public class FixedAssetDepreciationArea extends Object
Structure: BAPI1022_DEP_AREAS
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
FixedAssetDepreciationArea.FixedAssetDepreciationAreaBuilder |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static FixedAssetDepreciationArea.FixedAssetDepreciationAreaBuilder |
builder() |
boolean |
equals(Object o) |
AssetAccountingAcquisMonth |
Field name: ACQ_PRD
Type element: BF_VMNTH
Domain name: POPER
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Asset Accounting: Acquis. month (in depreciation area)
Max length: 3
Year |
Field name: ACQ_YR
Type element: BF_VYEAR
Domain name: GJAHR
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Acquisition year of the asset (manually changeable)
Max length: 4
IndexSeriesForReplacementValuesByAge |
Field name: AGE_INDEX
Type element: BF_ALIND
Domain name: BF_WBIND
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Index series for replacement values by age
Max length: 5
RealDepreciationArea |
Field name: AREA
Type element: BF_AFABE_D
Domain name: BF_AFABE
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Real depreciation area
Max length: 2
Year |
Field name: CHANGE_YR
Type element: BF_UMJAR
Domain name: GJAHR
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Depreciation key for the changeover year
Max length: 4
CurrencyKey |
Field name: CURRENCY
Type element: WAERS
Domain name: WAERS
Internal type: CUKY
Description: Currency Key
Max length: 5
IsoCodeCurrency |
Field name: CURRENCY_ISO
Type element: WAERS_ISO
Domain name: ISOCD
Internal type: CHAR
Description: ISO code currency
Max length: 3
ErpBoolean |
Field name: DEACTIVATE
Type element: BF_XAFBE
Domain name: BF_XFELD
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Indicator: Depreciation area is deactivated
Max length: 1
DepreciationKey |
Field name: DEP_KEY
Type element: BF_AFASL
Domain name: BF_AFASL
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Depreciation key
Max length: 4
NumberOfUnitsDepreciatedInUnitOfProdDepreciation |
Field name: DEP_UNITS
Type element: RSTCK
Domain name: PACK8
Internal type: DEC
Description: Number of units depreciated in unit-of-prod. depreciation
Max length: 8
String |
Field name: DESCRIPT
Type element: AFBKTX
Domain name: TEXT12
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Short name for depreciation area
Max length: 12
ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsAtStartOfFiscalYear |
Field name: EXP_ULIFE_PRDS
Type element: BF_NDABP
Domain name: BF_PERAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Expired useful life in periods at start of fiscal year
Max length: 3
ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsDuringFyFromSdepStartDat |
Type element: BF_ANDSP
Domain name: BF_PERAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Expired useful life in periods during FY from SDep start dat
Max length: 3
YrsExpiredUpToFiscYrStartFromStartOfSpecDep |
Type element: BF_ANDSJ
Domain name: BF_JARAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Yrs Expired up to Fisc.Yr Start from Start of Spec.Dep.
ExpiredUsefulLifeInYearsAtStartOfTheFiscalYear |
Field name: EXP_ULIFE_YRS
Type element: BF_NDABJ
Domain name: BF_JARAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Expired useful life in years at start of the fiscal year
Max length: 3
org.joda.time.LocalDate |
Field name: FROM_DATE
Type element: BF_ADATU
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Date for beginning of validity
Max length: 8
GroupAsset |
Field name: GRP_ASSET
Type element: BF_ANLGR
Domain name: BF_ANLN1
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Group asset
Max length: 12
SubnumberOfGroupAsset |
Type element: BF_ANLGR2
Domain name: BF_ANLN2
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Subnumber of group asset
Max length: 4
IndexSeriesForReplacementValues |
Field name: INDEX
Type element: BF_WBIND
Domain name: BF_WBIND
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Index series for replacement values
Max length: 5
org.joda.time.LocalDate |
Type element: BF_ZINBG
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Start date for interest calculation
Max length: 8
ErpBoolean |
Field name: NEG_VALUES
Type element: BF_XNEGA
Domain name: BF_XFELD
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Indicator: Negative values allowed
Max length: 1
org.joda.time.LocalDate |
Type element: BF_AFABG
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Depreciation Calculation Start Date
Max length: 8
OriginalUsefulLifeInPeriods |
Type element: BF_NDURP
Domain name: BF_PERAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Original useful life in periods
