  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

This class represents the entity "A_CustProjSlsOrdItem" of service "CPD.SC_PROJ_ENGMT_CREATE_UPD_SRV". This service is part of the following communication scenarios: Commercial Project Integration (SAP_COM_0054). See https://api.sap.com/api/SC_PROJ_ENGMT_CREATE_UPD_SRV for more information.


  • Entity
    • CustProjSlsOrdItem








  • Returns CustProjSlsOrdItem


Protected _customFields

_customFields: MapType<any>

A mapper representing custom fields in an entity. Custom fields are represented by their field names and the corresponding values. A custom field can be added or updated using setCustomField method.

Protected _versionIdentifier

_versionIdentifier: string

The current ETag version of the entity in the remote system. The ETag identified the version of the in the remote system. It will be automatically set in the "if-match" header of update requests and can be set as a custom header for delete requests. When no ETag is provided by the remote system the value of this variable defaults to "*".

Optional cappedNetAmount

cappedNetAmount: BigNumber

Net Amount Cap. Maximum net amount.


Optional cappedNetAmtAlertThldInPct

cappedNetAmtAlertThldInPct: string

Notification Threshold (in Pct) for Exceeded Net Amount Cap. When you have specified a cap for a net amount, you can define when a notification is to be triggered. As soon as the threshold in percent of the net amount is reached, the notification is sent. You specify a net amount cap of USD 1000 and a notification threshold of 80 percent. When the net amount reaches USD 800, a notification is triggered to let you know that you are getting close to the amount cap. Maximum length: 3.



customerProject: string

Commercial Project ID. Identifies a master project. Maximum length: 40.

Optional expectedNetAmount

expectedNetAmount: BigNumber

Expected Net Amount.


Optional itemBillingBlockReason

itemBillingBlockReason: string

Billing Block for Item. Indicates if the item is blocked for billing. To block an item for billing, enter one of the values predefined for your system.You can block an item for billing so that, for example, terms of payment or prices can be checked before further processing takes place. Maximum length: 2.


Optional material

material: string

Material Number. Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the material. Maximum length: 40.


Optional materialByCustomer

materialByCustomer: string

Material Number Used by Customer. Uniquely identifies the material from the customer's point of view. If the customer uses a different identifier than the one you use for the material, you can include this information in a customer-material info record. You can also include in this record specific shipping details, such asMinimum delivery quantityPartial delivery conditionsEnter a value from an existing customer-material info record. Maximum length: 35.


Optional netAmount

netAmount: BigNumber

Net Value of the Order Item in Document Currency. The net value of the item, after any discounts and surcharges are taken into account. Sales taxes are not included. The value is expressed in the document currency.


Optional profitCenter

profitCenter: string

Profit Center. Key which together with the controlling area uniquely identifies a profit center. Maximum length: 10.


Optional purchaseOrderByCustomer

purchaseOrderByCustomer: string

Customer Reference. Number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document (e.g. an inquiry or a purchase order). The number creates the link between the customer purchase order and the sales document that you create. You can use the number used by the customer during correspondence with the customer to find certain document information. If the number refers to a purchase order, you can also print it on the documents that you send to the customer (e.g. on the delivery note). Maximum length: 35.


Protected remoteState

remoteState: object

The remote state of the entity. Remote state refers to the last known state of the entity on the remote system from which it has been retrieved or to which it has been posted. It is stored as map, where the keys are stored in the format of VDM properties.

Type declaration

  • [keys: string]: any

Optional salesDocumentRjcnReason

salesDocumentRjcnReason: string

Reason for Rejection of Sales Documents. The reason for rejecting a sales document (for example, a sales quotation or a sales order). The rejection can come from your organization (for example, you can reject a customer request for a credit memo because it is unreasonable) or from the customer (for example, the customer rejects a quotation because the price is too high). The following list shows the effects on different document types after you enter a reason for rejection:Inquiries and quotations: no further references by other documentsSales orders: no further delivery of itemsContracts: no further creation of release ordersCredit and debit memo requests: no further processing of credit or debit memosEnter one of the values predefined for your system.If you enter a reason for rejection, the system automatically cancels any MRP requirements previously generated for the items. Maximum length: 2.


