public static class DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder alternative_item(@Nullable Boolean alternative_item)
Original property from the Odata EDM: alternative_item
The alternative items are chosen when a production order is created.
- items.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder alt_item_group(@Nullable String alt_item_group)
Original property from the Odata EDM: alt_item_group
As soon as you enter an alternative item group, you see an additional dialog box with the following data: ranking order, strategy, usage probability.You can maintain alternative items in the following situations:Alternative positions with specific usage probabilityThese alternative items are incorporated with a specific usage probability. Enter the usage probability for each alternative item in the group, so that:dependent requirements are determined in requirements planningdependent requirements are changed to a reservation in the production orderAlternative positions as informationYou can enter an alternative item for information purposes. This item would then, for example, only be taken into account in situations involving missing parts.As there should be neither dependent requirements nor a reservation for this item, enter no usage probability.Enter the same character string to denote the alternative items of an alternative item group.Enter the same strategy for all alternative items in the alternative item group.Alternative items are valuated in the following way:Dependent requirements determinationRequirements planning determines the dependent requirements according to the usage probabilities that have been entered.If the usage probability is 0%, then no procurement is planned for the item. For information purposes, however, dependent requirements with 0 as quantity are created.Withdrawal postingYou can control the withdrawal posting for the resevation in the production order in the following way:Withdrawal according to usage probability (manual change is possible)Withdrawal if there is 100% availability(Check ranking order and strategy)Example: See Strategy for alternative position
- alternative item group.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder alt_nxt_lvl(@Nullable Boolean alt_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: alt_nxt_lvl
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder assembly_indicator(@Nullable Boolean assembly_indicator)
Original property from the Odata EDM: assembly_indicator
You can use this indicator to restrict the selection of items in the BOM explosion. In this case, only the items that are PM assemblies are shown.The indicator does not interrupt the explosion of the BOM to the lowest lever. There are two steps to the BOM explosion:First, the system explodes the entire BOM, regardless of the indicators selected to restrict items. You do not see the result of this explosion on the screen.Second, the system reads the indicators selected to restrict items, such as the PM assembly indicator.These indicators work as filters. The explosion result you see on the screen only includes the items that fulfil the selection criteria.
- are planned and carried out.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder assign_effect_vals(@Nullable Boolean assign_effect_vals)
Original property from the Odata EDM: assign_effect_vals
If you set the indicator, the following applies:If you only use date validity, you can override the date that the system uses to determine the components. To do this, you set certain change numbers as valid or invalid.If you use parameter effectivity, you can assign values to the effectivity parameters. As well as this you can set certain change numbers to valid or invalid and thus override the parameter variant (the values you previously assigned).
- explode an assembly or a finished product.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder assy_scrap_itm_mat(@Nullable BigDecimal assy_scrap_itm_mat)
Original property from the Odata EDM: assy_scrap_itm_mat
The assembly scrap is used in materials planning to calculate the lot size of the assembly. The system increases the quantity to be produced by the scrap quantity calculated.If the material is an assembly, specify the percentage scrap as required.If the quantity to be produced is 200 pieces and you specify an assembly scrap of 10%, you are reckoning with a scrap quantity of 20 pieces. As a result, 220 pieces are produced.The system increases the quantity to be produced for all of the assembly's components accordingly.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder as_selection_cond(@Nullable Boolean as_selection_cond)
Original property from the Odata EDM: as_selection_cond
If you select this indicator, the classification of the item is taken into account when the object is configured.You can only select this indicator if you have classified the item first (entered a class type).
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder base_qty_nxt_lvl(@Nullable BigDecimal base_qty_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: base_qty_nxt_lvl
In Customizing (bills of material), you can define a value that then becomes the default value when you create a bill of material.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder base_unit_nxt_lvl(@Nullable String base_unit_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: base_unit_nxt_lvl
The system determines this unit of measure from the material master record.You cannot make changes, because the stocks of a material are managed in this unit of measure.
- for all component quantities for this bill of material.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder base_uom(@Nullable String base_uom)
Original property from the Odata EDM: base_uom
You define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record.Since all data is updated in the base unit of measure, your entry is particularly important for the conversion of alternative units of measure. A quantity in the alternative unit of measure can only be shown precisely if its value can be shown with the decimal places available. To ensure this, please note the following:The base unit of measure is the unit satisfying the highest necessary requirement for precision.The conversion of alternative units of measure to the base unit should result in simple decimal fractions (not, for example, 1/3 = 0.333...).Inventory ManagementIn Inventory Management, the base unit of measure is the same as the stockkeeping unit.ServicesServices have units of measure of their own, including the following:Service unitUnit of measure at the higher item level. The precise quantities of the individual services are each at the detailed service line level.BlanketUnit of measure at service line level for services to be provided once only, and for which no precise quantities can or are to be specified.
- enter in other units of measure (alternative units of measure) to the base unit of measure.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder batch_entry(@Nullable String batch_entry)
Original property from the Odata EDM: batch_entry
This indicator refers to the components of an order, not to the finished product to be manufactured. You have the following options:The batches can be determined when the goods issue is posted.The batches must be entered in the order before it is released.The batches must be entered in the order before the goods issue is posted, but not necessarily before the order is released.If you use pick parts, the batches are determined in the transfer order and then confirmed to the order. If there is no direct link between the transfer order and the production order/process order (for example, with release order parts or crate parts), you must enter the batches in the production order/process order manually.The batches are determined automatically when the order is released.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder batch_mgmt(@Nullable Boolean batch_mgmt)
Original property from the Odata EDM: batch_mgmt
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material(@Nullable String bill_of_material)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material
The system assigns this number internally. These numbers are irrelevant to the user. You access the BOM by entering the object (for example, material or equipment) to which the BOM belongs.The system stores the following information under this number:all alternatives in a multiple BOMall variants in a variant BOMBOMs that are allocated to more than one plant
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_base_quant(@Nullable BigDecimal bill_of_material_base_quant)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_base_quant
You normally enter the quantity without a +/- sign (e.g. 66).For the following materials, you enter the quantity with a negative sign (e.g. 22-):Materials that are flagged as co-productsIntra materials (Process industries)When the display function is called, the system calculates the component quantity dependent in the input quantity and the base quantity.Input quantityCurrent component quantity = ------------------ * Saved component quantityBase quantity
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_component(@Nullable String bill_of_material_component)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_component
A master record is usually maintained in the system for a component.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_comp_quant(@Nullable BigDecimal bill_of_material_comp_quant)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_comp_quant
The quantity is usually entered without a +/- sign (e.g. 66).For the following materials, you enter the quantity with a negative sign (e.g. 22-):Materials that are flagged as co-productsIntra materials (Process industries)When the display function is called, the system calculates the current component quantity dependent on the input unit of measure and the base unit of measure.Input unit of measureCurrent component quantity = ------------------ * Saved component quantityBase quantity
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_item_category(@Nullable String bill_of_material_item_category)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_item_category
This categorization allows you to process data that is relevant to the individual items in a BOM. The item category is used to control field selection, default values for BOM maintenance, triggering of specific system activities, and so on.Stock itemThis item category is used to manage material data that allows an item to be kept in stock.Document itemThis item category is used to manage document data that allows you to process original application data (for example, graphics created with a graphics program).Class item (for configurable BOMs)In configurable material BOMs, you can enter a class as a placeholder for selectable items. The class can contain either materials or documents.When you assign characteristic values while configuring the BOM, the system replaces the node with an object that has the same values as those assigned to the characteristic of the configuration. This makes BOMs with a larger number of variants easier to maintain, as you do not have to enter all items manually and assign a selection condition to them.Class items can be relevant to MRP.PM structure elementThis item is used to structure an equipment (PM assembly) for design purposes only.If you want to maintain a material for use as a PM structure element, use material type IBAU.
- (for example, material master or document info record) or whether they are kept in stock.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_item_number(@Nullable String bill_of_material_item_number)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_item_number
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_item_quantity(@Nullable BigDecimal bill_of_material_item_quantity)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_item_quantity
You usually enter the quantity without a +/- sign (for example, 66).For the following materials, you enter the quantity with a - sign(for example, 22-):Materials that are marked as co-productsIntra materials (in process industries)In display functions, the system calculates the current component quantity from the required quantity and the base quantity.Required quantityCurrent component quantity = ------------------ * Saved component quantityBase quantity
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_item_unit(@Nullable String bill_of_material_item_unit)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_item_unit
You define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record.Since all data is updated in the base unit of measure, your entry is particularly important for the conversion of alternative units of measure. A quantity in the alternative unit of measure can only be shown precisely if its value can be shown with the decimal places available. To ensure this, please note the following:The base unit of measure is the unit satisfying the highest necessary requirement for precision.The conversion of alternative units of measure to the base unit should result in simple decimal fractions (not, for example, 1/3 = 0.333...).Inventory ManagementIn Inventory Management, the base unit of measure is the same as the stockkeeping unit.ServicesServices have units of measure of their own, including the following:Service unitUnit of measure at the higher item level. The precise quantities of the individual services are each at the detailed service line level.BlanketUnit of measure at service line level for services to be provided once only, and for which no precise quantities can or are to be specified.
