public class GlAccountItem extends Object
Structure: BAPIACGL09
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
GlAccountItem.GlAccountItemBuilder |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static GlAccountItem.GlAccountItemBuilder |
builder() |
protected boolean |
canEqual(Object other) |
boolean |
equals(Object o) |
String |
Field name: ACCT_KEY
AccountType |
Field name: ACCT_TYPE
AccountingDocumentNumber |
Field name: AC_DOC_NO
TypeOfTheItemOfTheAccrualSubobject |
Field name: ACRITEM_TYPE
IdentifierOfTheAccrualObject |
Field name: ACROBJ_ID
TypeOfTheAccrualObject |
Field name: ACROBJ_TYPE
IdentifierOfTheAccrualSubobject |
Field name: ACRSUBOBJ_ID
OperationActivityNumber |
Field name: ACTIVITY
ActivityType |
Field name: ACTTYPE
AssignmentNumber |
Field name: ALLOC_NMBR
MainAssetNumber |
Field name: ASSET_NO
LocalDate |
Field name: ASVAL_DATE
BaseUnitOfMeasure |
Field name: BASE_UOM
BaseUnitOfMeasureInIsoCode |
Field name: BASE_UOM_ISO
LocalDate |
LocalDate |
BillingType |
Field name: BILL_TYPE
BudgetPeriod |
BusinessArea |
Field name: BUS_AREA
String |
Field name: BUS_SCENARIO
CommitmentItem |
Field name: CMMT_ITEM
CommitmentItem24 |
Field name: CMMT_ITEM_LONG
BusinessProcess |
Field name: CO_BUSPROC
CompanyCode |
Field name: COMP_CODE
ConditionCategory |
ConditionCounter |
Field name: COND_COUNT
LevelNumber |
Field name: COND_ST_NO
ConditionType |
Field name: COND_TYPE
CostCenter |
Field name: COSTCENTER
CostObject |
Field name: COSTOBJECT
ErpBoolean |
Field name: CSHDIS_IND
TransactionType |
Field name: CS_TRANS_T
CustomerNumber |
Field name: CUSTOMER
String |
Field name: DE_CRE_IND
DistributionChannel |
Field name: DISTR_CHAN
Division |
Field name: DIVISION
DocumentType |
Field name: DOC_TYPE
QuantityInUnitOfEntry |
Field name: ENTRY_QNT
UnitOfEntry |
Field name: ENTRY_UOM
UnitOfEntryInIsoCode |
Field name: ENTRY_UOM_ISO
ExpenseTypeForGrantor |
Field name: EXPENSE_TYPE
String |
Field name: EXT_OBJECT_ID
ErpBoolean |
Field name: FASTPAY
Year |
Field name: FISC_YEAR
FiscalPeriod |
Field name: FIS_PERIOD
FinancialManagementArea |
Field name: FM_AREA
FunctionalArea |
Field name: FUNC_AREA
FunctionalArea16 |
Field name: FUNC_AREA_LONG
Fund |
Field name: FUND
FundsCenter |
Field name: FUNDS_CTR
GeneralLedgerAccount |
Field name: GL_ACCOUNT
Grant |
Field name: GRANT_NBR
GrossWeight |
Field name: GROSS_WT
IdForAccountDetails |
ShortKeyForAHouseBank |
ActualInvoicedQuantity |
Field name: INV_QTY
BillingQuantityInStockkeepingUnit |
Field name: INV_QTY_SU
String |
Field name: ITEM_CAT
AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber |
Field name: ITEMNO_ACC
DocumentItemNumberReferingToTaxDocument |
Field name: ITEMNO_TAX
String |
Field name: ITEM_TEXT
ItemNumberOfTheSdDocument |
Field name: ITM_NUMBER
LogicalTransaction |
Field name: LOG_PROC
MaterialNumber |
Field name: MATERIAL
MaterialNumber40 |
String |
Field name: MATL_TYPE
FundedProgram |
Field name: MEASURE
MovementIndicator |
Field name: MVT_IND
NetWeight |
Field name: NET_WEIGHT
NetworkNumberForAccountAssignment |
Field name: NETWORK
OrderNumber |
Field name: ORDERID
OrderItemNumber |
Field name: ORDER_ITNO
OriginGroupAsSubdivisionOfCostElement |
Field name: ORIG_GROUP
MaterialRelatedOrigin |
Field name: ORIG_MAT
PartnerAccountNumber |
Field name: PART_ACCT
FmPartnerBudgetPeriod |
PartnerFund |
Field name: PARTNER_FUND
PartnerGrant |
PartnerSegmentForSegmentalReporting |
PartnerProfitCenter |
Field name: PART_PRCTR
PaymentTypeForGrantor |
Field name: PAYMENT_TYPE
PartnerProfitCenterForEliminationOfInternalBusiness |
Field name: P_EL_PRCTR
PersonnelNumber |
Field name: PERSON_NO
Plant |
Field name: PLANT
ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument |
Field name: PO_ITEM
PurchasingDocumentNumber |
Field name: PO_NUMBER
QuantityInOrderPriceQuantityUnit |
Field name: PO_PR_QNT
OrderPriceUnit |
Field name: PO_PR_UOM
PurchaseOrderPriceUnitInIsoCode |
Field name: PO_PR_UOM_ISO
ErpBoolean |
Field name: PPA_EX_IND
ProfitCenter |
Field name: PROFIT_CTR
GrantorProgramProfile |
LocalDate |
Field name: PSTNG_DATE
Quantity |
Field name: QUANTITY
String |
Field name: REF_KEY_1
String |
Field name: REF_KEY_2
String |
Field name: REF_KEY_3
DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds |
Field name: RES_DOC
EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem |
Field name: RES_ITEM
ErpBoolean |
Field name: REVAL_IND
RoutingNumberOfOperationsInTheOrder |
Field name: ROUTING_NO
SalesGroup |
Field name: SALES_GRP
SalesOffice |
Field name: SALES_OFF
SalesOrderNumber |
Field name: SALES_ORD
SalesOrganization |
Field name: SALESORG
SalesUnit |
Field name: SALES_UNIT
SalesUnitInIsoCode |
Field name: SALES_UNIT_ISO
SegmentForSegmentalReporting |
Field name: SEGMENT
SequentialNumberOfAccountAssignment |
Field name: SERIAL_NO
SoldToParty |
Field name: SOLD_TO
ItemNumberInSalesOrder |
Field name: S_ORD_ITEM
String |
Field name: STAT_CON
AssetSubnumber |
Field name: SUB_NUMBER
TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode |
Field name: TAX_CODE
TaxJurisdiction |
Field name: TAXJURCODE
PartnerCompanyId |
Field name: TRADE_ID
TradingPartnerSBusinessArea |
Field name: TR_PART_BA
WeightUnit |
Field name: UNIT_OF_WT
UnitOfWeightInIsoCode |
Field name: UNIT_OF_WT_ISO
ValuationArea |
Field name: VAL_AREA
ValuationType |
Field name: VAL_TYPE
LocalDate |
Field name: VALUE_DATE
AccountNumberOfSupplier |
Field name: VENDOR_NO
Volume |
Field name: VOLUME
VolumeUnit |
Field name: VOLUMEUNIT
VolumeUnitInIsoCode |
WorkBreakdownStructureElement |
Field name: WBS_ELEMENT
ErpBoolean |
Field name: XMFRW
int |
hashCode() |
void |
setAcctKey(String acctKey)
Field name: ACCT_KEY
void |
setAcctType(AccountType acctType)
Field name: ACCT_TYPE
void |
setAcDocNo(AccountingDocumentNumber acDocNo)
Field name: AC_DOC_NO
void |
setAcritemType(TypeOfTheItemOfTheAccrualSubobject acritemType)
Field name: ACRITEM_TYPE
void |
setAcrobjId(IdentifierOfTheAccrualObject acrobjId)
Field name: ACROBJ_ID
void |
setAcrobjType(TypeOfTheAccrualObject acrobjType)
Field name: ACROBJ_TYPE
void |
setAcrsubobjId(IdentifierOfTheAccrualSubobject acrsubobjId)
Field name: ACRSUBOBJ_ID
void |
setActivity(OperationActivityNumber activity)
Field name: ACTIVITY
void |
setActtype(ActivityType acttype)
Field name: ACTTYPE
void |
setAllocNmbr(AssignmentNumber allocNmbr)
Field name: ALLOC_NMBR
void |
setAssetNo(MainAssetNumber assetNo)
Field name: ASSET_NO
void |
setAsvalDate(LocalDate asvalDate)
Field name: ASVAL_DATE
void |
setBaseUom(BaseUnitOfMeasure baseUom)
Field name: BASE_UOM
void |
setBaseUomIso(BaseUnitOfMeasureInIsoCode baseUomIso)
Field name: BASE_UOM_ISO
void |
setBillingPeriodEndDate(LocalDate billingPeriodEndDate)
void |
setBillingPeriodStartDate(LocalDate billingPeriodStartDate)
void |
setBillType(BillingType billType)
Field name: BILL_TYPE
void |
setBudgetPeriod(BudgetPeriod budgetPeriod)
void |
setBusArea(BusinessArea busArea)
Field name: BUS_AREA
void |
setBusScenario(String busScenario)
Field name: BUS_SCENARIO
void |
setCmmtItem(CommitmentItem cmmtItem)
Field name: CMMT_ITEM
void |
setCmmtItemLong(CommitmentItem24 cmmtItemLong)
Field name: CMMT_ITEM_LONG
void |
setCoBusproc(BusinessProcess coBusproc)
Field name: CO_BUSPROC
void |
setCompCode(CompanyCode compCode)
Field name: COMP_CODE
void |
setCondCategory(ConditionCategory condCategory)
void |
setCondCount(ConditionCounter condCount)
Field name: COND_COUNT
void |
setCondStNo(LevelNumber condStNo)
