public class CustomerItem extends Object
Structure: BAPIACAR09
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
CustomerItem.CustomerItemBuilder |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CustomerItem.CustomerItemBuilder |
builder() |
protected boolean |
canEqual(Object other) |
boolean |
equals(Object o) |
AssignmentNumber |
Field name: ALLOC_NMBR
AlternativePayee |
Field name: ALT_PAYEE
BankTypeOfAlternativePayer |
Field name: ALT_PAYEE_BANK
ShortKeyForAHouseBank |
Field name: BANK_ID
LocalDate |
Field name: BLINE_DATE
AccountNumberOfTheBranch |
Field name: BRANCH
BudgetPeriod |
BusinessArea |
Field name: BUS_AREA
String |
TechnicalCaseKey |
Field name: CASE_GUID
String |
Field name: C_CTR_AREA
CompanyCode |
Field name: COMP_CODE
CustomerNumber |
Field name: CUSTOMER
DisputeManagementDisputeInterfaceCategory |
DaysForFirstCashDiscount |
Field name: DSCT_DAYS1
DaysForSecondCashDiscount |
Field name: DSCT_DAYS2
PercentageForFirstCashDiscount |
Field name: DSCT_PCT1
PercentageForSecondCashDiscount |
Field name: DSCT_PCT2
DunningArea |
Field name: DUNN_AREA
String |
Field name: DUNN_BLOCK
String |
Field name: DUNN_KEY
Fund |
Field name: FUND
LongFund |
Field name: FUND_LONG
GeneralLedgerAccount |
Field name: GL_ACCOUNT
Grant |
Field name: GRANT_NBR
IdForAccountDetails |
AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber |
Field name: ITEMNO_ACC
String |
Field name: ITEM_TEXT
FundedProgram |
Field name: MEASURE
DeadlineForNetConditions |
Field name: NETTERMS
BranchCode |
PartnerBankType |
Field name: PARTNER_BK
String |
Field name: PARTNER_GUID
String |
Field name: PAYMT_REF
PaymentServiceProvider |
Field name: PAYS_PROV
PaymentReferenceOfPaymentServiceProvider |
Field name: PAYS_TRAN
String |
Field name: PMNT_BLOCK
String |
Field name: PMNTTRMS
PaymentMethodSupplement |
Field name: PMTMTHSUPL
ProfitCenter |
Field name: PROFIT_CTR
AmountInPaymentCurrency |
Field name: PYMT_AMT
AmountInPaymentCurrency16 |
Field name: PYMT_AMT_LONG
CurrencyForAutomaticPayment |
Field name: PYMT_CUR
IsoCodeCurrency |
Field name: PYMT_CUR_ISO
PaymentMethod |
Field name: PYMT_METH
String |
Field name: REF_KEY_1
String |
Field name: REF_KEY_2
String |
Field name: REF_KEY_3
ReportingCountryForDeliveryOfGoodsWithinTheEu |
Field name: REP_COUNTRY_EU
DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds |
Field name: RES_DOC
EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem |
Field name: RES_ITEM
SalesOrderNumber |
Field name: SALES_ORD
StateCentralBankIndicator |
Field name: SCBANK_IND
String |
UniqueReferenceToMandateForEachPayee |
ItemNumberInSalesOrder |
Field name: S_ORD_ITEM
String |
Field name: SP_GL_IND
SupplyingCountry |
Field name: SUPCOUNTRY
SupplierCountryIsoCode |
TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode |
Field name: TAX_CODE
LocalDate |
Field name: TAX_DATE
TaxJurisdiction |
Field name: TAXJURCODE
VatRegistrationNumber |
Field name: VAT_REG_NO
int |
hashCode() |
void |
setAllocNmbr(AssignmentNumber allocNmbr)
Field name: ALLOC_NMBR
void |
setAltPayee(AlternativePayee altPayee)
Field name: ALT_PAYEE
void |
setAltPayeeBank(BankTypeOfAlternativePayer altPayeeBank)
Field name: ALT_PAYEE_BANK
void |
setBankId(ShortKeyForAHouseBank bankId)
Field name: BANK_ID
void |
setBlineDate(LocalDate blineDate)
Field name: BLINE_DATE
void |
setBranch(AccountNumberOfTheBranch branch)
Field name: BRANCH
void |
setBudgetPeriod(BudgetPeriod budgetPeriod)
void |
setBusArea(BusinessArea busArea)
Field name: BUS_AREA
void |
setBusinessplace(String businessplace)
void |
setCaseGuid(TechnicalCaseKey caseGuid)
Field name: CASE_GUID
void |
setCCtrArea(String cCtrArea)
Field name: C_CTR_AREA
void |
setCompCode(CompanyCode compCode)
Field name: COMP_CODE
void |
setCustomer(CustomerNumber customer)
Field name: CUSTOMER
