public static class PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder extends Object
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder reservation(@Nullable String reservation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Reservation
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder reservationItem(@Nullable String reservationItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReservationItem
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder plannedOrder(@Nullable String plannedOrder)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PlannedOrder
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder bOMItem(@Nullable String bOMItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BOMItem
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder bOMItemDescription(@Nullable String bOMItemDescription)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BOMItemDescription
If this text length (two lines of 40 characters each) is not sufficient, you can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Extras -> Long text -> Item.When you create an item long text, the first 80 characters of the BOM item text are copied to the long text.If you change the BOM item text, the first 80 characters of long text are automatically changed, too. If you change the first two lines of the BOM item long text, the short text is automatically changed.Note:For text items, this text is copied to the component description field on the item overview.
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder billOfMaterialCategory(@Nullable String billOfMaterialCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialCategory
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder sortField(@Nullable String sortField)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SortField
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder billOfMaterialItemNumber(@Nullable String billOfMaterialItemNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemNumber
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder billOfMaterialInternalID(@Nullable String billOfMaterialInternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialInternalID
The system assigns this number internally. These numbers are irrelevant to the user. You access the BOM by entering the object (for example, material or equipment) to which the BOM belongs.The system stores the following information under this number:all alternatives in a multiple BOMall variants in a variant BOMBOMs that are allocated to more than one plant
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder billOfMaterialVariant(@Nullable String billOfMaterialVariant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariant
One product or assembly can be described by a number of (alternative) BOMs that represent, for example, different manufacturing processes for different lot sizes. These alternative BOMs are grouped together as one multiple BOM.Alternatives are maintained separately for each BOM usage.
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder bOMItemCategory(@Nullable String bOMItemCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BOMItemCategory
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder material(@Nullable String material)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Material
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder matlCompRequirementDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime matlCompRequirementDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MatlCompRequirementDate
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder goodsMovementEntryQty(@Nullable BigDecimal goodsMovementEntryQty)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsMovementEntryQty
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder entryUnit(@Nullable String entryUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: EntryUnit
Enter a unit of measure here only if it differs from the default unit of measure.There are the following default units of measure:the order unit for goods receipts with reference to purchase ordersthe production unit for goods receipts with reference to production ordersthe unit of issue for other goods movementsIf the default unit of measure has not been defined in the material master record, the system will suggest the stockkeeping unit.
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder requiredQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal requiredQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: RequiredQuantity
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder baseUnit(@Nullable String baseUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BaseUnit
You define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record.Since all data is updated in the base unit of measure, your entry is particularly important for the conversion of alternative units of measure. A quantity in the alternative unit of measure can only be shown precisely if its value can be shown with the decimal places available. To ensure this, please note the following:The base unit of measure is the unit satisfying the highest necessary requirement for precision.The conversion of alternative units of measure to the base unit should result in simple decimal fractions (not, for example, 1/3 = 0.333...).Inventory ManagementIn Inventory Management, the base unit of measure is the same as the stockkeeping unit.ServicesServices have units of measure of their own, including the following:Service unitUnit of measure at the higher item level. The precise quantities of the individual services are each at the detailed service line level.BlanketUnit of measure at service line level for services to be provided once only, and for which no precise quantities can or are to be specified.
enter in other units of measure (alternative units of measure) to the base unit of measure.public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder withdrawnQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal withdrawnQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WithdrawnQuantity
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder debitCreditCode(@Nullable String debitCreditCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DebitCreditCode
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder componentScrapInPercent(@Nullable BigDecimal componentScrapInPercent)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ComponentScrapInPercent
Component scrap is used in material requirements planning (MRP) to determine the quantities of components required. When exploding the bill of material (BOM), the system increases the required quantities of the components by the calculated scrap quantity.ExampleRequired quantity 200 piecesComponent scrap 10%Scrap quantity 20 piecesTherefore, 220 pieces are required.For examples of calculation in connection with the indicator for net scrap, see the documentation for this indicator.If there is also assembly scrap for a higher-level assembly, the system adds together the two types of scrap.If component scrap has been entered in the BOM, this value applies. Otherwise, the value specified in the material master record is used.
