public class MaintenanceTaskListOperation extends VdmEntity<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
Original entity name from the Odata EDM: MaintenanceTaskListOperationType
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Helper class to allow for fluent creation of MaintenanceTaskListOperation instances.
Constructor and Description |
MaintenanceTaskListOperation() |
MaintenanceTaskListOperation(String taskListType,
String taskListGroup,
String taskListGroupCounter,
String taskListSequence,
String taskListOperationInternalId,
String taskListOpBOMItmIntVersCounter,
String maintenanceTaskListOperation,
String maintOperationExecStageCode,
String operationText,
String operationControlProfile,
String workCenter,
String plant,
String assembly,
String operationCalculationControl,
BigDecimal opPlannedWorkQuantity,
String opWorkQuantityUnit,
Short numberOfCapacities,
BigDecimal purchaseOrderQty,
String purchaseOrderQuantityUnit,
BigDecimal operationStandardDuration,
String operationStandardDurationUnit,
String costCtrActivityType,
String materialGroup,
BigDecimal opExternalProcessingPrice,
String opExternalProcessingCurrency,
String costElement,
String purchasingGroup,
String purchasingOrganization,
String purchaseContract,
String purchaseContractItem,
String supplier,
String purchasingInfoRecord,
String isBusinessPurposeCompleted,
String supplierAccountGroup,
String authorizationGroup,
String taskListStatus,
String responsiblePlannerGroup,
String maintenancePlanningPlant,
String maintenancePlannerGroup,
String controllingArea,
String costCenter,
String maintenancePlant,
LocalDate validityStartDate,
LocalDate validityEndDate,
String technicalObject,
String techObjIsEquipOrFuncnlLoc,
Collection<SAP__Message> _Messages,
MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText to_OpLongText,
List<MaintenanceTaskListOpMat> to_OpMaterial,
List<MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp> to_OpRelation,
List<MaintenanceTaskListSubOp> to_SubOp) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addOpMaterial(MaintenanceTaskListOpMat... entity)
Adds elements to the list of associated MaintenanceTaskListOpMat entities.
void |
addOpRelation(MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp... entity)
Adds elements to the list of associated MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp entities.
void |
addSubOp(MaintenanceTaskListSubOp... entity)
Adds elements to the list of associated MaintenanceTaskListSubOp entities.
static MaintenanceTaskListOperation.MaintenanceTaskListOperationBuilder |
builder() |
protected boolean |
canEqual(Object other) |
boolean |
equals(Object o) |
protected void |
fromMap(Map<String,Object> inputValues)
Read entity data from generic map.
Collection<SAP__Message> |
Constraints: Not nullable
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 18
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
protected String |
Used by request builders and navigation property methods to construct OData requests.
protected String |
Used by request builders and navigation property methods to construct OData requests.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
protected ODataEntityKey |
getKey() |
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 9
Short |
Constraints: Not nullable
String |
getOdataType() |
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 11, Scale: 0
io.vavr.control.Option<MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText> |
Retrieval of associated MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText entity (one to one).
io.vavr.control.Option<List<MaintenanceTaskListOpMat>> |
Retrieval of associated MaintenanceTaskListOpMat entities (one to many).
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 7, Scale: 1
io.vavr.control.Option<List<MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp>> |
Retrieval of associated MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp entities (one to many).
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
io.vavr.control.Option<List<MaintenanceTaskListSubOp>> |
Retrieval of associated MaintenanceTaskListSubOp entities (one to many).