void |
setDisputeIfType(DisputeManagementDisputeInterfaceCategory disputeIfType)
void |
setDsctDays1(DaysForFirstCashDiscount dsctDays1)
Field name: DSCT_DAYS1
void |
setDsctDays2(DaysForSecondCashDiscount dsctDays2)
Field name: DSCT_DAYS2
void |
setDsctPct1(PercentageForFirstCashDiscount dsctPct1)
Field name: DSCT_PCT1
void |
setDsctPct2(PercentageForSecondCashDiscount dsctPct2)
Field name: DSCT_PCT2
void |
setDunnArea(DunningArea dunnArea)
Field name: DUNN_AREA
void |
setDunnBlock(String dunnBlock)
Field name: DUNN_BLOCK
void |
setDunnKey(String dunnKey)
Field name: DUNN_KEY
void |
setFund(Fund fund)
Field name: FUND
void |
setFundLong(LongFund fundLong)
Field name: FUND_LONG
void |
setGlAccount(GeneralLedgerAccount glAccount)
Field name: GL_ACCOUNT
void |
setGrantNbr(Grant grantNbr)
Field name: GRANT_NBR
void |
setHousebankacctid(IdForAccountDetails housebankacctid)
void |
setItemnoAcc(AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber itemnoAcc)
Field name: ITEMNO_ACC
void |
setItemText(String itemText)
Field name: ITEM_TEXT
void |
setMeasure(FundedProgram measure)
Field name: MEASURE
void |
setNetterms(DeadlineForNetConditions netterms)
Field name: NETTERMS
void |
setPartBusinessplace(BranchCode partBusinessplace)
void |
setPartnerBk(PartnerBankType partnerBk)
Field name: PARTNER_BK
void |
setPartnerGuid(String partnerGuid)
Field name: PARTNER_GUID
void |
setPaymtRef(String paymtRef)
Field name: PAYMT_REF
void |
setPaysProv(PaymentServiceProvider paysProv)
Field name: PAYS_PROV
void |
setPaysTran(PaymentReferenceOfPaymentServiceProvider paysTran)
Field name: PAYS_TRAN
void |
setPmntBlock(String pmntBlock)
Field name: PMNT_BLOCK
void |
setPmnttrms(String pmnttrms)
Field name: PMNTTRMS
void |
setPmtmthsupl(PaymentMethodSupplement pmtmthsupl)
Field name: PMTMTHSUPL
void |
setProfitCtr(ProfitCenter profitCtr)
Field name: PROFIT_CTR
void |
setPymtAmt(AmountInPaymentCurrency pymtAmt)
Field name: PYMT_AMT
void |
setPymtAmtLong(AmountInPaymentCurrency16 pymtAmtLong)
Field name: PYMT_AMT_LONG
void |
setPymtCur(CurrencyForAutomaticPayment pymtCur)
Field name: PYMT_CUR
void |
setPymtCurIso(IsoCodeCurrency pymtCurIso)
Field name: PYMT_CUR_ISO
void |
setPymtMeth(PaymentMethod pymtMeth)
Field name: PYMT_METH
void |
setRefKey1(String refKey1)
Field name: REF_KEY_1
void |
setRefKey2(String refKey2)
Field name: REF_KEY_2
void |
setRefKey3(String refKey3)
Field name: REF_KEY_3
void |
setRepCountryEu(ReportingCountryForDeliveryOfGoodsWithinTheEu repCountryEu)
Field name: REP_COUNTRY_EU
void |
setResDoc(DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds resDoc)
Field name: RES_DOC
void |
setResItem(EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem resItem)
Field name: RES_ITEM
void |
setSalesOrd(SalesOrderNumber salesOrd)
Field name: SALES_ORD
void |
setScbankInd(StateCentralBankIndicator scbankInd)
Field name: SCBANK_IND
void |
setSectioncode(String sectioncode)
void |
setSepaMandateId(UniqueReferenceToMandateForEachPayee sepaMandateId)
void |
setSOrdItem(ItemNumberInSalesOrder sOrdItem)
Field name: S_ORD_ITEM
void |
setSpGlInd(String spGlInd)
Field name: SP_GL_IND
void |
setSupcountry(SupplyingCountry supcountry)
Field name: SUPCOUNTRY
void |
setSupcountryIso(SupplierCountryIsoCode supcountryIso)
void |
setTaxCode(TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode taxCode)
Field name: TAX_CODE
void |
setTaxDate(LocalDate taxDate)
Field name: TAX_DATE
void |
setTaxjurcode(TaxJurisdiction taxjurcode)
Field name: TAXJURCODE
void |
setVatRegNo(VatRegistrationNumber vatRegNo)
Field name: VAT_REG_NO
String |
toString() |
void |
validate() |
public void validate() throws IllegalArgumentException
public static CustomerItem.CustomerItemBuilder builder()
@Nullable public AssignmentNumber getAllocNmbr()