Field name: COND_ST_NO
void |
setCondType(ConditionType condType)
Field name: COND_TYPE
void |
setCostcenter(CostCenter costcenter)
Field name: COSTCENTER
void |
setCostobject(CostObject costobject)
Field name: COSTOBJECT
void |
setCshdisInd(ErpBoolean cshdisInd)
Field name: CSHDIS_IND
void |
setCsTransT(TransactionType csTransT)
Field name: CS_TRANS_T
void |
setCustomer(CustomerNumber customer)
Field name: CUSTOMER
void |
setDeCreInd(String deCreInd)
Field name: DE_CRE_IND
void |
setDistrChan(DistributionChannel distrChan)
Field name: DISTR_CHAN
void |
setDivision(Division division)
Field name: DIVISION
void |
setDocType(DocumentType docType)
Field name: DOC_TYPE
void |
setEntryQnt(QuantityInUnitOfEntry entryQnt)
Field name: ENTRY_QNT
void |
setEntryUom(UnitOfEntry entryUom)
Field name: ENTRY_UOM
void |
setEntryUomIso(UnitOfEntryInIsoCode entryUomIso)
Field name: ENTRY_UOM_ISO
void |
setExpenseType(ExpenseTypeForGrantor expenseType)
Field name: EXPENSE_TYPE
void |
setExtObjectId(String extObjectId)
Field name: EXT_OBJECT_ID
void |
setFastpay(ErpBoolean fastpay)
Field name: FASTPAY
void |
setFiscYear(Year fiscYear)
Field name: FISC_YEAR
void |
setFisPeriod(FiscalPeriod fisPeriod)
Field name: FIS_PERIOD
void |
setFmArea(FinancialManagementArea fmArea)
Field name: FM_AREA
void |
setFuncArea(FunctionalArea funcArea)
Field name: FUNC_AREA
void |
setFuncAreaLong(FunctionalArea16 funcAreaLong)
Field name: FUNC_AREA_LONG
void |
setFund(Fund fund)
Field name: FUND
void |
setFundsCtr(FundsCenter fundsCtr)
Field name: FUNDS_CTR
void |
setGlAccount(GeneralLedgerAccount glAccount)
Field name: GL_ACCOUNT
void |
setGrantNbr(Grant grantNbr)
Field name: GRANT_NBR
void |
setGrossWt(GrossWeight grossWt)
Field name: GROSS_WT
void |
setHousebankacctid(IdForAccountDetails housebankacctid)
void |
setHousebankid(ShortKeyForAHouseBank housebankid)
void |
setInvQty(ActualInvoicedQuantity invQty)
Field name: INV_QTY
void |
setInvQtySu(BillingQuantityInStockkeepingUnit invQtySu)
Field name: INV_QTY_SU
void |
setItemCat(String itemCat)
Field name: ITEM_CAT
void |
setItemnoAcc(AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber itemnoAcc)
Field name: ITEMNO_ACC
void |
setItemnoTax(DocumentItemNumberReferingToTaxDocument itemnoTax)
Field name: ITEMNO_TAX
void |
setItemText(String itemText)
Field name: ITEM_TEXT
void |
setItmNumber(ItemNumberOfTheSdDocument itmNumber)
Field name: ITM_NUMBER
void |
setLogProc(LogicalTransaction logProc)
Field name: LOG_PROC
void |
setMaterial(MaterialNumber material)
Field name: MATERIAL
void |
setMaterialLong(MaterialNumber40 materialLong)
void |
setMatlType(String matlType)
Field name: MATL_TYPE
void |
setMeasure(FundedProgram measure)
Field name: MEASURE
void |
setMvtInd(MovementIndicator mvtInd)
Field name: MVT_IND
void |
setNetWeight(NetWeight netWeight)
Field name: NET_WEIGHT
void |
setNetwork(NetworkNumberForAccountAssignment network)
Field name: NETWORK
void |
setOrderid(OrderNumber orderid)
Field name: ORDERID
void |
setOrderItno(OrderItemNumber orderItno)
Field name: ORDER_ITNO
void |
setOrigGroup(OriginGroupAsSubdivisionOfCostElement origGroup)
Field name: ORIG_GROUP
void |
setOrigMat(MaterialRelatedOrigin origMat)
Field name: ORIG_MAT
void |
setPartAcct(PartnerAccountNumber partAcct)
Field name: PART_ACCT
void |
setPartnerBudgetPeriod(FmPartnerBudgetPeriod partnerBudgetPeriod)
void |
setPartnerFund(PartnerFund partnerFund)
Field name: PARTNER_FUND
void |
setPartnerGrantNbr(PartnerGrant partnerGrantNbr)
void |
setPartnerSegment(PartnerSegmentForSegmentalReporting partnerSegment)
void |
setPartPrctr(PartnerProfitCenter partPrctr)
Field name: PART_PRCTR
void |
setPaymentType(PaymentTypeForGrantor paymentType)
Field name: PAYMENT_TYPE
void |
setPElPrctr(PartnerProfitCenterForEliminationOfInternalBusiness pElPrctr)
Field name: P_EL_PRCTR
void |
setPersonNo(PersonnelNumber personNo)
Field name: PERSON_NO
void |
setPlant(Plant plant)
Field name: PLANT
void |
setPoItem(ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument poItem)
Field name: PO_ITEM
void |
setPoNumber(PurchasingDocumentNumber poNumber)
Field name: PO_NUMBER
void |
setPoPrQnt(QuantityInOrderPriceQuantityUnit poPrQnt)
Field name: PO_PR_QNT
void |
setPoPrUom(OrderPriceUnit poPrUom)
Field name: PO_PR_UOM
void |
setPoPrUomIso(PurchaseOrderPriceUnitInIsoCode poPrUomIso)
Field name: PO_PR_UOM_ISO
void |
setPpaExInd(ErpBoolean ppaExInd)
Field name: PPA_EX_IND
void |
setProfitCtr(ProfitCenter profitCtr)
Field name: PROFIT_CTR
void |
setProgramProfile(GrantorProgramProfile programProfile)
void |
setPstngDate(LocalDate pstngDate)
Field name: PSTNG_DATE
void |
setQuantity(Quantity quantity)
Field name: QUANTITY
void |
setRefKey1(String refKey1)
Field name: REF_KEY_1
void |
setRefKey2(String refKey2)
Field name: REF_KEY_2
void |
setRefKey3(String refKey3)
Field name: REF_KEY_3
void |
setResDoc(DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds resDoc)
Field name: RES_DOC
void |
setResItem(EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem resItem)
Field name: RES_ITEM
void |
setRevalInd(ErpBoolean revalInd)
Field name: REVAL_IND
void |
setRoutingNo(RoutingNumberOfOperationsInTheOrder routingNo)
Field name: ROUTING_NO
void |
setSalesGrp(SalesGroup salesGrp)
Field name: SALES_GRP
void |
setSalesOff(SalesOffice salesOff)
Field name: SALES_OFF
void |
setSalesOrd(SalesOrderNumber salesOrd)
Field name: SALES_ORD
void |
setSalesorg(SalesOrganization salesorg)
Field name: SALESORG
void |
setSalesUnit(SalesUnit salesUnit)
Field name: SALES_UNIT
void |
setSalesUnitIso(SalesUnitInIsoCode salesUnitIso)
Field name: SALES_UNIT_ISO
void |
setSegment(SegmentForSegmentalReporting segment)
Field name: SEGMENT
void |
setSerialNo(SequentialNumberOfAccountAssignment serialNo)
Field name: SERIAL_NO
void |
setSoldTo(SoldToParty soldTo)
Field name: SOLD_TO
void |
setSOrdItem(ItemNumberInSalesOrder sOrdItem)
Field name: S_ORD_ITEM
void |
setStatCon(String statCon)
Field name: STAT_CON
void |
setSubNumber(AssetSubnumber subNumber)
Field name: SUB_NUMBER
void |
setTaxCode(TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode taxCode)
Field name: TAX_CODE
void |
setTaxjurcode(TaxJurisdiction taxjurcode)
Field name: TAXJURCODE
void |
setTradeId(PartnerCompanyId tradeId)
Field name: TRADE_ID
void |
setTrPartBa(TradingPartnerSBusinessArea trPartBa)
Field name: TR_PART_BA
void |
setUnitOfWt(WeightUnit unitOfWt)
Field name: UNIT_OF_WT
void |
setUnitOfWtIso(UnitOfWeightInIsoCode unitOfWtIso)
Field name: UNIT_OF_WT_ISO
void |
setValArea(ValuationArea valArea)
Field name: VAL_AREA
void |
setValType(ValuationType valType)
Field name: VAL_TYPE
void |
setValueDate(LocalDate valueDate)
Field name: VALUE_DATE
void |
setVendorNo(AccountNumberOfSupplier vendorNo)
Field name: VENDOR_NO
void |
setVolume(Volume volume)
Field name: VOLUME
void |
setVolumeunit(VolumeUnit volumeunit)
Field name: VOLUMEUNIT
void |
setVolumeunitIso(VolumeUnitInIsoCode volumeunitIso)
void |
setWbsElement(WorkBreakdownStructureElement wbsElement)
Field name: WBS_ELEMENT
void |
setXmfrw(ErpBoolean xmfrw)
Field name: XMFRW
String |
toString() |
void |
validate() |
public void validate() throws IllegalArgumentException
public static GlAccountItem.GlAccountItemBuilder builder()
@Nullable public String getAcctKey()
Type element: KTOSL Domain name: CHAR3 Internal type: CHAR Description: Transaction Key Max length: 3
@Nullable public AccountType getAcctType()
