public static final class CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder creditMemoRequest(CreditMemoRequest value)
- The CreditMemoRequest to build this CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt with.@Nonnull public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder creditMemoRequest(String value)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreditMemoRequest
- The creditMemoRequest to build this CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt with.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder pricingProcedureStep(@Nullable String pricingProcedureStep)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PricingProcedureStep
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder pricingProcedureCounter(@Nullable String pricingProcedureCounter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PricingProcedureCounter
During automatic pricing, the system takes into account the sequence specified by the counter.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionApplication(@Nullable String conditionApplication)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionApplication
example, sales & distribution or purchasing).public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionType(@Nullable String conditionType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionType
The condition type indicates, for example, whether, during pricing, the system applies a price, a discount, a surcharge, or other pricing elements, such as freight costs and sales taxes. For each of these pricing elements, there is a condition type defined in the system.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder pricingDateTime(@Nullable String pricingDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PricingDateTime
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionCalculationType(@Nullable String conditionCalculationType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionCalculationType
The calculation type can be set when generating new condition records. If this does not happen, the calculation type maintained here is valid for the condition record.
system can calculate a price as a fixed amount or as a percentage based on quantity, volume, or weight.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionBaseValue(@Nullable BigDecimal conditionBaseValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionBaseValue
The condition base value can be one of the following:QuantityWeightVolumeThe system multiplies the condition base value by the rate to produce the total amount for the condition. The total amount appears in the pricing procedure of a sales document.If, for example, you have a condition base value of 100 bottles and a rate of $10 per bottle, the amount for the pricing condition is $1000.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionRateValue(@Nullable BigDecimal conditionRateValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionRateValue
The following examples illustrate how you can use the rate in different condition types:If you create a condition that includes prices (for example, prices for a material), you enter an amount.If you are creating a condition based on percentage discounts or surcharges (for example, a customer-specific discount), you enter the value of a percentage. If the condition is a discount, the system automatically enters a minus sign behind the amount and a percent sign in the Rate unit field.
rate can be an amount or a percentage. If the condition includes a pricing scale, the rate displays the first line of the scale.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionCurrency(@Nullable String conditionCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionCurrency
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal conditionQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionQuantity
You want to create a condition record for a material price of US$8 for 1 piece. You enter "8" in the Rate field, "USD" in the Unit field, and "1" as the condition pricing unit in this field.You create a condition record that gives a fixed discount of $10 to a customer who buys 1000 bottles. In this case, the condition pricing unit is 1000.
example, bottles).public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionQuantityUnit(@Nullable String conditionQuantityUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionQuantityUnit
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionToBaseQtyNmrtr(@Nullable BigDecimal conditionToBaseQtyNmrtr)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionToBaseQtyNmrtr
Many material processing functions, such as creating production requirements, may require that sales units are converted into base units.You store a soft drink in gallons, but sell it in 1 pint bottles. The conversion factor looks like this:8 Pt <=> 1 GThe first number (the denominator) represents the sales units, in this case, pints. The second number (the numerator) represents the equivalent quantity of base units, in this case, gallons.
measure.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionToBaseQtyDnmntr(@Nullable BigDecimal conditionToBaseQtyDnmntr)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionToBaseQtyDnmntr
Many material processing functions, such as creating production requirements, may require that sales units are converted into base units.You store a soft drink in gallons, but sell it in 1 pint bottles. The conversion factor looks like this:8 Pt <=> 1 GThe first number (the denominator) represents the sales units, in this case, pints. The second number (the numerator) represents the equivalent quantity of base units, in this case, gallons.
of measure.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionCategory(@Nullable String conditionCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionCategory
relate to freight costs).public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionIsForStatistics(@Nullable Boolean conditionIsForStatistics)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionIsForStatistics
altering the value).public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder pricingScaleType(@Nullable String pricingScaleType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PricingScaleType
From a certain quantity or value (base scale)Up to a certain quantity or value (to-scale)Alternatively, it is possible to work with interval scales. Interval scales must be stored in the condition type, that is, the scale type "interval scale" cannot be changed in the condition record. The reason for this is technical restrictions resulting from the programming within pricing.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder isRelevantForAccrual(@Nullable Boolean isRelevantForAccrual)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsRelevantForAccrual
If you mark this indicator, the condition appears in the document as a statistical condition.
accruals.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder cndnIsRelevantForInvoiceList(@Nullable String cndnIsRelevantForInvoiceList)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CndnIsRelevantForInvoiceList
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionOrigin(@Nullable String conditionOrigin)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionOrigin
whether the system determined it automatically).public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder isGroupCondition(@Nullable String isGroupCondition)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsGroupCondition
For a group condition to be effective, the items must belong to a group. You can freely define the group to meet the needs of your own organization. The items can, for example, all belong to the same material group.A sales order contains two items. Both items belong to the material group 01.Material Quantity Material groupA 150 01B 100 01The group condition indicator is set in the definition of the condition type for material group discounts. The condition record for material group 01 includes the following pricing scale:Scale quantity Discountfrom 1 pc -1%from 200 pc -2%Neither item alone qualifies for the 2% discount. However, when the items are combined as part of a group condition, the combined quantity creates a basis of 250 pieces. This basis then exceeds the scale value of 200 pieces, which is necessary to qualify for the higher discount.
items of the business document into account.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder accessNumberOfAccessSequence(@Nullable String accessNumberOfAccessSequence)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AccessNumberOfAccessSequence
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionRecord(@Nullable String conditionRecord)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionRecord
The system uses the condition record number to store and retrieve information during processing (pricing, for example).