Type element: ACPI_ZUONR Domain name: ZUONR Internal type: CHAR Description: Assignment Number Max length: 18
@Nullable public AlternativePayee getAltPayee()
Type element: VVABWZE Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Alternative payee Max length: 10
@Nullable public BankTypeOfAlternativePayer getAltPayeeBank()
Type element: VVBVTYPABW Domain name: BVTYP Internal type: CHAR Description: Bank type of alternative payer Max length: 4
@Nullable public ShortKeyForAHouseBank getBankId()
Type element: HBKID Domain name: HBKID Internal type: CHAR Description: Short Key for a House Bank Max length: 5
@Nullable public LocalDate getBlineDate()
Type element: ACPI_ZFBDT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Baseline Date For Due Date Calculation Max length: 8
@Nullable public AccountNumberOfTheBranch getBranch()
Type element: ACPI_FILKD Domain name: LIFNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Account number of the branch Max length: 10
@Nullable public BudgetPeriod getBudgetPeriod()
Type element: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Domain name: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Internal type: CHAR Description: Budget Period Max length: 10
@Nullable public String getBusinessplace()
Type element: ACPI_BRANCH Domain name: CHAR4 Internal type: CHAR Description: Stores Max length: 4
@Nullable public BusinessArea getBusArea()
Type element: GSBER Domain name: GSBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Area Max length: 4
@Nullable public TechnicalCaseKey getCaseGuid()
Type element: SCMG_CASE_GUID Domain name: SYSUUID_C Internal type: CHAR Description: Technical Case Key (Case GUID) Max length: 32
@Nullable public CompanyCode getCompCode()
Type element: BUKRS Domain name: BUKRS Internal type: CHAR Description: Company Code Max length: 4
@Nullable public CustomerNumber getCustomer()
Type element: KUNNR Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Customer Number Max length: 10
@Nullable public String getCCtrArea()
Type element: ACPI_KKBER Domain name: CHAR04 Internal type: CHAR Description: Credit control area Max length: 4
@Nullable public DisputeManagementDisputeInterfaceCategory getDisputeIfType()
Type element: DISPUTE_IF_TYPE Domain name: DISPUTE_IF_TYPE Internal type: CHAR Description: Dispute Management: Dispute Interface Category Max length: 1
@Nullable public DaysForFirstCashDiscount getDsctDays1()
Type element: ACPI_ZBD1T Domain name: ZBDXT Internal type: DEC Description: Days for first cash discount Max length: 2
@Nullable public DaysForSecondCashDiscount getDsctDays2()
Type element: ACPI_ZBD2T Domain name: ZBDXT Internal type: DEC Description: Days for second cash discount Max length: 2
@Nullable public PercentageForFirstCashDiscount getDsctPct1()
Type element: ACPI_ZBD1P Domain name: PRZ23 Internal type: DEC Description: Percentage for First Cash Discount Max length: 3
@Nullable public PercentageForSecondCashDiscount getDsctPct2()
Type element: ACPI_ZBD2P Domain name: PRZ23 Internal type: DEC Description: Percentage for Second Cash Discount Max length: 3
@Nullable public DunningArea getDunnArea()
Type element: ACPI_MABER Domain name: ACPI_MABER Internal type: CHAR Description: Dunning Area Max length: 2
@Nullable public String getDunnBlock()
Type element: ACPI_MANSP Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Dunning Block Max length: 1
@Nullable public String getDunnKey()
Type element: ACPI_MSCHL Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Dunning keys Max length: 1
@Nullable public Fund getFund()
Type element: BP_GEBER Domain name: BP_GEBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Fund Max length: 10
@Nullable public LongFund getFundLong()
Type element: FM_FUND_LONG Domain name: FM_FUND Internal type: CHAR Description: Long Fund (Obsolete) Max length: 20
