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SAP NetWeaver 7.50 SP 13 KMC

Package com.sapportals.wcm.util.acl

Contains interfaces for ACLs and AclManagers with definitions for permissions, ACLs and ACL entries.

See: Description

Package com.sapportals.wcm.util.acl Description

Contains interfaces for ACLs and AclManagers with definitions for permissions, ACLs and ACL entries.

Package Specification


With ACLs (Access Control Lists) specific Permissions can be stored for a given Object (e.g. a document).
An ACL consists of ACEs (ACl Entries). Such an ACLEntry defines, which principal (e.g. user 'admin') is given which permission (e.g. 'read').
An AclManager is responsible for storing and retrieving the ACLs.
The configured and available AclManagers are retrieved through the AclManagerFactory.


Since the AclManagerFactory maintains the available AclManagers, each instance of an AclManager has to be defined within the AclManagerFactory's configuration with the following variables:

classyes The classname of the AclManager to use (e.g. com.sapportals.wcm.util.acl.jdbc.JDBCAclManager to use the default implementation).
cfgyes The configuration block to use for this manager (see below).
Usualy this is either acl_jdbc_rep_mgr for the AclManager for the repository ACLs, or acl_jdbc_service_mgr for the AclManager for service ACLs (see below).

The default implementation for AclManagers, the JDBCAclManager, has to be configured using the following variables:

poolidyes The id of the connection pool, which identifies the database where the ACLs are stored.
cacheidno The id of the cache to use for caching the ACLs (usualy ca_cm_xxx_acl, where xxx is rep for the AclManager for repository ACLs and srv for the AclManager for the service ACLs).
Allthough this variable is optional, it is not recommended to leave it blank, because doing so will disable caching of the ACLs and thus leading to a significant performance slowdown!
permission_cacheidno The id of the cache to use for caching the Permissions (usualy ca_cm_xxx_acl_perm, where xxx is rep for the AclManager for repository ACLs and srv for the AclManager for the service ACLs).
Allthough this variable is optional, it is not recommended to leave it blank, because doing so will disable caching of the persmission and thus leading to a drastic  performance slowdown!

The following is a sample configuration entry for the AclManager for repository ACLs:

poolid = dbcon_rep
cacheid = ca_cm_rep_acl
permission_cacheid = ca_cm_rep_acl_perm

Implementation notes


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SAP NetWeaver 7.50 SP 13 KMC

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