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
String |
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
Class<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> |
getType() |
LocalDate |
Constraints: Nullable
LocalDate |
Constraints: Nullable
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
int |
hashCode() |
void |
set_Messages(Collection<SAP__Message> _Messages)
Constraints: Not nullable
void |
setAssembly(String assembly)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 18
void |
setAuthorizationGroup(String authorizationGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setControllingArea(String controllingArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setCostCenter(String costCenter)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setCostCtrActivityType(String costCtrActivityType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
void |
setCostElement(String costElement)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setIsBusinessPurposeCompleted(String isBusinessPurposeCompleted)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setMaintenancePlannerGroup(String maintenancePlannerGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setMaintenancePlanningPlant(String maintenancePlanningPlant)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setMaintenancePlant(String maintenancePlant)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setMaintenanceTaskListOperation(String maintenanceTaskListOperation)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setMaintOperationExecStageCode(String maintOperationExecStageCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setMaterialGroup(String materialGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 9
void |
setNumberOfCapacities(Short numberOfCapacities)
Constraints: Not nullable
void |
setOperationCalculationControl(String operationCalculationControl)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setOperationControlProfile(String operationControlProfile)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setOperationStandardDuration(BigDecimal operationStandardDuration)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 1
void |
setOperationStandardDurationUnit(String operationStandardDurationUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setOperationText(String operationText)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
void |
setOpExternalProcessingCurrency(String opExternalProcessingCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setOpExternalProcessingPrice(BigDecimal opExternalProcessingPrice)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 11, Scale: 0
void |
setOpLongText(MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText value)
Overwrites the associated MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText entity for the loaded navigation property
void |
setOpMaterial(List<MaintenanceTaskListOpMat> value)
Overwrites the list of associated MaintenanceTaskListOpMat entities for the loaded navigation property
void |
setOpPlannedWorkQuantity(BigDecimal opPlannedWorkQuantity)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 7, Scale: 1
void |
setOpRelation(List<MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp> value)
Overwrites the list of associated MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp entities for the loaded navigation
property _OpRelation.
void |
setOpWorkQuantityUnit(String opWorkQuantityUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setPlant(String plant)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setPurchaseContract(String purchaseContract)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setPurchaseContractItem(String purchaseContractItem)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
void |
setPurchaseOrderQty(BigDecimal purchaseOrderQty)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3
void |
setPurchaseOrderQuantityUnit(String purchaseOrderQuantityUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setPurchasingGroup(String purchasingGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setPurchasingInfoRecord(String purchasingInfoRecord)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setPurchasingOrganization(String purchasingOrganization)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setResponsiblePlannerGroup(String responsiblePlannerGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setSubOp(List<MaintenanceTaskListSubOp> value)
Overwrites the list of associated MaintenanceTaskListSubOp entities for the loaded navigation property
void |
setSupplier(String supplier)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
void |
setSupplierAccountGroup(String supplierAccountGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
void |
setTaskListGroup(String taskListGroup)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
void |
setTaskListGroupCounter(String taskListGroupCounter)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2
void |
setTaskListOpBOMItmIntVersCounter(String taskListOpBOMItmIntVersCounter)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
void |
setTaskListOperationInternalId(String taskListOperationInternalId)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
void |
setTaskListSequence(String taskListSequence)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
void |
setTaskListStatus(String taskListStatus)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
void |
setTaskListType(String taskListType)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
void |
setTechnicalObject(String technicalObject)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40
void |
setTechObjIsEquipOrFuncnlLoc(String techObjIsEquipOrFuncnlLoc)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 20
void |
setValidityEndDate(LocalDate validityEndDate)
Constraints: Nullable
void |
setValidityStartDate(LocalDate validityStartDate)
Constraints: Nullable
void |
setWorkCenter(String workCenter)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8
protected Map<String,Object> |
Get all fields as map.
protected Map<String,Object> |
Get navigation properties as map.
String |
toString() |
all, attachToService, getDestinationForFetch, getServicePathForFetch, getVersionIdentifier, setDestinationForFetch, setServicePathForFetch, setVersionIdentifier