@Nullable public GeneralLedgerAccount getGlAccount()
Type element: HKONT Domain name: SAKNR Internal type: CHAR Description: General Ledger Account Max length: 10
@Nullable public Grant getGrantNbr()
Type element: GM_GRANT_NBR Domain name: GM_GRANT_NBR Internal type: CHAR Description: Grant Max length: 20
@Nullable public IdForAccountDetails getHousebankacctid()
Type element: HKTID Domain name: HKTID Internal type: CHAR Description: ID for Account Details Max length: 5
@Nullable public AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber getItemnoAcc()
Type element: POSNR_ACC Domain name: POSNR_ACC Internal type: NUMC Description: Accounting Document Line Item Number Max length: 10
@Nullable public String getItemText()
Type element: SGTXT Domain name: TEXT50 Internal type: CHAR Description: Item Text Max length: 50
@Nullable public FundedProgram getMeasure()
Type element: FM_MEASURE Domain name: FM_MEASURE Internal type: CHAR Description: Funded Program Max length: 24
@Nullable public DeadlineForNetConditions getNetterms()
Type element: ACPI_ZBD3T Domain name: ZBDXT Internal type: DEC Description: Deadline for net conditions Max length: 2
@Nullable public PartnerBankType getPartnerBk()
Type element: BVTYP Domain name: BVTYP Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner bank type Max length: 4
@Nullable public String getPartnerGuid()
Type element: ACPI_GC_PARTNEG Domain name: CHAR32 Internal type: CHAR Description: Com. Interface: Business Partner GUID Max length: 32
@Nullable public BranchCode getPartBusinessplace()
Type element: BCODE Domain name: BCODE Internal type: CHAR Description: Branch Code Max length: 5
@Nullable public String getPaymtRef()
Type element: ACPI_KIDNO Domain name: CHAR30 Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment Reference Max length: 30
@Nullable public PaymentServiceProvider getPaysProv()
Type element: COM_WEC_PAYMENT_SRV_PROVIDER Domain name: COM_WEC_PAYMENT_SRV_PROVIDER Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment Service Provider Max length: 4
@Nullable public PaymentReferenceOfPaymentServiceProvider getPaysTran()
Type element: FPS_TRANSACTION Domain name: COM_WEC_PSP_TRANSACTION_ID Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment Reference of Payment Service Provider Max length: 35
@Nullable public String getPmnttrms()
Type element: ACPI_ZTERM Domain name: CHAR4 Internal type: CHAR Description: Terms of Payment Key Max length: 4
@Nullable public String getPmntBlock()
Type element: ACPI_ZLSPR Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment block key Max length: 1
@Nullable public PaymentMethodSupplement getPmtmthsupl()
Type element: UZAWE Domain name: UZAWE Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment method supplement Max length: 2
@Nullable public ProfitCenter getProfitCtr()
Type element: PRCTR Domain name: PRCTR Internal type: CHAR Description: Profit Center Max length: 10
@Nullable public AmountInPaymentCurrency getPymtAmt()
Type element: ACPI_PYAMT Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: DEC Description: Amount in Payment Currency Max length: 12
@Nullable public AmountInPaymentCurrency16 getPymtAmtLong()
Type element: ACPI_PYAMT_31 Domain name: BAPICUREXT31 Internal type: DEC Description: Amount in Payment Currency (31 digits) Max length: 16
@Nullable public CurrencyForAutomaticPayment getPymtCur()
Type element: ACPI_PYCUR Domain name: WAERS Internal type: CUKY Description: Currency for automatic payment Max length: 5
@Nullable public IsoCodeCurrency getPymtCurIso()
Type element: WAERS_ISO Domain name: ISOCD Internal type: CHAR Description: ISO Code Currency Max length: 3
@Nullable public PaymentMethod getPymtMeth()
Type element: ACPI_ZLSCH Domain name: ZLSCH Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment method Max length: 1
