Interface | Description |
ProductBasicTextSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductBasicText . |
ProductDescriptionSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductDescription . |
ProductInspectionTextSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductInspectionText . |
ProductPlantCostingSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlantCosting . |
ProductPlantForecastingSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlantForecasting . |
ProductPlantIntlTrdSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlantIntlTrd . |
ProductPlantMRPAreaSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlantMRPArea . |
ProductPlantProcurementSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlantProcurement . |
ProductPlantQualityMgmtSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlantQualityMgmt . |
ProductPlantSalesSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlantSales . |
ProductPlantSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlant . |
ProductPlantStorageSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlantStorage . |
ProductPlantTextSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlantText . |
ProductProcurementSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductProcurement . |
ProductPurchaseTextSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPurchaseText . |
ProductQualityMgmtSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductQualityMgmt . |
ProductSalesDeliverySelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductSalesDelivery . |
ProductSalesSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductSales . |
ProductSalesTaxSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductSalesTax . |
ProductSalesTextSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductSalesText . |
ProductSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
Product . |
ProductStorageLocationSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductStorageLocation . |
ProductStorageSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductStorage . |
ProductSupplyPlanningSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductSupplyPlanning . |
ProductUnitsOfMeasureEANSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductUnitsOfMeasureEAN . |
ProductUnitsOfMeasureSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductUnitsOfMeasure . |
ProductWorkSchedulingSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductWorkScheduling . |
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