Max length: 3
OriginalUsefulLifeInYears |
Field name: ORIG_ULIFE_YRS
Type element: BF_NDURJ
Domain name: BF_JARAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Original useful life in years
Max length: 3
org.joda.time.LocalDate |
Field name: READINESS
Type element: BF_INBDA
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Asset Accounting: Date of operating readiness
Max length: 8
AssetScrapValue |
Field name: SCRAPVALUE
Type element: BF_SCHRW
Domain name: BAPICURR
Internal type: DEC
Description: Asset scrap value
Max length: 12
ScrapValueAsPercentageOfApc |
Type element: SCHRW_PROZ
Domain name:
Internal type: DEC
Description: Scrap Value as Percentage of APC
Max length: 8
org.joda.time.LocalDate |
Type element: BF_SAFBG
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Start date for special depreciation
Max length: 8
org.joda.time.LocalDate |
Field name: TO_DATE
Type element: BF_BDATU
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Date Validity Ends
Max length: 8
PlannedUsefulLifeInPeriods |
Field name: ULIFE_PRDS
Type element: BF_NDPER
Domain name: BF_PERAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Planned useful life in periods
Max length: 3
PlannedUsefulLifeInYears |
Field name: ULIFE_YRS
Type element: BF_NDJAR
Domain name: BF_JARAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Planned useful life in years
Max length: 3
VariableDepreciationPortion |
Type element: BF_APROP
Domain name: DEC3_4
Internal type: DEC
Description: Variable depreciation portion
Max length: 4
int |
hashCode() |
void |
setAcqPrd(AssetAccountingAcquisMonth acqPrd)
Field name: ACQ_PRD
Type element: BF_VMNTH
Domain name: POPER
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Asset Accounting: Acquis. month (in depreciation area)
Max length: 3
void |
setAcqYr(Year acqYr)
Field name: ACQ_YR
Type element: BF_VYEAR
Domain name: GJAHR
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Acquisition year of the asset (manually changeable)
Max length: 4
void |
setAgeIndex(IndexSeriesForReplacementValuesByAge ageIndex)
Field name: AGE_INDEX
Type element: BF_ALIND
Domain name: BF_WBIND
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Index series for replacement values by age
Max length: 5
void |
setArea(RealDepreciationArea area)
Field name: AREA
Type element: BF_AFABE_D
Domain name: BF_AFABE
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Real depreciation area
Max length: 2
void |
setChangeYr(Year changeYr)
Field name: CHANGE_YR
Type element: BF_UMJAR
Domain name: GJAHR
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Depreciation key for the changeover year
Max length: 4
void |
setCurrency(CurrencyKey currency)
Field name: CURRENCY
Type element: WAERS
Domain name: WAERS
Internal type: CUKY
Description: Currency Key
Max length: 5
void |
setCurrencyIso(IsoCodeCurrency currencyIso)
Field name: CURRENCY_ISO
Type element: WAERS_ISO
Domain name: ISOCD
Internal type: CHAR
Description: ISO code currency
Max length: 3
void |
setDeactivate(ErpBoolean deactivate)
Field name: DEACTIVATE
Type element: BF_XAFBE
Domain name: BF_XFELD
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Indicator: Depreciation area is deactivated
Max length: 1
void |
setDepKey(DepreciationKey depKey)
Field name: DEP_KEY
Type element: BF_AFASL
Domain name: BF_AFASL
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Depreciation key
Max length: 4
void |
setDepUnits(NumberOfUnitsDepreciatedInUnitOfProdDepreciation depUnits)
Field name: DEP_UNITS
Type element: RSTCK
Domain name: PACK8
Internal type: DEC
Description: Number of units depreciated in unit-of-prod. depreciation
Max length: 8
void |
setDescript(String descript)
Field name: DESCRIPT
Type element: AFBKTX
Domain name: TEXT12
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Short name for depreciation area
Max length: 12
void |
setExpUlifePrds(ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsAtStartOfFiscalYear expUlifePrds)
Field name: EXP_ULIFE_PRDS
Type element: BF_NDABP
Domain name: BF_PERAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Expired useful life in periods at start of fiscal year
Max length: 3
void |
setExpUlifeSdepPrds(ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsDuringFyFromSdepStartDat expUlifeSdepPrds)
Type element: BF_ANDSP
Domain name: BF_PERAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Expired useful life in periods during FY from SDep start dat
Max length: 3
void |
setExpUlifeSdepYrs(YrsExpiredUpToFiscYrStartFromStartOfSpecDep expUlifeSdepYrs)
Type element: BF_ANDSJ
Domain name: BF_JARAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Yrs Expired up to Fisc.Yr Start from Start of Spec.Dep.