Type element: KOART Domain name: KOART Internal type: CHAR Description: Account type Max length: 1
@Nullable public TypeOfTheItemOfTheAccrualSubobject getAcritemType()
Type element: ACR_ITEM_TYPE Domain name: ACR_ITEM_TYPE Internal type: CHAR Description: Type of the Item of the Accrual Subobject Max length: 11
@Nullable public IdentifierOfTheAccrualObject getAcrobjId()
Type element: ACR_OBJ_ID Domain name: ACR_OBJ_ID Internal type: CHAR Description: Identifier of the Accrual Object Max length: 32
@Nullable public TypeOfTheAccrualObject getAcrobjType()
Type element: ACR_OBJ_TYPE Domain name: ACR_OBJ_TYPE Internal type: CHAR Description: Type of the Accrual Object Max length: 4
@Nullable public IdentifierOfTheAccrualSubobject getAcrsubobjId()
Type element: ACR_SUBOBJ_ID Domain name: ACR_SUBOBJ_ID Internal type: CHAR Description: Identifier of the Accrual Subobject Max length: 32
@Nullable public OperationActivityNumber getActivity()
Type element: VORNR Domain name: VORNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Operation/Activity Number Max length: 4
@Nullable public ActivityType getActtype()
Type element: LSTAR Domain name: LSTAR Internal type: CHAR Description: Activity Type Max length: 6
@Nullable public AccountingDocumentNumber getAcDocNo()
Type element: BELNR_D Domain name: BELNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Accounting Document Number Max length: 10
@Nullable public AssignmentNumber getAllocNmbr()
Type element: ACPI_ZUONR Domain name: ZUONR Internal type: CHAR Description: Assignment Number Max length: 18
@Nullable public MainAssetNumber getAssetNo()
Type element: ANLN1 Domain name: ANLN1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Main Asset Number Max length: 12
@Nullable public LocalDate getAsvalDate()
Type element: BF_BZDAT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Reference Date Max length: 8
@Nullable public BaseUnitOfMeasure getBaseUom()
Type element: MEINS Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Base Unit of Measure Max length: 3
@Nullable public BaseUnitOfMeasureInIsoCode getBaseUomIso()
Type element: MEINS_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Base unit of measure in ISO code Max length: 3
@Nullable public LocalDate getBillingPeriodEndDate()
Type element: FM_PEROP_FI_HIGH Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Billing Period of Performance End Date Max length: 8
@Nullable public LocalDate getBillingPeriodStartDate()
Type element: FM_PEROP_FI_LOW Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Billing Period of Performance Start Date Max length: 8
@Nullable public BillingType getBillType()
Type element: FKART Domain name: FKART Internal type: CHAR Description: Billing Type Max length: 4
@Nullable public BudgetPeriod getBudgetPeriod()
Type element: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Domain name: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Internal type: CHAR Description: Budget Period Max length: 10
@Nullable public BusinessArea getBusArea()
Type element: GSBER Domain name: GSBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Area Max length: 4
@Nullable public String getBusScenario()
Type element: ACPI_IAOM_BS_ID Domain name: CHAR16 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Scenario in Controlling for Logistical Objects Max length: 16
@Nullable public CommitmentItem getCmmtItem()
Type element: FIPOS Domain name: FIPOS Internal type: CHAR Description: Commitment Item Max length: 14
@Nullable public CommitmentItem24 getCmmtItemLong()
Type element: FM_FIPEX Domain name: FM_FIPEX Internal type: CHAR Description: Commitment item Max length: 24
@Nullable public CompanyCode getCompCode()
Type element: BUKRS Domain name: BUKRS Internal type: CHAR Description: Company Code Max length: 4
@Nullable public ConditionCategory getCondCategory()
Type element: ACPI_KNTYP Domain name: ACPI_KNTYP Internal type: CHAR Description: Condition Category (Examples: Tax, Freight, Price, Cost) Max length: 1
@Nullable public ConditionCounter getCondCount()
Type element: ACPI_DZAEHK Domain name: NUM02 Internal type: NUMC Description: Condition Counter Max length: 2
@Nullable public LevelNumber getCondStNo()
Type element: ACPI_STUNR Domain name: NUM03 Internal type: NUMC Description: Level Number Max length: 3
@Nullable public ConditionType getCondType()
Type element: KSCHA Domain name: KSCHL Internal type: CHAR Description: Condition Type Max length: 4
@Nullable public CostCenter getCostcenter()
Type element: KOSTL Domain name: KOSTL Internal type: CHAR Description: Cost Center Max length: 10
@Nullable public CostObject getCostobject()
Type element: KSTRG Domain name: KSTRG Internal type: CHAR Description: Cost Object Max length: 12
@Nullable public BusinessProcess getCoBusproc()
Type element: CO_PRZNR Domain name: CO_PRZNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Process Max length: 12
@Nullable public ErpBoolean getCshdisInd()
Type element: XSKRL Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: Line Item Not Liable to Cash Discount? Max length: 1
@Nullable public TransactionType getCsTransT()
Type element: RMVCT Domain name: RMVCT Internal type: CHAR Description: Transaction type Max length: 3
@Nullable public CustomerNumber getCustomer()
Type element: KUNNR Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Customer Number Max length: 10
@Nullable public String getDeCreInd()
Type element: ACPI_TBTKZ Domain name: CHAR01 Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: subsequent debit/credit Max length: 1
@Nullable public DistributionChannel getDistrChan()
Type element: VTWEG Domain name: VTWEG Internal type: CHAR Description: Distribution Channel Max length: 2
@Nullable public Division getDivision()
Type element: SPART Domain name: SPART Internal type: CHAR Description: Division Max length: 2
@Nullable public DocumentType getDocType()
Type element: BLART Domain name: BLART Internal type: CHAR Description: Document type Max length: 2
@Nullable public QuantityInUnitOfEntry getEntryQnt()
Type element: ERFMG Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Quantity in unit of entry Max length: 7
@Nullable public UnitOfEntry getEntryUom()
Type element: ERFME Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Unit of entry Max length: 3
@Nullable public UnitOfEntryInIsoCode getEntryUomIso()
Type element: ERFME_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Unit of entry in ISO code Max length: 3
@Nullable public ExpenseTypeForGrantor getExpenseType()
Type element: GTR_CRM_EXPENSE_CAT Domain name: GTR_CRM_EXPENSE_CAT Internal type: CHAR Description: Expense Type for Grantor Max length: 4
@Nullable public String getExtObjectId()
Type element: ACPI_IAOM_EO_ID Domain name: CHAR34 Internal type: CHAR Description: Technical Key of External Object Max length: 34
@Nullable public ErpBoolean getFastpay()
Type element: FMFG_FASTPAY_FLG Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: PPA Fast Pay Indicator Max length: 1
@Nullable public Year getFiscYear()
Type element: GJAHR Domain name: GJAHR Internal type: NUMC Description: Fiscal Year Max length: 4
@Nullable public FiscalPeriod getFisPeriod()
Type element: MONAT Domain name: MONAT Internal type: NUMC Description: Fiscal period Max length: 2
@Nullable public FinancialManagementArea getFmArea()
Type element: FIKRS Domain name: FIKRS Internal type: CHAR Description: Financial Management Area Max length: 4
@Nullable public FunctionalArea getFuncArea()
