Valuation Methods


Cross-chart of accounts specification that contains the valuation approach to be used for performing a foreign currency valuation as part of the closing operations, for example, according to the lowest value principle.


To perform a foreign currency valuation in new General Ledger Accounting, you need to have specified in Customizing which valuation method is applied.

You define valuation methods in the Implementation Guide for Start of the navigation path Financial Accounting (New)underGeneral Ledger Accounting (New) Next navigation step Periodic Processing Next navigation step Valuate Next navigation step Define Valuation Methods End of the navigation path .


In a valuation method, you make the following specifications for the foreign currency valuation:

  • The valuation procedure to be used, for example, lowest value principle

  • How the exchange rate differences determined should be posted, for example, which document type should be used

  • The basis on which the exchange rate should be determined, for example, which exchange rate type should be used.


Under the above path in Customizing, you assign a valuation method to a valuation area.

Note Note

For more information, see Foreign Currency Valuations .

End of the note.