Optional salesOrder

salesOrder: string

Sales Order. Maximum length: 10.



salesOrderItem: string

Sales Order Item. Maximum length: 6.

Optional salesOrderItemCategory

salesOrderItemCategory: string

Sales Document Item Category. A classification that distinguishes between different types of item (for example, free of charge items and text items) and determines how the system processes the item. The system proposes an item category. If alternatives are defined for your system, you can change the item category manually in the sales document.If, for example, you identify an item as a free or charge item, you tell the system, in this case, to ignore normal pricing procedures. Maximum length: 4.


Optional salesOrderItemText

salesOrderItemText: string

Short Text for Sales Order Item. A short description of the item. Short texts are used throughout sales order processing, shipping, and billing. They also appear on printed order confirmations.The system proposes the short text from the material master record. If you have included a short text in a customer-material info record, it replaces the material master text during sales document processing. You can change the text at the item level in the sales document or during delivery processing. Maximum length: 40.


Optional sdDocumentRejectionStatus

sdDocumentRejectionStatus: string

Rejection Status (Item). Indicates whether the sales document item (for example, an item in a quotation) is rejected. The system uses the rejection status of items to determine the rejection status at the header level. For example, if a customer rejects only one of several items in a quotation, the status of the header shows that the quotation is partly rejected. Maximum length: 1.


Optional sdProcessStatus

sdProcessStatus: string

Overall Processing Status (Item). Displays the overall processing status of the item. The system determines the overall status from all statuses (for example, delivery and billing) for this item. The status message tells you whether processing of the item is open, in progress, or complete. Maximum length: 1.



toCustProjSlsOrdItemText: CustProjSlsOrdItemText[]

One-to-many navigation property to the CustProjSlsOrdItemText entity.


toCustProjSlsOrdItemWorkPckg: CustProjSlsOrdItemWorkPckg[]

One-to-many navigation property to the CustProjSlsOrdItemWorkPckg entity.


toCustProjSoiBillgPlnItm: CustProjSlsOrdItmBillgPlnItm[]

One-to-many navigation property to the CustProjSlsOrdItmBillgPlnItm entity.

Optional totalStandAloneSellingPrice

totalStandAloneSellingPrice: BigNumber

IFRS 15: Standalone Selling Price. The standalone selling price (SSP) is the price at which a service would be sold separately to a customer. If a contract contains a material that is relevant for revenue accounting pursuant to IFRS, you need to specify the SSP.


Optional transactionCurrency

transactionCurrency: string

SD document currency. The currency that applies to the document (for example, to a sales order or an invoice). The system proposes the document currency from the customer master record of the sold-to party. You can change the currency manually in the document. If you change the currency, the system recalculates prices for the entire document. Maximum length: 5.


Optional underlyingPurchaseOrderItem

underlyingPurchaseOrderItem: string

Item Number of the Underlying Purchase Order. The item number (from a purchase order, for example) that the customer uses to uniquely identify the item. Enter the item number from the customer's document. The item number may vary from the item number that appears in your own sales document. Maximum length: 6.



versionIdentifier: string

ETag version identifier accessor.


The ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity, returns undefined if not retrieved

Optional wbsElement

wbsElement: string

Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element). Key that identifies a WBS element. Maximum length: 24.



ALL_FIELDS: AllFields<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new AllFields('*', CustProjSlsOrdItem)

All fields selector.