Type element: FKBER_SHORT Domain name: FKBER_SHORT Internal type: CHAR Description: Functional Area Max length: 4
@Nullable public FunctionalArea16 getFuncAreaLong()
Type element: FKBER Domain name: FKBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Functional Area Max length: 16
@Nullable public Fund getFund()
Type element: BP_GEBER Domain name: BP_GEBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Fund Max length: 10
@Nullable public FundsCenter getFundsCtr()
Type element: FISTL Domain name: FISTL Internal type: CHAR Description: Funds Center Max length: 16
@Nullable public GeneralLedgerAccount getGlAccount()
Type element: HKONT Domain name: SAKNR Internal type: CHAR Description: General Ledger Account Max length: 10
@Nullable public Grant getGrantNbr()
Type element: GM_GRANT_NBR Domain name: GM_GRANT_NBR Internal type: CHAR Description: Grant Max length: 20
@Nullable public GrossWeight getGrossWt()
Type element: ACPI_BRGEW_15 Domain name: MENG15 Internal type: QUAN Description: Gross Weight Max length: 8
@Nullable public IdForAccountDetails getHousebankacctid()
Type element: HKTID Domain name: HKTID Internal type: CHAR Description: ID for Account Details Max length: 5
@Nullable public ShortKeyForAHouseBank getHousebankid()
Type element: HBKID Domain name: HBKID Internal type: CHAR Description: Short Key for a House Bank Max length: 5
@Nullable public ActualInvoicedQuantity getInvQty()
Type element: ACPI_FKIMG Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Actual Invoiced Quantity Max length: 7
@Nullable public BillingQuantityInStockkeepingUnit getInvQtySu()
Type element: ACPI_FKLMG Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Billing quantity in stockkeeping unit Max length: 7
@Nullable public AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber getItemnoAcc()
Type element: POSNR_ACC Domain name: POSNR_ACC Internal type: NUMC Description: Accounting Document Line Item Number Max length: 10
@Nullable public DocumentItemNumberReferingToTaxDocument getItemnoTax()
Type element: TAXPS Domain name: NUM6 Internal type: NUMC Description: Document item number refering to tax document. Max length: 6
@Nullable public String getItemCat()
Type element: ACPI_PSTYP Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Item category in purchasing document Max length: 1
@Nullable public String getItemText()
Type element: SGTXT Domain name: TEXT50 Internal type: CHAR Description: Item Text Max length: 50
@Nullable public ItemNumberOfTheSdDocument getItmNumber()
Type element: POSNR Domain name: POSNR Internal type: NUMC Description: Item number of the SD document Max length: 6
@Nullable public LogicalTransaction getLogProc()
Type element: LOGVO Domain name: LOGVO Internal type: CHAR Description: Logical Transaction Max length: 6
@Nullable public MaterialNumber getMaterial()
Type element: MATNR18 Domain name: MATNR18 Internal type: CHAR Description: Material Number (18 Characters) Max length: 18
@Nullable public MaterialNumber40 getMaterialLong()
Type element: MATNR40 Domain name: MATNR40 Internal type: CHAR Description: Material Number Max length: 40
@Nullable public String getMatlType()
Type element: ACPI_MTART Domain name: CHAR4 Internal type: CHAR Description: Material Type Max length: 4
@Nullable public FundedProgram getMeasure()
Type element: FM_MEASURE Domain name: FM_MEASURE Internal type: CHAR Description: Funded Program Max length: 24
@Nullable public MovementIndicator getMvtInd()
Type element: KZBEW Domain name: KZBEW Internal type: CHAR Description: Movement Indicator Max length: 1
@Nullable public NetworkNumberForAccountAssignment getNetwork()
Type element: NPLNR Domain name: AUFNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Network Number for Account Assignment Max length: 12
@Nullable public NetWeight getNetWeight()
Type element: ACPI_NTGEW_15 Domain name: MENG15 Internal type: QUAN Description: Net weight Max length: 8
@Nullable public OrderNumber getOrderid()
Type element: AUFNR Domain name: AUFNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Order Number Max length: 12
@Nullable public OrderItemNumber getOrderItno()
Type element: CO_POSNR Domain name: CO_POSNR Internal type: NUMC Description: Order item number Max length: 4
@Nullable public OriginGroupAsSubdivisionOfCostElement getOrigGroup()
Type element: HRKFT Domain name: HRKFT Internal type: CHAR Description: Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element Max length: 4
@Nullable public MaterialRelatedOrigin getOrigMat()
Type element: HKMAT Domain name: HKMAT Internal type: CHAR Description: Material-related origin Max length: 1
@Nullable public FmPartnerBudgetPeriod getPartnerBudgetPeriod()
Type element: FM_PBUDGET_PERIOD Domain name: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Internal type: CHAR Description: FM: Partner Budget Period Max length: 10
@Nullable public PartnerFund getPartnerFund()
Type element: FM_PFUND Domain name: BP_GEBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Fund Max length: 10
@Nullable public PartnerGrant getPartnerGrantNbr()
Type element: GM_PGRANT_NBR Domain name: GM_GRANT_NBR Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Grant Max length: 20
@Nullable public PartnerSegmentForSegmentalReporting getPartnerSegment()
Type element: FB_PSEGMENT Domain name: FB_SEGMENT Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting Max length: 10
@Nullable public PartnerAccountNumber getPartAcct()
Type element: JV_PART Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner account number Max length: 10
@Nullable public PartnerProfitCenter getPartPrctr()
Type element: PPRCTR Domain name: PRCTR Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Profit Center Max length: 10
@Nullable public PaymentTypeForGrantor getPaymentType()
Type element: GTR_CRM_PAYMENT_TYPE Domain name: GTR_CRM_PAYMENT_TYPE Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment Type for Grantor Max length: 4
@Nullable public PersonnelNumber getPersonNo()
Type element: PERNR_D Domain name: PERNR Internal type: NUMC Description: Personnel Number Max length: 8
@Nullable public Plant getPlant()
Type element: WERKS_D Domain name: WERKS Internal type: CHAR Description: Plant Max length: 4
@Nullable public ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument getPoItem()
Type element: EBELP Domain name: EBELP Internal type: NUMC Description: Item Number of Purchasing Document Max length: 5
@Nullable public PurchasingDocumentNumber getPoNumber()
Type element: EBELN Domain name: EBELN Internal type: CHAR Description: Purchasing Document Number Max length: 10
@Nullable public QuantityInOrderPriceQuantityUnit getPoPrQnt()
Type element: ACPI_BPMNG Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Quantity in order price quantity unit Max length: 7
@Nullable public OrderPriceUnit getPoPrUom()
Type element: ACPI_BPRME Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Order price unit (purchasing) Max length: 3
@Nullable public PurchaseOrderPriceUnitInIsoCode getPoPrUomIso()
Type element: BPRME_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Purchase order price unit in ISO code Max length: 3
@Nullable public ErpBoolean getPpaExInd()
Type element: EXCLUDE_FLG Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: PPA Exclude Indicator Max length: 1
@Nullable public ProfitCenter getProfitCtr()
Type element: PRCTR Domain name: PRCTR Internal type: CHAR Description: Profit Center Max length: 10
