

Lists supported payment card types.



Returns all catalogs with versions defined for the base store.


Returns a information about a catalog based on its ID, along with versions defined for the current base store.


Returns information about catalog version that exists for the current base store.


Returns information about category that exists in a catalog version available for the current base store.



Lists all available currencies (all usable currencies for the current store).If the list of currencies for stores is empty, a list of all currencies available in the system is returned.



Returns all customer groups that are direct subgroups of a customergroup.

Security: Permitted only for customer managers


Creates a new customer group that is a direct subgroup of a customergroup.

Security: Permitted only for customer managers


Returns a customer group with a specific groupId.

Security: Permitted only for customer managers


Sets members for a user group. The list of existing members is overwritten with a new one.

Security: Permitted only for customer managers


Assigns user(s) to a customer group.

Security: Permitted only for customer managers


Removes user from a customer group.

Security: Permitted only for customer managers



Lists all supported delivery countries for the current store. The list is sorted alphabetically.



Used for product export. Depending on the timestamp parameter, it can return all products or only products modified after the given time.

Security: Allowed only for trusted client



Returns the orders the status has changed for. Returns only the elements from the current baseSite, updated after the provided timestamp.

Security: Allowed only for trusted client



Generates a token to restore customer's forgotten password.

Security: Allowed only for client or trusted client



Lists all available languages (all languages used for a particular store). If the list of languages for a base store is empty, a list of all languages available in the system will be returned.



Returns details of a specific order based on order GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) or order CODE. The response contains a detailed order information.

Security: Allowed only for trusted client



Returns products added to the express update feed. Returns only elements updated after the provided timestamp.The queue is cleared using a defined cronjob.

Security: Permitted only for trusted client


Returns a list of all available suggestions related to a given term and limits the results to a specific value of the max parameter.


Returns details of a single product according to a product code.


Returns references for a product with a given product code. Reference type specifies which references to return.

Security: Permitted only for trusted client


Returns the reviews for a product with a given product code.


Creates a new customer review as an anonymous user.


Returns X-Total-Count header with a total number of product's stock levels. It does not return the HTTP body. The following two sets of parameters are available:

  • location (required) or
  • longitude (required), latitude (required).


Returns product's stock levels sorted by distance from specific location passed by free-text parameter or longitude and latitude parameters. The following two sets of parameters are available:

  • location (required), currentPage (optional), pageSize (optional) or
  • >
  • longitude (required), latitude (required), currentPage (optional), pageSize(optional).


Returns product's stock level for a particular store (POS).



Returns promotions defined for a current base site.

Security: Permitted only for trusted client


Returns details of a single promotion specified by a promotion code.

Security: Permitted only for trusted client



Returns X-Total-Count header with the number of all store locations that are near the location specified in a query, or based on latitude and longitude.


Lists all store locations that are near the location specified in a query or based on latitude and longitude.


Returns store location based on its unique name.



Lists all localized titles.



Registers a customer. The following two sets of parameters are available:

  • First set is used to register a customer. In this case the required parameters are: login, password, firstName, lastName, titleCode.
  • Second set is used to convert a guest to a customer. In this case the required parameters are: guid, password.

    Security: Permitted only for customer managers, clients or trusted clients.


    Returns customer profile.

    Security: Permitted for clients, customers and customer managers


    Updates customer profile. Attributes not provided in the request body will be defined again (set to null or default).

    Security: Permitted for trusted clients, customers and customer managers. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and change profile on their behalf.


    Updates customer profile. Only attributes provided in the request body will be changed.

    Security: Permitted for trusted clients, customers and customer managers. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and change profile on their behalf.


    Removes customer profile.

    Security: Permitted for trusted clients, customers and customer managers. Trusted client is able to impersonate as any other user and deactivate profile on their behalf.


    Returns customer's addresses.

    Security: Permitted for trusted clients, customers and customer managers. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Created a new address.

    Security: Permitted for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Verifies address

    Security: Permitted for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Returns detailed information about address with a given id.

    Security: Permitted for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Updates the address. Attributes not provided in the request will be defined again (set to null or default).

    Security: Permitted for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Updates the address. Only attributes provided in the request body will be changed.

    Security: Permitted for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Removes customer's address.

    Security: Permitted for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Lists all customer carts.

    Security: Permitted only for non-anonymous users.


    Creates a new cart or restores an anonymous cart as a user's cart (if an old Cart Id is given in the request)

    Security: Cart may be created by everybody. Restoring anonymous carts is permitted only for non anonymous users.


    Returns the cart with a given identifier.

    Security: Anonymous user may access cart by its guid. Customer may access only own cart by its id. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Deletes a cart with a given cart id.

    Security: Anonymous user may access cart by its guid. Customer may access only own cart by its id. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Creates an address and assigns it to the cart as the delivery address.

