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To convert a crosstab to formulaLocate this document in the navigation structure


  1. Insert a crosstab into a workbook
  2. Choose Convert to Formula.

    This performs the following steps:

    • Texts that are not displayed because they occur several times in a column or row, are repeated in each cell automatically to produce valid formulas. You can also execute this step manually by selecting the Repeat Members check box for the crosstab on the Components tab in the design panel.
    • Every cell in the crosstab is defined as a Microsoft Excel formula.
      Note All currently displayed cells of the crosstab are converted to formula. Cells in a hierarchy that are currently not expanded, are not converted.
    • For dimensions and members displayed as text in the crosstab, the key is added to the data source during conversion to formula. This doesn't change the display in the original crosstab. You will only see the added key if you insert the crosstab with the same data source again in your workbook. Then columns and rows are added to display the key.
    • Crosstab object is deleted.


All currently displayed cells of the crosstab are converted to a formula using the functions SAPGetData, SAPGetMember, SAPGetDimensionInfo and SAPGetUniformScaling.
Note As long as you haven't changed the data in the table, you can go back to analysis mode by choosing Undo.