Interface ItemLockingService

    • Method Detail

      • lockAll

        void lockAll​(java.util.Collection<ItemModel> items)
        Locks the Collection of the ItemModel for processing. If the ItemModel is already locked it has no effect.
        items - The Collection of the ItemModel to be locked.
      • unlock

        void unlock​(ItemModel item)
        Unlocks the ItemModel for processing. If the ItemModel is already unlocked it has no effect.
        item - The ItemModel to be locked
      • unlockAll

        void unlockAll​(java.util.Collection<ItemModel> items)
        Unlocks the Collection of the ItemModel for processing. If the ItemModel is already unlocked it has no effect.
        items - The Collection of the ItemModel to be unlocked.
      • isLocked

        boolean isLocked​(ItemModel item)
        Checks if the ItemModel is locked for processing .
        item - The ItemModel to be unlocked
        boolean true if user is locked. Returns false otherwise.