Class Item.CachedSetter

  • Enclosing class:

    public abstract class Item.CachedSetter
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected CachedSetter()
      Creates a setter clearing the whole jalo item cache.
      protected CachedSetter​(java.lang.Object key)
      Creates a setter clearing a specified unlocalized jalo item cache entry.
      protected CachedSetter​(java.lang.Object key, boolean localized)
      Creates a setter clearing a specified jalo item cache entry.
      protected CachedSetter​(java.lang.Object key, boolean localized, boolean invalidateOnRemovalOnly)
      Creates a setter clearing a specified jalo item cache entry.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CachedSetter

        protected CachedSetter()
        Creates a setter clearing the whole jalo item cache. only the invalidated-on-modification cache is cleared!
      • CachedSetter

        protected CachedSetter​(java.lang.Object key)
        Creates a setter clearing a specified unlocalized jalo item cache entry. only entries of the invalidated-on-modification cache are cleared!
        key - the name of the cleared entry
      • CachedSetter

        protected CachedSetter​(java.lang.Object key,
                               boolean localized)
        Creates a setter clearing a specified jalo item cache entry. only entries of the invalidated-on-modification cache are cleared!
        key - the name of the cleared entry
        localized - tells whether the entry is localized or not - localized entries have one value per language so the value for the current session language is cleared only
      • CachedSetter

        protected CachedSetter​(java.lang.Object key,
                               boolean localized,
                               boolean invalidateOnRemovalOnly)
        Creates a setter clearing a specified jalo item cache entry.
        key - the name of the cleared entry
        localized - tells whether the entry is localized or not - localized entries have one value per language so the value for the current session language is cleared only
        invalidateOnRemovalOnly - chooses a separate cache which is invalidated on item removal only - use with care !