Namespace: procedures


XS Procedures is a library to call stored procedures in HANA from XS as if they were Javascript functions.


<static> configuration :Object

A global configuration object specifying tracing, schema into which temporary tables are written, and argument passing mode.
  • Object
Name Type Argument Default Description
trace <optional>
notrace trace - a method to be used for tracing procedure calls
Name Type Description
debug function called for debug level logs
warning function called for warning level logs
info function called for info level logs
argumentPassingMode string <optional>
'ltt' can be either 'ltt' or 'gtt'. 'ltt' will create local temporary tables, 'gtt' will create global temporary tables
tempSchema string indicates a schema used for creating temporary tables

<static> notrace :Object

A constant to be used configuration.trace if no tracing is required
  • Object

<static> simpletrace :Object

A constant to be used in configuration.trace if simple tracing to default $.trace is required
  • Object


<static> allProcedures(schema, package) → {Object}

Returns an object with properties for all stored procedures and values containing functions which calls these stored procedure
Name Type Description
schema string the schema name where the stored procedures are located
package string the package name where the stored procedures are located
- an object with a property for each of the procedures available for the given schema and procedure name.
var XSProc = $.import("sap.hana.xs.libs.dbutils", "procedures"); // import the library
XSProc.setTempSchema("MYSCHEMA"); // specify a temporary schema
var getRating = XSProc.allProcedures("MYSCHEMA","my.package").RATINGPROC; // create a function as proxy for the procedure
// the procedure RATINGPROC has the signature (in IN_RATING ACTIVITYRATING, in FACTOR INTEGER, out RESULT USERRATING) with 
// types:  type ACTIVITYRATING {ACTIVITYID: Integer; USERID: Integer; RATING: Integer;}; 
//         type USERRATING { USERID: Integer; RATING: Integer;}; 
var result = getRating([{ACTIVITYID: 1001, USERID: 1, RATING: 3}, {ACTIVITYID: 1011, USERID: 1, RATING: 1}], 3); // call the procedure
// result === {"RESULT":[{"USERID":1,"RATING":6},{"USERID":2,"RATING":6}]}

<static> procedure(schema, package, proc, config) → {procedures~procedurecaller}

Returns a function which calls a stored procedure.
Name Type Argument Description
schema string the schema name where the stored procedure is located
package string the package name of the stored procedure
proc string the name of the stored procedure
config Object <optional>
a configuration object containing one or several of the following properties
Name Type Argument Description
connection $.db.Connection <optional>
a connection object to be used for calling the procedure
input function <optional>
an array of functions each of which is applied to the corresponding element in the array of input arguments before invoking the procedure
output function | string <optional>
an array of functions each of which is applied to the corresponding element in the array of output objects. It can also be the string 'raw' if the unmodified ResultSet should be returned
- a function which calls a stored procedure.
var XSProc = $.import("sap.hana.xs.libs.dbutils", "procedures"); // import the library
XSProc.setTempSchema("MYSCHEMA"); // specify a temporary schema
var getRating = XSProc.procedure("MYSCHEMA","my.package", "RATINGPROC"); // create a function as proxy for the procedure
// the procedure RATINGPROC has the signature (in IN_RATING ACTIVITYRATING, in FACTOR INTEGER, out RESULT USERRATING) with 
// types:  type ACTIVITYRATING {ACTIVITYID: Integer; USERID: Integer; RATING: Integer;}; 
//         type USERRATING { USERID: Integer; RATING: Integer;}; 
var result = getRating([{ACTIVITYID: 1001, USERID: 1, RATING: 3}, {ACTIVITYID: 1011, USERID: 1, RATING: 1}], 3); // call the procedure
// result === {"RESULT":[{"USERID":1,"RATING":6},{"USERID":2,"RATING":6}]}

<static> procedureOfSchema(schema, proc, config) → {procedures~procedurecaller}

procedureOfSchema - Returns a function which calls a stored procedure
Name Type Argument Description
schema string the schema name where the stored procedure is located
proc string the name of the stored procedure
config Object <optional>
a configuration object containing one or several of the following properties
Name Type Argument Description
connection $.db.Connection <optional>
a connection object to be used for calling the procedure
input function <optional>
an array of functions each of which is applied to the corresponding element in the array of input arguments before invoking the procedure
output function | string <optional>
an array of functions each of which is applied to the corresponding element in the array of output objects. It can also be the string 'raw' if the unmodified ResultSet should be returned
- a function which calls a stored procedure.
var XSProc = $.import("sap.hana.xs.libs.dbutils", "procedures"); // import the library
XSProc.setTempSchema("MYSCHEMA"); // specify a temporary schema
var getRating = XSProc.procedure("MYSCHEMA", "RATINGPROC"); // create a function as proxy for the procedure
// the procedure RATINGPROC has the signature (in IN_RATING ACTIVITYRATING, in FACTOR INTEGER, out RESULT USERRATING) with 
// types:  type ACTIVITYRATING {ACTIVITYID: Integer; USERID: Integer; RATING: Integer;}; 
//         type USERRATING { USERID: Integer; RATING: Integer;}; 
var result = getRating([{ACTIVITYID: 1001, USERID: 1, RATING: 3}, {ACTIVITYID: 1011, USERID: 1, RATING: 1}], 3); // call the procedure
// result === {"RESULT":[{"USERID":1,"RATING":6},{"USERID":2,"RATING":6}]}

<static> setTempSchema(schemaName) → {procedures}

Sets the name of the schema into which temporary tables are written during procedure calls
Name Type Description
schemaName string the name of the schema
- this object so that the function can be called in a fluent style

Type Definitions

procedurecaller(IN1, IN2) → {Object}

Name Type Description
IN1 number | string | Date a Javascript scalar send to a scalar input parameter named IN1 of the stored procedures
IN2 Object a Javascript array containing the rows sent to an input table-valued parameter named IN2 of the stored procedure
OUT - a Javascript array containing as properties the output parameters of the stored procedure. Each property contains either a scalar (if the output parameter is scalar) or an array containing objects representing the rows (if the output parameter is table-valued). In the latter case, each row contains an object with properties for each column. If the procedure returns a result set which is not declared, such as an unassigned SELECT, the OUT additionally contains numbered items which correspond to these result sets.