Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static ProfitCenterForEliminationLink<ProfitCenterHierForElim> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the to_CnsldtnPrftCtrHierForElim navigation property to query
static ProfitCenterForEliminationLink<ProfitCenterForElimText> |
Use with available fluent helpers to apply the to_CnsldtnProfitCtrForElimT navigation property to query
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
ProfitCenterForEliminationOneToOneLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>>
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
ProfitCenterForElimination to other entities, where the cardinality of the related entity is at most 1. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ProfitCenterForEliminationLink<ObjectT> |
ProfitCenterForEliminationLink.translateLinkType(EntityLink<ProfitCenterForEliminationLink<ObjectT>,ProfitCenterForElimination,ObjectT> link) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ProfitCenterForEliminationLink<ObjectT> |
ProfitCenterForEliminationLink.translateLinkType(EntityLink<ProfitCenterForEliminationLink<ObjectT>,ProfitCenterForElimination,ObjectT> link) |
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