Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
aggregateBaseAmount(BigDecimal aggregateBaseAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 17, Scale: 3
bR_NFDoc(BR_NFDocument value)
Navigation property to_BR_NFDoc for BR_NFTAX to single BR_NFDocument.
bR_NFItem(BR_NFItem value)
Navigation property to_BR_NFItem for BR_NFTAX to single BR_NFItem.
bR_NFItemBaseAmount(BigDecimal bR_NFItemBaseAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 16, Scale: 3
bR_NFItemExcludedBaseAmount(BigDecimal bR_NFItemExcludedBaseAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 15, Scale: 2
bR_NFItemFixedMarketTariffUnit(String bR_NFItemFixedMarketTariffUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffBaseQty(BigDecimal bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffBaseQty)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 16, Scale: 4
bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffQty(BigDecimal bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffQty)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 6, Scale: 2
bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffTaxRate(BigDecimal bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffTaxRate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 8, Scale: 4
bR_NFItemHasFixedMktTariff(String bR_NFItemHasFixedMktTariff)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1
bR_NFItemHasWithholdingTax(Boolean bR_NFItemHasWithholdingTax)
Constraints: none
bR_NFItemIsStatisticalTax(Boolean bR_NFItemIsStatisticalTax)
Constraints: none
bR_NFItemOtherBaseAmount(BigDecimal bR_NFItemOtherBaseAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 16, Scale: 3
bR_NFItemTaxAmount(BigDecimal bR_NFItemTaxAmount)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 16, Scale: 3
bR_NFItemTaxBasePct1(BigDecimal bR_NFItemTaxBasePct1)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 6, Scale: 2
bR_NFItemTaxBasePct1Unit(String bR_NFItemTaxBasePct1Unit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
bR_NFItemTaxBasePct2(BigDecimal bR_NFItemTaxBasePct2)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 6, Scale: 2
bR_NFItemTaxBasePct2Unit(String bR_NFItemTaxBasePct2Unit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
bR_NFItemTaxRate(BigDecimal bR_NFItemTaxRate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 6, Scale: 2
bR_NFItemWhldgCollectionCode(String bR_NFItemWhldgCollectionCode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
bR_NFItmFxdMktTariffUnit4Dcmls(String bR_NFItmFxdMktTariffUnit4Dcmls)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
bR_NFSServiceTypeIncoming(String bR_NFSServiceTypeIncoming)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
bR_NFSServiceTypeOutgoing(String bR_NFSServiceTypeOutgoing)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 16
bR_NotaFiscal(String bR_NotaFiscal)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
bR_NotaFiscalItem(String bR_NotaFiscalItem)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
bR_TaxType(String bR_TaxType)
(Key Field) Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
build() |
salesDocumentCurrency(String salesDocumentCurrency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5
taxesAreIncludedInNetAmount(Boolean taxesAreIncludedInNetAmount)
Constraints: none
taxGroup(String taxGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4
taxJurisdiction(String taxJurisdiction)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 15
String |
toString() |
@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItem(BR_NFItem value)
- The BR_NFItem to build this BR_NFTAX with.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFDoc(BR_NFDocument value)
- The BR_NFDocument to build this BR_NFTAX with.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NotaFiscal(@Nullable String bR_NotaFiscal)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NotaFiscal
assigns a unique number to each document; this number is used internally by various programs.this
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NotaFiscalItem(@Nullable String bR_NotaFiscalItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NotaFiscalItem
each item of a nota fiscal; this number is used internally by various programs.this
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_TaxType(@Nullable String bR_TaxType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_TaxType
For the tax group ICMS, there are several tax types, two of which are:ICM1: used in the calculation procedure to indicate ICMS tax for production (industrialization)ICM2: used in the calculation procedure to indicate ICMS tax for consumptionIn Materials Management (MM), a tax type is identical to a condition type. The condition records belonging to these condition types are maintained in the Customizing of the tax codes, where you specify which lines of the calculation procedure contain the tax amounts that have to be taken into account for the nota fiscal tax values.
