Returns a request builder for creating a ProductPlantForecasting
The entity to be created
A request builder for creating requests that create an entity of type ProductPlantForecasting
Returns a request builder for querying all ProductPlantForecasting
A request builder for creating requests to retrieve all ProductPlantForecasting
Returns a request builder for retrieving one ProductPlantForecasting
entity based on its keys.
Key property. See ProductPlantForecasting.product.
Key property. See ProductPlantForecasting.plant.
A request builder for creating requests to retrieve one ProductPlantForecasting
entity based on its keys.
Returns a request builder for updating an entity of type ProductPlantForecasting
The entity to be updated
A request builder for creating requests that update an entity of type ProductPlantForecasting
Request builder class for operations supported on the ProductPlantForecasting entity.