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionSequentialNumber(@Nullable String conditionSequentialNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionSequentialNumber
If you have assigned a condition supplement to the condition, the system automatically assigns the number.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder taxCode(@Nullable String taxCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaxCode
Tax codes are unique per country. The tax rate calculation rules and further features are stored in a table for each tax code.For tax-exempt or non-taxable transactions, you should use tax codes with a 0 percentage rate if the corresponding transactions are to be displayed in the tax returns.You must define new tax codes if tax rates are changed by the state. The old codes with the old tax rates must remain in the system until no more open items which use this tax code exist.
the tax authorities.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder withholdingTaxCode(@Nullable String withholdingTaxCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WithholdingTaxCode
Note that when processing a business transaction, no more than one withholding tax code can be assigned per withholding tax type. If the business transaction is subject to more than one withholding taxes, these must be represented in the system by defining various withholding tax types.
codes determine is the various percentage rates for the withholding tax type.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder cndnRoundingOffDiffAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal cndnRoundingOffDiffAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CndnRoundingOffDiffAmount
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal conditionAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionAmount
This value is used as a total for the condition in the pricing procedure.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder transactionCurrency(@Nullable String transactionCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TransactionCurrency
The system proposes the document currency from the customer master record of the sold-to party. You can change the currency manually in the document. If you change the currency, the system recalculates prices for the entire document.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionControl(@Nullable String conditionControl)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionControl
The indicator shows, for example, if the prices generated by a condition have been changed manually during processing.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionInactiveReason(@Nullable String conditionInactiveReason)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionInactiveReason
A condition can be inactive due to the following reasons:Condition is excludedSubsequent price deactivates conditionFormula deactivates conditionError during pricing
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionClass(@Nullable String conditionClass)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionClass
Allows standardized processing of individual condition classes within the system.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder prcgProcedureCounterForHeader(@Nullable String prcgProcedureCounterForHeader)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PrcgProcedureCounterForHeader
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder factorForConditionBasisValue(@Nullable Double factorForConditionBasisValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FactorForConditionBasisValue
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder structureCondition(@Nullable String structureCondition)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StructureCondition
This control is only helpful when you use bill of materials or configurable materials:' ' - None'A' - Duplication Condition: A duplicated condition is duplicated into all assigned items.'B' - Cumulation Condition: A cumulated condition contains the net value of all assigned items.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder periodFactorForCndnBasisValue(@Nullable Double periodFactorForCndnBasisValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PeriodFactorForCndnBasisValue
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder pricingScaleBasis(@Nullable String pricingScaleBasis)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PricingScaleBasis
on quantity, weight, or volume.public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionScaleBasisValue(@Nullable BigDecimal conditionScaleBasisValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionScaleBasisValue
You create a pricing condition based on a simple quantity scale:Quantity Price per unit10 $12100 $111000 $10A sales order item for 150 units qualifies for the $11 price. In this case, the scale base value that determines the price is 100.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionScaleBasisUnit(@Nullable String conditionScaleBasisUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionScaleBasisUnit
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionScaleBasisCurrency(@Nullable String conditionScaleBasisCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionScaleBasisCurrency
If a pricing scale is based on a value instead of a quantity, you can specify a currency for the value. In the standard version of the SAP System, this field is only relevant in condition records for the following discounts:Price groupPrice group/Material pricing groupYou apply a price group discount to customers in a particular foreign country. When you create a condition record for this discount and enter values in the pricing scale, you can also enter the corresponding foreign currency. During pricing, the system then calculates discounts based on scale values in the foreign currency. The discount amount is then converted into the currency you are using in the sales document.After you enter a currency in this field and save the condition record, you cannot change the currency without deleting the record and creating it again.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionAlternativeCurrency(@Nullable String conditionAlternativeCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionAlternativeCurrency
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionAmountInLocalCrcy(@Nullable BigDecimal conditionAmountInLocalCrcy)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionAmountInLocalCrcy
This value is used as a total for the condition in the pricing procedure.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder cndnIsRelevantForIntcoBilling(@Nullable Boolean cndnIsRelevantForIntcoBilling)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CndnIsRelevantForIntcoBilling
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionIsManuallyChanged(@Nullable Boolean conditionIsManuallyChanged)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionIsManuallyChanged
condition screen).public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder cumulatedConditionBasisValue(@Nullable BigDecimal cumulatedConditionBasisValue)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CumulatedConditionBasisValue
The condition base value can be one of the following:QuantityWeightVolumeThe system multiplies the condition base value by the rate to produce the total amount for the condition. The total amount appears in the pricing procedure of a sales document.If, for example, you have a condition base value of 100 bottles and a rate of $10 per bottle, the amount for the pricing condition is $1000.
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder conditionIsForConfiguration(@Nullable Boolean conditionIsForConfiguration)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ConditionIsForConfiguration
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt.CreditMemoReqPrcgElmntBuilder variantCondition(@Nullable String variantCondition)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: VariantCondition
public CreditMemoReqPrcgElmnt build()
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