Actual quantity delivered (in sales units). The quantity of the item for delivery. The quantity is expressed in sales units. The delivery quantity may be proposed from a sales order item. You can change the quantity in the delivery, subject to any limitations that apply to over- and underdeliveries. If the delivery does not refer to a sales order, you can enter a delivery quantity manually.
Batch Number. Assigns a material that is manufactured in batches or production lots to a specific batch.
Delivery. The number that uniquely identifies the delivery.
Delivery Item. The number that uniquely identifies the item in a delivery.
Short Text for Sales Order Item. A short description of the item. Short texts are used throughout sales order processing, shipping, and billing. They also appear on printed order confirmations.The system proposes the short text from the material master record. If you have included a short text in a customer-material info record, it replaces the material master text during sales document processing. You can change the text at the item level in the sales document or during delivery processing.
Sales Unit. Unit of measure in which the material is sold.
Material Number. Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the material.
Message identification. A grouping term for every work area under which the number of the message is saved.
System Message Number.
Message Type. Message type (E,I,W,...).
Message variable 01.
Message variable 02.
Message variable 03.
Message variable 04.