getAnnotationProperties, getChangedFields, getCustomField, getCustomField, getCustomFieldNames, getCustomFields, getSetOfCustomFields, getSetOfFields, getSetOfNavigationProperties, hasCustomField, hasCustomField, rememberChangedField, resetChangedFields, setCustomField, setCustomField, toMap, toMapOfCustomFields
public static final SimpleProperty<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> ALL_FIELDS
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> TASK_LIST_TYPE
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> TASK_LIST_GROUP
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> TASK_LIST_GROUP_COUNTER
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> TASK_LIST_SEQUENCE
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> TASK_LIST_OPERATION_INTERNAL_ID
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> TASK_LIST_OP_BOM_ITM_INT_VERS_COUNTER
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> MAINTENANCE_TASK_LIST_OPERATION
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> MAINT_OPERATION_EXEC_STAGE_CODE
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> OPERATION_TEXT
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> OPERATION_CONTROL_PROFILE
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> WORK_CENTER
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> PLANT
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> ASSEMBLY
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> OPERATION_CALCULATION_CONTROL
public static final SimpleProperty.NumericDecimal<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> OP_PLANNED_WORK_QUANTITY
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> OP_WORK_QUANTITY_UNIT
public static final SimpleProperty.NumericInteger<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> NUMBER_OF_CAPACITIES
public static final SimpleProperty.NumericDecimal<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> PURCHASE_ORDER_QTY
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> PURCHASE_ORDER_QUANTITY_UNIT
public static final SimpleProperty.NumericDecimal<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> OPERATION_STANDARD_DURATION
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> OPERATION_STANDARD_DURATION_UNIT
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> COST_CTR_ACTIVITY_TYPE
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> MATERIAL_GROUP
public static final SimpleProperty.NumericDecimal<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> OP_EXTERNAL_PROCESSING_PRICE
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> OP_EXTERNAL_PROCESSING_CURRENCY
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> COST_ELEMENT
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> PURCHASING_GROUP
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> PURCHASING_ORGANIZATION
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> PURCHASE_CONTRACT
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> PURCHASE_CONTRACT_ITEM
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> SUPPLIER
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> PURCHASING_INFO_RECORD
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> IS_BUSINESS_PURPOSE_COMPLETED
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> SUPPLIER_ACCOUNT_GROUP
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> AUTHORIZATION_GROUP
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> TASK_LIST_STATUS
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> RESPONSIBLE_PLANNER_GROUP
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> MAINTENANCE_PLANNING_PLANT
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> MAINTENANCE_PLANNER_GROUP
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> CONTROLLING_AREA
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> COST_CENTER
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> MAINTENANCE_PLANT
public static final SimpleProperty.Date<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> VALIDITY_START_DATE
public static final SimpleProperty.Date<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> VALIDITY_END_DATE
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> TECHNICAL_OBJECT
public static final SimpleProperty.String<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> TECH_OBJ_IS_EQUIP_OR_FUNCNL_LOC
public static final ComplexProperty.Collection<MaintenanceTaskListOperation,SAP__Message> _MESSAGES
public static final NavigationProperty.Single<MaintenanceTaskListOperation,MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText> TO__OP_LONG_TEXT
public static final NavigationProperty.Collection<MaintenanceTaskListOperation,MaintenanceTaskListOpMat> TO__OP_MATERIAL
public static final NavigationProperty.Collection<MaintenanceTaskListOperation,MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp> TO__OP_RELATION
public static final NavigationProperty.Collection<MaintenanceTaskListOperation,MaintenanceTaskListSubOp> TO__SUB_OP
public MaintenanceTaskListOperation()
public MaintenanceTaskListOperation(@Nullable String taskListType, @Nullable String taskListGroup, @Nullable String taskListGroupCounter, @Nullable String taskListSequence, @Nullable String taskListOperationInternalId, @Nullable String taskListOpBOMItmIntVersCounter, @Nullable String maintenanceTaskListOperation, @Nullable String maintOperationExecStageCode, @Nullable String operationText, @Nullable String operationControlProfile, @Nullable String workCenter, @Nullable String plant, @Nullable String assembly, @Nullable String operationCalculationControl, @Nullable BigDecimal opPlannedWorkQuantity, @Nullable String opWorkQuantityUnit, @Nullable Short numberOfCapacities, @Nullable BigDecimal purchaseOrderQty, @Nullable String purchaseOrderQuantityUnit, @Nullable BigDecimal operationStandardDuration, @Nullable String operationStandardDurationUnit, @Nullable String costCtrActivityType, @Nullable String materialGroup, @Nullable BigDecimal opExternalProcessingPrice, @Nullable String opExternalProcessingCurrency, @Nullable String costElement, @Nullable String purchasingGroup, @Nullable String purchasingOrganization, @Nullable String purchaseContract, @Nullable String purchaseContractItem, @Nullable String supplier, @Nullable String purchasingInfoRecord, @Nullable String isBusinessPurposeCompleted, @Nullable String supplierAccountGroup, @Nullable String authorizationGroup, @Nullable String taskListStatus, @Nullable String responsiblePlannerGroup, @Nullable String maintenancePlanningPlant, @Nullable String maintenancePlannerGroup, @Nullable String controllingArea, @Nullable String costCenter, @Nullable String maintenancePlant, @Nullable LocalDate validityStartDate, @Nullable LocalDate validityEndDate, @Nullable String technicalObject, @Nullable String techObjIsEquipOrFuncnlLoc, @Nullable Collection<SAP__Message> _Messages, @Nullable MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText to_OpLongText, List<MaintenanceTaskListOpMat> to_OpMaterial, List<MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp> to_OpRelation, List<MaintenanceTaskListSubOp> to_SubOp)
