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SAP NetWeaver 7.50 SP 13 KMC


Represents the syndicator part of the ICE service.

See: Description

Package Description

Represents the syndicator part of the ICE service.

Package Specification

The entry point for work with the content exchange service is the IICEService interface. This enables you to get a reference to an ISyndicatorConfig object which has a pivotal role for managing the syndicator side of content distribution. ISyndicatorConfig enables  access and interaction with other objects representing the syndicator side of the content exchange service. It helps to manage offers and subscriptions.

The graphic gives an overview of the most important interfaces related to the syndicator.


The interfaces shown have the following purpose:

In addition to the interfaces described above, there are also interfaces to deal with lists. Lists of offers, components, subscribers and subscriptions can be handled with the help of the corresponding interfaces. For example, ISynSubscriberList and ISynSubscriberIterator are available for the syndicator to work with lists of subscribers.

Code Sample

// 1: getting the syndicator part
IICEService iceService = (IICEService)ResourceFactory.getInstance().getServiceFactory().getService(IICEService.ICE_SERVICE);
ISyndicatorConfig config = iceService.getSyndicatorConfig();

// 2: defining one offer comprised of two components
IOfferComponent component;
IOffer offer = config.createOffer("News", resourceContext);
component = offer.createComponent("Politics", new RID("/new/politics"), "news/politics", resourceContext);
component = offer.createComponent("Sport",    new RID("/dpa/sport"),    "dpa/sport",     resourceContext);

// 3: register a subscriber with this syndicator
UUID subscriberUUID = <unique identifier of the subscriber>;
ISynSubscriber subscriber = config.createSubscriber("Subscriber1", "Test Subscriber", subscriberUUID, resourceContext);

// 4: create a subscription to above news offer for this subscriber
UUID subscriptionId = new UUID();
RID destinationRID = <RID of the collection where to put the content of the subscription>
ISubSubscription subscription = subscriber.createSubscription("News Subscription", subscriptionId, deliverPolicy, offer, resourceContext);

// NOTE:
// This subscription will be established only locally. The subscriber has to create it on his side, too.
// Usually, the subscriber will establish a subscription using a HTTP connection to the ICE servlet of this syndicator.
// The ICE servlet will then register the subscriber and create the subscription automatically,
// i.e. you usually don't have to do steps 3 and 4.

Related Documentation

See also
See also

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SAP NetWeaver 7.50 SP 13 KMC

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