@Nullable public String getRefKey1()
Type element: XREF1 Domain name: CHAR12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Partner Reference Key Max length: 12
@Nullable public String getRefKey2()
Type element: XREF2 Domain name: CHAR12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Partner Reference Key Max length: 12
@Nullable public String getRefKey3()
Type element: XREF3 Domain name: CHAR20 Internal type: CHAR Description: Reference key for line item Max length: 20
@Nullable public ReportingCountryForDeliveryOfGoodsWithinTheEu getRepCountryEu()
Type element: EGMLD_BSEZ Domain name: LAND1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Reporting Country for Delivery of Goods within the EU Max length: 3
@Nullable public DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds getResDoc()
Type element: KBLNR Domain name: KBLNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Document Number for Earmarked Funds Max length: 10
@Nullable public EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem getResItem()
Type element: KBLPOS Domain name: KBLPOS Internal type: NUMC Description: Earmarked Funds: Document Item Max length: 3
@Nullable public SalesOrderNumber getSalesOrd()
Type element: KDAUF Domain name: VBELN Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Order Number Max length: 10
@Nullable public StateCentralBankIndicator getScbankInd()
Type element: LZBKZ Domain name: LZBKZ Internal type: CHAR Description: State Central Bank Indicator Max length: 3
@Nullable public String getSectioncode()
Type element: ACPI_SECCO1 Domain name: CHAR4 Internal type: CHAR Description: Section Code Max length: 4
@Nullable public UniqueReferenceToMandateForEachPayee getSepaMandateId()
Type element: SEPA_MNDID Domain name: ID035 Internal type: CHAR Description: Unique Reference to Mandate for each Payee Max length: 35
@Nullable public String getSpGlInd()
Type element: ACPI_UMSKZ Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Special G/L Indicator Max length: 1
@Nullable public SupplyingCountry getSupcountry()
Type element: LANDL Domain name: LAND1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Supplying Country Max length: 3
@Nullable public SupplierCountryIsoCode getSupcountryIso()
Type element: LANDL_ISO Domain name: INTCA Internal type: CHAR Description: Supplier country ISO code Max length: 2
@Nullable public ItemNumberInSalesOrder getSOrdItem()
Type element: KDPOS Domain name: NUM06 Internal type: NUMC Description: Item number in Sales Order Max length: 6
@Nullable public TaxJurisdiction getTaxjurcode()
Type element: TXJCD Domain name: TXJCD Internal type: CHAR Description: Tax Jurisdiction Max length: 15
@Nullable public TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode getTaxCode()
Type element: MWSKZ Domain name: MWSKZ Internal type: CHAR Description: Tax on Sales/Purchases Code Max length: 2
@Nullable public LocalDate getTaxDate()
Type element: ACPI_TXDAT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Date Relevant for Determining the Tax Rate Max length: 8
@Nullable public VatRegistrationNumber getVatRegNo()
Type element: STCEG Domain name: STCEG Internal type: CHAR Description: VAT Registration Number Max length: 20
public void setAllocNmbr(@Nullable AssignmentNumber allocNmbr)
Type element: ACPI_ZUONR Domain name: ZUONR Internal type: CHAR Description: Assignment Number Max length: 18
public void setAltPayee(@Nullable AlternativePayee altPayee)
Type element: VVABWZE Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Alternative payee Max length: 10
public void setAltPayeeBank(@Nullable BankTypeOfAlternativePayer altPayeeBank)
Type element: VVBVTYPABW Domain name: BVTYP Internal type: CHAR Description: Bank type of alternative payer Max length: 4
