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Calculating new measures Locate this document in the navigation structure

Based on measures that are available in your analysis, you can calculate new measures. There are two types of calculations.

For simple calculations, you use two or more available measures as operands and an operator to create a new measure. The new measure is the sum of two available measures, for example.

For dynamic calculations, you only use one available measure as operand and you create a new measure based on this operand. For example, if you use sales volume per region as operand, you can add a new measure that displays the rank of each region according to sales volume. If you now filter out or add new regions to your analysis, the rank numbers are changed dynamically. These calculations are therefore called dynamic calculations.

The newly created measures are added to the crosstab and to the design panel. In the design panel, you can switch the sequence of the measures, edit their name or delete them. Directly on the crosstab, you can also switch the sequence using drag and drop, and edit the name and delete measures with the context menus.