Class | Description |
BusinessSolutionOrderLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusinessSolutionOrder to other entities. |
BusinessSolutionOrderOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusinessSolutionOrder to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusinessSolutionOrderTextLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusinessSolutionOrderText to other entities. |
BusinessSolutionOrderTextOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusinessSolutionOrderText to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrderExpenseItemLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderExpenseItem to other entities. |
BusSolnOrderExpenseItemOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderExpenseItem to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrderFUPSalesOrderLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderFUPSalesOrder to other entities. |
BusSolnOrderFUPSalesOrderOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderFUPSalesOrder to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrderItemObjectListLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderItemObjectList to other entities. |
BusSolnOrderItemObjectListOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderItemObjectList to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrderItemPriceElementLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderItemPriceElement to other entities. |
BusSolnOrderItemPriceElementOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderItemPriceElement to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrderItemProductListLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderItemProductList to other entities. |
BusSolnOrderItemProductListOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderItemProductList to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrderItemScheduleLineLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderItemScheduleLine to other entities. |
BusSolnOrderItemScheduleLineOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderItemScheduleLine to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrderSalesItemLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderSalesItem to other entities. |
BusSolnOrderSalesItemOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderSalesItem to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrderServiceItemLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderServiceItem to other entities. |
BusSolnOrderServiceItemOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrderServiceItem to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrdFUPServiceContractLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdFUPServiceContract to other entities. |
BusSolnOrdFUPServiceContractOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdFUPServiceContract to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrdFUPServiceOrderLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdFUPServiceOrder to other entities. |
BusSolnOrdFUPServiceOrderOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdFUPServiceOrder to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrdItmFUPSalesOrderLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdItmFUPSalesOrder to other entities. |
BusSolnOrdItmFUPSalesOrderOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdItmFUPSalesOrder to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrdItmFUPServiceOrderLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdItmFUPServiceOrder to other entities. |
BusSolnOrdItmFUPServiceOrderOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdItmFUPServiceOrder to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrdItmFUPSrvcContrLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdItmFUPSrvcContr to other entities. |
BusSolnOrdItmFUPSrvcContrOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdItmFUPSrvcContr to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrdItmReferenceObjectLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdItmReferenceObject to other entities. |
BusSolnOrdItmReferenceObjectOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdItmReferenceObject to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrdSrvcContractItemLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdSrvcContractItem to other entities. |
BusSolnOrdSrvcContractItemOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdSrvcContractItem to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolnOrdSrvcPrtItemLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdSrvcPrtItem to other entities. |
BusSolnOrdSrvcPrtItemOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolnOrdSrvcPrtItem to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
BusSolutionOrderItemTextLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolutionOrderItemText to other entities. |
BusSolutionOrderItemTextOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
BusSolutionOrderItemText to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
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