@Nullable public GrantorProgramProfile getProgramProfile()
Type element: GTR_CRM_PROG_PROFILE Domain name: Internal type: CHAR Description: Grantor Program Profile Max length: 10
@Nullable public LocalDate getPstngDate()
Type element: BUDAT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Posting Date in the Document Max length: 8
@Nullable public PartnerProfitCenterForEliminationOfInternalBusiness getPElPrctr()
Type element: ACPI_EPRCTR Domain name: PRCTR Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner profit center for elimination of internal business Max length: 10
@Nullable public Quantity getQuantity()
Type element: MENGE_D Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Quantity Max length: 7
@Nullable public String getRefKey1()
Type element: XREF1 Domain name: CHAR12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Partner Reference Key Max length: 12
@Nullable public String getRefKey2()
Type element: XREF2 Domain name: CHAR12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Partner Reference Key Max length: 12
@Nullable public String getRefKey3()
Type element: XREF3 Domain name: CHAR20 Internal type: CHAR Description: Reference key for line item Max length: 20
@Nullable public DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds getResDoc()
Type element: KBLNR Domain name: KBLNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Document Number for Earmarked Funds Max length: 10
@Nullable public EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem getResItem()
Type element: KBLPOS Domain name: KBLPOS Internal type: NUMC Description: Earmarked Funds: Document Item Max length: 3
@Nullable public ErpBoolean getRevalInd()
Type element: ACPI_XUMBW Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Revaluation Max length: 1
@Nullable public RoutingNumberOfOperationsInTheOrder getRoutingNo()
Type element: CO_AUFPL Domain name: AUFPL Internal type: NUMC Description: Routing number of operations in the order Max length: 10
@Nullable public SalesOrganization getSalesorg()
Type element: VKORG Domain name: VKORG Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Organization Max length: 4
@Nullable public SalesGroup getSalesGrp()
Type element: VKGRP Domain name: VKGRP Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Group Max length: 3
@Nullable public SalesOffice getSalesOff()
Type element: VKBUR Domain name: VKBUR Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Office Max length: 4
@Nullable public SalesOrderNumber getSalesOrd()
Type element: KDAUF Domain name: VBELN Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Order Number Max length: 10
@Nullable public SalesUnit getSalesUnit()
Type element: VRKME Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Sales Unit Max length: 3
@Nullable public SalesUnitInIsoCode getSalesUnitIso()
Type element: ACPI_VRKME_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales unit in ISO code Max length: 3
@Nullable public SegmentForSegmentalReporting getSegment()
Type element: FB_SEGMENT Domain name: FB_SEGMENT Internal type: CHAR Description: Segment for Segmental Reporting Max length: 10
@Nullable public SequentialNumberOfAccountAssignment getSerialNo()
Type element: ACPI_DZEKKN Domain name: NUM02 Internal type: NUMC Description: Sequential number of account assignment Max length: 2
@Nullable public SoldToParty getSoldTo()
Type element: KUNAG Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Sold-To Party Max length: 10
@Nullable public String getStatCon()
Type element: ACPI_KSTAZ Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator for statistical line items Max length: 1
@Nullable public AssetSubnumber getSubNumber()
Type element: ANLN2 Domain name: ANLN2 Internal type: CHAR Description: Asset Subnumber Max length: 4
@Nullable public ItemNumberInSalesOrder getSOrdItem()
Type element: KDPOS Domain name: NUM06 Internal type: NUMC Description: Item number in Sales Order Max length: 6
@Nullable public TaxJurisdiction getTaxjurcode()
Type element: TXJCD Domain name: TXJCD Internal type: CHAR Description: Tax Jurisdiction Max length: 15
@Nullable public TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode getTaxCode()
Type element: MWSKZ Domain name: MWSKZ Internal type: CHAR Description: Tax on Sales/Purchases Code Max length: 2
@Nullable public PartnerCompanyId getTradeId()
Type element: RASSC Domain name: RCOMP Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Company ID Max length: 6
@Nullable public TradingPartnerSBusinessArea getTrPartBa()
Type element: PARGB Domain name: GSBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Trading partner's business area Max length: 4
@Nullable public WeightUnit getUnitOfWt()
Type element: ACPI_GEWEI Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Weight unit Max length: 3
@Nullable public UnitOfWeightInIsoCode getUnitOfWtIso()
Type element: ACPI_GEWEI_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Unit of weight in ISO code Max length: 3
@Nullable public LocalDate getValueDate()
Type element: VALUT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Value date Max length: 8
@Nullable public ValuationArea getValArea()
Type element: BWKEY Domain name: BWKEY Internal type: CHAR Description: Valuation Area Max length: 4
@Nullable public ValuationType getValType()
Type element: BWTAR_D Domain name: BWTAR Internal type: CHAR Description: Valuation Type Max length: 10
@Nullable public AccountNumberOfSupplier getVendorNo()
Type element: LIFNR Domain name: LIFNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Account Number of Supplier Max length: 10
@Nullable public Volume getVolume()
Type element: ACPI_VOLUM_15 Domain name: MENG15 Internal type: QUAN Description: Volume Max length: 8
@Nullable public VolumeUnit getVolumeunit()
Type element: ACPI_VOLEH Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Volume unit Max length: 3
@Nullable public VolumeUnitInIsoCode getVolumeunitIso()
Type element: ACPI_VOLEH_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Volume unit in ISO code Max length: 3
@Nullable public WorkBreakdownStructureElement getWbsElement()
Type element: PS_POSID Domain name: PS_POSID Internal type: CHAR Description: Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) Max length: 24
@Nullable public ErpBoolean getXmfrw()
Type element: ACPI_XMFRW Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: Update quantity in RW Max length: 1
public void setAcctKey(@Nullable String acctKey)
Type element: KTOSL Domain name: CHAR3 Internal type: CHAR Description: Transaction Key Max length: 3
public void setAcctType(@Nullable AccountType acctType)
Type element: KOART Domain name: KOART Internal type: CHAR Description: Account type Max length: 1
public void setAcritemType(@Nullable TypeOfTheItemOfTheAccrualSubobject acritemType)
Type element: ACR_ITEM_TYPE Domain name: ACR_ITEM_TYPE Internal type: CHAR Description: Type of the Item of the Accrual Subobject Max length: 11
public void setAcrobjId(@Nullable IdentifierOfTheAccrualObject acrobjId)
Type element: ACR_OBJ_ID Domain name: ACR_OBJ_ID Internal type: CHAR Description: Identifier of the Accrual Object Max length: 32
public void setAcrobjType(@Nullable TypeOfTheAccrualObject acrobjType)
Type element: ACR_OBJ_TYPE Domain name: ACR_OBJ_TYPE Internal type: CHAR Description: Type of the Accrual Object Max length: 4
public void setAcrsubobjId(@Nullable IdentifierOfTheAccrualSubobject acrsubobjId)
