Example documentationExample: Group-Based Evaluation of IT Suppliers



The following figures show the creation of an evaluation template for IT suppliers and the subsequent generation of evaluation requests from the template.

Creation of a Supplier Evaluation for IT suppliers
  1. An employee with the role Questionnaire Manager creates questions and sections in the question library. These are supposed to be used in questionnaires addressed to appraisers of IT suppliers. Questions and sections are based on criteria that are important for measuring the performance of IT suppliers. One criterion could be “quality”, which serves as a section in this example. Questions relating to quality may address the durability (lifetime) of hardware, for example.

    The Questionnaire Manager can assign scores to the answer options of certain question types. For more information, see Scores and Weightings.

  2. The Questionnaire Manager compiles a questionnaire for IT suppliers, selecting the appropriate questions and sections from the question library. The questions can be specific to the IT industry, or of a general content.

    The Questionnaire Manager can assign weightings to sections and questions in the questionnaire. For more information, see Scores and Weightings.

  3. The Category Manager creates an evaluation template for IT suppliers, and assigns the following to it:

    • The questionnaire created in step 2

    • Suppliers of a peer group to be evaluated regularly with this template

    • Appraisers to be regularly asked to evaluate these suppliers

Once released, the evaluation template can be used to generate evaluation requests per time period from it. The requests inherit the assigned questionnaire, suppliers, and appraisers from the template.

Generation of Evaluation Requests for IT Suppliers

From the beginning of the year 2015, the Category Manager for IT goods and services has been generating evaluation requests quarterly to send the IT suppliers questionnaires to the appraisers assigned to the template. The request for the third quarter is currently ongoing.

Appraisers receive an e-mail asking them to evaluate IT suppliers. Each appraiser fills out a questionnaire for each IT supplier of the peer group (except for appraisers who have potentially been assigned to a subset of suppliers only).

At the start of the evaluation, one scorecard for each supplier has been created. Scorecards are updated with each incoming response.