Class | Description |
AddressEmailAddressField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
AddressEmailAddress . |
AddressFaxNumberField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
AddressFaxNumber . |
AddressHomePageURLField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
AddressHomePageURL . |
AddressPhoneNumberField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
AddressPhoneNumber . |
BPContactToAddressField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BPContactToAddress . |
BPContactToFuncAndDeptField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BPContactToFuncAndDept . |
BuPaAddressUsageField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BuPaAddressUsage . |
BuPaIdentificationField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BuPaIdentification . |
BuPaIndustryField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BuPaIndustry . |
BusinessPartnerAddressField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BusinessPartnerAddress . |
BusinessPartnerBankField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BusinessPartnerBank . |
BusinessPartnerContactField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BusinessPartnerContact . |
BusinessPartnerField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BusinessPartner . |
BusinessPartnerRoleField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BusinessPartnerRole . |
BusinessPartnerTaxNumberField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BusinessPartnerTaxNumber . |
CustomerCompanyField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerCompany . |
CustomerCompanyTextField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerCompanyText . |
CustomerDunningField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerDunning . |
CustomerField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Customer . |
CustomerSalesAreaField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerSalesArea . |
CustomerSalesAreaTaxField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerSalesAreaTax . |
CustomerSalesAreaTextField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerSalesAreaText . |
CustomerTaxGroupingField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerTaxGrouping . |
CustomerTextField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerText . |
CustomerWithHoldingTaxField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerWithHoldingTax . |
CustSalesPartnerFuncField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustSalesPartnerFunc . |
SupplierCompanyField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SupplierCompany . |
SupplierCompanyTextField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SupplierCompanyText . |
SupplierDunningField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SupplierDunning . |
SupplierField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Supplier . |
SupplierPartnerFuncField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SupplierPartnerFunc . |
SupplierPurchasingOrgField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SupplierPurchasingOrg . |
SupplierPurchasingOrgTextField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SupplierPurchasingOrgText . |
SupplierTextField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SupplierText . |
SupplierWithHoldingTaxField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SupplierWithHoldingTax . |
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