Type element: ACR_SUBOBJ_ID Domain name: ACR_SUBOBJ_ID Internal type: CHAR Description: Identifier of the Accrual Subobject Max length: 32
public void setActivity(@Nullable OperationActivityNumber activity)
Type element: VORNR Domain name: VORNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Operation/Activity Number Max length: 4
public void setActtype(@Nullable ActivityType acttype)
Type element: LSTAR Domain name: LSTAR Internal type: CHAR Description: Activity Type Max length: 6
public void setAcDocNo(@Nullable AccountingDocumentNumber acDocNo)
Type element: BELNR_D Domain name: BELNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Accounting Document Number Max length: 10
public void setAllocNmbr(@Nullable AssignmentNumber allocNmbr)
Type element: ACPI_ZUONR Domain name: ZUONR Internal type: CHAR Description: Assignment Number Max length: 18
public void setAssetNo(@Nullable MainAssetNumber assetNo)
Type element: ANLN1 Domain name: ANLN1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Main Asset Number Max length: 12
public void setAsvalDate(@Nullable LocalDate asvalDate)
Type element: BF_BZDAT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Reference Date Max length: 8
public void setBaseUom(@Nullable BaseUnitOfMeasure baseUom)
Type element: MEINS Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Base Unit of Measure Max length: 3
public void setBaseUomIso(@Nullable BaseUnitOfMeasureInIsoCode baseUomIso)
Type element: MEINS_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Base unit of measure in ISO code Max length: 3
public void setBillingPeriodEndDate(@Nullable LocalDate billingPeriodEndDate)
Type element: FM_PEROP_FI_HIGH Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Billing Period of Performance End Date Max length: 8
public void setBillingPeriodStartDate(@Nullable LocalDate billingPeriodStartDate)
Type element: FM_PEROP_FI_LOW Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Billing Period of Performance Start Date Max length: 8
public void setBillType(@Nullable BillingType billType)
Type element: FKART Domain name: FKART Internal type: CHAR Description: Billing Type Max length: 4
public void setBudgetPeriod(@Nullable BudgetPeriod budgetPeriod)
Type element: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Domain name: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Internal type: CHAR Description: Budget Period Max length: 10
public void setBusArea(@Nullable BusinessArea busArea)
Type element: GSBER Domain name: GSBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Area Max length: 4
public void setBusScenario(@Nullable String busScenario)
Type element: ACPI_IAOM_BS_ID Domain name: CHAR16 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Scenario in Controlling for Logistical Objects Max length: 16
public void setCmmtItem(@Nullable CommitmentItem cmmtItem)
Type element: FIPOS Domain name: FIPOS Internal type: CHAR Description: Commitment Item Max length: 14
public void setCmmtItemLong(@Nullable CommitmentItem24 cmmtItemLong)
Type element: FM_FIPEX Domain name: FM_FIPEX Internal type: CHAR Description: Commitment item Max length: 24
public void setCompCode(@Nullable CompanyCode compCode)
Type element: BUKRS Domain name: BUKRS Internal type: CHAR Description: Company Code Max length: 4
public void setCondCategory(@Nullable ConditionCategory condCategory)
Type element: ACPI_KNTYP Domain name: ACPI_KNTYP Internal type: CHAR Description: Condition Category (Examples: Tax, Freight, Price, Cost) Max length: 1
public void setCondCount(@Nullable ConditionCounter condCount)
Type element: ACPI_DZAEHK Domain name: NUM02 Internal type: NUMC Description: Condition Counter Max length: 2
public void setCondStNo(@Nullable LevelNumber condStNo)
Type element: ACPI_STUNR Domain name: NUM03 Internal type: NUMC Description: Level Number Max length: 3
public void setCondType(@Nullable ConditionType condType)
Type element: KSCHA Domain name: KSCHL Internal type: CHAR Description: Condition Type Max length: 4
public void setCostcenter(@Nullable CostCenter costcenter)
Type element: KOSTL Domain name: KOSTL Internal type: CHAR Description: Cost Center Max length: 10
public void setCostobject(@Nullable CostObject costobject)
Type element: KSTRG Domain name: KSTRG Internal type: CHAR Description: Cost Object Max length: 12
public void setCoBusproc(@Nullable BusinessProcess coBusproc)
Type element: CO_PRZNR Domain name: CO_PRZNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Process Max length: 12
public void setCshdisInd(@Nullable ErpBoolean cshdisInd)
Type element: XSKRL Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: Line Item Not Liable to Cash Discount? Max length: 1
public void setCsTransT(@Nullable TransactionType csTransT)
Type element: RMVCT Domain name: RMVCT Internal type: CHAR Description: Transaction type Max length: 3
public void setCustomer(@Nullable CustomerNumber customer)
Type element: KUNNR Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Customer Number Max length: 10
public void setDeCreInd(@Nullable String deCreInd)
Type element: ACPI_TBTKZ Domain name: CHAR01 Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: subsequent debit/credit Max length: 1
public void setDistrChan(@Nullable DistributionChannel distrChan)
Type element: VTWEG Domain name: VTWEG Internal type: CHAR Description: Distribution Channel Max length: 2
public void setDivision(@Nullable Division division)
Type element: SPART Domain name: SPART Internal type: CHAR Description: Division Max length: 2
public void setDocType(@Nullable DocumentType docType)
Type element: BLART Domain name: BLART Internal type: CHAR Description: Document type Max length: 2
public void setEntryQnt(@Nullable QuantityInUnitOfEntry entryQnt)
Type element: ERFMG Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Quantity in unit of entry Max length: 7
public void setEntryUom(@Nullable UnitOfEntry entryUom)
Type element: ERFME Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Unit of entry Max length: 3
public void setEntryUomIso(@Nullable UnitOfEntryInIsoCode entryUomIso)
Type element: ERFME_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Unit of entry in ISO code Max length: 3
public void setExpenseType(@Nullable ExpenseTypeForGrantor expenseType)
Type element: GTR_CRM_EXPENSE_CAT Domain name: GTR_CRM_EXPENSE_CAT Internal type: CHAR Description: Expense Type for Grantor Max length: 4
public void setExtObjectId(@Nullable String extObjectId)
Type element: ACPI_IAOM_EO_ID Domain name: CHAR34 Internal type: CHAR Description: Technical Key of External Object Max length: 34
public void setFastpay(@Nullable ErpBoolean fastpay)
Type element: FMFG_FASTPAY_FLG Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: PPA Fast Pay Indicator Max length: 1
public void setFiscYear(@Nullable Year fiscYear)
Type element: GJAHR Domain name: GJAHR Internal type: NUMC Description: Fiscal Year Max length: 4
public void setFisPeriod(@Nullable FiscalPeriod fisPeriod)
Type element: MONAT Domain name: MONAT Internal type: NUMC Description: Fiscal period Max length: 2
public void setFmArea(@Nullable FinancialManagementArea fmArea)
Type element: FIKRS Domain name: FIKRS Internal type: CHAR Description: Financial Management Area Max length: 4
public void setFuncArea(@Nullable FunctionalArea funcArea)
Type element: FKBER_SHORT Domain name: FKBER_SHORT Internal type: CHAR Description: Functional Area Max length: 4
public void setFuncAreaLong(@Nullable FunctionalArea16 funcAreaLong)