CAPPED_NET_AMOUNT: BigNumberField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new BigNumberField('CappedNetAmount', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.Decimal')

Static representation of the cappedNetAmount property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


CAPPED_NET_AMT_ALERT_THLD_IN_PCT: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('CappedNetAmtAlertThldInPct', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the cappedNetAmtAlertThldInPct property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


CUSTOMER_PROJECT: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('CustomerProject', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the customerProject property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


EXPECTED_NET_AMOUNT: BigNumberField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new BigNumberField('ExpectedNetAmount', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.Decimal')

Static representation of the expectedNetAmount property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


ITEM_BILLING_BLOCK_REASON: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('ItemBillingBlockReason', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the itemBillingBlockReason property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


MATERIAL: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('Material', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the material property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


MATERIAL_BY_CUSTOMER: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('MaterialByCustomer', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the materialByCustomer property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


NET_AMOUNT: BigNumberField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new BigNumberField('NetAmount', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.Decimal')

Static representation of the netAmount property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PROFIT_CENTER: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('ProfitCenter', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the profitCenter property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PURCHASE_ORDER_BY_CUSTOMER: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('PurchaseOrderByCustomer', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the purchaseOrderByCustomer property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SALES_DOCUMENT_RJCN_REASON: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('SalesDocumentRjcnReason', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the salesDocumentRjcnReason property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SALES_ORDER: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('SalesOrder', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the salesOrder property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SALES_ORDER_ITEM: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('SalesOrderItem', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the salesOrderItem property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SALES_ORDER_ITEM_CATEGORY: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('SalesOrderItemCategory', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the salesOrderItemCategory property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SALES_ORDER_ITEM_TEXT: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('SalesOrderItemText', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the salesOrderItemText property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SD_DOCUMENT_REJECTION_STATUS: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('SDDocumentRejectionStatus', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the sdDocumentRejectionStatus property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SD_PROCESS_STATUS: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('SDProcessStatus', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the sdProcessStatus property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TOTAL_STAND_ALONE_SELLING_PRICE: BigNumberField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new BigNumberField('TotalStandAloneSellingPrice', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.Decimal')

Static representation of the totalStandAloneSellingPrice property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TO_CUST_PROJ_SLS_ORD_ITEM_TEXT: Link<CustProjSlsOrdItem, CustProjSlsOrdItemText> = new Link('to_CustProjSlsOrdItemText', CustProjSlsOrdItem, CustProjSlsOrdItemText)

Static representation of the one-to-many navigation property toCustProjSlsOrdItemText for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TO_CUST_PROJ_SLS_ORD_ITEM_WORK_PCKG: Link<CustProjSlsOrdItem, CustProjSlsOrdItemWorkPckg> = new Link('to_CustProjSlsOrdItemWorkPckg', CustProjSlsOrdItem, CustProjSlsOrdItemWorkPckg)

Static representation of the one-to-many navigation property toCustProjSlsOrdItemWorkPckg for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TO_CUST_PROJ_SOI_BILLG_PLN_ITM: Link<CustProjSlsOrdItem, CustProjSlsOrdItmBillgPlnItm> = new Link('to_CustProjSOIBillgPlnItm', CustProjSlsOrdItem, CustProjSlsOrdItmBillgPlnItm)

Static representation of the one-to-many navigation property toCustProjSoiBillgPlnItm for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TRANSACTION_CURRENCY: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('TransactionCurrency', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the transactionCurrency property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


UNDERLYING_PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEM: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('UnderlyingPurchaseOrderItem', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the underlyingPurchaseOrderItem property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


WBS_ELEMENT: StringField<CustProjSlsOrdItem> = new StringField('WBSElement', CustProjSlsOrdItem, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the wbsElement property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.

Static _allFields


All fields of the CustProjSlsOrdItem entity.

Static _defaultServicePath

_defaultServicePath: string = "/sap/opu/odata/cpd/SC_PROJ_ENGMT_CREATE_UPD_SRV"

Default url path for the according service.

Static _entityName

_entityName: string = "A_CustProjSlsOrdItem"

Technical entity name for CustProjSlsOrdItem.

Static _keyFields

_keyFields: Array<Selectable<CustProjSlsOrdItem>> = [CustProjSlsOrdItem.CUSTOMER_PROJECT, CustProjSlsOrdItem.SALES_ORDER_ITEM]

All key fields of the CustProjSlsOrdItem entity.

Static _keys

_keys: any = CustProjSlsOrdItem._keyFields.reduce((acc: any, field) => {acc[field.fieldName] = field;return acc;}, {})

Mapping of all key field names to the respective static field property CustProjSlsOrdItem.

