See: Description
Class | Description |
BulkFixedRateConversionResult |
The conversion result is the returned response after the fixed rate conversion is performed.
BulkFixedRateConversionResult.BulkFixedRateConversionResultBuilder |
A builder class for the conversion result.
BulkNonFixedRateConversionResult |
The conversion result is the response returned after a non-fixed rate conversion is performed.
BulkNonFixedRateConversionResult.BulkNonFixedRateConversionResultBuilder |
The builder class for the conversion result.
ConversionParametersForFixedRate |
The input parameters required to perform fixed rate currency conversion.
ConversionParametersForFixedRate.ConversionParametersForFixedRateBuilder | |
ConversionParametersForNonFixedRate |
The input parameters required to perform non-fixed rate currency conversion.
ConversionParametersForNonFixedRate.ConversionParametersForNonFixedRateBuilder |
A builder to default the conversionAsOfDateTime as ‘now’ in the UTC if you provide a null value or no value.
CurrencyAmount | |
CurrencyAmount.CurrencyAmountBuilder |
A builder to trim the input value for white space and create the corresponding
BigDecimal . |
CurrencyFactor |
The Currency Factor is the scaling factor for a currency exchange rate value.
CurrencyFactor.CurrencyFactorBuilder | |
ExchangeRate |
An exchange rate is the relationship between two currencies.
ExchangeRate.ExchangeRateBuilder |
A builder to default the value of 'fromCurrencyfactor' and 'toCurrencyfactor' to 1 and the value of 'isIndirect'
to 'false' if you provide a null value or no value.
ExchangeRateTypeDetail |
The exchange rate detail determines if the
RateType supports indirect conversions based on the inverted
exchange rates and if there is a reference currency that can be used for all currency conversions. |
ExchangeRateTypeDetail.ExchangeRateTypeDetailBuilder |
A builder to default the isInversionAllowed value to false if you provide a null value or no value.
ExchangeRateValue | |
ExchangeRateValue.ExchangeRateValueBuilder |
A builder to validate if the input
String is a non negative numerical value. |
OverrideTenantSetting |
When used in conversion, this class overrides the default tenant settings for Data Source and Data Provider Code to
fetch the relevant exchange rates.
OverrideTenantSetting.OverrideTenantSettingBuilder | |
RatesDataProviderCode |
The Rates Data Source Provider Code is the code of the Data Provider from which you are fetching the exchange rates,
for example, Bloomberg, Refinitiv, and so on.
RatesDataProviderCode.RatesDataProviderCodeBuilder | |
RatesDataSource |
The Rates Data Source is the direct source from which your data provider gets their Exchange Rates, for example, the
European Central Bank, New York State Exchange, and so on.
RatesDataSource.RatesDataSourceBuilder | |
RateType |
An exchange rate type is the key to define exchange rates in the system.
RateType.RateTypeBuilder | |
SingleFixedRateConversionResult |
This is the single response after a fixed rate conversion is performed.
SingleFixedRateConversionResult.SingleFixedRateConversionResultBuilder | |
SingleNonFixedRateConversionResult |
This is the single response after a non-fixed rate conversion is performed.
SingleNonFixedRateConversionResult.SingleNonFixedRateConversionResultBuilder | |
TenantSettings |
The tenant-specific settings include the Data Provider Code and Data Source to fetch relevant exchange rates.
TenantSettings.TenantSettingsBuilder |
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