Type element: FKBER Domain name: FKBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Functional Area Max length: 16
public void setFund(@Nullable Fund fund)
Type element: BP_GEBER Domain name: BP_GEBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Fund Max length: 10
public void setFundsCtr(@Nullable FundsCenter fundsCtr)
Type element: FISTL Domain name: FISTL Internal type: CHAR Description: Funds Center Max length: 16
public void setGlAccount(@Nullable GeneralLedgerAccount glAccount)
Type element: HKONT Domain name: SAKNR Internal type: CHAR Description: General Ledger Account Max length: 10
public void setGrantNbr(@Nullable Grant grantNbr)
Type element: GM_GRANT_NBR Domain name: GM_GRANT_NBR Internal type: CHAR Description: Grant Max length: 20
public void setGrossWt(@Nullable GrossWeight grossWt)
Type element: ACPI_BRGEW_15 Domain name: MENG15 Internal type: QUAN Description: Gross Weight Max length: 8
public void setHousebankacctid(@Nullable IdForAccountDetails housebankacctid)
Type element: HKTID Domain name: HKTID Internal type: CHAR Description: ID for Account Details Max length: 5
public void setHousebankid(@Nullable ShortKeyForAHouseBank housebankid)
Type element: HBKID Domain name: HBKID Internal type: CHAR Description: Short Key for a House Bank Max length: 5
public void setInvQty(@Nullable ActualInvoicedQuantity invQty)
Type element: ACPI_FKIMG Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Actual Invoiced Quantity Max length: 7
public void setInvQtySu(@Nullable BillingQuantityInStockkeepingUnit invQtySu)
Type element: ACPI_FKLMG Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Billing quantity in stockkeeping unit Max length: 7
public void setItemnoAcc(@Nullable AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber itemnoAcc)
Type element: POSNR_ACC Domain name: POSNR_ACC Internal type: NUMC Description: Accounting Document Line Item Number Max length: 10
public void setItemnoTax(@Nullable DocumentItemNumberReferingToTaxDocument itemnoTax)
Type element: TAXPS Domain name: NUM6 Internal type: NUMC Description: Document item number refering to tax document. Max length: 6
public void setItemCat(@Nullable String itemCat)
Type element: ACPI_PSTYP Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Item category in purchasing document Max length: 1
public void setItemText(@Nullable String itemText)
Type element: SGTXT Domain name: TEXT50 Internal type: CHAR Description: Item Text Max length: 50
public void setItmNumber(@Nullable ItemNumberOfTheSdDocument itmNumber)
Type element: POSNR Domain name: POSNR Internal type: NUMC Description: Item number of the SD document Max length: 6
public void setLogProc(@Nullable LogicalTransaction logProc)
Type element: LOGVO Domain name: LOGVO Internal type: CHAR Description: Logical Transaction Max length: 6
public void setMaterial(@Nullable MaterialNumber material)
Type element: MATNR18 Domain name: MATNR18 Internal type: CHAR Description: Material Number (18 Characters) Max length: 18
public void setMaterialLong(@Nullable MaterialNumber40 materialLong)
Type element: MATNR40 Domain name: MATNR40 Internal type: CHAR Description: Material Number Max length: 40
public void setMatlType(@Nullable String matlType)
Type element: ACPI_MTART Domain name: CHAR4 Internal type: CHAR Description: Material Type Max length: 4
public void setMeasure(@Nullable FundedProgram measure)
Type element: FM_MEASURE Domain name: FM_MEASURE Internal type: CHAR Description: Funded Program Max length: 24
public void setMvtInd(@Nullable MovementIndicator mvtInd)
Type element: KZBEW Domain name: KZBEW Internal type: CHAR Description: Movement Indicator Max length: 1
public void setNetwork(@Nullable NetworkNumberForAccountAssignment network)
Type element: NPLNR Domain name: AUFNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Network Number for Account Assignment Max length: 12
public void setNetWeight(@Nullable NetWeight netWeight)
Type element: ACPI_NTGEW_15 Domain name: MENG15 Internal type: QUAN Description: Net weight Max length: 8
public void setOrderid(@Nullable OrderNumber orderid)
Type element: AUFNR Domain name: AUFNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Order Number Max length: 12
public void setOrderItno(@Nullable OrderItemNumber orderItno)
Type element: CO_POSNR Domain name: CO_POSNR Internal type: NUMC Description: Order item number Max length: 4
public void setOrigGroup(@Nullable OriginGroupAsSubdivisionOfCostElement origGroup)
Type element: HRKFT Domain name: HRKFT Internal type: CHAR Description: Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element Max length: 4
public void setOrigMat(@Nullable MaterialRelatedOrigin origMat)
Type element: HKMAT Domain name: HKMAT Internal type: CHAR Description: Material-related origin Max length: 1
public void setPartnerBudgetPeriod(@Nullable FmPartnerBudgetPeriod partnerBudgetPeriod)
Type element: FM_PBUDGET_PERIOD Domain name: FM_BUDGET_PERIOD Internal type: CHAR Description: FM: Partner Budget Period Max length: 10
public void setPartnerFund(@Nullable PartnerFund partnerFund)
Type element: FM_PFUND Domain name: BP_GEBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Fund Max length: 10
public void setPartnerGrantNbr(@Nullable PartnerGrant partnerGrantNbr)
Type element: GM_PGRANT_NBR Domain name: GM_GRANT_NBR Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Grant Max length: 20
public void setPartnerSegment(@Nullable PartnerSegmentForSegmentalReporting partnerSegment)
Type element: FB_PSEGMENT Domain name: FB_SEGMENT Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting Max length: 10
public void setPartAcct(@Nullable PartnerAccountNumber partAcct)
Type element: JV_PART Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner account number Max length: 10
public void setPartPrctr(@Nullable PartnerProfitCenter partPrctr)
Type element: PPRCTR Domain name: PRCTR Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Profit Center Max length: 10
public void setPaymentType(@Nullable PaymentTypeForGrantor paymentType)
Type element: GTR_CRM_PAYMENT_TYPE Domain name: GTR_CRM_PAYMENT_TYPE Internal type: CHAR Description: Payment Type for Grantor Max length: 4
public void setPersonNo(@Nullable PersonnelNumber personNo)
Type element: PERNR_D Domain name: PERNR Internal type: NUMC Description: Personnel Number Max length: 8
public void setPlant(@Nullable Plant plant)
Type element: WERKS_D Domain name: WERKS Internal type: CHAR Description: Plant Max length: 4
public void setPoItem(@Nullable ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument poItem)
Type element: EBELP Domain name: EBELP Internal type: NUMC Description: Item Number of Purchasing Document Max length: 5
public void setPoNumber(@Nullable PurchasingDocumentNumber poNumber)
Type element: EBELN Domain name: EBELN Internal type: CHAR Description: Purchasing Document Number Max length: 10
public void setPoPrQnt(@Nullable QuantityInOrderPriceQuantityUnit poPrQnt)
Type element: ACPI_BPMNG Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Quantity in order price quantity unit Max length: 7
public void setPoPrUom(@Nullable OrderPriceUnit poPrUom)
Type element: ACPI_BPRME Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Order price unit (purchasing) Max length: 3
public void setPoPrUomIso(@Nullable PurchaseOrderPriceUnitInIsoCode poPrUomIso)
Type element: BPRME_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Purchase order price unit in ISO code Max length: 3
