public static final class WarehouseTaskExceptionCode.WarehouseTaskExceptionCodeBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public WarehouseTaskExceptionCode.WarehouseTaskExceptionCodeBuilder warehouseTask(WarehouseTask value)
- The WarehouseTask to build this WarehouseTaskExceptionCode with.@Nonnull public WarehouseTaskExceptionCode.WarehouseTaskExceptionCodeBuilder warehouseTask(String value)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WarehouseTask
All movements in a warehouse are processed in the system via warehouse tasks.
- The warehouseTask to build this WarehouseTaskExceptionCode with.public WarehouseTaskExceptionCode.WarehouseTaskExceptionCodeBuilder warehouse(@Nullable String warehouse)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Warehouse
All activities within a warehouse, for example, goods movements and physical inventory, are assigned to a specific warehouse number. The physical warehouse where these activities take place is identified by the warehouse number.
public WarehouseTaskExceptionCode.WarehouseTaskExceptionCodeBuilder warehouseTaskItem(@Nullable String warehouseTaskItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WarehouseTaskItem
Every WT item moves a product in a particular attribute and quantity from a storage bin (possibly cross-storage type) to a different storage bin (and if necessary, a remaining quantity to a third storage bin).
public WarehouseTaskExceptionCode.WarehouseTaskExceptionCodeBuilder warehouseTaskExceptionCode(@Nullable String warehouseTaskExceptionCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WarehouseTaskExceptionCode
Storage bin is empty, storage bin is not accessible
public WarehouseTaskExceptionCode.WarehouseTaskExceptionCodeBuilder businessContext(@Nullable String businessContext)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BusinessContext
Confirm warehouse task and count physical inventory.
public WarehouseTaskExceptionCode.WarehouseTaskExceptionCodeBuilder businessContextExecutionStep(@Nullable String businessContextExecutionStep)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BusinessContextExecutionStep
public WarehouseTaskExceptionCode build()
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