@Nonnull public Class<MaintenanceTaskListOperation> getType()
in class VdmObject<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
public void setTaskListType(@Nullable String taskListType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListType
- Task List Typepublic void setTaskListGroup(@Nullable String taskListGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListGroup
- Key for Task List Grouppublic void setTaskListGroupCounter(@Nullable String taskListGroupCounter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListGroupCounter
- Group Counterpublic void setTaskListSequence(@Nullable String taskListSequence)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListSequence
- Sequencepublic void setTaskListOperationInternalId(@Nullable String taskListOperationInternalId)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListOperationInternalId
- Number of the Task List Nodepublic void setTaskListOpBOMItmIntVersCounter(@Nullable String taskListOpBOMItmIntVersCounter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListOpBOMItmIntVersCounter
- Internal counterpublic void setMaintenanceTaskListOperation(@Nullable String maintenanceTaskListOperation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintenanceTaskListOperation
- Operation / Phase Numberpublic void setMaintOperationExecStageCode(@Nullable String maintOperationExecStageCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintOperationExecStageCode
- PRE MAIN POSTpublic void setOperationText(@Nullable String operationText)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationText
- Operation Short Textpublic void setOperationControlProfile(@Nullable String operationControlProfile)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationControlProfile
- Control Keypublic void setWorkCenter(@Nullable String workCenter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WorkCenter
- Work Centerpublic void setPlant(@Nullable String plant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
- Plantpublic void setAssembly(@Nullable String assembly)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Assembly
- Assemblypublic void setOperationCalculationControl(@Nullable String operationCalculationControl)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationCalculationControl
- Key for calculationpublic void setOpPlannedWorkQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal opPlannedWorkQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OpPlannedWorkQuantity
- Work involved in the activitypublic void setOpWorkQuantityUnit(@Nullable String opWorkQuantityUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OpWorkQuantityUnit
- Unit for Workpublic void setNumberOfCapacities(@Nullable Short numberOfCapacities)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: NumberOfCapacities
- Number of capacities requiredpublic void setPurchaseOrderQty(@Nullable BigDecimal purchaseOrderQty)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseOrderQty
- Purchase Order Quantity: Operationpublic void setPurchaseOrderQuantityUnit(@Nullable String purchaseOrderQuantityUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit
- Operation order quantity unitpublic void setOperationStandardDuration(@Nullable BigDecimal operationStandardDuration)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationStandardDuration
- Normal Duration of Activitypublic void setOperationStandardDurationUnit(@Nullable String operationStandardDurationUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationStandardDurationUnit
- Normal Duration/Unitpublic void setCostCtrActivityType(@Nullable String costCtrActivityType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CostCtrActivityType
- Activity Typepublic void setMaterialGroup(@Nullable String materialGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroup
- Material Grouppublic void setOpExternalProcessingPrice(@Nullable BigDecimal opExternalProcessingPrice)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OpExternalProcessingPrice
- The opExternalProcessingPrice to set.public void setOpExternalProcessingCurrency(@Nullable String opExternalProcessingCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OpExternalProcessingCurrency
- Currency Keypublic void setCostElement(@Nullable String costElement)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CostElement
- Cost Elementpublic void setPurchasingGroup(@Nullable String purchasingGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroup
- Purchasing Group for External Processing Activitypublic void setPurchasingOrganization(@Nullable String purchasingOrganization)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganization
- Purchasing Organizationpublic void setPurchaseContract(@Nullable String purchaseContract)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContract
- Purchasing Document Numberpublic void setPurchaseContractItem(@Nullable String purchaseContractItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContractItem
- Item Number of Purchasing Documentpublic void setSupplier(@Nullable String supplier)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplier
- Account Number of Supplierpublic void setPurchasingInfoRecord(@Nullable String purchasingInfoRecord)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingInfoRecord
