public static class QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder extends Object
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder material(@Nullable String material)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Material
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder qltyInProcmtIntID(@Nullable String qltyInProcmtIntID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: QltyInProcmtIntID
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder supplier(@Nullable String supplier)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Supplier
With the supplier number, information from the supplier master record (such as the supplier's address and bank details) is copied into a purchasing document (such as a request for quotation or a purchase order).You can use the supplier number to keep track of requests for quotation, purchase orders and outline agreements.
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder plant(@Nullable String plant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder qltyInProcmtReleaseValidTo(@Nullable LocalDateTime qltyInProcmtReleaseValidTo)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: QltyInProcmtReleaseValidTo
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder baseUnit(@Nullable String baseUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BaseUnit
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder releasedQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal releasedQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ReleasedQuantity
The system also displays the sum of the ordered quantities .If you reset the ordered quantity, the system no longer shows the ordered quantity and notes the reset date.
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder blockReason(@Nullable String blockReason)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BlockReason
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder procurementBlock(@Nullable String procurementBlock)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProcurementBlock
You can enter a block key in the:Supplier master recordIn this case, the supplier block applies to all materials and plants.Quality info record for QM in procurementIn this case, the supplier block applies to a single material and plant.A block for quality reasons applies only to those materials for which QM in procurement is active.
goods receipt) should be blocked for quality reasons.public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder qltyInProcmtRelQtyIsActive(@Nullable Boolean qltyInProcmtRelQtyIsActive)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: QltyInProcmtRelQtyIsActive
public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder qltyInProcmtInspControl(@Nullable String qltyInProcmtInspControl)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: QltyInProcmtInspControl
"Inspection active, if vendor is not certified"An inspection lot is created if the settings in the material master require this, and if there is no other overriding control function."No inspection"No inspection lot is created, although the material master requires an inspection."Inspection active, independent of vendor certification"An inspection lot is created, although a skip lot is scheduled for the vendor as a result of the vendor's QM system.
settings are available:public QualityInProcurement.QualityInProcurementBuilder isDeleted(@Nullable String isDeleted)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsDeleted
This data record will be deleted, depending on additional settings, in the next archiving run.
public QualityInProcurement build()
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