- enter in other units of measure (alternative units of measure) to the base unit of measure.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_Of_Material_Root(@Nullable String bill_Of_Material_Root)
Original property from the Odata EDM: Bill_Of_Material_Root
The system assigns this number internally. These numbers are irrelevant to the user. You access the BOM by entering the object (for example, material or equipment) to which the BOM belongs.The system stores the following information under this number:all alternatives in a multiple BOMall variants in a variant BOMBOMs that are allocated to more than one plant
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_root_variant(@Nullable String bill_of_material_root_variant)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_root_variant
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_variant(@Nullable String bill_of_material_variant)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_variant
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bill_of_material_variant_usage(@Nullable String bill_of_material_variant_usage)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bill_of_material_variant_usage
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bom_change_number(@Nullable String bom_change_number)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bom_change_number
If you make a change with reference to a change number, or create anobject with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the effectivity parametersThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date effectivity (valid from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation for the changesRevision level to indicate the change status of a material or documentChanges released for the different areas in the company.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder bulk_material(@Nullable Boolean bulk_material)
Original property from the Odata EDM: bulk_material
The dependent requirements of bulk materials are not relevant to materials planning. This means they are not taken into account for net requirements calculation. Therefore planning for bulk materials should be consumption-based.If bulk materials are subject to material requirements planning, you must create planned independent requirements for them.Dependent requirements are only created in the planned order for information purposes and they can be displayed there. Dependent requirements for bulk material are not shown in the MRP list or the stock/req. list.You can maintain this indicator in both the material master record an the BOM item. The indicator in the material master record has higher priority.If a material is always used as a bulk material, set the indicator in the material master record.In this case, the Bulk material indicator in material master record is automatically set in the BOM item.If a material is only used as a bulk material in individual cases, set the indicator in the BOM item.To improve system performance, you can define in the IMG for MRP that no dependent requirements are to be created for bulk material items. However, this also means that you see no information on bulk material components in the planned order or production order.
- example, washers or grease).this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_alternative_text(@Nullable String b_o_m_alternative_text)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_alternative_text
This information only applies to this individual alternative and variant.If you want to maintain a long text, choose the symbol to the right of the field. The system displays a different symbol for each situation:@0O@ Create long text@0Q@ Change long text@0P@ Display long text
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_alt_nxt_lvl(@Nullable String b_o_m_alt_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_alt_nxt_lvl
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_category(@Nullable String b_o_m_category)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_category
Material BOM - linked to a materialEquipment BOM - linked to an equipmentOrder BOM - linked to material, sales order and sales order item.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_cat_nxt_lvl(@Nullable String b_o_m_cat_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_cat_nxt_lvl
Material BOM - Reference to materialEquipment BOM - Reference to equipmentOrder BOM - Reference to material, sales order, and sales order item
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_component_description(@Nullable String b_o_m_component_description)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_component_description
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_explosion_level(@Nullable BigDecimal b_o_m_explosion_level)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_explosion_level
The BOM level and the path together identify the exact position of a phantom assembly in a BOM.A BOM contains the following phantom assemblies (Phan.Ass.) and materials:Material A___________________________________________Phan.Ass. B Phan.Ass. C Material D_____________ ___________Phan.Ass. E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. HMat. JTo enable the user to trace the positions of phantom assemblies in the BOM, the BOM levels and paths are assigned according to the following logic:Each BOM level is assigned a numberEach path in the BOM is assinged a numberIn the following BOM, the first number indicates the BOPM level, and the second indicates the path. Materials that are not phantom assemblies are assigned level and path number 0. However, if a material is a component of a phantom assembly, it inherits the level and path numbers from the phantom assembly.Material A(0/0)___________________________________________Phan.Ass. B Phan.Ass. C Material D(1/1) (1/2) (0/0)_____________ ___________Phan.Ass. E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. H(2/1) (1/1) (1/2) (1/2)Mat. J(2/1)
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_hdr_matl_hier_node(@Nullable String b_o_m_hdr_matl_hier_node)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_hdr_matl_hier_node
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_O_M_Hdr_Root_Matl_Hier_Node(@Nullable String b_O_M_Hdr_Root_Matl_Hier_Node)
Original property from the Odata EDM: B_O_M_Hdr_Root_Matl_Hier_Node
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_header_base_unit(@Nullable String b_o_m_header_base_unit)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_header_base_unit
The system takes this unit from the material master.The unit cannot be changed, because stock of the material is managed using this unit.
- unit for all component quantities in this BOM.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_header_quantity_primary(@Nullable BigDecimal b_o_m_header_quantity_primary)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_header_quantity_primary
Using this customizing function, you can define a value which is set as a default when you create a bill of material.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_item_description(@Nullable String b_o_m_item_description)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_item_description
If this text length (two lines of 40 characters each) is not sufficient, you can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Extras -> Long text -> Item.When you create an item long text, the first 80 characters of the BOM item text are copied to the long text.If you change the BOM item text, the first 80 characters of long text are automatically changed, too. If you change the first two lines of the BOM item long text, the short text is automatically changed.Note:For text items, this text is copied to the component description field on the item overview.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_item_is_discontinued(@Nullable String b_o_m_item_is_discontinued)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_item_is_discontinued
If this indicator is set, the system transfers the dependent requirements in materials planning to the follow-up material if they are no longer covered by warehouse stocks. However, this requires:The part to be discontinued and the follow-up material to be planned using material requirements planning (MRP)The base unit of measure of the follow-up material to be the same as that of the part to be discontinuedNoteIn subcontracting, uncovered requirements are not switched to the follow-up material after the effective-out date. This is indicated by a corresponding exception message (58) in the MRP list.
- in materials planning.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_no_nxt_lvl(@Nullable String b_o_m_no_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_no_nxt_lvl
The system performs number assignment internally, and is not relevant for the user. The user works with the corresponding BOMs by entering an object (e.g. material, equipment) to which the BOM belongs.The system uses this number to save:All alternatives for a multiple BOMAll variants for a variant BOMBOMs that are assigned to more than one plant
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder b_o_m_usage_nxt_lvl(@Nullable String b_o_m_usage_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: b_o_m_usage_nxt_lvl
By selecting different indicators, you specify the maximum value of the item status and control whether the item must/can be processed in the specific area (for example, production), or whether processing is allowed at all.You can maintain separate BOMs containing different items for a material in the company areas Production and Pricing:Production bill of material:The BOM creates items that are relevant for production. These items are copied into the planned order. The dependent requirement is determined and is also copied to the production order during conversion. Production is triggered using the production order with the production of the material.Pricing bill of material:The BOM creates items that are relevant for determining material input costs for a product.If, for example, you create a pricing with a quantity structure, the BOM and all items relevant for determining the production costs are determined automatically.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder change_number(@Nullable String change_number)
Original property from the Odata EDM: change_number
If you make a change with reference to a change number, or create anobject with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the effectivity parametersThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date effectivity (valid from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation for the changesRevision level to indicate the change status of a material or documentChanges released for the different areas in the company.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder chg_to_eng_chg_number(@Nullable String chg_to_eng_chg_number)
Original property from the Odata EDM: chg_to_eng_chg_number
If the object has been changed using a change number, the system determines this change number automatically.Three change numbers (N1, N2 and N3) define the validity periods of the item:N1 N2 N3I-----------I----------------------I---------------->1.1.96 6.1.96 12.2.96If you change the item within the validity period of change number N1, the system enters N2 in Change number to.If you change the item within the validity period of change number N2, the system enters N3 in Change number to.
- object (material, for example).this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder classProperty(@Nullable String classProperty)
Original property from the Odata EDM: class
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder classification(@Nullable String classification)
Original property from the Odata EDM: classification
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder class_type(@Nullable String class_type)
Original property from the Odata EDM: class_type
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder commodity_code(@Nullable String commodity_code)
Original property from the Odata EDM: commodity_code
The Harmonized System contains code numbers for all goods that an be transported across national or regional boundaries. Goods are coded according to this nomenclature when declaring the import or export of goods to the proper authorities. The specification of standard commodity codes in declarations enables the authority to tally the quantities of imported or exported goods of specific goods categories for statistical purposes (INTRASTAT).
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder comp_maint_status(@Nullable String comp_maint_status)
Original property from the Odata EDM: comp_maint_status
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder comp_scrap_itm(@Nullable BigDecimal comp_scrap_itm)
Original property from the Odata EDM: comp_scrap_itm
The assembly scrap is used in materials planning to calculate the lot size of the assembly. The system increases the quantity to be produced by the scrap quantity calculated.If the material is an assembly, specify the percentage scrap as required.If the quantity to be produced is 200 pieces and you specify an assembly scrap of 10%, you are reckoning with a scrap quantity of 20 pieces. As a result, 220 pieces are produced.The system increases the quantity to be produced for all of the assembly's components accordingly.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder comp_scrap_itm_mat(@Nullable BigDecimal comp_scrap_itm_mat)
Original property from the Odata EDM: comp_scrap_itm_mat
The component scrap is used in material requirements planning to determine the input quantities of the components. When the BOMs are exploded, the system increases these input quantities of the components by the calculated scrap quantity.ExampleInput quantity 200 piecesComponent scrap 10 %Scrap quantity 20 pieces---> 220 pieces are usedYou can find examples for the calculation in relation to the indicator for net scrap in the section net scrap.If an assembly scrap is valid for a superordinate assembly, the system adds both scrap types together.If you have entered component scrap in the bill of material, the value in the latter is valid. In other cases, the value in the material master record is valid.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder config_mat_var(@Nullable String config_mat_var)
Original property from the Odata EDM: config_mat_var
Behind this object number lies the assignment of a variant to the valuation of the generally configurable material.The valuation is as follows:Gen.config.material BicycleVariant Blue bicycleChar.value BlueThe system internally saves, for example, the number 20. Behind this number is the characteristic value "blue" and the variant "blue bicycle" .