- Number of Purchasing Info Recordpublic void setIsBusinessPurposeCompleted(@Nullable String isBusinessPurposeCompleted)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsBusinessPurposeCompleted
- Business Purpose Completed Flagpublic void setSupplierAccountGroup(@Nullable String supplierAccountGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplierAccountGroup
- Supplier Account Grouppublic void setAuthorizationGroup(@Nullable String authorizationGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AuthorizationGroup
- Authorization Grouppublic void setTaskListStatus(@Nullable String taskListStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListStatus
- Statuspublic void setResponsiblePlannerGroup(@Nullable String responsiblePlannerGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ResponsiblePlannerGroup
- Responsible Planner Group or Departmentpublic void setMaintenancePlanningPlant(@Nullable String maintenancePlanningPlant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintenancePlanningPlant
- Maintenance Planning Plantpublic void setMaintenancePlannerGroup(@Nullable String maintenancePlannerGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintenancePlannerGroup
- Planner Group for Customer Service and Plant Maintenancepublic void setControllingArea(@Nullable String controllingArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ControllingArea
- Controlling Areapublic void setCostCenter(@Nullable String costCenter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CostCenter
- Cost Centerpublic void setMaintenancePlant(@Nullable String maintenancePlant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintenancePlant
- Maintenance Plantpublic void setValidityStartDate(@Nullable LocalDate validityStartDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ValidityStartDate
- Valid-From Datepublic void setValidityEndDate(@Nullable LocalDate validityEndDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ValidityEndDate
- Valid-To Datepublic void setTechnicalObject(@Nullable String technicalObject)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TechnicalObject
- Technical Objectpublic void setTechObjIsEquipOrFuncnlLoc(@Nullable String techObjIsEquipOrFuncnlLoc)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TechObjIsEquipOrFuncnlLoc
- Technical Object Typepublic void set_Messages(@Nullable Collection<SAP__Message> _Messages)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SAP__Messages
- The _Messages to set.protected String getEntityCollection()
in class VdmEntity<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
@Nonnull protected ODataEntityKey getKey()
in class VdmObject<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
@Nonnull protected Map<String,Object> toMapOfFields()
in class VdmObject<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
protected void fromMap(Map<String,Object> inputValues)
in class VdmObject<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
- The key-value map.protected String getDefaultServicePath()
in class VdmEntity<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
and the OData resource name (entity set, $metadata
, etc.)@Nonnull protected Map<String,Object> toMapOfNavigationProperties()
in class VdmObject<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
@Nonnull public io.vavr.control.Option<MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText> getOpLongTextIfPresent()
If the navigation property for an entity MaintenanceTaskListOperation has not been resolved yet, this
method will not query further information. Instead its Option
result state will be
with result state
is returned.public void setOpLongText(MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText value)
- New MaintenanceTaskListOpLongText entity.@Nonnull public io.vavr.control.Option<List<MaintenanceTaskListOpMat>> getOpMaterialIfPresent()
If the navigation property for an entity MaintenanceTaskListOperation has not been resolved yet, this
method will not query further information. Instead its Option
result state will be
with result state
is returned.public void setOpMaterial(@Nonnull List<MaintenanceTaskListOpMat> value)
If the navigation property _OpMaterial of a queried MaintenanceTaskListOperation is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- List of MaintenanceTaskListOpMat entities.public void addOpMaterial(MaintenanceTaskListOpMat... entity)
If the navigation property _OpMaterial of a queried MaintenanceTaskListOperation is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- Array of MaintenanceTaskListOpMat entities.@Nonnull public io.vavr.control.Option<List<MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp>> getOpRelationIfPresent()
If the navigation property for an entity MaintenanceTaskListOperation has not been resolved yet, this
method will not query further information. Instead its Option
result state will be
with result state
is returned.public void setOpRelation(@Nonnull List<MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp> value)
If the navigation property _OpRelation of a queried MaintenanceTaskListOperation is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- List of MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp entities.public void addOpRelation(MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp... entity)
If the navigation property _OpRelation of a queried MaintenanceTaskListOperation is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- Array of MaintenanceTaskListOpReltnshp entities.@Nonnull public io.vavr.control.Option<List<MaintenanceTaskListSubOp>> getSubOpIfPresent()
If the navigation property for an entity MaintenanceTaskListOperation has not been resolved yet, this
method will not query further information. Instead its Option
result state will be
with result state
is returned.public void setSubOp(@Nonnull List<MaintenanceTaskListSubOp> value)
If the navigation property _SubOp of a queried MaintenanceTaskListOperation is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- List of MaintenanceTaskListSubOp entities.public void addSubOp(MaintenanceTaskListSubOp... entity)
If the navigation property _SubOp of a queried MaintenanceTaskListOperation is operated lazily, an ODataException can be thrown in case of an OData query error.
