unloading point that is communicated to the vendor in the corresponding release order (forecast delivery schedule, JIT delivery schedule, or kanban summarized JIT call). Unloading points in the goods receipt process are understood to be the place where delivered goods are physically unloaded.The unloading point entered is transmitted to the vendor in the forecast delivery schedule, the JIT delivery schedule, or the kanban summarized JIT call.The unloading point is copied from the referenced scheduling agreement or summarized JIT call for the (Automotive) goods receipt process. You can use it as a selection criterion.You must enter the plant and the storage location before you can enter the Automotive unloading point in an MM scheduling agreement item.The permissible (Automotive) unloading points are determined from the staging areas, which you can maintain in Customizing for Logistics Execution.Staging areas were originally organizational units for Logistics Execution. They are now used - described as (Automotive) unloading point - to represent unloading points in the Automotive environment.NoteThe following terms are used synonymously:Unloading point (Automotive) <-> Staging area (Logistics Execution)Unloading zone (Automotive) <-> Door (WM/Logistics Execution)For further information on the use of (Automotive) unloading zones, see the SAP Library under SAP Automotive -> MM Scheduling Agreement Enhancements.The following example describes how you can use (Automotive) unloading points in MM scheduling agreement items:Warehouse number 001 is assigned to the combination plant 0001/storage location 0001 in Customizing for the Enterprise Structure, under Assignment -> Logistics Execution -> Assign warehouse number to plant/storage location.The staging areas (or Automotive unloading points) A1, A2, and A3 have been created in Customizing for Logistics Execution, under Warehouse Management -> Master Data -> Define material staging areas.Plant 0001 and storage location 0001 have been entered in the MM scheduling agreement item.ResultThe system determines the warehouse number and then the corresponding staging areas (or Automotive unloading points) from the plant/storage location combination.Unloading points A1, A2, and A3 are proposed when you use the input help when editing scheduling agreements.The unloading point selected is transmitted to the vendor in the delivery schedule. Maximum length: 10.



FACTORY_CALENDAR: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('FactoryCalendar', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the factoryCalendar property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


LAST_CHANGE_DATE_TIME: DateField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new DateField('LastChangeDateTime', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.DateTimeOffset')

Static representation of the lastChangeDateTime property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.

Static PLANT

PLANT: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('Plant', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the plant property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PRODUCTION_SUPPLY_AREA: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('ProductionSupplyArea', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the productionSupplyArea property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PRODUCTION_SUPPLY_AREA_ADDRESS_ID: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('ProductionSupplyAreaAddressID', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the productionSupplyAreaAddressId property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PRODUCTION_SUPPLY_AREA_RESP_PERSON: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('ProductionSupplyAreaRespPerson', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the productionSupplyAreaRespPerson property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PULL_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES: BigNumberField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new BigNumberField('PullIntervalInMinutes', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.Decimal')

Static representation of the pullIntervalInMinutes property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PULL_INTERVAL_IN_WORKDAYS: BigNumberField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new BigNumberField('PullIntervalInWorkdays', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.Decimal')

Static representation of the pullIntervalInWorkdays property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SHIFT_GROUPING: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('ShiftGrouping', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the shiftGrouping property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SHIFT_SEQUENCE: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('ShiftSequence', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the shiftSequence property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


STORAGE_LOCATION: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('StorageLocation', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the storageLocation property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TO_PRODUCTION_SUPPLY_AREA_ADDRESS: OneToOneLink<ProductionSupplyArea, ProductionSupplyAreaAddress> = new OneToOneLink('to_ProductionSupplyAreaAddress', ProductionSupplyArea, ProductionSupplyAreaAddress)

Static representation of the one-to-one navigation property toProductionSupplyAreaAddress for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TO_PRODUCTION_SUPPLY_AREA_TEXT: Link<ProductionSupplyArea, ProductionSupplyAreaText> = new Link('to_ProductionSupplyAreaText', ProductionSupplyArea, ProductionSupplyAreaText)

Static representation of the one-to-many navigation property toProductionSupplyAreaText for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


UNLOADING_POINT_NAME: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('UnloadingPointName', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the unloadingPointName property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


UNLOADING_WAREHOUSE_STAGING_AREA: StringField<ProductionSupplyArea> = new StringField('UnloadingWarehouseStagingArea', ProductionSupplyArea, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the unloadingWarehouseStagingArea property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.

Static _allFields


All fields of the ProductionSupplyArea entity.

Static _defaultServicePath

_defaultServicePath: string = "/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PRODUCTIONSUPPLYAREA_SRV"

Default url path for the according service.

Static _entityName

_entityName: string = "A_ProductionSupplyArea"

Technical entity name for ProductionSupplyArea.

Static _keyFields

_keyFields: Array<Selectable<ProductionSupplyArea>> = [ProductionSupplyArea.PRODUCTION_SUPPLY_AREA, ProductionSupplyArea.PLANT]

All key fields of the ProductionSupplyArea entity.

Static _keys

_keys: any = ProductionSupplyArea._keyFields.reduce((acc: any, field) => {acc[field.fieldName] = field;return acc;}, {})

Mapping of all key field names to the respective static field property ProductionSupplyArea.

Static _serviceName


Technical service name for ProductionSupplyArea.


Static builder

Static requestBuilder

  • Returns a request builder to construct requests for operations on the ProductionSupplyArea entity type.

    Returns ProductionSupplyAreaRequestBuilder

    A ProductionSupplyArea request builder.