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder config_multi_level(@Nullable Boolean config_multi_level)
Original property from the Odata EDM: config_multi_level
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder conf_bom_nxt_lvl(@Nullable Boolean conf_bom_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: conf_bom_nxt_lvl
Combinable assembliesare used during sales variant processingcontain selectable parts that can be used alongside the non-variable parts in the variant to be produced.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder cost_element(@Nullable String cost_element)
Original property from the Odata EDM: cost_element
which is to be debited with the goods issue, if you have entered a consumption account, orfor which an account assignment check is to be carried out.This entry is used in various areas:in MRP for purchase requisitionsin costing for pricingYou can only enter a G/L account for which a G/L account master is maintained in the appropriate company code.
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.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder counter(@Nullable String counter)
Original property from the Odata EDM: counter
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder co_product(@Nullable Boolean co_product)
Original property from the Odata EDM: co_product
Enter a negative quantity.Example: 6- You can only enter an item as a co-product if:The material master (MRP 2 view) contains the Material can be a co-product indicator. (For some material types, such as raw materials for example, the co-product indicator is hidden in the standard SAP system.)You enter the item as a stock item
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.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder created_by_user(@Nullable String created_by_user)
Original property from the Odata EDM: created_by_user
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder currency(@Nullable String currency)
Original property from the Odata EDM: currency
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder customs_preference(@Nullable String customs_preference)
Original property from the Odata EDM: customs_preference
A preference agreement allows countries which do not belong to the same trading area to offer each other more favorable customs duties.
- agreement between countries.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder dat_hist_nxt_lvl(@Nullable Boolean dat_hist_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: dat_hist_nxt_lvl
- created and/or changed. This change number is only valid for a certain amount of time.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder deletion_indicator(@Nullable Boolean deletion_indicator)
Original property from the Odata EDM: deletion_indicator
This indicator is relevant for changes that were made with reference to a change number, and where the effectivity has been defined using a new effectivity type.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder delivery_time_in_days(@Nullable BigDecimal delivery_time_in_days)
Original property from the Odata EDM: delivery_time_in_days
When an order-specific BOM is exploded, a purchase requisition is produced via an MRP program.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder del_Ind_nxt_lvl(@Nullable Boolean del_Ind_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: del_Ind_nxt_lvl
This indicator is relevant for changes that were made with reference to a change number, and where the effectivity has been defined using a new effectivity type.
- deleted.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder denominator(@Nullable BigDecimal denominator)
Original property from the Odata EDM: denominator
To convert a quantity, whose unit of measure is not the same as the base unit of measure, into the base unit of measure, the system requires a quotient:Quantity (in alternative unit of measure) = quotient * quantity (in base unit of measure)Enter the number of units of the alternative unit of measure (denominator) that corresponds to the number of units of the base unit of measure (numerator).The alternative unit of measure is kilogram (kg). The base unit of measure is piece (PC). 5 kg correspond to 3 pieces.5 kg = 3 PC => 1 kg = 3/5 PCIn this case, the quotient is therefore 3/5 (the numerator being 3 and the denominator 5).You may enter only whole numbers in the numerator and denominator fields; that is, if 3.14 m² correspond to one piece, you must enter integer multiples (314 m² = 100 PC). In this case, the quotient is therefore 100/314 (the numerator being 100 and the denominator 314).
- of measure.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder discont_group(@Nullable String discont_group)
Original property from the Odata EDM: discont_group
You can control the discontinuation as follows:Simple discontinuationAn item that is to be discontinued is replaced by a an item that is is to be introduced to the BOM.Settings in the material master record (materials planning):The discontinuation indicator value 1 is set in the material master record of the item to be discontinued.Settings in the BOM:The follow-up group of the item to be introduced and the discontinuation group of the item to be discontinued must have the same value.Dependent parallel discontinuationOne group of materials is replaced by another group. If an item is to be discontinued (main item), another item (dependent item) is also discontinued.Settings in the material master record (materials planning):Material of the main item to be discontinued: value 1Material of the dependent item: value 3Settings in the BOM:Both the main item and the dependent parallel item to be discontinued are identified by the same discontinuation group.Both the follow-up group of the items to be introduced and the discontinuation group of the items to be discontinued must have the same value.You can only enter a discontinuation group for an item if the discontinuation indicator (material master, MRP 4 view) supports discontinuation.A discontinued item is replaced by a follow-up item. In the follow-up item, you maintain a follow-up group.Example for a simple discontinuationItem 0010 (material M-1) is to be discontinued and replaced by follow-up item 0010 (material M-2).Discontinuation indicator in the material master record M-1: value 1Item Mat. DisconGrp FollGrp 0010 M-1 A1 -0010 M-2 - A1Example for a Parallel discontinuationItems 0010 (material M-1) and 0011 (material M-2) to be discontinued are replaced by items 0010 (material M-3) and 0011 (material M-4) to be introduced.Discontinuation indicator in the material master record:M-1: value 1 (main discontinued item)M-2: value 3 (dependent discontinued item)Item Mat. Discontinuation group Follow-up group0010 M-1 ,A1 -0011 M-2 ,A1 -0010 M-3 - A10011 M-4 - A1Abbreviations:Item. ItemMat. MaterialDisconGrp Discontinuation groupFollGrp. Follow-up group
- BOM.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder distribution_key(@Nullable String distribution_key)
Original property from the Odata EDM: distribution_key
This means that the MRP controller can plan a daily supply of partial quantities (distributed over the validity period of the RS header) for repetitive manufacturing.
- the validity period of the planned order or the production order. In so doing, the relationship between
time and the consumption of components is established.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder doc(@Nullable String doc)
Original property from the Odata EDM: doc
Together with the document version, the document number is used as information for technical services. It is displayed in various lists.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder document_part(@Nullable String document_part)
Original property from the Odata EDM: document_part
Design departments, for example, can use document parts to divide up large documents such as design drawings into pages.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder document_type(@Nullable String document_type)
Original property from the Odata EDM: document_type
- organizational procedures which result from them.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder document_version(@Nullable String document_version)
Original property from the Odata EDM: document_version
A new version is assigned after the original files have been edited in the following processing situations:The new processing status varies from the original in a certain way (for example, text change sin a text file).You want the original processing status to remain the same (for example, documentation of project progress).
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder doc_number(@Nullable String doc_number)
Original property from the Odata EDM: doc_number
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder doc_reqd(@Nullable Boolean doc_reqd)
Original property from the Odata EDM: doc_reqd
Changes to the inspection lot or usage decision are recorded by change documents and displayed in the change history for these objects.Status changes are recorded in status management and displayed in the status history.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder doc_status(@Nullable String doc_status)
Original property from the Odata EDM: doc_status
If a status network is defined for the document type you canchoose a status among the entry possibilities which is supported inthe current processing situation when you create orchange.You can find more information with an additional colored release indicator:If the document version is releasedIn which time interval the version is releasedYou define the status network in Customizing work step Define document type level Define document status.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder doc_type(@Nullable String doc_type)
Original property from the Odata EDM: doc_type
Together with the document number and the document version, the document type represents the key for document management. It is the main criterion for controlling document management. The document type controls field selection and the available statuses for a document info record.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder doc_version(@Nullable String doc_version)
Original property from the Odata EDM: doc_version
Together with the document number, the document version is used as information for technical services. It is displayed on various lists.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder effective_out_date(@Nullable LocalDateTime effective_out_date)
Original property from the Odata EDM: effective_out_date
From this date, the system reassigns the dependent requirements that are no longer covered by warehouse stock of the discontinued material to the follow-up material. This is done as part of material requirements planning.Enter a date if you want to plan the discontinuation of a material for the long term.
- material, it is to be replaced by the follow-up material.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder engineering_design(@Nullable Boolean engineering_design)
Original property from the Odata EDM: engineering_design
This item status indicator is used to control:Subsequent processing in related application areasSelection of items in the BOM explosionWhether you can set and remove this indicator, or whether the system makes an unchangeable setting, depends on the BOM usage you selected on the initial screen. You can find further information in Customizing for bills of material under General Data -> BOM Usage -> Define BOM usages.