Please note: Lazy loading of OData entity associations is the process of asynchronous retrieval and persisting of items from a navigation property. If a lazy property is requested by the application for the first time and it has not yet been loaded, an OData query will be run in order to load the missing information and its result will get cached for future invocations.
- Array of MaintenanceTaskListSubOp entities.@Nonnull public static MaintenanceTaskListOperation.MaintenanceTaskListOperationBuilder builder()
@Nullable public String getTaskListType()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListType
@Nullable public String getTaskListGroup()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListGroup
@Nullable public String getTaskListGroupCounter()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListGroupCounter
@Nullable public String getTaskListSequence()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListSequence
@Nullable public String getTaskListOperationInternalId()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListOperationInternalId
@Nullable public String getTaskListOpBOMItmIntVersCounter()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListOpBOMItmIntVersCounter
@Nullable public String getMaintenanceTaskListOperation()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintenanceTaskListOperation
@Nullable public String getMaintOperationExecStageCode()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintOperationExecStageCode
@Nullable public String getOperationText()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationText
@Nullable public String getOperationControlProfile()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationControlProfile
@Nullable public String getWorkCenter()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WorkCenter
@Nullable public String getPlant()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
@Nullable public String getAssembly()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Assembly
@Nullable public String getOperationCalculationControl()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationCalculationControl
@Nullable public BigDecimal getOpPlannedWorkQuantity()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OpPlannedWorkQuantity
@Nullable public String getOpWorkQuantityUnit()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OpWorkQuantityUnit
@Nullable public Short getNumberOfCapacities()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: NumberOfCapacities
@Nullable public BigDecimal getPurchaseOrderQty()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseOrderQty
@Nullable public String getPurchaseOrderQuantityUnit()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit
@Nullable public BigDecimal getOperationStandardDuration()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationStandardDuration
@Nullable public String getOperationStandardDurationUnit()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OperationStandardDurationUnit
@Nullable public String getCostCtrActivityType()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CostCtrActivityType
@Nullable public String getMaterialGroup()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroup
@Nullable public BigDecimal getOpExternalProcessingPrice()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OpExternalProcessingPrice
.@Nullable public String getOpExternalProcessingCurrency()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OpExternalProcessingCurrency
@Nullable public String getCostElement()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CostElement
@Nullable public String getPurchasingGroup()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroup
@Nullable public String getPurchasingOrganization()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganization
@Nullable public String getPurchaseContract()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContract
@Nullable public String getPurchaseContractItem()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseContractItem
@Nullable public String getSupplier()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplier
@Nullable public String getPurchasingInfoRecord()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingInfoRecord
@Nullable public String getIsBusinessPurposeCompleted()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsBusinessPurposeCompleted
@Nullable public String getSupplierAccountGroup()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplierAccountGroup
@Nullable public String getAuthorizationGroup()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AuthorizationGroup
@Nullable public String getTaskListStatus()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaskListStatus
@Nullable public String getResponsiblePlannerGroup()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ResponsiblePlannerGroup
@Nullable public String getMaintenancePlanningPlant()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintenancePlanningPlant
@Nullable public String getMaintenancePlannerGroup()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintenancePlannerGroup
@Nullable public String getControllingArea()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ControllingArea
@Nullable public String getCostCenter()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CostCenter
@Nullable public String getMaintenancePlant()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintenancePlant
@Nullable public LocalDate getValidityStartDate()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ValidityStartDate
@Nullable public LocalDate getValidityEndDate()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ValidityEndDate
@Nullable public String getTechnicalObject()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TechnicalObject
@Nullable public String getTechObjIsEquipOrFuncnlLoc()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TechObjIsEquipOrFuncnlLoc
@Nullable public Collection<SAP__Message> get_Messages()
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SAP__Messages
.@Nonnull public String toString()
in class VdmObject<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o)
in class VdmEntity<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
protected boolean canEqual(@Nullable Object other)
in class VdmEntity<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
public int hashCode()
in class VdmEntity<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
public String getOdataType()
in class VdmObject<MaintenanceTaskListOperation>
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