    Security: Permitted only for guests, customer managers or trusted clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Sets a delivery address for the cart. The address country must be placed among the delivery countries of the current base store.

    Security: Permitted only for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Removes the delivery address from the cart.

    Security: Permitted only for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Explicitly clones a cart


    Returns the delivery mode selected for the cart.

    Security: Permitted only for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Sets the delivery mode with a given identifier for the cart.

    Security: Permitted only for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Removes the delivery mode from the cart.

    Security: Permitted only for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Returns all delivery modes supported for the current base store and cart delivery address. A delivery address must be set for the cart, otherwise an empty list will be returned.

    Security: Permitted only for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Assigns an email to the cart. This step is required to make a guest checkout.

    Security: Permitted only for client or trusted client


    Returns cart entries.

    Security: Anonymous user may access cart by its guid. Customer may access only own cart by its id. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Adds a product to the cart.

    Security: Anonymous user may access cart by its guid. Customer may access only own cart by its id. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Returns the details of the cart entries.

    Security: Anonymous user may access cart by its guid. Customer may access only own cart by its id. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Updates the quantity of a single cart entry and details of the store where the cart entry will be picked. Attributes not provided in request will be defined again (set to null or default)

    Security: Anonymous user may access cart by its guid. Customer may access only own cart by its id. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Updates the quantity of a single cart entry and details of the store where the cart entry will be picked.

    Security: Anonymous user may access cart by its guid. Customer may access only own cart by its id. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Deletes cart entry.

    Security: Anonymous user may access cart by its guid. Customer may access only own cart by its id. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Flags a cart for deletion (the cart doesn't have corresponding save cart attributes anymore). The cart is not actually deleted from the database. But with the removal of the saved cart attributes, this cart will be taken care of by the cart removal job just like any other cart.


    Defines details of a new credit card payment details and assigns the payment to the cart.

    Security: Permitted only for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Sets credit card payment details for the cart.

    Security: Permitted only for customers, guests, customer managers or trusted clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Return information about promotions applied on cart

    Security: Permitted only for non anonymous users or clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Enables the promotion for the order based on the promotionId defined for the cart.

    Security: Anonymous user may access cart by its guid. Customer may access only own cart by its id. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Return information about promotion with given id, applied on cart.

    Security: Permitted only for non anonymous users or clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Disables the promotion for the order based on the promotionId defined for the cart.

    Security: Permitted only for trusted clients


    Explicitly saves a cart


    Returns saved cart by it id for authenticated user


    Returns list of vouchers applied to the cart.

    Security: Permitted only for non anonymous users or clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Applies a voucher based on the voucherId defined for the cart.

    Security: Permitted only for non anonymous users or clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Removes a voucher based on the voucherId defined for the current cart.

    Security: Permitted only for non anonymous users or clients. Trusted client or customer manager may impersonate as any user and access cart on their behalf.


    Returns all customer groups of a customer.

    Security: Permitted for customers, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Changes customer's login.

    Security: Permitted for trusted clients, customers and customer managers. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and change login on their behalf.


    Returns X-Total-Count header with a total number of results (orders history for all orders placed by the specific user for the specific base store).

    Security: Allowed only for customers, customer managers, trusted clients. Trusted client is able to impersonate as any customer and access their orders.


    Returns order history data for all orders placed by the specific user for the specific base store. Response contains orders search result displayed in several pages if needed.

    Security: Allowed only for customers, customer managers, trusted clients Trusted client is able to impersonate as any customer and access their orders.


    Authorizes cart and places the order. Response contains the new order data.

    Security: Allowed only for customers, customer managers, clients or trusted clients. Trusted client is able to impersonate as any customer and place order on his behalf


    Returns specific order details based on a specific order code. The response contains detailed order information.

    Security: Allowed only for customers, customer managers, clients or trusted clients. Trusted client is able to impersonate as any customer and access their orders.


    Changes customer's password.

    Security: Permitted for trusted clients, customers and customer managers. Trusted client or customer manager may change someone's else password without knowing the old one.


    Return customer's credit card payment details list.

    Security: Permitted for customers, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Returns customer's credit card payment details for a given id.

    Security: Permitted for customers, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Updates existing customer's credit card payment info based on the payment info ID. Attributes not given in request will be defined again (set to null or default).

    Security: Permitted for customers, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Updates existing customer's credit card payment details based on its ID. Only attributes given in request will be changed.

    Security: Permitted for customers, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.


    Removes customer's credit card payment details based on its ID.

    Security: Permitted for customers, customer managers or trusted client. Trusted client or customer manager is able to impersonate as any other user and access data on their behalf.



    Returns details of a single voucher according to a voucher code.

    Security: Permitted only for trusted client