void |
setExpUlifeYrs(ExpiredUsefulLifeInYearsAtStartOfTheFiscalYear expUlifeYrs)
Field name: EXP_ULIFE_YRS
Type element: BF_NDABJ
Domain name: BF_JARAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Expired useful life in years at start of the fiscal year
Max length: 3
void |
setFromDate(org.joda.time.LocalDate fromDate)
Field name: FROM_DATE
Type element: BF_ADATU
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Date for beginning of validity
Max length: 8
void |
setGrpAsset(GroupAsset grpAsset)
Field name: GRP_ASSET
Type element: BF_ANLGR
Domain name: BF_ANLN1
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Group asset
Max length: 12
void |
setGrpAssetSubno(SubnumberOfGroupAsset grpAssetSubno)
Type element: BF_ANLGR2
Domain name: BF_ANLN2
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Subnumber of group asset
Max length: 4
void |
setIndex(IndexSeriesForReplacementValues index)
Field name: INDEX
Type element: BF_WBIND
Domain name: BF_WBIND
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Index series for replacement values
Max length: 5
void |
setInterestStartDate(org.joda.time.LocalDate interestStartDate)
Type element: BF_ZINBG
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Start date for interest calculation
Max length: 8
void |
setNegValues(ErpBoolean negValues)
Field name: NEG_VALUES
Type element: BF_XNEGA
Domain name: BF_XFELD
Internal type: CHAR
Description: Indicator: Negative values allowed
Max length: 1
void |
setOdepStartDate(org.joda.time.LocalDate odepStartDate)
Type element: BF_AFABG
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Depreciation Calculation Start Date
Max length: 8
void |
setOrigUlifePrds(OriginalUsefulLifeInPeriods origUlifePrds)
Type element: BF_NDURP
Domain name: BF_PERAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Original useful life in periods
Max length: 3
void |
setOrigUlifeYrs(OriginalUsefulLifeInYears origUlifeYrs)
Field name: ORIG_ULIFE_YRS
Type element: BF_NDURJ
Domain name: BF_JARAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Original useful life in years
Max length: 3
void |
setReadiness(org.joda.time.LocalDate readiness)
Field name: READINESS
Type element: BF_INBDA
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Asset Accounting: Date of operating readiness
Max length: 8
void |
setScrapvalue(AssetScrapValue scrapvalue)
Field name: SCRAPVALUE
Type element: BF_SCHRW
Domain name: BAPICURR
Internal type: DEC
Description: Asset scrap value
Max length: 12
void |
setScrapvaluePrctg(ScrapValueAsPercentageOfApc scrapvaluePrctg)
Type element: SCHRW_PROZ
Domain name:
Internal type: DEC
Description: Scrap Value as Percentage of APC
Max length: 8
void |
setSdepStartDate(org.joda.time.LocalDate sdepStartDate)
Type element: BF_SAFBG
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Start date for special depreciation
Max length: 8
void |
setToDate(org.joda.time.LocalDate toDate)
Field name: TO_DATE
Type element: BF_BDATU
Domain name: DATUM
Internal type: DATS
Description: Date Validity Ends
Max length: 8
void |
setUlifePrds(PlannedUsefulLifeInPeriods ulifePrds)
Field name: ULIFE_PRDS
Type element: BF_NDPER
Domain name: BF_PERAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Planned useful life in periods
Max length: 3
void |
setUlifeYrs(PlannedUsefulLifeInYears ulifeYrs)
Field name: ULIFE_YRS
Type element: BF_NDJAR
Domain name: BF_JARAF
Internal type: NUMC
Description: Planned useful life in years
Max length: 3
void |
setVarDepPortion(VariableDepreciationPortion varDepPortion)
Type element: BF_APROP
Domain name: DEC3_4
Internal type: DEC
Description: Variable depreciation portion
Max length: 4
String |
toString() |
void |
validate() |
public void validate() throws IllegalArgumentException
public static FixedAssetDepreciationArea.FixedAssetDepreciationAreaBuilder builder()
@Nullable public AssetAccountingAcquisMonth getAcqPrd()
Type element: BF_VMNTH Domain name: POPER Internal type: NUMC Description: Asset Accounting: Acquis. month (in depreciation area) Max length: 3
@Nullable public Year getAcqYr()
Type element: BF_VYEAR Domain name: GJAHR Internal type: NUMC Description: Acquisition year of the asset (manually changeable) Max length: 4
