public static final class PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physicalInventoryDocumentItem(PhysInventoryDocItem... value)
- The PhysInventoryDocItems to build this PhysInventoryDocHeader with.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder fiscalYear(@Nullable String fiscalYear)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FiscalYear
fiscal year can be the same as the calendar year, but does not have to be.this
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physicalInventoryDocument(@Nullable String physicalInventoryDocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysicalInventoryDocument
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder inventoryTransactionType(@Nullable String inventoryTransactionType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InventoryTransactionType
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder plant(@Nullable String plant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder storageLocation(@Nullable String storageLocation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StorageLocation
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder inventorySpecialStockType(@Nullable String inventorySpecialStockType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InventorySpecialStockType
If you need to separately manage certain stock (for example, consignment stock) of a material, the stock type in question is defined using this indicator.
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder documentDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime documentDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DocumentDate
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physInventoryPlannedCountDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime physInventoryPlannedCountDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysInventoryPlannedCountDate
The planned count date determines the fiscal year in which the physical inventory document is posted. All other postings involving this document must be effected during this fiscal year.
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physicalInventoryLastCountDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime physicalInventoryLastCountDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysicalInventoryLastCountDate
The actual count date must be in the same year as the planned count date.The date of the first entry of count results for a physical inventory document determines the posting period in which all further count results as well as the inventory differences relating to this physical inventory document must be posted.
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder postingDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime postingDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PostingDate
The fiscal year and the period for which an update of the accounts specified in the document or cost elements is made, are derived from the posting date.When entering documents, the system checks whether the posting date entered is allowed by means of the posting period permitted.The posting date can differ from both the entry date (day of entry into the system) and the document date (day of creation of the original document).
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder fiscalPeriod(@Nullable String fiscalPeriod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FiscalPeriod
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder createdByUser(@Nullable String createdByUser)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder postingIsBlockedForPhysInvtry(@Nullable Boolean postingIsBlockedForPhysInvtry)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PostingIsBlockedForPhysInvtry
The indicator is set for the affected stocks in each case (storage location stock, batch stock, or special stock) for all associated stock types and is not cancelled until the count results are posted.The indicator remains in the physical document header even if the stock is unblocked through the posting of inventory differences. It then only indicates that a posting block was set for the documents.The blocking indicator can be set in one of two ways:Directly upon entry of the physical inventory document (if the count is to take place immediately)Shortly before the count (if the count is to take place later)You can set the indicator by choosing Physical inventory document -> Change in the header data of the physical inventory document or via batch input.
be posted for the duration of a physical inventory count.this
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physicalInventoryCountStatus(@Nullable String physicalInventoryCountStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysicalInventoryCountStatus
Status A means that only some items have been counted.Status X means that all items have been counted.
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physInvtryAdjustmentPostingSts(@Nullable String physInvtryAdjustmentPostingSts)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysInvtryAdjustmentPostingSts
Status A means that inventory differences have been posted for some of the items of the physical inventory document only. For these items, the physical inventory has been completed.Status X means that differences have been posted for all items of the physical inventory document. The document can now be archived.
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physInvtryDeletionStatus(@Nullable String physInvtryDeletionStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysInvtryDeletionStatus
Status A means that only some items have been deleted.Status X means that all items of the document have been deleted. However, physical deletion of the document is not possible, because inventory differences have been posted for at least one item.The delete status (in conjunction with the adjustment status) is relevant to the archiving of the documents: A document can only be archived after all items have been deleted or all inventory differences have been posted.If an already counted item is still open, you must process this item before you can archive or delete the document.
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physInvtryDocHasQtySnapshot(@Nullable Boolean physInvtryDocHasQtySnapshot)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysInvtryDocHasQtySnapshot
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physicalInventoryGroupType(@Nullable String physicalInventoryGroupType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysicalInventoryGroupType
Physical inventory documents can be created so that all items in the document have one common characteristic. The field defines which characteristic this is.One of the values of this indicator defines that the materials of all items in a physical inventory document belong to the same material group.
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physicalInventoryGroup(@Nullable String physicalInventoryGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysicalInventoryGroup
Physical inventory documents can be created so that all items in a document have one common characteristic.The materials of all items in a document belong to material group '001'. The grouping characteristic stored in the document header then has the value '001'.
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physicalInventoryNumber(@Nullable String physicalInventoryNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysicalInventoryNumber
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physInventoryReferenceNumber(@Nullable String physInventoryReferenceNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysInventoryReferenceNumber
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physicalInventoryDocumentDesc(@Nullable String physicalInventoryDocumentDesc)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysicalInventoryDocumentDesc
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder physicalInventoryType(@Nullable String physicalInventoryType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysicalInventoryType
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader.PhysInventoryDocHeaderBuilder lastChangeDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime lastChangeDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDateTime
.@Nonnull public PhysInventoryDocHeader build()
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