Network Communication


Use NetworkConnectivityCheck to easily register an observer to the API and receive information about the current network status of your device.


You have two options when working with the NetworkConnectivityCheck. You can:

  1. Register a class as an observer at the ConnectivityReceiver to receive consistent updates about the status of your device’s reachability. To use the ConnectivityReceiver you have to implement the ConnectivityObserver protocol in your class and implement the given functions.
  2. Check the reachability manually with the ConnectivityUtils class.
// register observer to start the Monitoring

// MARK: Protocol Functions
func connectionEstablished() {
    logger.debug("Connection established")
    // do something useful

func connectionChanged(_ previousReachabilityType: ReachabilityType, reachabilityType: ReachabilityType) {
    logger.debug("connection changed")
    // do something useful

func connectionLost() {
    logger.debug("Connection lost")
    // do something useful

You should always unregister your observers to prevent memory leaks:

// unregister observer, if observer list is empty the monitoring stops

You can check the actual network status of your device manually with the help of the ConnectivityUtils class:

// This example checks the status manually inside IBActions

@IBOutlet weak var manuallyConnectivityLabel: UILabel!

@IBAction func checkMobile(_ sender: UIButton) {
    if ConnectivityUtils.isMobileConnected() {
        manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "Mobile connected!"
    } else {
        manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "Mobile not connected!"

@IBAction func checkWiFi(_ sender: UIButton) {
    if ConnectivityUtils.isWiFiConnected() {
        manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "WiFi connected!"
    } else {
        manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "WiFi not connected!"

@IBAction func checkOnline(_ sender: UIButton) {
    if ConnectivityUtils.isConnected() {
        manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "Internet connected!"
    } else {
        manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "Internet not connected!"

    // or ask if a specific `ReachabilityType`is connected.
    if ConnectivityUtils.isConnected(ReachabilityType.wifi) {
        // Connected via WiFi

NetworkConnectivityCheck component Logger ID

This component uses the following name prefix for logging: ‘SAP.Foundation.NetworkConnectivityCheck’

  • Observer protocol for receiving information about connectivity type changes.

    See more



    public protocol ConnectivityObserver : AnyObject
  • The ConnectivityReceiver informs all registered ConnectivityObservers about connectivity type changes.

    To use the ConnectivityReceiver you have to implement the ConnectivityObserver protocol in your class and implement the given functions.

    // register observer to start the Monitoring
    // MARK: Protocol Functions
    func connectionEstablished() {
       logger.debug("Connection established")
       // do something useful
    func connectionChanged(_ previousReachabilityType: ReachabilityType, reachabilityType: ReachabilityType) {
       logger.debug("connection changed")
       // do something useful
    func connectionLost() {
       logger.debug("Connection lost")
       // do something useful

    You always should unregister your observers to prevent memory leaks.

    // unregister observer, if observer list is empty the monitoring stops
    See more



    public class ConnectivityReceiver
  • A utils class to determine the connectivity status.

    If you want to check the actual network status of your device manually you can do this with the help of the ConnectivityUtils class.

    // This example checks the status manually inside IBActions
    @IBOutlet weak var manuallyConnectivityLabel: UILabel!
    @IBAction func checkMobile(_ sender: UIButton) {
       if ConnectivityUtils.isMobileConnected() {
           manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "Mobile connected!"
       } else {
           manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "Mobile not connected!"
    @IBAction func checkWiFi(_ sender: UIButton) {
       if ConnectivityUtils.isWiFiConnected() {
           manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "WiFi connected!"
       } else {
           manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "WiFi not connected!"
    @IBAction func checkOnline(_ sender: UIButton) {
       if ConnectivityUtils.isConnected() {
           manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "Internet connected!"
       } else {
           manuallyConnectivityLabel.text = "Internet not connected!"
       // or ask if a specific `ReachabilityType`is connected.
       if ConnectivityUtils.isConnected(ReachabilityType.wifi) {
           // Connected via WiFi
    See more



    public struct ConnectivityUtils
  • The ReachabilityType enum defines a set of Reachability Types which are representing the actual status of the devices reachability.

    See more



    public enum ReachabilityType : CustomStringConvertible