Class Europe1PricesTranslator

  • public class Europe1PricesTranslator
    extends CollectionValueTranslator
    Translates the Europe1 Product.europe1prices attribute.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Europe1PricesTranslator

        public Europe1PricesTranslator()
      • Europe1PricesTranslator

        public Europe1PricesTranslator​(AbstractValueTranslator elementTranslator)
        For testing purposes. Needed to set formats.
        elementTranslator - element translator to use.
    • Method Detail

      • splitAndUnescape

        protected java.util.List splitAndUnescape​(java.lang.String valueExpr)
        Superclass method overridden to allow using the collection delimiter for prices as well:
                "123,45 EUR"
            would normally be split into "123","45 EUR"
            but we'll put them together again
            "123,45 EUR, 445 EUR" will now result in "123,45 EUR","445 EUR"
        splitAndUnescape in class CollectionValueTranslator
        valueExpr - the cell value
        the list of element tokens