Static _serviceName

_serviceName: string = "CPD.SC_PROJ_ENGMT_CREATE_UPD_SRV"

Since v1.0.1 Use _defaultServicePath instead. Technical service name for CustProjSlsOrdItem.


Protected getCurrentMapKeys

  • getCurrentMapKeys(): Entity
  • Returns a map of all defined fields in entity to their current values.

    Returns Entity

    Entity with all defined entity fields


  • getCustomField(fieldName: string): any
  • Custom field value getter.


    • fieldName: string

      The name of the custom field

    Returns any

    The value of the corresponding custom field


  • getCustomFields(): MapType<any>
  • Returns a map that contains all entity custom fields.

    Returns MapType<any>

    A map of all defined custom fields in the entity


  • getUpdatedCustomFields(): MapType<any>
  • Returns all updated custom field properties compared to the last known remote state.

    Returns MapType<any>

    A map containing all updated custom properties, with their new values


  • getUpdatedProperties(): Entity
  • Returns all changed properties compared to the last known remote state. The returned properties does not include custom fields. Use getUpdatedCustomFields, if updated custom fields are needed.

    Returns Entity

    Entity with all properties that changed


  • hasCustomField(fieldName: string): boolean
  • Validates whether a custom field exists in the entity.


    • fieldName: string

      The name of the custom field to update

    Returns boolean

    A boolean value, that indicates whether a custom field is defined in entity


  • initializeCustomFields(customFields: MapType<any>): this
  • Sets all retrieved custom fields in entity.


    • customFields: MapType<any>

      Extracted custom fields from a retrieved entity

    Returns this

    A boolean value, that indicates the existence of the field in entity

Protected isConflictingCustomField

  • isConflictingCustomField(customFieldName: string): boolean
  • Validates whether a field name does not conflict with an original field name and thus can be defined as custom fields.


    • customFieldName: string

      Field name to check

    Returns boolean

    Boolean value that describes whether a field name can be defined as custom field


  • setCustomField(fieldName: string, value: any): this
  • Sets a new custom field in the entity or updates it. Throws an error, if the provided custom field name is already defined by an original field in entity.


    • fieldName: string

      The name of the custom field to update

    • value: any

      The value of the field

    Returns this

    The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining


  • setOrInitializeRemoteState(state?: MapType<any>): this
  • Initializes or sets the remoteState of the entity. This function is called on all read, create and update requests. This function should be called after initializeCustomFields, if custom fields are defined.


    • Optional state: MapType<any>

      State to be set as remote state

    Returns this

    The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining


  • setVersionIdentifier(etag: string): this
  • Set the ETag version identifier of the retrieved entity.


    • etag: string

      The returned ETag version of the entity

    Returns this

    The entity itself, to facilitate method chaining


  • toJSON(): object
  • Overwrites the default toJSON method so that all instance variables as well as all custom fields of the entity are returned.

    Returns object

    An object containing all instance variables + custom fields.

    • [key: string]: any

Static builder

Static customField

  • Returns a selectable object that allows the selection of custom field in a get request for the entity CustProjSlsOrdItem.


    • fieldName: string

      Name of the custom field to select

    Returns CustomField<CustProjSlsOrdItem>

    A builder that constructs instances of entity type CustProjSlsOrdItem.

Static Protected customFieldSelector

  • customFieldSelector<EntityT>(fieldName: string, entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>): CustomField<EntityT>
  • Type parameters

    • EntityT: Entity


    • fieldName: string
    • entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>

    Returns CustomField<EntityT>

Static Protected entityBuilder

  • entityBuilder<EntityT, JsonT>(entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>): EntityBuilderType<EntityT, JsonT>
  • Type parameters

    • EntityT: Entity

    • JsonT


    • entityConstructor: Constructable<EntityT>

    Returns EntityBuilderType<EntityT, JsonT>

Static requestBuilder

  • Returns a request builder to construct requests for operations on the CustProjSlsOrdItem entity type.

    Returns CustProjSlsOrdItemRequestBuilder

    A CustProjSlsOrdItem request builder.