public static class InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspectionLot(@Nullable String inspectionLot)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspectionLot
The inspection lot number is assigned by the system.
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsageDecisionLevel(@Nullable String inspLotUsageDecisionLevel)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsageDecisionLevel
Each level is designated by a code and stored in the data base.
usage decisions at the level of the inspection lot, partial lot, interval, and single unit.this
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspectionLotQualityScore(@Nullable BigDecimal inspectionLotQualityScore)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspectionLotQualityScore
The quality score provides input, along with other factors, to the vendor evaluation.
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsageDecisionCatalog(@Nullable String inspLotUsageDecisionCatalog)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsageDecisionCatalog
The meaning of catalogs 0 through 9 and A through O is assigned by SAP. However you can freely define catalog types P through Z.
characteristic attributes, defect types, usage decisions).this
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder selectedCodeSetPlant(@Nullable String selectedCodeSetPlant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SelectedCodeSetPlant
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsgeDcsnSelectedSet(@Nullable String inspLotUsgeDcsnSelectedSet)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsgeDcsnSelectedSet
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsageDecisionCodeGroup(@Nullable String inspLotUsageDecisionCodeGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsageDecisionCodeGroup
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspectionLotUsageDecisionCode(@Nullable String inspectionLotUsageDecisionCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspectionLotUsageDecisionCode
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsgeDcsnDynValuation(@Nullable String inspLotUsgeDcsnDynValuation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsgeDcsnDynValuation
The system sets this indicator when the valuation rule in the sampling procedure stipulates that the valuation is carried out according to the worst-case principle.
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsageDecisionValuation(@Nullable String inspLotUsageDecisionValuation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsageDecisionValuation
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsgeDcsnFollowUpAction(@Nullable String inspLotUsgeDcsnFollowUpAction)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsgeDcsnFollowUpAction
This field is only relevant in the context of quality inspections with warehouse management. In this case you use follow-up actions to trigger stock postings.
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspectionLotUsageDecidedBy(@Nullable String inspectionLotUsageDecidedBy)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspectionLotUsageDecidedBy
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspectionLotUsageDecidedOn(@Nullable LocalDateTime inspectionLotUsageDecidedOn)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspectionLotUsageDecidedOn
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsageDecisionTime(@Nullable LocalTime inspLotUsageDecisionTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsageDecisionTime
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsageDecisionChangedBy(@Nullable String inspLotUsageDecisionChangedBy)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsageDecisionChangedBy
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsageDecisionChangedOn(@Nullable LocalDateTime inspLotUsageDecisionChangedOn)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsageDecisionChangedOn
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsgeDcsnChangedTime(@Nullable LocalTime inspLotUsgeDcsnChangedTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsgeDcsnChangedTime
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder inspLotUsgeDcsnHasLongText(@Nullable Boolean inspLotUsgeDcsnHasLongText)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InspLotUsgeDcsnHasLongText
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision.InspLotUsageDecisionBuilder changedDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime changedDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ChangedDateTime
To standardize local times in a UTC time stamp and thus make them comparable with other times, these local times
need to be converted using your time zone and the ABAP command convert.Even if the system is able to determine
the time zone from Customizing or master data, you shoul save the time zone redundantly here.The internal
structure of the UTC time stamp is subdivided into a date part and a time part in packed number format
.@Nonnull public InspLotUsageDecision build()
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