public void setBankId(@Nullable ShortKeyForAHouseBank bankId)
Type element: HBKID Domain name: HBKID Internal type: CHAR Description: Short Key for a House Bank Max length: 5
public void setBlineDate(@Nullable LocalDate blineDate)
Type element: ACPI_ZFBDT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Baseline Date For Due Date Calculation Max length: 8
public void setBranch(@Nullable AccountNumberOfTheBranch branch)
Type element: ACPI_FILKD Domain name: LIFNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Account number of the branch Max length: 10
public void setBudgetPeriod(@Nullable BudgetPeriod budgetPeriod)
Type element: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Domain name: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Internal type: CHAR Description: Budget Period Max length: 10
public void setBusinessplace(@Nullable String businessplace)
Type element: ACPI_BRANCH Domain name: CHAR4 Internal type: CHAR Description: Stores Max length: 4
public void setBusArea(@Nullable BusinessArea busArea)
Type element: GSBER Domain name: GSBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Area Max length: 4
public void setCaseGuid(@Nullable TechnicalCaseKey caseGuid)
Type element: SCMG_CASE_GUID Domain name: SYSUUID_C Internal type: CHAR Description: Technical Case Key (Case GUID) Max length: 32
public void setCompCode(@Nullable CompanyCode compCode)
Type element: BUKRS Domain name: BUKRS Internal type: CHAR Description: Company Code Max length: 4
public void setCustomer(@Nullable CustomerNumber customer)
Type element: KUNNR Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Customer Number Max length: 10
public void setCCtrArea(@Nullable String cCtrArea)
Type element: ACPI_KKBER Domain name: CHAR04 Internal type: CHAR Description: Credit control area Max length: 4
public void setDisputeIfType(@Nullable DisputeManagementDisputeInterfaceCategory disputeIfType)
Type element: DISPUTE_IF_TYPE Domain name: DISPUTE_IF_TYPE Internal type: CHAR Description: Dispute Management: Dispute Interface Category Max length: 1
public void setDsctDays1(@Nullable DaysForFirstCashDiscount dsctDays1)
Type element: ACPI_ZBD1T Domain name: ZBDXT Internal type: DEC Description: Days for first cash discount Max length: 2
public void setDsctDays2(@Nullable DaysForSecondCashDiscount dsctDays2)
Type element: ACPI_ZBD2T Domain name: ZBDXT Internal type: DEC Description: Days for second cash discount Max length: 2
public void setDsctPct1(@Nullable PercentageForFirstCashDiscount dsctPct1)
Type element: ACPI_ZBD1P Domain name: PRZ23 Internal type: DEC Description: Percentage for First Cash Discount Max length: 3
public void setDsctPct2(@Nullable PercentageForSecondCashDiscount dsctPct2)
Type element: ACPI_ZBD2P Domain name: PRZ23 Internal type: DEC Description: Percentage for Second Cash Discount Max length: 3
public void setDunnArea(@Nullable DunningArea dunnArea)
Type element: ACPI_MABER Domain name: ACPI_MABER Internal type: CHAR Description: Dunning Area Max length: 2
public void setDunnBlock(@Nullable String dunnBlock)
Type element: ACPI_MANSP Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Dunning Block Max length: 1
public void setDunnKey(@Nullable String dunnKey)
Type element: ACPI_MSCHL Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Dunning keys Max length: 1
public void setFund(@Nullable Fund fund)
Type element: BP_GEBER Domain name: BP_GEBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Fund Max length: 10
public void setFundLong(@Nullable LongFund fundLong)
Type element: FM_FUND_LONG Domain name: FM_FUND Internal type: CHAR Description: Long Fund (Obsolete) Max length: 20
public void setGlAccount(@Nullable GeneralLedgerAccount glAccount)
Type element: HKONT Domain name: SAKNR Internal type: CHAR Description: General Ledger Account Max length: 10