- production.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder exception_bom(@Nullable String exception_bom)
Original property from the Odata EDM: exception_bom
In the following situations, for example, an assembly is not exploded:REKIrecursiveness recognized by systemNREKrecursiveness allowedNBERauthorization group for component is not covered by user profileCONVA conversion error occurred during quantity calculation, due to a conversion factor between the quantity units that was too high. Therefore, the quantity displayed on the result screen for BOM explosions is not reliable.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder explosion_type(@Nullable String explosion_type)
Original property from the Odata EDM: explosion_type
You can define an explosion type that transfers dependent requirements for phantom assemblies.For example, the explosion type is relevant to materials that have the following special procurement types:Phantom assemblyPhantom in planningDirect production (collective order)Direct procurementYou can also define whether the following functions are performed for the item:Long-term planningDeterming individual and collective requirements
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder fixed_price_co_prod(@Nullable Boolean fixed_price_co_prod)
Original property from the Odata EDM: fixed_price_co_prod
A material marked as a fixed price co-product is not costed using a joint production process.If the material is an output material of a process with several co-products, the costs for the fixed price co-product are taken from the process costs using the net realizable-value method.Set this indicator if the material is a co-product, but the costs are not to be determined using an apportionment method; instead, a preset price is to be used for the material.The price for the fixed price co-product is taken from a cost estimate without quantity structure; alternatively, a price from the material master is used.You can only set this indicator if you have also set the co-product indicator for the material.Fixed-price co-products are shown in the itemization as items of category M (not A, as is the case with normal co-products), albeit with negative quantities and values.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder fixed_quantity(@Nullable Boolean fixed_quantity)
Original property from the Odata EDM: fixed_quantity
A fixed quantity is not allowed for the following items:alternative itemco-productIf the component quantity isfixed,The quantity fixed quantity is not in proportion to the assembly being produced or the order quantity.The quantity for provision of material is fixed.not fixed,The quantity is in proportion to the quantity of the assembly being produced or the order quantity.The quantity for provision of material is in proportion to the order quantity.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder follow_up_grp(@Nullable String follow_up_grp)
Original property from the Odata EDM: follow_up_grp
You can control the discontinuation in the following way:Simple discontinuationSettings in the material master record (MRP 4 view):The discontinuation indicator value 1 is set In the material master record of the material to be discontinued.Settings in the BOM:The value of the follow-up group of the item to be introduced and the discontinuation group of the item to be discontinued must be the same.Dependent parallel discontinuationOne group of materials is replaced by another group of materials. When an item (main item) is discontinued, another item (dependent item) is also discontinued.Settings in the material master record (materials planning):Material of the main item to be discontinued: discontinuation indicator value 1Material of the dependent item: value 3Settings in the BOM:The main item and the dependent parallel item to be discontinued are identified by the same discontinuation group.The value of the follow-up group of the item to be introduced and the discontinuation group of the item to be discontinued must be the same.You can only maintain an item as a follow-up item when you enter it for the first time. The field value cannot be changed after you have entered and saved the item.The follow-up item(s) that are to replace the item to be discontinued must have the same value in the Discontinuation group field as the item to be discontinued has in the Follow-up group field (see the example below).The follow-up item defined in the BOM overrides any follow-up material defined in the material master record.You can only maintain the follow-up group for one item if:the component is planned to a schedule (for example, a warehouse item)the base unit of measure of the materials is identicalExample of a simple discontinuationfItem 0010 to be discontinued (material M-1) is replaced by item 0010 to be introduced (material M-2).Discontinuation indicator in the material master record M-1: value 1Item Material Discontinuation group Follow-up group0010 M-1 A1 -0010 M-2 - A1Example of a parallel discontinuationthe items 0010 (material M-1) and 0011 (material M-2) are replaced by the items 0010 (material M-3) and 0011 (material M-4) to be ntroduced.Discontinuation indicator in the material master record:M-1: Value 1 (main discontinued item)M-2: Value 3 (dependent discontinued item)Item Material Discontinuation group Follow-up group0010 M-1 A1 -0011 M-2 A1 -0010 M-3 - A10011 M-4 - A1Abbreviations:Item. ItemMat. MaterialDisconGrp Discontinuation groupFollGrp. Follow-up group
- material. The follow-up group shows which follow-up item(s) are to replace the item to be discontinued.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder follow_up_item(@Nullable Boolean follow_up_item)
Original property from the Odata EDM: follow_up_item
This means that, if dependent requirements for parts to be discontinued are not covered by stocks of the material, the dependent requirements are transferred to this follow-up item.The follow-up item defined in the BOM overrides any follow-up material defined in the material master record.In discontinuation data dataset, you use the follow-up group to define which item this item is to replace.The discontinued item to be replaced by this follow-up item must have the same value in the Discontinuation group field as the follow-up item has in the Follow-up group field (see example).For simple discontinuation, item 0010 (material M-1) is to be discontinued and replaced by follow-up items 0010 (material M-2) and 0011 (material M-3).Item Mat. FollInd. DisconGrp FollGrp 0010 M-1 - - E10010 M-2 X E1 -0011 M-3 X E1 -Abbreviations:Mat. MaterialFollInd. Follow-up indicatorDisconGrp Discontinuation groupFollGrp. Follow-up group
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder follow_up_product(@Nullable String follow_up_product)
Original property from the Odata EDM: follow_up_product
In the material master record and also in the bill of material (BOM), you can define a follow-up material for a material to be discontinued. The follow-up material defined in the BOM has a higher priority than that in the material master record.You must always specify a follow-up material in the material master record for the system to know a follow-up material if none has been specified in the BOM.Simple discontinuationA component to be discontinued is replaced with a follow-up component at a particular date.In the material master record of the component to be discontinued, you must set discontinuation indicator 1, enter a follow-up component, and specify an effective-out date.Dependent parallel discontinuationA group of materials is replaced with a group of materials; that is, if one component is to be discontinued (the main component), another component must also be discontinued (the subordinate component).In the material master record of the main component to be discontinued, you must set discontinuation indicator 1, enter a follow-up component, and specify an effective-out date. In the material master record of the subordinate component, you must set discontinuation indicator 3.
- discontinued once its warehouse stock is depleted.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder formula_key(@Nullable String formula_key)
Original property from the Odata EDM: formula_key
You want to calculate the volume of a rolled sheet of metal. This has a variable length and height, but a constant width (500 MM).The following are used in the calculation:SI units that are defined in CustomizingLength: M (meters)Volume: M3 (cubic meters)In the variable-size item, you only enter the variable values (size 1 and size 2) with a unit of measure that can be derived from the SI unit of the dimension.Example for dimension Length: MM (milllimeters), CM (centimeters), DM (decimeters), and M (meters)The variable-size item formula uses the SI unit, so you must enter the constant width in the formula in the SI unit (meters).Example: ROMS1 * ROMS2 * 0.5 (M)You can enter units of measure for calculating the variable-size item quantity with a formula. The quantity is always calculated in the SI unit of the dimension, such as M3 (cubic meters) for volume.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder goods_receipt_duration_in_days(@Nullable BigDecimal goods_receipt_duration_in_days)
Original property from the Odata EDM: goods_receipt_duration_in_days
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder goods_recipient(@Nullable String goods_recipient)
Original property from the Odata EDM: goods_recipient
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder header_record_id(@Nullable String header_record_id)
Original property from the Odata EDM: header_record_id
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder header_validity_end_date(@Nullable LocalDateTime header_validity_end_date)
Original property from the Odata EDM: header_validity_end_date
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder header_validity_start_date(@Nullable LocalDateTime header_validity_start_date)
Original property from the Odata EDM: header_validity_start_date
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder hl_configuration(@Nullable Boolean hl_configuration)
Original property from the Odata EDM: hl_configuration
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder individual_coll(@Nullable String individual_coll)
Original property from the Odata EDM: individual_coll
Individual requirementsRequirement quantities of the dependent material are stated individually.Collective requirementsRequirement quantities of the dependent material are grouped together.You can maintain this indicator in the following places:In the material master recordFor the explosion type of the BOM item (in Customizing for Basic Data in Define Explosion Types)The setting for the explosion type overrides that in the material master record.If the material is assigned to a material type that does not allow quantity-based inventory management in this plant, you can set the indicator to individual requirements only.If the stock is to be managed in sales order stock or project stock, the indicator must be set to one of the following options:Individual and collective requirementsIndividual requirements onlyIf a material managed in project stock is to be procured from another plant using a cross-company-code stock transport order, the indicator must be set to 2 (collective requirements) in the issuing plant because, in this specific context, individual project stock management is not possible in both plants.
- the material:this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder internal_obj_no(@Nullable String internal_obj_no)
Original property from the Odata EDM: internal_obj_no
Here, the object number refers to the assignment of a variant to a plant-specific configurable material via the values assigned.The value assignment is as follows:General configurable material Racing bicycleVariant Blue racing bicycleCharacteristic value BlueThe system stores, for example, the number 20 internally. Behind this number lies the characteristic value "blue" for the variant "blue racing bicycle".
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder intra_material(@Nullable String intra_material)
Original property from the Odata EDM: intra_material
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder issuing_plant(@Nullable String issuing_plant)
Original property from the Odata EDM: issuing_plant
This entry is only taken into account for plant maintenance activities in the department responsible for plant maintenance.