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder quantityIsFixed(@Nullable Boolean quantityIsFixed)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: QuantityIsFixed
Set this indicator if the quantity in a relational system does not change.If an item of a BOM is marked as being fixed and the quantity of the finished product to be manufactured is changed, the quantity of this item does not change.If a "materials to be provided" item is not marked as being fixed, and the quantity of the subcontracted item is changed, the quantity of the material to be provided to the subcontractor changes proportionately.
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder materialComponentIsPhantomItem(@Nullable Boolean materialComponentIsPhantomItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialComponentIsPhantomItem
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder plant(@Nullable String plant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder storageLocation(@Nullable String storageLocation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StorageLocation
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder supplyArea(@Nullable String supplyArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplyArea
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder mRPController(@Nullable String mRPController)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MRPController
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder orderPathValue(@Nullable String orderPathValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrderPathValue
Order levels and order paths together indicate the exact item of a phantom assembly within a bill of material.A bill of material contains the following phantom assemblies (PhantAs) and materials:Material'A'___________________________________________PhantAs'B' PhantAs'C' Material'D'_____________ ___________PhantAs'E' Material'F' Material'G' Material'H'Material'J'To be able to trace individual phantom assemblies through the BOM structure, the order levels and paths are given according to the following logic:One number for the order level is given per BOM levelOne number for the order path is given per BOM pathIn the following BOM, the first number shows the order level and the second number shows the order path. Here, the following is valid: If a material is not a phantom assembly, the number '0' is given as level and path. However, if a material is a component of a phantom assembly, then the phantom assembly passes its level and path on to this component.Material'A'(0/0)___________________________________________PhantAs'B' PhantAs'C' Material'D'(1/1) (1/2) (0/0)_____________ ___________PhantAs'E' Material'F' Material'G' Material'H'(2/1) (1/1) (1/2) (1/2)Material'J'(2/1)
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder orderLevelValue(@Nullable String orderLevelValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrderLevelValue
Order level and order path together define the exact position of a phantom assembly within the bill of material structure.A bill of material contains the following phantom assemblies (PhanAS) and materials:Material'A'___________________________________________PhantAS'B' PhantAS'C' Material'D'_____________ ___________PhantAS'E' Material'F' Material'G' Material'H'Material'J'To retrace the position of individual phantom assemblies within the BOM structure, the order levels and order paths are given according to the following logic:per BOM level, a number is given for the order levelper BOM branch, a number is given for the order pathIn the following BOM, the first character displays the order level, and the second character displays the order path. Here, the following is valid: If the material is not a phantom assembly, the system gives it the character '0' for both level and path. However, if a material is a component of a phantom assembly, then it also receives the level and path of the phantom assembly.Material'A'(0/0)___________________________________________PhantAS'B' PhantAS'C' Material'D'(1/1) (1/2) (0/0)_____________ ___________PhantAS'E' Material'F' Material'G' Material'H'(2/1) (1/1) (1/2) (1/2)Material'J'(2/1)
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder assembly(@Nullable String assembly)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Assembly
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder assemblyOrderPathValue(@Nullable String assemblyOrderPathValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AssemblyOrderPathValue
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder assemblyOrderLevelValue(@Nullable String assemblyOrderLevelValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AssemblyOrderLevelValue
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder discontinuationGroup(@Nullable String discontinuationGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DiscontinuationGroup
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder matlCompDiscontinuationType(@Nullable String matlCompDiscontinuationType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MatlCompDiscontinuationType
If the indicator is set, the system passes on the dependent requirements that are no longer covered by the warehouse stock of the material to the follow-up material during the planning run.Prerequisites:Materials and follow-up materials must by planned using one of the MRP procedures.The base unit of measure of the follow-up material must be the same as the base unit of measure of the material to be discontinued.
discontinuation procedure during the planning run.public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder matlCompIsFollowUpMaterial(@Nullable Boolean matlCompIsFollowUpMaterial)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MatlCompIsFollowUpMaterial
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder followUpGroup(@Nullable String followUpGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FollowUpGroup
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder followUpMaterial(@Nullable String followUpMaterial)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FollowUpMaterial
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder followUpMaterialIsNotActive(@Nullable Boolean followUpMaterialIsNotActive)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FollowUpMaterialIsNotActive
public PlannedOrderComponent.PlannedOrderComponentBuilder lastChangeDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime lastChangeDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDateTime
public PlannedOrderComponent build()
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