When you are managing a large number of objects, you must be able to group these objects according to particular features. In this way, you can logically organize them according to various criteria, find them easily, and group them together when performing analyses.
Using the Classification System you can create a hierarchically structured classification system for your company. The hierarchical structure of the Classification System enables you to find easily existing special classes - starting from a superior class.
A class hierarchy could look like this, for example:
In Plant Maintenance, you can classify all technical objects that are represented by a master record in the system. You classify an individual object in its master record either when creating the master record or later when changing it.
Process Flow
First you create Characteristics , with which you describe the technical objects in more detail.
This also enables you to manage technical data that is not contained in the master records of the maintenance objects.
For a solar collector class you could, for example, specify the effectiveness in % and the conductor used as characteristics.
Afterwards, you create the necessary Classes . Classes are created within the class type for the respective technical objects.
In plant maintenance, for example, there are class types for pieces of equipment, functional locations and reference functional locations.
You assign a suitable characteristic to the class. You can assign keywords to the class to make it easier to find.
For example, you could assign to a class of solar collectors, the keywords "solar collector", "collector" and "alternative energy source".
You perform the classification in the master record of the technical object, by assigning one or more classes to it.
You can perform characteristic valuation based on the classification data in the master record of the technical object. To do this, you enter one value for the class and the characteristic respectively.