- the BOM (Plant).this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder is_b_o_m_item_spare_part(@Nullable String is_b_o_m_item_spare_part)
Original property from the Odata EDM: is_b_o_m_item_spare_part
In a BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict item selection.The indicator does not interrupt the explosion of the BOM to the lowest level. There are two steps to the BOM explosion:First, the system explodes the entire BOM, regardless of the indicators selected to restrict items. You do not see the result of this explosion on the screen.Second, the system reads the indicators selected to restrict items, such as the Spare part indicator.These indicators work as filters. The explosion result, you see on the screen only the items that fulfil the selection criteria. In this case, only the items with the spare part indicator you selected are shown.In the IMG for BOMs, you can group spare parts together according to various points of view - for example, according to different maintenance cycles.Spare part group A contains spare parts that need to be replaced after a machine runtime of 100 hours, whereas spare part group B contains spare parts that only need to be replaced after a machine runtime of 500 hours.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder is_c_a_d(@Nullable Boolean is_c_a_d)
Original property from the Odata EDM: is_c_a_d
- system via an interface.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder is_material_provision(@Nullable String is_material_provision)
Original property from the Odata EDM: is_material_provision
In the BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict the items selected.There are two types of material provision:Material provided by a vendorMaterial provided by a customerYou can also use the material provision indicator to identify the subcontracting type for a part. The following indicators are available:Refurbishment material to SC (value S in standard SAP system)Refurbishment material from SC (value X in standard SAP system)Subsequent delivery (value F in standard SAP system)If you do not enter information in this field, the components are provided to the subcontractor as consumable materials (initial value in the standard SAP system).Material provided by a vendorThis indicator controls material requirements planning. Maintain this indicator for BOM components only if the material master record of the header material supports subcontracting (Special procurement field).The special procurement key for subcontracting means that all components of the BOM are provided free of charge to a subcontractor for further processing. The items are copied to a subcontract order.If the item is provided to a vendor, do not enter any material provision indicator.Dependent requirements are generated for this item.If the item is already at a vendor's premises and is not provided by us, do enter an indicator.No dependent requirements are generated for this item.Material provided by a customerThis indicator is not currently active.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder is_phantom_item(@Nullable Boolean is_phantom_item)
Original property from the Odata EDM: is_phantom_item
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder is_software_component(@Nullable Boolean is_software_component)
Original property from the Odata EDM: is_software_component
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder item_category(@Nullable String item_category)
Original property from the Odata EDM: item_category
This categorization allows you to process data that is relevant to the individual items in a BOM. The item category is used to control field selection, default values for BOM maintenance, triggering of specific system activities, and so on.Stock itemThis item category is used to manage material data that allows an item to be kept in stock.Document itemThis item category is used to manage document data that allows you to process original application data (for example, graphics created with a graphics program).Class item (for configurable BOMs)In configurable material BOMs, you can enter a class as a placeholder for selectable items. The class can contain either materials or documents.When you assign characteristic values while configuring the BOM, the system replaces the node with an object that has the same values as those assigned to the characteristic of the configuration. This makes BOMs with a larger number of variants easier to maintain, as you do not have to enter all items manually and assign a selection condition to them.Class items can be relevant to MRP.PM structure elementThis item is used to structure an equipment (PM assembly) for design purposes only.If you want to maintain a material for use as a PM structure element, use material type IBAU.
- (for example, material master or document info record) or whether they are kept in stock.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder item_description_line_2(@Nullable String item_description_line_2)
Original property from the Odata EDM: item_description_line_2
You can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Details --> Long text --> Item long text.If the text comprises less than three lines, it is stored in the BOM item. Otherwise, it is stored as a long text in the text database.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder item_identification(@Nullable String item_identification)
Original property from the Odata EDM: item_identification
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder item_node(@Nullable String item_node)
Original property from the Odata EDM: item_node
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder item_sign(@Nullable Boolean item_sign)
Original property from the Odata EDM: item_sign
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder last_changed_by_user(@Nullable String last_changed_by_user)
Original property from the Odata EDM: last_changed_by_user
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder last_change_date(@Nullable LocalDateTime last_change_date)
Original property from the Odata EDM: last_change_date
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder lead_time_offset(@Nullable BigDecimal lead_time_offset)
Original property from the Odata EDM: lead_time_offset
This value is not included in lead-time scheduling for a task list.You can enter:A positive number of daysThe component is not required until after the start date.A negative number of daysThe component is required before the start date.Assembly AS-11 (start date 05/13/1998):Component Lead-time offset Finish dateM-01 2+ 05/15/1998M-02 2- 05/11/1998M-03 0 05/13/1998Component M-01 is not required until 2 days after the start date for the superior assembly.Component M-02 is required 2 days before the start date for the superior assembly, so the finish date for this component is 05/11/1998.The lead-time offset for component M-03 is 0, so the start date for the superior assembly is the same as the finish date for this component.Note:This information does not tell you the start date for the components, because the data required (such as in-house production time, processing time, or interoperation time) is not shown.
- production of the superior assembly.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder long_text_lang(@Nullable String long_text_lang)
Original property from the Odata EDM: long_text_lang
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder low_level_code(@Nullable String low_level_code)
Original property from the Odata EDM: low_level_code
The level that is set in the material master record represents the level at which the material will be planned. This means that the material will only be planned once all assemblies in which it occurs have been planned and exploded.The low-level code is set internally in the material master record when the BOM is maintained.
- controls the sequence in which the material is planned in an MRP run: First the materials with low-level
code 0 are planned, then the materials with low-level code 1, and so on. The lower the low-level code,
the higher the number that is assigned to the material.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder maintenance_status(@Nullable String maintenance_status)
Original property from the Odata EDM: maintenance_status
Which user departments may maintain a material master record of a particular material typeWhich user departments have already maintained the material master record at a particular hierarchy levelThe overall maintenance status is made up of the individual maintenance statuses. The individual maintenance statuses have the following meaning:User department Maintenance statusWork scheduling AAccounting BClassification CMRP DPurchasing EProduction resources/tools FCosting GBasic data KStorage LForecasting PQuality management QWarehouse management SSales VPlant stocks XStorage location stocks Z
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder material_component_price(@Nullable BigDecimal material_component_price)
Original property from the Odata EDM: material_component_price
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder material_group(@Nullable String material_group)
Original property from the Odata EDM: material_group
You can use material groups to:Restrict the scope of analysesSearch specifically for material master records via search helps
- them to a particular material group.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder material_is_configurable(@Nullable Boolean material_is_configurable)
Original property from the Odata EDM: material_is_configurable
If this indicator is set, you can assign a variant class to the material, making it possible to use it as a configurable material.You can set the indicator manually in the material master record, irrespective of the material type.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder material_Name(@Nullable String material_Name)
Original property from the Odata EDM: Material_Name
You can enter one material description in each of any number of languages.In principle, you enter the material description on the data screen of the first user department for which you enter data, and in your logon language. You can overwrite the material description on the Basic Data screen.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder material_type(@Nullable String material_type)
Original property from the Odata EDM: material_type
The material type defines certain attributes of the material and has important control functions.
- trading goods.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder mat_purity_in_perc(@Nullable BigDecimal mat_purity_in_perc)
Original property from the Odata EDM: mat_purity_in_perc
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder moving_price(@Nullable BigDecimal moving_price)
Original property from the Odata EDM: moving_price
Moving average pricePeriodic unit price (only if the material ledger is activated for the material)The system calculates the moving average price automatically by dividing the material value in the stock account by the total of all storage location stocks in the plant concerned. It changes the price with each valuation-relevant movement.The system changes the periodic unit price if you settle the material ledger and then save the data.The valuation of stocks at moving average price or periodic unit price means that the price of the material is adapted to the continual fluctuations in the procurement price.If the material ledger is activated for the material, the material's settlement control determines whether this price is the moving average price or the periodic unit price.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder multiple_sel(@Nullable Boolean multiple_sel)
Original property from the Odata EDM: multiple_sel
- more than one object. Only if the configuration scenario allows manual changes to the BOM (order BOM or
sales order with manual changes) can a class item be temporarily replaced by more than one object.
However, before you save, the selection must be restricted to one object by using a manual object search.
If you leave the configuration while the class item is still replaced by more than one object, only the
first object is saved or transferred to the calling application. The "Multiple Selection" indicator has
the following effect in interactive configuration: the configuration is still consistent if the class
item has been replaced by more than one object. Without this indicator, the configuration is inconsistent
if the class item has been replaced by more than one object. In low-level configuration (MRP, for
example), only one object is used to replace the class, whether or not the "Multiple Selection" indicator
is set.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder m_r_p_type(@Nullable String m_r_p_type)
Original property from the Odata EDM: m_r_p_type
Manual reorder point planningAutomatic reorder point planningForecast-based planningMaterial requirements planning with forecasts for unplanned consumptionMaster production scheduling (MPS)Demand-driven replenishment
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder net_scrap_indicator(@Nullable Boolean net_scrap_indicator)
Original property from the Odata EDM: net_scrap_indicator
You must set this indicator if you want assembly scrap to be ignored.You must set this indicator if you enter operation scrap.You can set this indicator if you only enter component scrap, to calculate scrap on the basis of the net required quantity for the assembly.Bill of material:Assembly MAT-1:Required quantity 100 piecesAssembly scrap 2%Component MAT-2:Component quantity 100 piecesDepending on the applicable scrap and the net indicator, the following 6 quantities are required for component MAT-2 for a required quantity of 100 pieces of MAT-1:1 2 3 4 5 6 Comp 5% - 5% 5% - -Op. 6% 6% - - - -Net ind X X X - - X---------------------------------------------------------------------Qty 11130 10600 10500 10710 10200 10000KeyComp Component scrapOp. Operation scrapNet ind Net indicatorQty Quantity calculated for component MAT-2 in pieces
- quantity (the required quantity without assembly scrap from the material master record).this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder no_cu_instances(@Nullable String no_cu_instances)
Original property from the Odata EDM: no_cu_instances
If a pole always has two cross arms, you set the number of instances for the cross arm to 2.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder no_of_sheets(@Nullable String no_of_sheets)
Original property from the Odata EDM: no_of_sheets
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder no_var_size_items(@Nullable BigDecimal no_var_size_items)
Original property from the Odata EDM: no_var_size_items
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder numerator(@Nullable BigDecimal numerator)
Original property from the Odata EDM: numerator
To convert a quantity, whose unit of measure is not the same as the base unit of measure, into the base unit of measure, the system requires a quotient:Quantity (in alternative unit of measure) = quotient * quantity (in base unit of measure)Enter the number of units of the alternative unit of measure (denominator) that corresponds to the number of units of the base unit of measure (numerator).The alternative unit of measure is kilogram (kg). The base unit of measure is piece (PC). 5 kg correspond to 3 pieces.5 kg = 3 PC => 1 kg = 3/5 PCIn this case, the quotient is therefore 3/5 (the numerator being 3 and the denominator 5).You may enter only whole numbers in the numerator and denominator fields; that is, if 3.14 m² correspond to one piece, you must enter integer multiples (314 m² = 100 PC). In this case, the quotient is therefore 100/314 (the numerator being 100 and the denominator 314).
