public static class SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder extends Object
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specificationInternalID(@Nullable String specificationInternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecificationInternalID
Each table with master data contains this data element. The system uses this data element to assign a unique number to a data record when it is created.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtType(@Nullable String specValAssgmtType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtType
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specificationRating(@Nullable String specificationRating)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecificationRating
Possible ratings are:MSDS material safety data sheetLABELING labelINTERN internal useEXTERN external informationCUSTOMER for customersSECRET confidentialThe rating together with the validity area make up the value assignment usage.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specificationValidityArea(@Nullable String specificationValidityArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecificationValidityArea
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtHdr(@Nullable String specValAssgmtHdr)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtHdr
Each table with master data contains this data element. The system uses this data element to assign a unique number to a data record when it is created.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmt(@Nullable String specValAssgmt)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmt
Each table with master data contains this data element. The system uses this data element to assign a unique number to a data record when it is created.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtIsInhtncSource(@Nullable Boolean specValAssgmtIsInhtncSource)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtIsInhtncSource
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder inhtdSpecValAssgmtIsTmpChgd(@Nullable Boolean inhtdSpecValAssgmtIsTmpChgd)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InhtdSpecValAssgmtIsTmpChgd
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder inhtdSpecValAssgmtIsPermChgd(@Nullable Boolean inhtdSpecValAssgmtIsPermChgd)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InhtdSpecValAssgmtIsPermChgd
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specInheritanceTemplate(@Nullable String specInheritanceTemplate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecInheritanceTemplate
Each table with master data contains this data element. The system uses this data element to assign a unique number to a data record when it is created.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtInheritanceParent(@Nullable String specValAssgmtInheritanceParent)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtInheritanceParent
Each table with master data contains this data element. The system uses this data element to assign a unique number to a data record when it is created.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtInheritanceRoot(@Nullable String specValAssgmtInheritanceRoot)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtInheritanceRoot
Each table with master data contains this data element. The system uses this data element to assign a unique number to a data record when it is created.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtRootSpecIntID(@Nullable String specValAssgmtRootSpecIntID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtRootSpecIntID
Each table with master data contains this data element. The system uses this data element to assign a unique number to a data record when it is created.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtSortSequence(@Nullable String specValAssgmtSortSequence)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtSortSequence
way, you can display more important information first.public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtUnitRefDimension(@Nullable String specValAssgmtUnitRefDimension)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtUnitRefDimension
Note:For the PROPOR (proportion) dimension, there are two default reference quantities:Weight proportions (w/w)Volume proportions (vol/vol)
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder valueAssignmentSource(@Nullable String valueAssignmentSource)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ValueAssignmentSource
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtUsageIsExcluded(@Nullable Boolean specValAssgmtUsageIsExcluded)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtUsageIsExcluded
Note:Usages for which the Excluding indicator is set for all validity areas are ignored by the system.The following usage is assigned to a value assignment:PUBLIC, DE: Excluding indicator setPUBLIC, US: Excluding indicator setPUBLIC, REG_EU: Excluding indicator not setThe assigned value assignment is therefore valid for the whole European Union excluding Germany. The usage record PUBLIC, US is ignored because no higher-level larger validity area exists for the PUBLIC rating.
validity area with the same rating.public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtUsageIsActive(@Nullable Boolean specValAssgmtUsageIsActive)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtUsageIsActive
If you set the usage to active, the corresponding value assignment can be output in a report.A report is generated from a report template using a report generation variant. The report generation variant defines the report usage.If a symbol was created on the report template for a characteristic of a value assignment type, the system checks during report generation whether the usage of the value assignment to be expanded matches that of the report.The symbol is expanded only if the usages match and the usage of the value assignment has been activated.In Customizing for Basic Data and Tools, under Specify Value Assignment Types, you can specify that the active indicator is set automatically in the detail screen for a value assignment type. Otherwise, you must set the indicator manually each time you change a value assignment.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specValAssgmtUsageIsRelevant(@Nullable Boolean specValAssgmtUsageIsRelevant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecValAssgmtUsageIsRelevant
The relevance indicator is taken into account for both manually and automatically generated reports and has the following functions:Relevant data changes are marked in the margin of the page when you print the report, if you have set the Change Marks indicator in the generation variant.Report bodies resulting from a relevant data change contain the Relevant indicator in the report header. It serves as the default value for version creation. You can deselect the indicator in the report header manually.The SAP system automatically resets the relevance indicator when the value assignment is changed again. If required, you must set it again manually.The relevance indicator for a specification reference or inheritance relationship is used to set whether, when reference specifications and inheritance relationships values are swapped or inserted, all values that are printed on the report due to this relationship are to be considered to be relevant changes, and are to be marked as such.In version creation, the default value specifies:Whether the number of the main version of a report body is incremented due to a relevant changeWhether the number of the sub-version of a report body is incremented due to a change of lesser importanceDuring version creation, you can manually change the default value.Note:A change to a data record is made within a day-long time window (accurate to one day). If the time-exact change marker is not active, the determination of relevance and change marking is also exact only to one day.If the last change date of a data record is the same as or newer than the date of generation of the last report version, the system always interprets this as a change and creates a new main version or sub-version, depending on whether the change is relevant or not. In this way, no changes are overlooked, as owing to the fact that changes can be pinpointed only to one day, the system cannot decide whether the content of the data record has changed within that one day (before or after the last report generation).To avoid unwanted main versions being created and to avoid any unnecessary subsequent shipping, we recommend you use either automatic worklist generation or generate the report manually on the day after the change.Example:The following example shows versioning as determined to be accurate to one day:02/26/2003 Report generated manually: Version 1.002/27/2003 Relevant change to a value assignment02/27/2003 New report generated manually: Version 2.003/04/2003 Report generated manually again: Version 3.003/04/2003 Report generated manually again: Version 3.1On 02/27/2003, the report was given a new main version because the last generation date is the same as the change date. On 03/04/2003, the report was given another new main version because the system views this as the actual report generation. As no other relevant changes followed, the report was given a new sub-version in the second report generation on 03/04/2003.