business cases.this
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder taxGroup(@Nullable String taxGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaxGroup
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemBaseAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemBaseAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemBaseAmount
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemTaxRate(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemTaxRate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemTaxRate
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemTaxAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemTaxAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemTaxAmount
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemExcludedBaseAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemExcludedBaseAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemExcludedBaseAmount
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemOtherBaseAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemOtherBaseAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemOtherBaseAmount
in case of buying for consumption.this
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemTaxBasePct1Unit(@Nullable String bR_NFItemTaxBasePct1Unit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemTaxBasePct1Unit
This format is used for internal processing.The internal format is automatically replaced by either the external commercial (three-character) or technical (six-character) format before output to the screen.
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemTaxBasePct1(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemTaxBasePct1)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemTaxBasePct1
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemTaxBasePct2Unit(@Nullable String bR_NFItemTaxBasePct2Unit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemTaxBasePct2Unit
This format is used for internal processing.The internal format is automatically replaced by either the external commercial (three-character) or technical (six-character) format before output to the screen.
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemTaxBasePct2(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemTaxBasePct2)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemTaxBasePct2
amount which has to be entered here is 100,00.this
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemIsStatisticalTax(@Nullable Boolean bR_NFItemIsStatisticalTax)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemIsStatisticalTax
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemHasFixedMktTariff(@Nullable String bR_NFItemHasFixedMktTariff)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemHasFixedMktTariff
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffBaseQty(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffBaseQty)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemFixedMktTariffBaseQty
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemFixedMarketTariffUnit(@Nullable String bR_NFItemFixedMarketTariffUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemFixedMarketTariffUnit
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemWhldgCollectionCode(@Nullable String bR_NFItemWhldgCollectionCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemWhldgCollectionCode
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffTaxRate(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffTaxRate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemFixedMktTariffTaxRate
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffQty(@Nullable BigDecimal bR_NFItemFixedMktTariffQty)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemFixedMktTariffQty
You use this information for reporting purposes only, using e.g, the Electronic Fiscal File PIS/COFINS (Brazil) report.Enter the number of units only if it is different from the number you entered in the Number of Units field (for a pauta with 2 decimal places).
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItmFxdMktTariffUnit4Dcmls(@Nullable String bR_NFItmFxdMktTariffUnit4Dcmls)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItmFxdMktTariffUnit4Dcmls
You use this information for reporting purposes only, using the Electronic Fiscal File PIS/COFINS (Brazil) report.
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder taxesAreIncludedInNetAmount(@Nullable Boolean taxesAreIncludedInNetAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaxesAreIncludedInNetAmount
When the system calculates nota fiscal total values, it does not add this tax amount to the net values.You define which tax groups are included in the net price in the Customizing activities, Define Which Taxes Are Included in MM Price Conditions and Define Which Taxes Are Included in SD Price Conditions.
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFItemHasWithholdingTax(@Nullable Boolean bR_NFItemHasWithholdingTax)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFItemHasWithholdingTax
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFSServiceTypeIncoming(@Nullable String bR_NFSServiceTypeIncoming)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFSServiceTypeIncoming
for services that you provide (outgoing).this
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder bR_NFSServiceTypeOutgoing(@Nullable String bR_NFSServiceTypeOutgoing)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BR_NFSServiceTypeOutgoing
for services that you procure (incoming).this
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder taxJurisdiction(@Nullable String taxJurisdiction)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaxJurisdiction
Enter tax jurisdiction codes as follows:Characters Enter1-3 Tax region4-16 Municipal (municĂpio) code as requiredFor calculation of ICMS and SubTrib, the tax region is sufficient for determining where tax is due. In the case of ISS, however, it is additionally necessary to identify the tax jurisdiction.
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder aggregateBaseAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal aggregateBaseAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AggregateBaseAmount
.@Nonnull public BR_NFTAX.BR_NFTAXBuilder salesDocumentCurrency(@Nullable String salesDocumentCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesDocumentCurrency
The system proposes the document currency from the customer master record of the sold-to party. You can change the currency manually in the document. If you change the currency, the system recalculates prices for the entire document.
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