- measure.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder object_description(@Nullable String object_description)
Original property from the Odata EDM: object_description
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder object_type(@Nullable String object_type)
Original property from the Odata EDM: object_type
Via settings in Customizing (Bill of mat. -> Item data), you can define a language-dependent abbreviation which the system displays on the General item overview screen.
- material or document.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder obj_dep_assgt_no(@Nullable String obj_dep_assgt_no)
Original property from the Odata EDM: obj_dep_assgt_no
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder operation_scrap_perc(@Nullable BigDecimal operation_scrap_perc)
Original property from the Odata EDM: operation_scrap_perc
This entry is used to override the assembly scrap for materials of high value.If operation scrap is maintained, you avoid the situation whereby too much of the material is planned in MRP for the components of subsequent operations.If you make an entry for operation scrap, you must also select the operation scrap net indicator (Net field).You can find examples of scrap under net scrap.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder oper_lto_unit(@Nullable String oper_lto_unit)
Original property from the Odata EDM: oper_lto_unit
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder oper_lt_offset(@Nullable BigDecimal oper_lt_offset)
Original property from the Odata EDM: oper_lt_offset
(In the Project System read activity for operation.)The following areas evaluate the operation related lead-time offset:Plant maintenance ordersNetworksProduction ordersProcess ordersMaintain the following times dependently of the +/- sign:Lead-time offset - positive valueComponent can be available after the operation start dateLead time - negative valueComponent must be available before the operation start dateOperation start date 0010: 05.13.1998, 9 a.m.Operation start date 0020: 05.14.1998, 2 p.m.---------------------------------------------------------Component Operation Lead-time offset (h) End dateM-01 0010 2+ 05.13.1998, 11 a.m.M-02 0020 2- 05.14.1998, 12 a.m.The component M-01 does not have to be available until 2 hours after the start time of the allocated operation 0010.Because the component M-02 must be available 2 hours before the start time of the allocated operation, the end time is 12 a.m.
- operation.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder org_area(@Nullable String org_area)
Original property from the Odata EDM: org_area
On the characteristics screen of the class, you can assign characteristics to the organizational areas you have defined for the class.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder page_format(@Nullable String page_format)
Original property from the Odata EDM: page_format
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder page_number(@Nullable String page_number)
Original property from the Odata EDM: page_number
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder path(@Nullable BigDecimal path)
Original property from the Odata EDM: path
Using the route of predecessor and component, you can reconstruct the exact structure of a bill of material.The level and/or the route are only relevant for planning using dummy assemblies.Level and route show you the exact position of a dummy assembly within a bill of material.A BOM contains the following dummy assemblies (DummyAs) and materials:Material A___________________________________________DummyAs B DummyAs C Material D_____________ ___________DummyAs E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. HMat. JIn order to track the position of the assemblies within the BOM structure, the levels and routes are assigned according to the following logic:A level number is assigned for each BOM levelA route number is assigned for each BOM pathIn the following BOM, the first number refers to the level, the second number the route. If the material is not a dummy assembly, the number '0' is assigned as level and/or route. If the material is a component of a dummy assembly however, then the component inherits the level and route from the dummy assembly.Material A(0/0)___________________________________________DummyAs B DummyAs C Material D(1/1) (1/2) (0/0)_____________ ___________DummyAs E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. H(2/1) (1/1) (1/2) (1/2)Mat. J(2/1)
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder path_predecessor(@Nullable BigDecimal path_predecessor)
Original property from the Odata EDM: path_predecessor
Using the route of predecessor and component, you can reconstruct the exact structure of a bill of material.The level and/or the route are only relevant for planning using dummy assemblies.Level and route show you the exact position of a dummy assembly within a bill of material.A BOM contains the following dummy assemblies (DummyAs) and materials:Material A___________________________________________DummyAs B DummyAs C Material D_____________ ___________DummyAs E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. HMat. JIn order to track the position of the assemblies within the BOM structure, the levels and routes are assigned according to the following logic:A level number is assigned for each BOM levelA route number is assigned for each BOM pathIn the following BOM, the first number refers to the level, the second number the route. If the material is not a dummy assembly, the number '0' is assigned as level and/or route. If the material is a component of a dummy assembly however, then the component inherits the level and route from the dummy assembly.Material A(0/0)___________________________________________DummyAs B DummyAs C Material D(1/1) (1/2) (0/0)_____________ ___________DummyAs E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. H(2/1) (1/1) (1/2) (1/2)Mat. J(2/1)
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder plant(@Nullable String plant)
Original property from the Odata EDM: plant
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder plant_maintenance(@Nullable Boolean plant_maintenance)
Original property from the Odata EDM: plant_maintenance
Items that are relevant to plant maintenance are used in maintenance BOMs (material BOMs that are relevant to plant maintenance, equipment BOMs, and functional location BOMs).This item status indicator is used to control:Subsequent processing in related application areasSelection of items in the BOM explosionWhether you can set and remove this indicator, or whether the system makes an unchangeable setting, depends on the BOM usage you selected on the initial screen. You can find further information in Customizing for bills of material under General Data -> BOM Usage -> Define BOM usages.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder plant_sp_matl_status(@Nullable String plant_sp_matl_status)
Original property from the Odata EDM: plant_sp_matl_status
Materials management (for example, in purchasing and in inventory management)Production planning and controlPlant maintenanceWarehouse managementCosting with a quantity structureThe plant-specific material status restricts the usability of the material for the plant concerned, that is, it defines whether a warning or error message is displayed if you include the material in a particular function.The material may be a part under development or one to be discontinued.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder plt_sp_status_valid_from(@Nullable LocalDateTime plt_sp_status_valid_from)
Original property from the Odata EDM: plt_sp_status_valid_from
The valid-from date of the material status is considered only if it precedes or is the same as the planning date; that is, if the valid-from date is later than the planning date, it is not considered, even if it is within the planning horizon.ExampleI<-------------Planning horizon------------->I-----I--------------------I-----------------------I-->Planning date Valid-from date TimeIn this case, the valid-from date is not considered in materials planning since it is later than the planning date.PurchasingThe valid-from date of the material status is checked against the current date.ExampleYou block the material for purchasing from May 1, xxxx. A purchase order is created for the material on April 28, xxxx with a delivery date of May 10, xxxx. In this case, the valid-from date May 1, xxxx is checked against the purchase order date April 28, xxxx and the purchase order is allowed. Had you created the purchase order on May 3, xxxx, an error message would have been issued.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder pm_assembly(@Nullable Boolean pm_assembly)
Original property from the Odata EDM: pm_assembly
You can use this indicator to restrict the selection of items in the BOM explosion. In this case, only the items that are PM assemblies are shown.The indicator does not interrupt the explosion of the BOM to the lowest lever. There are two steps to the BOM explosion:First, the system explodes the entire BOM, regardless of the indicators selected to restrict items. You do not see the result of this explosion on the screen.Second, the system reads the indicators selected to restrict items, such as the PM assembly indicator.These indicators work as filters. The explosion result you see on the screen only includes the items that fulfil the selection criteria.
- are planned and carried out.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder price_control(@Nullable String price_control)
Original property from the Odata EDM: price_control
Standard priceMoving average priceIf the material ledger is activated for the material, this indicator, together with the material's price determination indicator, determines at which of the following prices the material is valuated:Standard priceMoving average pricePeriodic unit price
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder price_unit(@Nullable BigDecimal price_unit)
Original property from the Odata EDM: price_unit
10 litres of gasoline cost $12. The price unit here is 10.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder priority(@Nullable String priority)
Original property from the Odata EDM: priority
With respect to withdrawal postings, the ranking order determines which material components from the alternative item group should be taken into account for the reservation in the production order.Withdrawal according to usage probabilityFor all items that should be reserved, maintain:strategy (value 1 or no entry)ranking order (only effects the material sort)usage probabilityWithdrawal on 100% availabilityFor all items that should be reserved, maintain:ranking orderIf you do not enter the ranking order, the system checks the items in the order that they are transmitted to the availability check.strategy (value 2)usage probabilityThree items (0060 und 0065 and 0070) are assigned to an alternative item group and are given the following values for ranking order:position ranking order0060 30065 20070 1This means that the system reads item 0070 first.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder procured_externally(@Nullable Boolean procured_externally)
Original property from the Odata EDM: procured_externally
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder prodn_supply_area(@Nullable String prodn_supply_area)
Original property from the Odata EDM: prodn_supply_area
The PSA is used in Kanban and JIT Outbound processing and in Extended Warehouse Management.