public void setGrantNbr(@Nullable Grant grantNbr)
Type element: GM_GRANT_NBR Domain name: GM_GRANT_NBR Internal type: CHAR Description: Grant Max length: 20
public void setHousebankacctid(@Nullable IdForAccountDetails housebankacctid)
Type element: HKTID Domain name: HKTID Internal type: CHAR Description: ID for Account Details Max length: 5
public void setItemnoAcc(@Nullable AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber itemnoAcc)
Type element: POSNR_ACC Domain name: POSNR_ACC Internal type: NUMC Description: Accounting Document Line Item Number Max length: 10
public void setItemText(@Nullable String itemText)
Type element: SGTXT Domain name: TEXT50 Internal type: CHAR Description: Item Text Max length: 50
public void setMeasure(@Nullable FundedProgram measure)
Type element: FM_MEASURE Domain name: FM_MEASURE Internal type: CHAR Description: Funded Program Max length: 24
public void setNetterms(@Nullable DeadlineForNetConditions netterms)
Type element: ACPI_ZBD3T Domain name: ZBDXT Internal type: DEC Description: Deadline for net conditions Max length: 2
public void setPartnerBk(@Nullable PartnerBankType partnerBk)
Type element: BVTYP Domain name: BVTYP Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner bank type Max length: 4
public void setPartnerGuid(@Nullable String partnerGuid)
Type element: ACPI_GC_PARTNEG Domain name: CHAR32 Internal type: CHAR Description: Com. Interface: Business Partner GUID Max length: 32
public void setPartBusinessplace(@Nullable BranchCode partBusinessplace)
Type element: BCODE Domain name: BCODE Internal type: CHAR Description: Branch Code Max length: 5
public void setPaymtRef(@Nullable String paymtRef)
Type element: ACPI_KIDNO Domain name: CHAR30 Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment Reference Max length: 30
public void setPaysProv(@Nullable PaymentServiceProvider paysProv)
Type element: COM_WEC_PAYMENT_SRV_PROVIDER Domain name: COM_WEC_PAYMENT_SRV_PROVIDER Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment Service Provider Max length: 4
public void setPaysTran(@Nullable PaymentReferenceOfPaymentServiceProvider paysTran)
Type element: FPS_TRANSACTION Domain name: COM_WEC_PSP_TRANSACTION_ID Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment Reference of Payment Service Provider Max length: 35
public void setPmnttrms(@Nullable String pmnttrms)
Type element: ACPI_ZTERM Domain name: CHAR4 Internal type: CHAR Description: Terms of Payment Key Max length: 4
public void setPmntBlock(@Nullable String pmntBlock)
Type element: ACPI_ZLSPR Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment block key Max length: 1
public void setPmtmthsupl(@Nullable PaymentMethodSupplement pmtmthsupl)
Type element: UZAWE Domain name: UZAWE Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment method supplement Max length: 2
public void setProfitCtr(@Nullable ProfitCenter profitCtr)
Type element: PRCTR Domain name: PRCTR Internal type: CHAR Description: Profit Center Max length: 10
public void setPymtAmt(@Nullable AmountInPaymentCurrency pymtAmt)
Type element: ACPI_PYAMT Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: DEC Description: Amount in Payment Currency Max length: 12
public void setPymtAmtLong(@Nullable AmountInPaymentCurrency16 pymtAmtLong)
Type element: ACPI_PYAMT_31 Domain name: BAPICUREXT31 Internal type: DEC Description: Amount in Payment Currency (31 digits) Max length: 16
public void setPymtCur(@Nullable CurrencyForAutomaticPayment pymtCur)
Type element: ACPI_PYCUR Domain name: WAERS Internal type: CUKY Description: Currency for automatic payment Max length: 5
public void setPymtCurIso(@Nullable IsoCodeCurrency pymtCurIso)
Type element: WAERS_ISO Domain name: ISOCD Internal type: CHAR Description: ISO Code Currency Max length: 3