@Nullable public IndexSeriesForReplacementValuesByAge getAgeIndex()
Type element: BF_ALIND Domain name: BF_WBIND Internal type: CHAR Description: Index series for replacement values by age Max length: 5
@Nullable public RealDepreciationArea getArea()
Type element: BF_AFABE_D Domain name: BF_AFABE Internal type: NUMC Description: Real depreciation area Max length: 2
@Nullable public Year getChangeYr()
Type element: BF_UMJAR Domain name: GJAHR Internal type: NUMC Description: Depreciation key for the changeover year Max length: 4
@Nullable public CurrencyKey getCurrency()
Type element: WAERS Domain name: WAERS Internal type: CUKY Description: Currency Key Max length: 5
@Nullable public IsoCodeCurrency getCurrencyIso()
Type element: WAERS_ISO Domain name: ISOCD Internal type: CHAR Description: ISO code currency Max length: 3
@Nullable public ErpBoolean getDeactivate()
Type element: BF_XAFBE Domain name: BF_XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: Depreciation area is deactivated Max length: 1
@Nullable public DepreciationKey getDepKey()
Type element: BF_AFASL Domain name: BF_AFASL Internal type: CHAR Description: Depreciation key Max length: 4
@Nullable public NumberOfUnitsDepreciatedInUnitOfProdDepreciation getDepUnits()
Type element: RSTCK Domain name: PACK8 Internal type: DEC Description: Number of units depreciated in unit-of-prod. depreciation Max length: 8
@Nullable public String getDescript()
Type element: AFBKTX Domain name: TEXT12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Short name for depreciation area Max length: 12
@Nullable public ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsAtStartOfFiscalYear getExpUlifePrds()
Type element: BF_NDABP Domain name: BF_PERAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Expired useful life in periods at start of fiscal year Max length: 3
@Nullable public ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsDuringFyFromSdepStartDat getExpUlifeSdepPrds()
Type element: BF_ANDSP Domain name: BF_PERAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Expired useful life in periods during FY from SDep start dat Max length: 3
@Nullable public YrsExpiredUpToFiscYrStartFromStartOfSpecDep getExpUlifeSdepYrs()
Type element: BF_ANDSJ Domain name: BF_JARAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Yrs Expired up to Fisc.Yr Start from Start of Spec.Dep. Max length: 3
@Nullable public ExpiredUsefulLifeInYearsAtStartOfTheFiscalYear getExpUlifeYrs()
Type element: BF_NDABJ Domain name: BF_JARAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Expired useful life in years at start of the fiscal year Max length: 3
@Nullable public org.joda.time.LocalDate getFromDate()
Type element: BF_ADATU Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Date for beginning of validity Max length: 8
@Nullable public GroupAsset getGrpAsset()
Type element: BF_ANLGR Domain name: BF_ANLN1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Group asset Max length: 12
@Nullable public SubnumberOfGroupAsset getGrpAssetSubno()
Type element: BF_ANLGR2 Domain name: BF_ANLN2 Internal type: CHAR Description: Subnumber of group asset Max length: 4
@Nullable public IndexSeriesForReplacementValues getIndex()
Type element: BF_WBIND Domain name: BF_WBIND Internal type: CHAR Description: Index series for replacement values Max length: 5
@Nullable public org.joda.time.LocalDate getInterestStartDate()
Type element: BF_ZINBG Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Start date for interest calculation Max length: 8
@Nullable public ErpBoolean getNegValues()
Type element: BF_XNEGA Domain name: BF_XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: Negative values allowed Max length: 1
@Nullable public org.joda.time.LocalDate getOdepStartDate()
Type element: BF_AFABG Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Depreciation Calculation Start Date Max length: 8
@Nullable public OriginalUsefulLifeInPeriods getOrigUlifePrds()
Type element: BF_NDURP Domain name: BF_PERAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Original useful life in periods Max length: 3