identifier or of a value assignment.public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specificationAuthznGroup(@Nullable String specificationAuthznGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecificationAuthznGroup
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder specificationType(@Nullable String specificationType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecificationType
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder characteristic(@Nullable String characteristic)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Characteristic
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder characteristicFormat(@Nullable String characteristicFormat)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharacteristicFormat
The data type defines whether a characteristic value is a character string, a number, a date, or a time.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder characteristicValue(@Nullable String characteristicValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharacteristicValue
If the characteristic has character format (CHAR), this field contains a single character string.Values in time
format (TIME) must have the format HH:MM:SS. The separators are set automatically. Example: 112855 -->
11:28:55The values in date format (DATE) must have the format DD.MM.YYYY. The separators are set automatically.
Example: 110100 --> 11.01.2000NoteIf you valuate validity parameters, you cannot specify intervals. You can only
specify individual values.The following description does not apply to the valuation of validity parameters:If the
characteristic format is numeric (NUM), time (TIME), or date (DATE), you can enter a number or (if allowed) an
interval.Intervals are written in the following format:Value1 - Value2 (from Value1 to Value2)>Value1 (greater
than Value1)>=Value1 (greater than or equal to Value1)
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcDecimalMinimumValue(@Nullable BigDecimal charcDecimalMinimumValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcDecimalMinimumValue
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder characteristicMinimumValueUnit(@Nullable String characteristicMinimumValueUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharacteristicMinimumValueUnit
This format is used for internal processing.The internal format is automatically replaced by either the external commercial (three-character) or technical (six-character) format before output to the screen.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcDecimalMaximumValue(@Nullable BigDecimal charcDecimalMaximumValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcDecimalMaximumValue
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder characteristicMaximumValueUnit(@Nullable String characteristicMaximumValueUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharacteristicMaximumValueUnit
This format is used for internal processing.The internal format is automatically replaced by either the external commercial (three-character) or technical (six-character) format before output to the screen.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder characteristicValueDpndcyCode(@Nullable String characteristicValueDpndcyCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharacteristicValueDpndcyCode
Example: 1.54>-<2.088The coding of the individual possible entries is described below.Code Operator Value1 Operator Value21 EQ2 GE LT3 GE LE4 GT LT5 GT LE6 LT7 LE8 GT9 GE
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcValidityStartDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime charcValidityStartDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcValidityStartDate
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcValidityEndDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime charcValidityEndDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcValidityEndDate
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder characteristicIsDeleted(@Nullable Boolean characteristicIsDeleted)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharacteristicIsDeleted
This indicator is relevant to changes that have been made with reference to a change number with a validity that has been specified using a new validity type.
number.public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcCurrencyMinimumValue(@Nullable BigDecimal charcCurrencyMinimumValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcCurrencyMinimumValue
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcFromAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal charcFromAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcFromAmount
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcToAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal charcToAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcToAmount
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder currency(@Nullable String currency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Currency
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcValueUnit(@Nullable String charcValueUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcValueUnit
This format is used for internal processing.The internal format is automatically replaced by either the external commercial (three-character) or technical (six-character) format before output to the screen.
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcDateMinimumValue(@Nullable LocalDateTime charcDateMinimumValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcDateMinimumValue
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcFromDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime charcFromDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcFromDate
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcToDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime charcToDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcToDate
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcTimeMinimumValue(@Nullable LocalTime charcTimeMinimumValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcTimeMinimumValue
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcFromTime(@Nullable LocalTime charcFromTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcFromTime
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder charcToTime(@Nullable LocalTime charcToTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharcToTime
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder characteristicInternalID(@Nullable String characteristicInternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CharacteristicInternalID
public SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst build()
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