public void setPymtMeth(@Nullable PaymentMethod pymtMeth)
Type element: ACPI_ZLSCH Domain name: ZLSCH Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment method Max length: 1
public void setRefKey1(@Nullable String refKey1)
Type element: XREF1 Domain name: CHAR12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Partner Reference Key Max length: 12
public void setRefKey2(@Nullable String refKey2)
Type element: XREF2 Domain name: CHAR12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Partner Reference Key Max length: 12
public void setRefKey3(@Nullable String refKey3)
Type element: XREF3 Domain name: CHAR20 Internal type: CHAR Description: Reference key for line item Max length: 20
public void setRepCountryEu(@Nullable ReportingCountryForDeliveryOfGoodsWithinTheEu repCountryEu)
Type element: EGMLD_BSEZ Domain name: LAND1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Reporting Country for Delivery of Goods within the EU Max length: 3
public void setResDoc(@Nullable DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds resDoc)
Type element: KBLNR Domain name: KBLNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Document Number for Earmarked Funds Max length: 10
public void setResItem(@Nullable EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem resItem)
Type element: KBLPOS Domain name: KBLPOS Internal type: NUMC Description: Earmarked Funds: Document Item Max length: 3
public void setSalesOrd(@Nullable SalesOrderNumber salesOrd)
Type element: KDAUF Domain name: VBELN Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Order Number Max length: 10
public void setScbankInd(@Nullable StateCentralBankIndicator scbankInd)
Type element: LZBKZ Domain name: LZBKZ Internal type: CHAR Description: State Central Bank Indicator Max length: 3
public void setSectioncode(@Nullable String sectioncode)
Type element: ACPI_SECCO1 Domain name: CHAR4 Internal type: CHAR Description: Section Code Max length: 4
public void setSepaMandateId(@Nullable UniqueReferenceToMandateForEachPayee sepaMandateId)
Type element: SEPA_MNDID Domain name: ID035 Internal type: CHAR Description: Unique Reference to Mandate for each Payee Max length: 35
public void setSpGlInd(@Nullable String spGlInd)
Type element: ACPI_UMSKZ Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Special G/L Indicator Max length: 1
public void setSupcountry(@Nullable SupplyingCountry supcountry)
Type element: LANDL Domain name: LAND1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Supplying Country Max length: 3
public void setSupcountryIso(@Nullable SupplierCountryIsoCode supcountryIso)
Type element: LANDL_ISO Domain name: INTCA Internal type: CHAR Description: Supplier country ISO code Max length: 2
public void setSOrdItem(@Nullable ItemNumberInSalesOrder sOrdItem)
Type element: KDPOS Domain name: NUM06 Internal type: NUMC Description: Item number in Sales Order Max length: 6
public void setTaxjurcode(@Nullable TaxJurisdiction taxjurcode)
Type element: TXJCD Domain name: TXJCD Internal type: CHAR Description: Tax Jurisdiction Max length: 15
public void setTaxCode(@Nullable TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode taxCode)
Type element: MWSKZ Domain name: MWSKZ Internal type: CHAR Description: Tax on Sales/Purchases Code Max length: 2
public void setTaxDate(@Nullable LocalDate taxDate)
Type element: ACPI_TXDAT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Date Relevant for Determining the Tax Rate Max length: 8
public void setVatRegNo(@Nullable VatRegistrationNumber vatRegNo)
Type element: STCEG Domain name: STCEG Internal type: CHAR Description: VAT Registration Number Max length: 20
protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
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