@Nullable public OriginalUsefulLifeInYears getOrigUlifeYrs()
Type element: BF_NDURJ Domain name: BF_JARAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Original useful life in years Max length: 3
@Nullable public org.joda.time.LocalDate getReadiness()
Type element: BF_INBDA Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Asset Accounting: Date of operating readiness Max length: 8
@Nullable public AssetScrapValue getScrapvalue()
Type element: BF_SCHRW Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: DEC Description: Asset scrap value Max length: 12
@Nullable public ScrapValueAsPercentageOfApc getScrapvaluePrctg()
Type element: SCHRW_PROZ Domain name: Internal type: DEC Description: Scrap Value as Percentage of APC Max length: 8
@Nullable public org.joda.time.LocalDate getSdepStartDate()
Type element: BF_SAFBG Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Start date for special depreciation Max length: 8
@Nullable public org.joda.time.LocalDate getToDate()
Type element: BF_BDATU Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Date Validity Ends Max length: 8
@Nullable public PlannedUsefulLifeInPeriods getUlifePrds()
Type element: BF_NDPER Domain name: BF_PERAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Planned useful life in periods Max length: 3
@Nullable public PlannedUsefulLifeInYears getUlifeYrs()
Type element: BF_NDJAR Domain name: BF_JARAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Planned useful life in years Max length: 3
@Nullable public VariableDepreciationPortion getVarDepPortion()
Type element: BF_APROP Domain name: DEC3_4 Internal type: DEC Description: Variable depreciation portion Max length: 4
public void setAcqPrd(@Nullable AssetAccountingAcquisMonth acqPrd)
Type element: BF_VMNTH Domain name: POPER Internal type: NUMC Description: Asset Accounting: Acquis. month (in depreciation area) Max length: 3
public void setAcqYr(@Nullable Year acqYr)
Type element: BF_VYEAR Domain name: GJAHR Internal type: NUMC Description: Acquisition year of the asset (manually changeable) Max length: 4
public void setAgeIndex(@Nullable IndexSeriesForReplacementValuesByAge ageIndex)
Type element: BF_ALIND Domain name: BF_WBIND Internal type: CHAR Description: Index series for replacement values by age Max length: 5
public void setArea(@Nullable RealDepreciationArea area)
Type element: BF_AFABE_D Domain name: BF_AFABE Internal type: NUMC Description: Real depreciation area Max length: 2
public void setChangeYr(@Nullable Year changeYr)
Type element: BF_UMJAR Domain name: GJAHR Internal type: NUMC Description: Depreciation key for the changeover year Max length: 4
public void setCurrency(@Nullable CurrencyKey currency)
Type element: WAERS Domain name: WAERS Internal type: CUKY Description: Currency Key Max length: 5
public void setCurrencyIso(@Nullable IsoCodeCurrency currencyIso)
Type element: WAERS_ISO Domain name: ISOCD Internal type: CHAR Description: ISO code currency Max length: 3
public void setDeactivate(@Nullable ErpBoolean deactivate)
Type element: BF_XAFBE Domain name: BF_XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: Depreciation area is deactivated Max length: 1
public void setDepKey(@Nullable DepreciationKey depKey)
Type element: BF_AFASL Domain name: BF_AFASL Internal type: CHAR Description: Depreciation key Max length: 4
public void setDepUnits(@Nullable NumberOfUnitsDepreciatedInUnitOfProdDepreciation depUnits)
Type element: RSTCK Domain name: PACK8 Internal type: DEC Description: Number of units depreciated in unit-of-prod. depreciation Max length: 8
public void setDescript(@Nullable String descript)
Type element: AFBKTX Domain name: TEXT12 Internal type: CHAR Description: Short name for depreciation area Max length: 12
public void setExpUlifePrds(@Nullable ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsAtStartOfFiscalYear expUlifePrds)
Type element: BF_NDABP Domain name: BF_PERAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Expired useful life in periods at start of fiscal year Max length: 3
public void setExpUlifeSdepPrds(@Nullable ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsDuringFyFromSdepStartDat expUlifeSdepPrds)