- make material directly available for production purposes.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder production_relevant(@Nullable Boolean production_relevant)
Original property from the Odata EDM: production_relevant
Items with this indicator are copied to the planned order, and the system calculates dependent requirements for them. When the planned order is converted to a production order, the system automatically copies these items to the production order.This item status indicator is used to control:Subsequent processing in related application areasSelection of items in the BOM explosionWhether you can set and remove this indicator, or whether the system makes an unchangeable setting, depends on the BOM usage you selected on the initial screen. You can find further information in Customizing for bills of material under General Data -> BOM Usage -> Define BOM usages.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder production_supply_area(@Nullable String production_supply_area)
Original property from the Odata EDM: production_supply_area
The PSA is used in Kanban and JIT Outbound processing and in Extended Warehouse Management.
- make material directly available for production purposes.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder production_version(@Nullable String production_version)
Original property from the Odata EDM: production_version
The production version determines the following:the BOM alternative for a BOM explosionthe task list type, the task list group and the task list group counter for allocation to task listslot-size restrictions for repetitive manufacturing
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder prod_order_issue_location(@Nullable String prod_order_issue_location)
Original property from the Odata EDM: prod_order_issue_location
If the material is a component, it is the issuing storage location to which a backflush is posted.If the material is produced, it is the receiving storage location to which the receipt of the material is posted.
- the planned order, production order, or run schedule quantity.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder profit_center(@Nullable String profit_center)
Original property from the Odata EDM: profit_center
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder purchase_org(@Nullable String purchase_org)
Original property from the Odata EDM: purchase_org
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder purchasing_group(@Nullable String purchasing_group)
Original property from the Odata EDM: purchasing_group
Internally, the purchasing group is responsible for the procurement of a material or a class of materials.Externally, it is the medium through which contacts with the vendor are maintained.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder purchasing_organisation(@Nullable String purchasing_organisation)
Original property from the Odata EDM: purchasing_organisation
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder qty_var_size_item(@Nullable BigDecimal qty_var_size_item)
Original property from the Odata EDM: qty_var_size_item
The quantity of the variable-size item shown is per piece (PC)If you change a field that affects the calculation of the variable-size item quantity (for example, size or formula), the system only recalculates the quantity if you delete the existing quantity first.To do this, delete the contents of the Qty Var-sz item field.Size 1: 200Size 2: 300Size unit of measure: MMVariable size item unit: SQMCalculation of variable-size item quantity:A = Size 1 * Size 2A = 200 MM * 300 MMA = 0,06 SQM--> The variable-size item quantity for each piece is: 0.06 SQMThe value calculated is required in MRP, in order to calculate the total quantity of the raw material requirement for the component.If 10 pieces are required for the component, the variable-size item quantity is: 10 * 0.06 SQM = 0.6 SQM.
- enter a variable-size item formula for the. calculation.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder record_creation_date(@Nullable LocalDateTime record_creation_date)
Original property from the Odata EDM: record_creation_date
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder recurisve(@Nullable Boolean recurisve)
Original property from the Odata EDM: recurisve
In BOM maintenanceyou can switch off the recursiveness check by setting the Recursiveness allowed indicatorrecursiveness is usually recognized online and prevented by an error messagein exceptional circumstances, recursiveness is not recognized until the BOM is updatedIn this case, the system sets the BOM is recursive indicator.Explosion path of BOM M10-----------------> |M10|| -----| / \| ---- ----| M3 M2| ---- ----| / \| ----- ------ |M10| M4----- ----
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder recurs_allowed(@Nullable Boolean recurs_allowed)
Original property from the Odata EDM: recurs_allowed
If you set the Indicator: recursiveness allowed, no recursiveness check is made for the item concerned: you can create a recursive BOM.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder reference_point(@Nullable String reference_point)
Original property from the Odata EDM: reference_point
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder relevancy_to_costing(@Nullable String relevancy_to_costing)
Original property from the Odata EDM: relevancy_to_costing
For the Standard Cost Estimate and the calculation of planned costs for a Work Order, this indicator specifies whether the item is included in costing.A BOM item or operation for which the indicator for relevancy to costing is X is fully relevant to costing.A BOM item or operation without an indicator for relevancy to costing is not relevant to costing at all.For Inventory Costing, you can link relevancy to costing indicators to factors for the fixed and variable costs so that the item values can be adjusted in costing depending on the valuation variant. You do this in Customizing for Product Cost Controlling.A BOM item or operation has the indicator for relevancy to costing A, which you have linked in Customizing for Product Cost Controlling to a fixed factor of 0.8 and a variable factor of 0.8. The BOM item or operation is costed in inventory costing at 80% of the fixed costs and 80% of the variable costs.For output materials (that is, materials for which the co-product indicator has been set in the material master and that have a negative BOM item), the relevance to costing indicator has no effect on the BOM item.The BOM usage that you selected on the initial screen determines whether this field is ready for input. For more information, see Customizing under Production -> Basic Data -> Bill of Material -> General Data -> BOM Usage -> Define BOM Usages.
- costing.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder relevant_to_sales(@Nullable String relevant_to_sales)
Original property from the Odata EDM: relevant_to_sales
For example, in sales order processing vor variant products, you see items that are relevant to sales as order items for the header material.This item status indicator is used to control:subsequent processing in related application areaswhich items are selected in the BOM explosionThe indicator does not interrupt the explosion of the BOM to the lowest lever. There are two steps to the BOM explosion:First, the system explodes the entire BOM, regardless of the indicators selected to restrict items. You do not see the result of this explosion on the screen.Second, the system reads the indicators selected to restrict items, such as the Relevant to sales indicator.This status indicator works as a filter. The explosion result you see on the screen only includes the items that fulfil the selection criteria. In this case, only the items that are relevant to sales are shown.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder required_component(@Nullable Boolean required_component)
Original property from the Odata EDM: required_component
- interactive configuration: the configuration is incomplete until the class item has been replaced by an
object. In low-level configuration (MRP, for example), the "Required component" indicator has no further
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder requirement_segment(@Nullable String requirement_segment)
Original property from the Odata EDM: requirement_segment
Customer 1 accepts quality 1 and 2 while customer 2 accepts only quality 1. This results in 2 different requirement segments which can be assigned to different stock segments.
- segments are satisfied by which stock segments using segmentation strategies in the transaction
Segmentation Strategy Maintenance .this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder revision_level(@Nullable String revision_level)
Original property from the Odata EDM: revision_level
You can assign a revision level if you use a change number that has a specific valid-from date to make a change.Proceed as follows:Changing a MaterialYou can assign a revision level to a material when you process the material master record itself, or you can enter a revision level in the BOM header when you process a material BOM.Changing a DocumentYou define for each document type whether revision levels are active for documents. Define a document status that has the released indicator. As soon as you process a document of this document type with a change number and assign this status, a revision level is assigned automatically.Before you can assign a revision level, you must define the revisionlevel. From the main R/3 menu, choose Logistics -> Central functions -> Engineering change management, then Revision level -> Material rev. level or Revision level -> Document rev. level.To define how revision levels are assigned, go to Customizing step Set up control data.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder scrap_qty_bun(@Nullable BigDecimal scrap_qty_bun)
Original property from the Odata EDM: scrap_qty_bun
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder serial_no_profile(@Nullable String serial_no_profile)
Original property from the Odata EDM: serial_no_profile
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder size1(@Nullable BigDecimal size1)
Original property from the Odata EDM: size1
Variable-size item data for a sheet of metal:Size Description Entry1 Length 2002 Width 300No. of variable-size items: 10Size unit: MMStockkeeping unit for sheet metalin material master: SQMCalculation of variable-size item quantity:A = Size 1 * Size 2A = 200 MM * 300 MMA = 60.000 SQMM--> Quantity of variable-size item per sheet: 0.06 SQM10 sheets are entered in the component, so the variable-size item requirement is:10 * 0.06 SQM = 0.6 SQM.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder size2(@Nullable BigDecimal size2)
Original property from the Odata EDM: size2
Variable-size item data for a sheet of metal:Size Description Entry1 Length 2002 Width 300No. of variable-size items: 10Size unit: MMStockkeeping unit for sheet metalin material master: SQMCalculation of variable-size item quantity:A = Size 1 * Size 2A = 200 MM * 300 MMA = 60.000 SQMM--> Quantity of variable-size item per sheet: 0.06 SQM10 sheets are entered in the component, so the variable-size item requirement is:10 * 0.06 SQM = 0.6 SQM.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder size3(@Nullable BigDecimal size3)
Original property from the Odata EDM: size3
Variable-size item data for a sheet of metal:Size Description Entry1 Length 2002 Width 300No. of variable-size items: 10Size unit: MMStockkeeping unit for sheet metalin material master: SQMCalculation of variable-size item quantity:A = Size 1 * Size 2A = 200 MM * 300 MMA = 60.000 SQMM--> Quantity of variable-size item per sheet: 0.06 SQM10 sheets are entered in the component, so the variable-size item requirement is:10 * 0.06 SQM = 0.6 SQM.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder size_unit(@Nullable String size_unit)
Original property from the Odata EDM: size_unit
Please note:If you do not enter a unit of measure for the size, the system enters the default unit stored in the IMG for BOMs under Control data.The size unit and variable-size item unit are interdependent.Example:Variable-size item data for a metal sheet-----------------------------------------Size Dimension Entry1 Length 2002 Width 300Size unit for variable-size item: MMIf you do not enter a formula, the system uses the standard formula: Size 1 * Size 2 (result -> area).= 200 MM * 300 MM= 60,000 MM2Either the variable-size item unit must have the dimension area (MM2, CM2, M2, and so on), or conversion factors must be maintained in the material master.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder soft_comp_indicator(@Nullable Boolean soft_comp_indicator)
Original property from the Odata EDM: soft_comp_indicator
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder sort_string(@Nullable String sort_string)
Original property from the Odata EDM: sort_string
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder special_procurement_type(@Nullable String special_procurement_type)
Original property from the Odata EDM: special_procurement_type
You use special procurement when you want to be able to override the procurement type in the material master or define the procurement type more precisely.If the procurement type is in-house, you can nevertheless force the system to ignore the BOM and routing, and process the material as if it were externally procured, by specifying the special procurement as external.Enter the special procurement type to which you want to restrict the selection.If you procure a material externally, you may want to choose the special procurement type Consignment. If you produce the material in-house, it may be appropriate to choose Production in other plant.If a material has a routing but no BOM, it is treated as an externally procured material even if the procurement type is in-house. Both the BOM and the routing are ignored.However, if you specify the special procurement type as in-house, the routing is included even if the material has no BOM.
