Object documentationBenefit Point Account Infotype (0717)


The Benefit Point Account (0717) infotype stores the information related to an employee’s benefit point account.


You use this infotype to manage an employee’s benefit point account, points that are carried over from the previous period, and the account balances. The employee can make benefit requests based on the available account balance. When a request is made, the system adjusts the number of points accordingly.

Types of benefit point account are managed as subtypes of this infotype. You define the account types in Customizing for Personnel Management under Start of the navigation path Benefits Next navigation step Benefits Point Systems Next navigation step Point Accounts Next navigation step Define Benefit Point Account Type End of the navigation path.


In this infotype, you manage the following information for an employee:

  • Benefit point account

  • Points that are carried over from the previous period

  • Initial balance of the account


Define the benefit point account settings in Customizing for Personnel Management under Start of the navigation path Benefits Next navigation step Benefits Point Systems Next navigation step Point Accounts End of the navigation path.


You have created a record of the General Benefits Information (0171) infotype.

You have made the settings in Customizing for Personnel Management under Start of the navigation path Personnel & Organization Next navigation step Infotypes Next navigation step Infotypes for Employees Next navigation step Country-Specific Infotypes and Infotype Settings Next navigation step South Korea Next navigation step Infotypes for Country Version South Korea End of the navigation path.