Type element: BF_ANDSP Domain name: BF_PERAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Expired useful life in periods during FY from SDep start dat Max length: 3
public void setExpUlifeSdepYrs(@Nullable YrsExpiredUpToFiscYrStartFromStartOfSpecDep expUlifeSdepYrs)
Type element: BF_ANDSJ Domain name: BF_JARAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Yrs Expired up to Fisc.Yr Start from Start of Spec.Dep. Max length: 3
public void setExpUlifeYrs(@Nullable ExpiredUsefulLifeInYearsAtStartOfTheFiscalYear expUlifeYrs)
Type element: BF_NDABJ Domain name: BF_JARAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Expired useful life in years at start of the fiscal year Max length: 3
public void setFromDate(@Nullable org.joda.time.LocalDate fromDate)
Type element: BF_ADATU Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Date for beginning of validity Max length: 8
public void setGrpAsset(@Nullable GroupAsset grpAsset)
Type element: BF_ANLGR Domain name: BF_ANLN1 Internal type: CHAR Description: Group asset Max length: 12
public void setGrpAssetSubno(@Nullable SubnumberOfGroupAsset grpAssetSubno)
Type element: BF_ANLGR2 Domain name: BF_ANLN2 Internal type: CHAR Description: Subnumber of group asset Max length: 4
public void setIndex(@Nullable IndexSeriesForReplacementValues index)
Type element: BF_WBIND Domain name: BF_WBIND Internal type: CHAR Description: Index series for replacement values Max length: 5
public void setInterestStartDate(@Nullable org.joda.time.LocalDate interestStartDate)
Type element: BF_ZINBG Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Start date for interest calculation Max length: 8
public void setNegValues(@Nullable ErpBoolean negValues)
Type element: BF_XNEGA Domain name: BF_XFELD Internal type: CHAR Description: Indicator: Negative values allowed Max length: 1
public void setOdepStartDate(@Nullable org.joda.time.LocalDate odepStartDate)
Type element: BF_AFABG Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Depreciation Calculation Start Date Max length: 8
public void setOrigUlifePrds(@Nullable OriginalUsefulLifeInPeriods origUlifePrds)
Type element: BF_NDURP Domain name: BF_PERAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Original useful life in periods Max length: 3
public void setOrigUlifeYrs(@Nullable OriginalUsefulLifeInYears origUlifeYrs)
Type element: BF_NDURJ Domain name: BF_JARAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Original useful life in years Max length: 3
public void setReadiness(@Nullable org.joda.time.LocalDate readiness)
Type element: BF_INBDA Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Asset Accounting: Date of operating readiness Max length: 8
public void setScrapvalue(@Nullable AssetScrapValue scrapvalue)
Type element: BF_SCHRW Domain name: BAPICURR Internal type: DEC Description: Asset scrap value Max length: 12
public void setScrapvaluePrctg(@Nullable ScrapValueAsPercentageOfApc scrapvaluePrctg)
Type element: SCHRW_PROZ Domain name: Internal type: DEC Description: Scrap Value as Percentage of APC Max length: 8
public void setSdepStartDate(@Nullable org.joda.time.LocalDate sdepStartDate)
Type element: BF_SAFBG Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Start date for special depreciation Max length: 8
public void setToDate(@Nullable org.joda.time.LocalDate toDate)
Type element: BF_BDATU Domain name: DATUM Internal type: DATS Description: Date Validity Ends Max length: 8
public void setUlifePrds(@Nullable PlannedUsefulLifeInPeriods ulifePrds)
Type element: BF_NDPER Domain name: BF_PERAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Planned useful life in periods Max length: 3
public void setUlifeYrs(@Nullable PlannedUsefulLifeInYears ulifeYrs)
Type element: BF_NDJAR Domain name: BF_JARAF Internal type: NUMC Description: Planned useful life in years Max length: 3
public void setVarDepPortion(@Nullable VariableDepreciationPortion varDepPortion)
Type element: BF_APROP Domain name: DEC3_4 Internal type: DEC Description: Variable depreciation portion Max length: 4
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