- the material type.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder special_proc_typ_itm(@Nullable String special_proc_typ_itm)
Original property from the Odata EDM: special_proc_typ_itm
Enter the special procurement type to which you want to restrict the selection.If you procure a material externally, you may want to choose the special procurement type Consignment. If you produce a material in-house, it may be appropriate to choose Production in other plant.
- material type.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder special_proc_typ_mastr(@Nullable String special_proc_typ_mastr)
Original property from the Odata EDM: special_proc_typ_mastr
Enter the special procurement type you want to restrict the selection to.For externally processed materials you can, for example, select the consignment order special procurement type. For in-house produced materials the production in another plant special procurement plant may be appropriate.
- material type.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder spec_proc_costing(@Nullable String spec_proc_costing)
Original property from the Odata EDM: spec_proc_costing
If you enter a special procurement type in the Costing view of the material master record, it is used in costing.If you do not enter a special procurement type in the costing view of the material master record, the system uses the special procurement type in the MRP view.If you want to cost a material as externally procured by ignoring the existing quantity structure in the system when costing, the following options are available:In the MRP view of the material master record, enter procurement type F and no special procurement type (neither in the MRP view nor in the Costing view).In Customizing for Product Cost Planning, create a new special procurement type (procurement type: F and special procurement type: blank) and enter this special procurement type in the material's Costing view.If you want to cost a material by ignoring the BOM but including the routing, go to Customizing for Product Cost Planning and create a new special procurement type (procurement type: E; special procurement type: E) and enter this special procurement type in the material's Costing view.
- detail for costing.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder standard_price(@Nullable BigDecimal standard_price)
Original property from the Odata EDM: standard_price
The valuation of material stocks at standard prices means that all goods movements are valuated at the same price over an extended period.Price variances (for example, purchase price higher than standard price) upon goods receipt or invoice receipt are posted by the system to price difference accounts. This does not affect the standard price.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder status_text(@Nullable String status_text)
Original property from the Odata EDM: status_text
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder stock_segment(@Nullable String stock_segment)
Original property from the Odata EDM: stock_segment
- the strategy is assigned to the material in the material master.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder storage_location(@Nullable String storage_location)
Original property from the Odata EDM: storage_location
- locations.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder strategy(@Nullable String strategy)
Original property from the Odata EDM: strategy
This strategy is ignored in material requirements planning (MRP).The withdrawal posting for the reservation in the production order can be selected as follows:According to usage probability (manual changes possible)For all items that you want to reserve, enter:Strategy (value 1 or no entry)Priority (only influences how materials are sorted)Usage probabilityWithdrawal if 100% availabilityFor all items that you want to reserve, enter:Strategy (value 2)PriorityIf you do not enter a priority, the system checks the items in the sequence in which they are transferred to the availability check.Usage probabilityEnter the same strategy for all alternative items in an alternative item group.Withdrawal if 100% availability (strategy 2)This strategy uses ATP logic to check availability in the defined ranking order.Gross requirements: 100 piecesM UP (%) RO RQ ATP qty Issue qtyA 20 1 20 30 0B 30 2 30 150 100C 50 3 50 180 0KeyM MaterialUP Usage probabilityRO Ranking orderRQ Requirements quantityThe first material in the ranking order that is supplied 100% on the requirement date is reserved in the required quantity (material B).If a partial withdrawal is carried out in a production order, when additional partial withdrawals take place, no further checks are carried out for this production order. Additional partial withdrawals result from the alternative item, from which the first withdrawal took place.If when using strategy 2 none of the alternative items cover the requirements 100%, the availability check for all items will confirm the available. A reservation only occurs for the available quantity.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder sub_item_indicator(@Nullable Boolean sub_item_indicator)
Original property from the Odata EDM: sub_item_indicator
Sub-items do not have an operational significance and changes arenot stored with history.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder supplier(@Nullable String supplier)
Original property from the Odata EDM: supplier
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder table_row(@Nullable Integer table_row)
Original property from the Odata EDM: table_row
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder tech_status_from(@Nullable String tech_status_from)
Original property from the Odata EDM: tech_status_from
All products produced in this phase are of the same type and option model.It can be used to describe the change statuses of a multi-level BOM which cannot be expressed in terms of an effectivity period (for example, lead-time offset).
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder test_hist_nxt_lvl(@Nullable Boolean test_hist_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: test_hist_nxt_lvl
- created and/or changed. This change number defines the validity of the technical status.this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder totals_record_id(@Nullable String totals_record_id)
Original property from the Odata EDM: totals_record_id
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder unit_of_measure(@Nullable String unit_of_measure)
Original property from the Odata EDM: unit_of_measure
The system determines the unit as follows:Material items with a material master record - base unit of measure from the material master record.Class items - unit defined in the additional data of the class.Additional units for material items with a material master record:For material items, you can maintain alternative units of measure to the base unit of measure in the material master.In bills of material, not all alternative units of measure are taken into account - only the unit of issue.Possible values are:base unit of measureunit of issueunits of measure that have the same dimension as either the base unit of measure or the unit of issueIf you enter no unit, the system proposes a unit from the material master if the item has a material master:If the unit of issue was entered on the storage detail screen, the system copies this unit. Otherwise, it copies the base unit of measure.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder unloading_point(@Nullable String unloading_point)
Original property from the Odata EDM: unloading_point
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder uom_usage(@Nullable String uom_usage)
Original property from the Odata EDM: uom_usage
Proportion unitsProduct units
- measure and the alternative units of measure. The following additional units of measurement are
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder usage_probability(@Nullable BigDecimal usage_probability)
Original property from the Odata EDM: usage_probability
The usage probability is always taken into account for requirements planning.Maintain selected usage probabilityRequirements planning for alternative items is based on the usage probability.Quantities are suggested based on the usage probability for the withdrawal posting according to strategy 1. You can plan in excess for the alternative items since the usage probability is not limited to 100%. You can change the proposed quantities. Maintain no usage probability If you do not enter a usage probability, the alternative item just serves as information that can be evaluated, for example, in a situation with a missing part.You receive a warning since dependent requirements with 0 as quantity are created.Withdrawal based on usage probabilityStrategy: value 1An alternative item group is maintained for each assembly. This alternative item group contains four materials with differing usage probabilities. Dependent requirements are passed on with 100 as quantity.Material Usage probability (%) RequirementM-1 70 70M-2 20 20M-3 20 20M-4 0 no requirementIn this case, the materials are planned in excess since the sum of the usage probabilities is greater than 100%.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder validity_end_date(@Nullable LocalDateTime validity_end_date)
Original property from the Odata EDM: validity_end_date
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder validity_start_date(@Nullable LocalDateTime validity_start_date)
Original property from the Odata EDM: validity_start_date
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder valuation_category(@Nullable String valuation_category)
Original property from the Odata EDM: valuation_category
In the case of split valuation, this indicator also determines which valuation types are allowed, that is, the criteria by which stocks can be valuated.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder variants_nxt_lvl(@Nullable Boolean variants_nxt_lvl)
Original property from the Odata EDM: variants_nxt_lvl
Only used internally for storing the technical type.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder x_plant_material_status(@Nullable String x_plant_material_status)
Original property from the Odata EDM: x_plant_material_status
Materials management (for example, in purchasing and in inventory management)Production planning and controlPlant maintenanceWarehouse managementCosting with a quantity structureThe cross-plant material status restricts the usability of the material for all plants, that is, it defines whether a warning or error message is displayed if you include the material in a particular function.The material may be a part under development or one to be discontinued.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut.DBomheaderforexplosionOutBuilder x_plt_status_valid_from(@Nullable LocalDateTime x_plt_status_valid_from)
Original property from the Odata EDM: x_plt_status_valid_from
The valid-from date of the material status is considered only if it precedes or is the same as the planning date; that is, if the valid-from date is later than the planning date, it is not considered, even if it is within the planning horizon.ExampleI<-------------Planning horizon------------->I-----I--------------------I-----------------------I-->Planning date Valid-from date TimeIn this case, the valid-from date is not considered in materials planning since it is later than the planning date.PurchasingThe valid-from date of the material status is checked against the current date.ExampleYou block the material for purchasing from May 1, xxxx. A purchase order is created for the material on April 28, xxxx with a delivery date of May 10, xxxx. In this case, the valid-from date May 1, xxxx is checked against the purchase order date April 28, xxxx and the purchase order is allowed. Had you created the purchase order on May 3, xxxx, an error message would have been issued.
- this
.@Nonnull public DBomheaderforexplosionOut build()
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