public void setPpaExInd(@Nullable ErpBoolean ppaExInd)
Type element: EXCLUDE_FLG Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: PPA Exclude Indicator Max length: 1
public void setProfitCtr(@Nullable ProfitCenter profitCtr)
Type element: PRCTR Domain name: PRCTR Internal type: CHAR Description: Profit Center Max length: 10
public void setProgramProfile(@Nullable GrantorProgramProfile programProfile)
Type element: GTR_CRM_PROG_PROFILE Domain name: Internal type: CHAR Description: Grantor Program Profile Max length: 10
public void setPstngDate(@Nullable LocalDate pstngDate)
Type element: BUDAT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Posting Date in the Document Max length: 8
public void setPElPrctr(@Nullable PartnerProfitCenterForEliminationOfInternalBusiness pElPrctr)
Type element: ACPI_EPRCTR Domain name: PRCTR Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner profit center for elimination of internal business Max length: 10
public void setQuantity(@Nullable Quantity quantity)
Type element: MENGE_D Domain name: MENG13 Internal type: QUAN Description: Quantity Max length: 7
public void setRefKey1(@Nullable String refKey1)
Type element: XREF1 Domain name: CHAR12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Partner Reference Key Max length: 12
public void setRefKey2(@Nullable String refKey2)
Type element: XREF2 Domain name: CHAR12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Business Partner Reference Key Max length: 12
public void setRefKey3(@Nullable String refKey3)
Type element: XREF3 Domain name: CHAR20 Internal type: CHAR Description: Reference key for line item Max length: 20
public void setResDoc(@Nullable DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds resDoc)
Type element: KBLNR Domain name: KBLNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Document Number for Earmarked Funds Max length: 10
public void setResItem(@Nullable EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem resItem)
Type element: KBLPOS Domain name: KBLPOS Internal type: NUMC Description: Earmarked Funds: Document Item Max length: 3
public void setRevalInd(@Nullable ErpBoolean revalInd)
Type element: ACPI_XUMBW Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Revaluation Max length: 1
public void setRoutingNo(@Nullable RoutingNumberOfOperationsInTheOrder routingNo)
Type element: CO_AUFPL Domain name: AUFPL Internal type: NUMC Description: Routing number of operations in the order Max length: 10
public void setSalesorg(@Nullable SalesOrganization salesorg)
Type element: VKORG Domain name: VKORG Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Organization Max length: 4
public void setSalesGrp(@Nullable SalesGroup salesGrp)
Type element: VKGRP Domain name: VKGRP Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Group Max length: 3
public void setSalesOff(@Nullable SalesOffice salesOff)
Type element: VKBUR Domain name: VKBUR Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Office Max length: 4
public void setSalesOrd(@Nullable SalesOrderNumber salesOrd)
Type element: KDAUF Domain name: VBELN Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales Order Number Max length: 10
public void setSalesUnit(@Nullable SalesUnit salesUnit)
Type element: VRKME Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Sales Unit Max length: 3
public void setSalesUnitIso(@Nullable SalesUnitInIsoCode salesUnitIso)
Type element: ACPI_VRKME_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Sales unit in ISO code Max length: 3
public void setSegment(@Nullable SegmentForSegmentalReporting segment)
Type element: FB_SEGMENT Domain name: FB_SEGMENT Internal type: CHAR Description: Segment for Segmental Reporting Max length: 10
public void setSerialNo(@Nullable SequentialNumberOfAccountAssignment serialNo)
Type element: ACPI_DZEKKN Domain name: NUM02 Internal type: NUMC Description: Sequential number of account assignment Max length: 2
public void setSoldTo(@Nullable SoldToParty soldTo)
Type element: KUNAG Domain name: KUNNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Sold-To Party Max length: 10
public void setStatCon(@Nullable String statCon)
Type element: ACPI_KSTAZ Domain name: CHAR1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator for statistical line items Max length: 1
public void setSubNumber(@Nullable AssetSubnumber subNumber)
Type element: ANLN2 Domain name: ANLN2 Internal type: CHAR Description: Asset Subnumber Max length: 4
public void setSOrdItem(@Nullable ItemNumberInSalesOrder sOrdItem)
Type element: KDPOS Domain name: NUM06 Internal type: NUMC Description: Item number in Sales Order Max length: 6
public void setTaxjurcode(@Nullable TaxJurisdiction taxjurcode)
Type element: TXJCD Domain name: TXJCD Internal type: CHAR Description: Tax Jurisdiction Max length: 15
public void setTaxCode(@Nullable TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode taxCode)
Type element: MWSKZ Domain name: MWSKZ Internal type: CHAR Description: Tax on Sales/Purchases Code Max length: 2
public void setTradeId(@Nullable PartnerCompanyId tradeId)
Type element: RASSC Domain name: RCOMP Internal type: CHAR Description: Partner Company ID Max length: 6
public void setTrPartBa(@Nullable TradingPartnerSBusinessArea trPartBa)
Type element: PARGB Domain name: GSBER Internal type: CHAR Description: Trading partner's business area Max length: 4
public void setUnitOfWt(@Nullable WeightUnit unitOfWt)
Type element: ACPI_GEWEI Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Weight unit Max length: 3
public void setUnitOfWtIso(@Nullable UnitOfWeightInIsoCode unitOfWtIso)
Type element: ACPI_GEWEI_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Unit of weight in ISO code Max length: 3
public void setValueDate(@Nullable LocalDate valueDate)
Type element: VALUT Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Value date Max length: 8
public void setValArea(@Nullable ValuationArea valArea)
Type element: BWKEY Domain name: BWKEY Internal type: CHAR Description: Valuation Area Max length: 4
public void setValType(@Nullable ValuationType valType)
Type element: BWTAR_D Domain name: BWTAR Internal type: CHAR Description: Valuation Type Max length: 10
public void setVendorNo(@Nullable AccountNumberOfSupplier vendorNo)
Type element: LIFNR Domain name: LIFNR Internal type: CHAR Description: Account Number of Supplier Max length: 10
public void setVolume(@Nullable Volume volume)
Type element: ACPI_VOLUM_15 Domain name: MENG15 Internal type: QUAN Description: Volume Max length: 8
public void setVolumeunit(@Nullable VolumeUnit volumeunit)
Type element: ACPI_VOLEH Domain name: MEINS Internal type: UNIT Description: Volume unit Max length: 3
public void setVolumeunitIso(@Nullable VolumeUnitInIsoCode volumeunitIso)
Type element: ACPI_VOLEH_ISO Domain name: ISOCD_UNIT Internal type: CHAR Description: Volume unit in ISO code Max length: 3
public void setWbsElement(@Nullable WorkBreakdownStructureElement wbsElement)
Type element: PS_POSID Domain name: PS_POSID Internal type: CHAR Description: Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) Max length: 24
public void setXmfrw(@Nullable ErpBoolean xmfrw)
Type element: ACPI_XMFRW Domain name: XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: Update quantity in RW Max length: 1
protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
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