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SAP NetWeaver 7.50 SP 13 KMC

Package com.sapportals.wcm.repository.service.personalnote

Provides a service that manages personal notes for resources.

See: Description

Package com.sapportals.wcm.repository.service.personalnote Description

Provides a service that manages personal notes for resources.

Package Specification


The personal notes service handles notes that users create for resources. It supports add and get methods.


The personal notes can be configured with the parameters shown in the table.
The parameters can be set with the help of the user interface of the Content Management configuration framework.
For more information see the documentation Administering Content Management.

Property Required Description
class yes The class that implements the comment service interface and is used for this system
Repository Yes Repository where the personal notes are stored
Root Yes Root folder in the repository where the personal notes are stored.

The following shows a sample configuration:

Name Value
class com.sapportals.wcm.repository.service.personalnote.PersonalNoteManager
Repository /collaboration
Root personalnote

An instance of the personal notes service must be configured for each repository where it is required.

Implementation notes

Personal notes are stored in files. These files are located in the personal notes root folder as shown in the example:

/collaboration/ personalnote /<Unique ID of Resource>/<UserID>/ personalnote. txt

A namespace filter is started with the service. This Filter provides cares about access rights. Only the author of a note can access the note.

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SAP NetWeaver 7.50 SP 13 KMC

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